Pikatwig: Cool… *was presently watching an episode of 'Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister Six'*

KKD: *comes in* Yo! I'm here!

Pikatwig: ...so… is he a Peter Parker clone or somebody else in this dimension? Either way, he's certainly a scar-let Spider. *rimshot*

KKD: Uh… yo!

Pikatwig: *turns around* Oh hey. ...you heard my joke, didn't you?

KKD: Context?

Pikatwig: This version of the Scarlet Spider has a scar over one of his eyes.

KKD: …*groans* That was bad.

Pikatwig: I'm being invested in a little of the Marvel universe, give me some props here.

KKD: Okay, okay. Sorry.

Pikatwig: Anyhow… apart from that, finally started watching Season 6 of FiM. ...and unfortunately we have an issue.

KKD: What?

Pikatwig: ...Starlight is sticking around…

KKD: Oh… geez…

Pikatwig: ...yea… I think the Star Wars clip is in order. *snaps fingers*



*end clip*

KKD: Yea… on another note, I actually had an idea. *pulls out some notes, handing them to Pika*

Pikatwig: ...ok. *Looks at notes* ...you have my attention. *looks over it a bit more* ...ok. I have my own comments to make. *takes out a pen and scratches in a few things* Here.

KKD: Ok. *reads over minor revisions* ...so… do you want to try this out?

Pikatwig: Sure.

Disclaimers: Neither KKD nor Pikatwig own anything here except for original ideas within. Proper owners for content used include Marvel, Stan Lee, Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Hasbro, Discovery Family, Lauren Faust, etc.

Twilight trotted into her castle with exhausted look on her face, sighing as she approached her door and opened it up. She had a VERY long day. All Twilight wanted to do right now was sit down and relax a little bit, but that plan wouldn't even begin as she saw somepony sitting at the throne room.

"Hey Twilight," Dash waved.

"Oh, hey Dash. What're you doing here?" Twilight groaned.

"Somethin' the matter?"

"I had to teleport Spike over to Dragon Land and had to help Starlight pack up for a trip to the Crystal Empire to visit Sunburst," Twilight informed as she plopped into her throne, "Dear Celestia, I need a good break."

"Sorry about that…" Dash apologized as she flew down to Twilight's side, "If it makes you feel any better, I was having a long day too. Another day of being called 'Crash' by the bolts and I had to babysit Scootaloo,"

"I thought you came to terms with that nickname in the Wonderbolts?"

"I have, but is still bothers me a little bit,"

The two sat down, sighing a bit as Twilight pulled a random book from the shelves with her magic and began to read it a bit.

"Whatcha readin'?" Dash asked.

"Dunno," Twilight shrugged, "Huh. ...attack magic? Defense magic… seems this is a book on various tactical spells for combat…"

"Cool. Maybe we can check it out together," Dash suggested, Twilight nodding as the latter began to skim it a bit.

They both read it with interest, finding a lot of interesting spells before they heard energy charging from something.

"Who's there?" Dash demanded to know, as she turned to see a cloaked figure, but not much was visible except for a strange green glow, but Dash flew right for her, "Well?!"

The pony shot an energy blast at her, which created a sort of green magic webbing around her body.

"Rainbow!" Twilight gasped as she charged energy into her horn, before a green gunk was blasted onto her horn, "What do you want?"

The pony said nothing as she charged up energy and blasted it into the Cutie Map, the map itself glowing in response to the green energy before a portal opened up.

"If you want to know what I want… it's you two out of my way…" the pony smirked as Twilight and Dash were both levitated and sent into the portal, but unknown to her, Twilight had the book of combat magic in her hooves.

In a city somewhere far from Equestria, a portal opened up on a rooftop before the green magic around them dissipated.

"...Twi? You okay?" Dash asked as she saw Twilight wasn't a pony anymore, "...T-Twi? Wh-What happened? What are you?"

Twilight rubbed her eyes for a moment before she noticed her current form, gasping at the sight of hands in place of her hoofs and then she took a look at her skin tone, which was now different.

"Okay… this is new," Twilight muttered, noticing her peach-colored skin, and was wearing a purple top, white jacket, a blue skirt, and purple slip on shoes, "...Familiar, but new at the same time."

"Twi? ...What's going on? Why are we like this? Where are our wings and your horn? None of this makes a lick of sense."

"No need to worry," Twilight responded as she slowly managed to get up, soon noticing Dash on the ground and not a pony herself.

Dash herself was a girl with the same skin-tone as Twilight's, kept her rainbow hair, but she wore a black t-shirt and blue vest, pink and white shorts, and black sneakers.

"...help," Dash told Twilight, the purplette helping her friend to her new feet, "Thanks,"

"Come on, let's see where we are," Twilight told Dash, her friend nodding as they looked at the huge city around them, as they could see for miles.

"It looks like Manehatten," Dash commented.

"Sure does… but something about it feels… different," Twilight admitted.

The two had begun to walk around the city, the streets being more crowded than Manehatten was. Twilight had kept her hand on Dash's to make sure she kept her balance as they walked along, Dash trying to stay balanced.

"...How were you able to learn how to walk like this? This is impossible," Dash whispered to Twilight.

"Got easy with time," Twilight shrugged.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Dash said sarcastically as they walked past a newspaper stand for the Daily Bugle, with a headline reading 'Spider-Man Menace', "Menace? What's this about?"

"Hey, you. Unless you're buyin', keep your girlfriend away from my stand!" the owner yelled to Twilight.

"Girlfriend?!" both exclaimed with a blush, letting go of their hands and turning their backs away to hide their blush.

"Shoo!" the guy yelled at the two.

Dash and Twilight walked off and into a cafe, the two sitting down and just trying to figure out what they should do.

"...why do you think that guy would think we're a couple?" Dash whispered.

...and that too.

"Dunno," Twilight shrugged as she saw the same newspaper on a stand, "...hmm…"

She took a close look at the paper and began to read it. However, they were unaware of a trio walking into the cafe, including a brown-haired man with hazel eyes, and was currently wearing a red shirt, white jacket, blue jeans and black sneakers, a red-haired woman with green eyes, and wore a black shirt, red jacket, black jeans, and black loafers, and a young teenage girl with short brown hair, blue eyes, and wore a red t-shirt, blue shorts, and pink sandals. The trio sat down nearby as the redhead discussed work with the brown-haired man, who was her husband. He glanced over to the newspaper Twilight was reading.

"...I fail to see why this guy is supposedly a 'menace'," Twilight admitted, "From the pictures I'm getting here, he seems to be a good guy."

The male simply gave a nod, but minded his own business and didn't butt in on what Twilight was doing. Dash just groaned to herself as she saw him look at Twilight.

The family took their leave, the male and younger female taking note of the two other-worlders before heading off.

Twilight and Dash had simply continued to sit at the cafe well into the evening, though neither of them noticed this. Eventually, though, they stepped outside and simply sat outside for a while.

"...do you think the others may have noticed we're gone?" Twilight inquired.

"Dunno," Dash shrugged.

"I already miss them."

They simply sat and cuddled each-other for warmth due to the coldness of the city. They didn't have anywhere to go, so they stayed there and tried to sleep if they at all could.

The next morning soon arose for the two, but they soon caught wind of some crashing noises, car horns blaring, and screaming.

"What's that blaring?" Dash groaned as she covered up her ears, but then Twilight registered the screams for help as a car seemed to fly over them and explode, "...whoa."

Twilight got up and hurried on over, finding a giant green-scaled monster causing a rampage throughout the city. He was throwing cars, roaring loudly, and tossing more things into the air.

"...Twi… what's going on?" Dash asked as she walked over, clumsily.

"Someone's destroying the city with… those things," Twilight pointed out.

"Yikes!" Dash gasped, ducking under a thrown motorcycle before the creature saw them.

"What's with you crazy-haired chicks? You brave or stupid?" he asked the two.

Both Dash and Twilight backed away in a bit of nervousness, but Dash quickly gained a look of confidence on her face.

"Why don't you just slow down?" Dash growled as she managed to run and then actually ran at speeds so fast, she became a rainbow blur like she would at home in Equestria. She managed to kick the creature back before she spun around and landed, "...cool."

"How'd you do that?" Twilight asked.

"Dunno," Dash admitted, before the green man tried to toss a car at her, making Dash zip away before running around him in circles, starting to create a tornado .

"If she can do that," Twilight muttered, looking at her hands before focusing and gaining a magical glow, "Oh yes!"

Twilight then fired a blast of magic at Abomination, sending him flying. Twilight smiled and charged up more energy into her hands.

"Hey, check this out," Dash smirked as she charged forward, curled up into a ball, jumped up and smacked Abomination with her legs, followed that up with a hand stand and then a kick again, "The Buccaneer Blaze!"

"So that's the move you were gonna show off, eh?" Twilight smiled

"Buccaneer Blaze, huh? Well then, Blaze, prepare to get toppled down!" Abomination roared as he rushed in smacked her.

At that moment, high above the city, we see a flying aircraft carrier that was searching around for any sort of disturbances.

Inside one room stood a man with black hair and a matching goatee, wearing a blue and yellow set of robes, yellow gloves, and a long red cape with a high collar, moving his hands that were covered in a purple magical energy before stopping, as if he sensed something. He then took the eye-charm from around his neck and it blinked, opening again to show what was happening with Dash and Twilight, however the two were silhouetted out with a cyan and magenta glow respectively.

The man stood up and walked through the halls of the carrier before coming across a sort of command deck where a bald black man who had an eyepatch over his left eye, a black goatee, and wore a black trenchcoat over his black shirt, jeans, and boots.

"Commander Fury, I have just seen the Abomination attacking the city. And what's more, I believe there are two combatants there using magic… an unknown type of magic," the man in the robes informed as the black man turned to face him.

"Can you tell me anything about the combatants?" the commander inquired.

"No. All I saw was that they had an unknown aura surrounding them…" he informed.

"Dr. Strange, take Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Spider and Ant-Man and investigate,"

"Got it," Dr. Strange nodded.

Twilight and Dash had continued to find Abomination, Dash using her speed against the giant as Twilight fought from a distance with her magic.

"Where did you two even come from? You with S.H.I.E.L.D. or something else?" Abomination demanded to know.

"Got no idea what you're talking about," Dash admitted as she kicked him and did a few backflips over to Twi's side, "But we won't let you just go and know who we are,"

"You two are pretty lousy superheroes, I can see you two in civilian clothes. Idiots,"

"Superheroes?" Twilight blinked as a cyan blast had hit the creature. Twilight glanced up and then quickly pulled herself and Dash into an alleyway.

"What'd you do that for?!" Dash demanded to know.

"...that bad guy's got a point… if we're using our powers like this, we need to have disguises…" Twilight informed, "Luckily, Rarity taught me a spell that will instantly grant a disguise to somepony."

"...that explains how she changes outfits so quickly," Dash mumbled.

With a flash of magic, Dash was now in a cyan, white and rainbow highlighted tracksuit with some rings around her wrists, a white domino mask over her eyes, and her rainbow hair currently tied up into a ponytail. Twilight meanwhile, wore what appeared to be a magenta magician's' tuxedo top with a white undershirt, purple skirt, a magenta and black top hat, black domino mask, fishnet stockings and magenta high heels.

"Nice," Dash giggled.

"Thanks. Now then, let's help the heroes out," Twilight smiled as they headed over.

"Hey Dr. Strange, are you sure you detected some magical beings fighting Abomination?" a man in a red and yellow armored suit questioned, as he flew in the air alongside the blue robed man.

"Yes Iron Man, I detected something, but the energy seems to be hiding… it is rather unclear as of now, but I know there was magical energy here!"

"That'd be us!" Dash smirked as she… well… dashed over and kicked Abomination, "What up?"

"...the sky," Iron Man responded.

"Whoa…" Dash gawked as her wings appeared and allowed her to fly next to him, "...what is that? How is it flying?"

"That was a bit unexpected… and I've seen a lot," Iron Man admitted, "Also, where'd those wings come from?"

"...wings?" Dash blinked as she looked and saw she was flying, "Oh yea!"

Twilight gawked as she thought for a moment, her wings appearing before she took into the air and blasted Abomination with some magic.

"Nice job!" Dash smiled as she flew over to Twilight.

Abomination growled in anger as he leaped up to smack Twilight and Dash into Iron Man and Dr. Strange.

Then, a man in a blue outfit with some red and white stripes leaped over, tossing a red, white, and blue circular shield at Abomination. This was followed up by spider webs being shot into Abomination's face, forcing him to try and tear them off as a man leaped over in a red full bodysuit with white eyes, silver bands of sorts over his wrists and ankles, while he had a silver belt and a cyan hoodie without the sleeves (as they were torn off) and he had a spider drawn on it.

"Iron Man, Dr. Strange, you two okay?" the man in blue asked.

"We could be better," Iron Man responded.

"Thanks for the concern," Twilight yelled in a sarcastic tone.

"Who are these two?" the guy in red asked.

"I don't know, but they were what I detected fighting Abomination here," Dr. Strange informed.

"Sure are some odd looking ladies in terms of their costumes and hair colors, if you ask me, Stephen," the guy in red commented, earning an annoyed smack from a magic fist from Twilight, "OW! What was THAT for?!"

"You had that coming," Dash muttered with a roll of her eyes,

Iron Man rolled his eyes under his helmet, before aiming his palm at Abomination, blasting him with another cyan blast.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Abomination asked in pain before he was hit in the neck with a tranquilizer arrow, causing him to pass out.

"Nice shot, Hawkeye," Iron Man smirked as a blonde man wearing purple sunglasses and wearing a black and purple armored suit walked over, holding a purple bow with a quiver of arrows on his back.

Then, something tiny hopped off his shoulder before it grew to the size of a normal man, revealing him to be wearing a silver helmet themed after an ant, and his bodysuit being red and black.

"What were you doing Ant-Man, mind my asking," Iron Man inquired.

"Just waiting for a chance to do our combo, but it never came," Ant-Man shrugged.

"Before we do anything further, we must know who these two are," Dr. Strange reminded his group, with the man in blue going over to Dash and Twilight.

"Uh… why're you staring at us?" Dash asked nervously.

"Relax kid," the guy in red told her, "There's nothing to worry about. We just want to know who you two are."

Twilight and Dash turned around and exchanged a look, a bit confused as to what they should even say. After a moment, Dash shrugged and turned to face the other heroes.

"Call me Buccaneer Blaze," Dash told them, smirking proudly before turning to Twilight, "And she's my friend…"

"...I call myself… uh… the uh… oh! Mystical Magenta Mistress!" Twilight smirked.

Dash rolled her eyes slightly at the name, but shrugged her shoulders since she couldn't think of anything better.

"Interesting names, but I have a question," Dr. Strange informed, "What is your magic?"

"Huh?" the two blinked.

"Like… what is the source of your magic? It is not of a known source to me,"

"You guys should answer him, Mr. Sorcerer Supreme doesn't like dealing with magic he doesn't understand," the guy in red joked.

"Well… it's kinda hard to explain… but it's magic… from uh… another world?" Twilight informed hesitantly.

"Oh, that makes sense," Dr. Strange shrugged.

"Wait… it does?"

"Yea, other worlds aren't new to us by this point," Iron Man shrugged off.

"Oh," Twilight blinked, "...ok."

"Well, that makes things a bit easier on us."

"Yea. But before we do anything else, we got somebody you need to meet," the guy in blue informed, "Oh, and I'm Captain America,"

"Captain… what now?" Twilight blinked a bit.

The heroes headed over to a helicopter, with a woman with red hair, green eyes, and wearing a black leather jumpsuit with high heels, and a black widow's red hourglass in various spots on the suit piloting it.

"So, these the two that Dr. Strange detected?" she asked as Captain America walked in.

"Yep," he nodded, "Fury will want to see them personally, Black Widow. Take us back to the helicarrier."

"Right away, Captain."

Dash and Twilight were brought on, but when Dash saw Black Widow, she blushed a bit.

"So, what's her name?" Dash asked Scarlet Spider.

"Black Widow, AKA Natasha Romanoff," Scarlet informed.

"So, Natasha, what's somebody like you doing with these guys?" Dash inquired.

She either didn't hear Dash or simply ignored the question, focusing on piloting the helicopter up into the air as Dash just looked at her with a small blush.

Twilight just gave her friend a confused look as they continued to whenever they were going.

"So these two fought off Abomination?" Nick Fury asked Dr. Strange as Dash and Twilight were looking around.

"Wow… bright…" Dash commented as she saw a command console, "Oh… what's this do?"

"Do not touch anything!" Nick Fury ordered, as Twilight used her magic to bind Dash's hands.

"Sorry… our world's nowhere near as advanced as this world," Twilight informed, "We still use trains as a primary means of transportation between cities."

"I see…" Nick Fury stated with a roll of his eyes, "So what are their codenames?"

"They claim they are Buccaneer Blaze and uh… what'd you call yourself again?" Dr. Strange asked Twilight.

"Mystical Magenta Mistress," Twilight reminded.

"That," Scarlet Spider added.

"...uh-huh," Nick Fury nodded, thinking things through before seeing Dash still staring at the blinking lights, "...oh boy…"

"Should we even keep them around?" Iron Man asked, "Or rather, should we keep the speedster around. The mage seems to know some degree of technology,"

"I'll think it over. Just make sure they stay out of trouble,"

Suddenly, a light began to blare, indicating that they were losing altitude.

"Are we under attack?!" Nick Fury asked in a hurry.

"...my bad…" Dash apologized, being freed from the magical energy that was restraining her.

Nick Fury face palmed as Iron Man walked over and fixed the altitude, leveling out the helicarrier as Dash and Twilight both had the most sheepish looks ever.

Pikatwig: ...well, that ending was something.

KKD: Sure was, but it was something enjoyable, wouldn't you say?

Pikatwig: Yep.

?: Kakoui…

Pikatwig: Huh? *sees a young filly* Oh, hey Midnight, what are you doing here?

Midnight Boost: I wanted to watch.

Pikatwig: Mk.

KKD: Fair enough. So what'd you think of Twi and Dash being the heroes you heard from their stories?

Midnight: KAKOI! *flies a bit in the air*

KKD: At least someone enjoyed it besides us.

Pikatwig: Now for the hero names… much like… a lot of stuff in the Marvel universe, it's alliteration.

KKD: Yea, though Twilight's is even more of a mouthful while Dash's is obviously named after one of her moves.

Pikatwig: Yep. ...anyway… thoughts overall?

KKD: Very fun to test out, and I think it was executed well, too.

Pikatwig: Same here. And before anybody asks, no, the rest of the Mane 6 won't be in this, it'll be exclusively on Dash and Twi, but we will see them again near the end… that much I can say right now. Other than that, not much else I can tell you. And favorite part… the reveal of the outfits of Dash and Twi when they're superheroes. They're really cool, and I seriously hope we can get somebody to draw them for us!

KKD:That is really cool, too. In fact, I'd consider that a fav, too. Anyway, I think that's it for now.

Pikatwig: Just Live More

KKD: Jaa ne.