
Sinnoh is the Land of Mystery. It is an ancient region, home to some of the oldest human civilizations recorded along with countless notable landmarks, natural formations, and priceless cultural artifacts. Sinnoh's mainland is dominated by the Coronet mountain range, which splits Sinnoh's mainland into two halves. To the west of the Coronet range lie the cities of Oreburgh, Jubilife, Eterna, and Canalave. To the east are Hearthome, Pastoria, Veilstone, and Sunyshore. Snowpoint City rests north of Mt. Coronet in the farthest reaches of the mainland. Stark Island, a rugged area only recently settled, and Lily of the Valley Island exist to the northeast and east of the mainland, respectively. Both are sparsely populated, although growing steadily due to incentives by the Lily of the Valley League.

Mt. Coronet:

Mt. Coronet is the heart of Sinnoh and center of numerous inexplicable phenomena and countless ancient structures traced back to the Alfa dynasty and before. It has been the core of Sinnoan culture, religion, and history from the first recorded civilization. Despite centuries of attempted excavations, the labyrinthine cave networks that crawl beneath the Coronet range (and some suspect extend throughout all of Sinnoh) are virtually unmapped.

Only a few secure, stable routes through Coronet have been maintained throughout the ages, and in the modern day many have fallen into disrepair due to the dissolution of trade routes. Other networks existed in the past, but are subject to cave-ins, landslides, and sudden alteration. Familiar routes of countless years are known to vanish or shift without warning. Many pokemon live atop and within Mt. Coronet, and territorial squabbles can cause routes to change overnight.

The Prospectors Guild, based out of Oreburgh, strives to keep accurate and up-to-date maps for use by trainers and sightseers. The Lily of the Valley League works in conjunction with the Guild frequently for this purpose, but in recent years has forbade such exploration in eastern Sinnoh. Eastern networks have traditionally held high rates of disappearances, suspected to be the work of unusually high concentrations of native ghosts.

To date, several archaeological expeditions have been attempted to the peak of Mt. Coronet. It is the site of many legends, such as the formation of the world and binding of DLG and PLK by the Alpha according to Alfa doctrine and the stories of Enlightened Athan in his Kosmos. The highest peaks are unknown to us, although records from the Alfa dynasty claim the God-King ascended them. Many individuals in the chaotic centuries that followed attempted the same to cement their claims, but did not return.

The peaks are perpetually shrouded in heavy wind and relentless snowfall. Fierce gales prevent pokemon from flying or climbing to the top. It is believed the only potential path to the fabled peak of Mt. Coronet is through the mountain itself, which is complicated by the complexities of the natural cave networks and hostile nature of the wild pokemon living in the upper reaches. Some have attempted to explore the depths instead, but the unpredictable nature of the labyrinth has led many to believe a proper mapping impossible.

Despite these challenges, many Sinnoans dream of the day we find the peak. My predecessor, Champion Irene, was a well-known prospector of Coronet. She was famed to vanish for years at a time on expeditions, returning with countless artifacts and records buried beneath Sinnoh from ancient times. She described our fascination with Coronet before she left for her current excavation to the tunnels east of Lake Valor.

'Our lives are spent in Coronet's shadow. How could we bear to know so little?'

Although there are no current attempts to reach Mt. Coronet's peak, I dearly hope its mysteries will be unveiled within my lifetime.

West Sinnoh:

Jubilife: The City of Joy

Jubilife City is the economic and technological hub of Sinnoh. It dominates the central area of Sinnoh's western half, and its territory extends from Floaroma Town and south to the coastline. Traditionally a key power holding the trade routes between Oreburgh's mines, Canalave's imports, and Eterna's ancient wealth, Jubilife swiftly grew once the region was united by the Alfa dynasty. The additional security and upsurge in trade was kind to its lords, and Jubilife survived the wars raging until the League's formation by Champion Calanthia mostly untouched.

In the modern era it has claimed unmatched technological development in Sinnoh, comparable to Hoenn's Rustboro City. This development has allowed Jubilife to retain its status as an economic center in Sinnoh despite the dissolution of the trade routes that once converged within it. Despite its status as a major power in Sinnoh, Jubilife is not managed by a Gym Leader. Jubilife negotiated independence from the traditional Leader structure as part of its induction into the League, and currently manages its territory with the assistance of Rangers and their native Defenders of Verity.

Lake Verity is one of the most prominent features of Jubilife's territory. Dozens of temples have been constructed along its shores over the centuries. Most are devoted to the Being of Emotion, Mesprit, although a number exist for the other Lake Guardians along with deities such as DLG, PLK, Cresselia, and Shaymin. A constant stream of visitors and pilgrims supply the towns based around Verity, and many of the Empathetic of Mesprit make their homes near the lake.

Alamos Town is another notable tourist site, famed for the Space-Time Towers erected in honor of DLG and PLK. They are the largest instruments in the world and draw tens of thousands of visitors each year.

Eterna: The City of History

Eterna City is one of the oldest extant cities in Sinnoh. It shows signs of human habitation reaching back five thousand years, although it has been razed and rebuilt several times in this time frame. Although not an economic force like Jubilife, Eterna claims a vast swathe of fertile agricultural territory that makes it indispensable in the region. Due to their fertile land, Eterna was often fought over and traded between greater powers during the Weeping Centuries. Its people retained a great deal of their own culture despite the hardships, however, and their festivals attracted visitors from all over Sinnoh and its vassal states.

The Eterna Forest to the west provided the foundation for Eterna's economy. Their traditional relationship with the bug and grass-types common to the forest allowed Eterna's people to protect their western border easily in times of war, while grass-types were the cornerstone of their agrarian society in times of peace.

In the modern era, Eterna attracts a great deal of tourism due to its ancient past and many ritual sites. Several major sacred sites still exist untouched, and its festivals still occur annually in celebration of nature, Shaymin, and life.

Michina Town, which claims to be the birthplace of the God-King of the Alfa dynasty, rests several days away to the west and features many prominent temples and relics accredited to the God-King.

Another prominent attraction for trainers and thrillseekers is known as the 'Old Chateau' in modern times. It is an abandoned manor house which formerly belonged to the extinct Stygon family. The Old Chateau is relatively isolated and has become home to many ghost pokemon in modern times. It is common for trainers to visit in hopes of gaining experience against them, although locals dissuade such behavior.

Oreburgh: The City of Energy

Oreburgh City is a major industrial center of Sinnoh. It has supplied many cities with metals and minerals since ancient times and continues that tradition into the modern day. Due to its situation at the base of Mt. Coronet, Oreburgh has been defined by its skilled prospectors and metallurgists. Its territory is vast and rugged, running south to the Ranger Union's borders. Outside of the city itself, the majority of the population exists in extremely isolated villages and mountain regions. Some have remained uncontacted for decades.

In the past, Oreburgh was famed for its brilliant Prospectors Guild that ensured the maintenance of regular trade routes as well as the establishment of new pathways through the Coronet range. Their services were invaluable, and Oreburgh enjoyed a great deal of status as lords of neighboring cities plied for their materials and prospectors. Although Oreburgh rarely entertained dreams of conquest, it was content to grow in power and influence by supplying armies and charging heavy tolls on those who wished to pass through their tunnels. Many of Oreburgh's youth would offer their services as sellswords, gaining valuable experience with which to protect their homeland upon their return.

Nowadays, Oreburgh's mercenary past is largely forgotten. It adapted well to industrialization, thriving nearly as well in a peaceful climate as a wartorn one. Oreburgh was amongst the first to join Calanthia's ambitious League, and its fealty ensured a quick compliance from powerful cities such as Jubilife who relied almost entirely on Oreburgh's mercenaries and supplies for their wars.

Although the Prospectors Guild lacks the influence it once held, it continues its operations throughout Sinnoh in hopes of mapping out new areas. Oreburgh continues to be a mining city first and foremost, and bears its legacy with pride. Tourism isn't a major factor of its economy, but Oreburgh has attracted attention recently by heavily funding forays into cloning technology. Many trainers seeking fossil pokemon now visit, and the League has begun to invest further into Oreburgh's development as a result. In coming years it is likely that Oreburgh will begin to innovate as a technological center able to compete with Jubilife.

Canalave: The City of a Thousand Languages

Canalave City is most well-known for being Sinnoh's gateway to the world. It has maintained a proud history as a center of learning, trade, and offering a brief harbor for foreign influences in notoriously isolationist Sinnoh. Situated on Sinnoh's west coast, Canalave both embraced foreign wealth and learning while spreading Sinnoan philosophy and myths to the rest of the world.

Until recent centuries, the deep reaches of the Relic Sea to Sinnoh's east were inaccessible by ship. High concentrations of Gyarados and sudden tidal waves led many captains to view it as a death sentence. As a result, the only accessible entrance to Sinnoh remained the Lunar Sea to Sinnoh's west. Other than Canalave, the only large port with Lunar Sea access remains Fall City in Fiore.

Although there were several semi-successful frontier regions that acted as the primary link between Sinnoh and Unova, many fragmented port cities used to exist on the northern reaches of Eastern Continent on the fringes of the Dark World to make this ambition trade route possible. Though often short-lived, various merchants and trade organizations saw fit to maintain them in order to create the massive supply lines needed to facilitate the vast distances involved in trade between far-flung Sinnoh and the Western Continent.

As a result, Canalavian influence is seen prominently in human settlements from the western coasts of the Ranger Union to the intermediary cities that are long-abandoned.

In the past, Canalave was famous worldwide for its great library, which exists into modern times. As a wealthy harbor of vast international trade, Canalave has long held a legacy as an outsider peddling foreign interests to the rest of Sinnoh. Despite its poor reputation in ancient times, Canalave remained an important center of learning and education. Countless schools, often administered by the Learned of Uxie and defended by their military arm, the Knights of Uxie, made Canalave their home. Esteemed scholars such as Enlightened Athan and Corvus of Veilstone, along with dozens of famed philosophers and great minds, began intellectual traditions here that have spread worldwide. Due to their influence, many nobility sent their children to be educated here despite fears they would succumb to foreign truths and ideals.

Today, Canalave has faded from its former glory. With the collapse of foreign trade networks, few cargo ships rest in its port. Its historical focus on education has birthed a number of world-class universities with top-tier experts in all fields making their home in Canalave. Although it no longer draws on foreign imports, Canalave is a popular destination for ambitious students from around the world and continues its tradition of drawing the best of the best to its streets.

Notable destinations within Canalave's borders include the Great Library, which has been rebuilt since its razing shortly before the formation of the League, and Iron Island. Iron Island is a small island several hundred miles north of Canalave near Snowpoint's territory, although Canalave has a historical claim to the island. It was a common source of ore and powerful wild pokemon for Canalave to incorporate into its defenses. Although the mine's ore veins have run dry due to centuries of exploitation, Iron Island is kept open by the League as a preserve and training ground.

Snowpoint: The City of Snow

The city of Snowpoint is one of the most ancient in Sinnoh. Situated in the northern reaches of Sinnoh, it is almost inaccessible on foot and enjoyed a great deal of security in the past. As a result of its geographical isolation, Snowpoint has developed almost untouched by other cities and birthed a unique culture. Too distant and harsh to conquer, much of its interaction with outside Sinnoh was a result of pilgrims venturing to Lake Acuity's shores.

Historically isolationist, it has only recently embraced modern industry and contact with outsiders. Much of the outside world's knowledge of Snowpoint came from the Learned of Uxie, who originated as a cult of the Being of Knowledge and eventually spread throughout Sinnoh. Ironically, many of Snowpoint's cultural markers can be found in Canalave due to the Learned's vast influence in that city, and as a result has spread worldwide.

Due to the Learned's emphasis on written records (alongside extensive oral storytelling) we know a great deal of Snowpoint's history despite the lack of corresponding records from other cities and organizations in Sinnoh. It originated as a settlement based around the veneration of the ancient Snowpoint Temple and the Titan it is said to conceal. Although the Snowpoint Temple is inaccessible beyond its atrium, popular Snowpoint folklore claims the God-King entered early in his reign, remaining within its heart for several weeks, then returned to his throne in Hearthome immediately after. Fascinatingly, the records of the Learned corroborate this account.

Snowpoint remains small and isolated to this day. It remains the smallest great city of Sinnoh, and as a result has developed close relationships with its wild pokemon population to properly manage its vast northern territories. Like Oreburgh, the majority of its territory's human population is held in small, isolated mountain villages. Due to the vast number of different languages spoken in these isolated pockets, few visitors attempt to see them.

There are no major industries rooted within Snowpoint, although the Snowpoint Temple does attract great numbers of pilgrims and visitors. Even most traveling trainers choose to teleport to Snowpoint rather than fight through the rugged mountain territory. Many experienced trainers spend the months before tournaments in Snowpoint's mountains, often honing their skills in the harsh environments here.

It is impossible to mention Snowpoint without referring to Lake Acuity. The lake is a popular subject of scientific endeavors and maintained by the Learned. It is famed for never freezing over despite the frigid cold, leading to many unsuccessful studies performed on it.

Several universities exist nearby, and shrines to the Lake Guardians are frequent sights. It is the birthplace of many legends. Enlightened Athan claimed divine inspiration for his Kosmos after meditating seven days and seven nights in its cold waters, and several philosophers and truth seekers have claimed similar epiphanies on its shores throughout history.

East Sinnoh:

Hearthome City: The City of Faith

Of all Sinnoh's cities, Hearthome might be the most famous. Due to its favorable geographical position in the shadow of Mt. Coronet, Hearthstone enjoyed an advantageous position for trade and exerting influence throughout the region. Of particular note is its historical friendship with Oreburgh, which ensured neither feared attacks through Mt. Coronet. It is currently regarded as the best place to live in Sinnoh and maintains a steady rate of population growth.

Its past is perhaps the bloodiest in all of Sinnoh.

Due to its large population, fertile soil, and traditional association with ghost-types, Hearthome commanded a vast territory. To this day its territory ranges the entire eastern side of the Coronet range, ending at Celestic Town, and down to the Ranger Union. In its prime, Hearthome commanded Pastoria's territory as well and engaged in constant war with Eterna, Jubilife, Veilstone, and Sunyshore. Towns, cities, and villages shifted ownership constantly during the Weeping Centuries, and even centuries later bear the scars. Outside of the great cities, these areas are sparsely populated today due to the constant depopulation.

To understand Hearthome, one must understand its history. Always a major power in Sinnoh, Hearthome was catapulted into prominence when the God-King chose it as the capitol of his fledgling Alfa dynasty. Historical records at the time are questionable at best, concerned with telling a story rather than objective fact, yet all accounts hold similar tales. Current historians believe it to be a product of sustained misinformation by the Alfa dynasty, who were heavily invested in maintaining belief in their divine mandate to rule.

The most popular account is found in Corvus of Veilstone's iconic play 'The Sundered Land Made One' which displayed the notoriously proud lords of Hearthome bending immediately to the God-King when he appeared before them after the conclusion of his famous quest and ascending Mt. Coronet.

Regardless of the circumstances, it cannot be denied that the Alfa dynasty's new home, said to be chosen due to its proximity to Coronet and central position in Sinnoh, allowed Hearthome to soar to new heights. Pilgrims and believers throughout the region flocked, and Hearthome uniquely benefited from the miracles and prophecy of the God-King.

Although the God-King vanished ten years after the conclusion of his quest, marking his reign in years rather than centuries as the people expected, his family lived on. As decades passed, it is said the common people and nobility saw them as charlatans pretending at power with the God-King's miracles gone. They remained in power for centuries in Hearthome and maintained authority over Sinnoh and its vassal states through various cunning means, but as the lords' confidence in the Alfa's humanity increased the measure of authority the Alfa could exert decreased. Soon civil wars raged. Hearthome maintained dominance through its powerful spirits and great territory, yet the great empire quickly fragmented into fragile alliances and shifting allegiance.

The Weeping Centuries would continue until Champion Calanthia united Sinnoh beneath the Lily of the Valley League. Proud Hearthome was the last to bend the knee, a major point of contention with its ancient ally Oreburgh.

Today, Hearthome has left its complicated past behind. Its people are well-known to be friendly and polite to newcomers and are used to the many visitors hoping to see the famous temples and cathedrals. The Alfa Necropolis, which extends into the subterranean network of Mt. Coronet, is a popular tourist site. Remaining devotees of the God-King pour in from the countryside each year during March, which is claimed to be the month he ascended. Many festivals continue to take place during this time as Hearthome venerates its history.

Of particular note in Hearthome is the existence of its Faith Quarter. Innumerable shrines and temples fill the Faith Quarter and have been added to throughout the millennia. It is common to see foreign deities such as the Twin Dragons of Unova or even the Tapu guardians of Alola alongside countless Sinnoan deities such as Shaymin, Cresselia, DLG, PLK, and the Alpha. A thousand faiths are said to still dwell in Hearthome, and perhaps many more.

Veilstone: The City of Fighting Spirit

Nestled on Sinnoh's coastline amidst rocky mountains and harsh landscape, Veilstone has been a martial culture from its earliest beginnings. Their warriors were famed for their ferocity, discipline, and overwhelming success in battle. Due to Veilstone's poor soil, they were forced to trade (or more often raid) neighboring civilizations for resources. They historically traded the routes between Eterna and Veilstone with Hearthome in their countless wars, often relying on claiming Eterna or installing puppet governments in order to keep themselves supplied.

Veilstone was at a frequent disadvantage against Hearthome's seemingly endless stretch of territory, abundant resources, and powerful ghosts but exploited its few advantages to full effect. They trained extensively to combat ghosts, ruining the common Hearthome strategy of driving hundreds of wild ghosts into enemy territory to feast. Their royal family was well-known for a close association with Lucario, which remains a common feature of their Gym Leader teams to this day.

Few Hearthome warriors would dare test Veilstone's armies without overwhelming advantage, and in the Weeping Centuries Veilstone took advantage of that fact. Although thought of poorly by much of Sinnoh due to their isolationist tendencies and raids, Veilstone was often sought as an ally by Pastoria or Sunyshore against Hearthome or the other.

Today, Veilstone has adapted well to a more peaceful world. Although they have few natural resources to offer, Veilstone has invested heavily in its entertainment industry. Millions visit Veilstone's casinos, theaters, tournaments, and entertainment district each year from all over the world. There are options for every demographic, and Veilstone is certain to add more options constantly in order to maintain its economy. Its initiatives have paid dividends. Nowadays many major organizations and large corporations have moved their headquarters to Veilstone in order to take advantage of its favorable atmosphere.

Pastoria: The City of the Swamp

Pastoria City is noted for its close relationship with the Great Swamp and great reverence for Croagunk. Although not one of the largest in Sinnoh, Pastoria boasts steady growth as its scientific and conservation efforts develop and attract many professionals to the city. Trainers find Pastoria a frequent stop as well and provide a booming economic effect on the city.

Historically, Pastoria was a minor power compared to the storied pasts of Hearthome, Veilstone, or Sunyshore. Much of its territory is borderline unusable by humans due to harsh weather and unforgiving storms, but Pastoria natives have learned to thrive alongside their pokemon. Indeed, Pastoria quickly learned to use such hindrances to their advantage as they faced overwhelming incursions from Hearthome and Sunyshore.

Veilstone's constant raids were a source of contention, yet the two comparatively minor powers often found themselves forced to ally against the great powers to their east and west. While Veilstone produced fighters of legendary quality, Pastoria focused on bogging down their enemies in dangerous territory and exploiting their familiarity with the terrain. Guerilla tactics were soon mastered by Pastorians.

To remain a minor, steady power in the Weeping Centuries was a notable feat. Pastoria faced impossible odds and frequently turned such situations back against their foes. Since the establishment of the League in Sinnoh, Pastoria has rapidly grown in strength and influence.

Although the deep reaches of the Relic Ocean were rendered inaccessible for millenia due to primitive technology and hostile pokemon, Pastoria maintained a busy port that traded along Sinnoh's coast and down to the vassal states. When ships and training advanced to the point oceanic travel in the Relic Sea was possible, Pastoria was quick to take advantage of the opportunity. Sunyshore was the larger, busier port yet Pastoria quickly introduced favorable trade laws that led to foreign captains favoring it for decades.

Today, Pastoria City's economy is largely based around the Great Swamp. The location makes it a frequent hotspot for trainers to visit, and the League has a heavy presence in the area to support anti-poaching measures and other scientific work.

Lake Valor is the most notable feature of the Pastoria territory. Although situated roughly equivalently between Veilstone, Sunyshore, and Pastoria, it has been historically held by Pastoria. It was frequently traded by the lords in their wars, each eager to claim it for themselves. The Stalwart of Azelf held an unapproachable claim to Lake Valor itself, but the lords were eager to command the surrounding territory. Each time it changed, the conquerors would cast down the temples and shrines erected by the last claimant and erect their own. Many viewed the vast difficulty of claiming Lake Valor as a test set by Azelf itself.

Although their guerilla tactics were not as effective in the territory near the Valor Lakefront, Pastoria claimed Lake Valor frequently. Over the centuries they would seize Lake Valor as often as they could, using their pokemon (in particular Croagunk) to make conquering it back a nightmare. They would transform the territory into a marsh, set traps, and use the arrogance of the Veilstone and Sunyshore kings to bleed their armies dry as the Pastorians safely pulled away to fight another day.

Sunyshore: The Solar City

Although it failed to match the mythic past of Hearthome, Sunyshore is one of the most successful cities in Sinnoh currently. It has traditionally been a port city, and its proximity to the Lily of the Valley League's headquarters allowed it to tax the frequent traffic to Lily of the Valley Island. Once the Relic Ocean was cleared, it exploded in wealth as trade with Indigo and Hoenn became far more accessible and trade with Galar and Kalos became possible at all.

Sunyshore has always commanded a powerful maritime presence. Its navy, limited to the shoreline as it was, was unmatched along the coastline. It held a great rivalry with Pastoria, although Veilstone's frequent incursions and Hearthome's occasional dumping of ghosts within its territory commanded greater attention. Notably, Sunyshore held the only merchant fleet in Sinnoh capable of making the long voyage to Indigo around the Dark World. Such voyages were rare, but there exists a small population of Indigoan descent in Sunyshore as a result. This preexisting relationship was leveraged heavily by Champion Irene to make contact with Charles Goodshow during the Last War due to Sinnoh's previous isolationism.

Much of Sunyshore's maritime success can be traced back to the high numbers of electric-types that live in the territory due to the high number of storms that come in from the sea. Their association with Sunyshore allowed many electric-types to act as beacons at sea and navigators, and their abilities were sufficient to frighten off most large oceanic pokemon such as Gyarados. As a result, Sunyshore's ships were famed for making voyages few others would dare.

Perhaps the most notable native of Sunyshore is Champion Calanthia. Much of her life was spent learning the ways of other cities as she united the city-states and petty kingdoms of Sinnoh behind her, but she was known for a fierce love of her homeland.

The trade routes that once fed Sunyshore are gone, but it was swift to adapt to the changing world and remains a merchant center for importation and purchase. Due to its favorable position on Sinnoh's eastern coast, Sunyshore remains the closest spot to teleport energy-converted cargo to from the Western Continent, as well as the first spot many visitors teleport to when they arrive in Sinnoh.

Sunyshore's leaders have also invested heavily into energy production as a way to ensure continued relevance. Today their vast solar farms supply most of Sinnoh's energy demands alongside Oreburgh's coal. Sunyshore's experts have poured great deals of capital into building solar farms for other cities and have extended their efforts into other regions. The League has vastly increased funding and investment into Sunyshore as a result, and its future shines bright.

Lily of the Valley Island:

Lily of the Valley Island is the historical seat of the Lily of the Valley League since its establishment in PIL 245. Although many traditionalists hoped for Hearthome as the League capitol due to its historic influence and close proximity to sacred Coronet, Hearthome's decision to contest Champion Calanthia's unification efforts made that impossible. As a result the relatively unpopulated Lily of the Valley Island in the Relic Sea was chosen as a neutral location.

The League's location in the Relic Sea, roughly thirty miles north of Sunyshore, made diplomatic overtures from other nations possible. As decades passed, envoys from Indigo, Hoenn, and the Western Continent made their way to Sinnoh. This influence allowed Sinnoh's famous xenophobia to slowly ebb, although several incidents over the last six centuries have led to all foreign influences expelled from Sinnoh. They always returned, however, and Sinnoh's isolationist tendencies were firmly broken with the formation of the National League during the Last War.

Stark Island:

Stark Island is a large landmass northeast of Sinnoh. It has historically been claimed by Canalave, but due to the aggressive nature of the wild pokemon there it has been sparsely populated until the last century. There are limits on human habitation, but the population has grown swiftly. The Stark Islanders are distrustful of outsiders, though younger generations are far more trusting of the League.

Of particular note is Stark Mountain, a large volcano and sacred site for the locals. It is said that the deity Heatran dwells within, although the deepest reaches of the volcano are inaccessible due to a high population of territorial native pokemon. Many elite trainers given clearance by the League choose to train nearby to hone their skills.

A basic overview of Sinnoh's cities as found in the introduction of Sinnoh: The Land of Mystery by Champion Cynthia Carolina.

A/N: Wow! This grew into something much larger than I intended. I hope you enjoyed this look at Sinnoh! It's been alluded to within Traveler itself for a very long time now and I'm excited to finally be able to hint and explain some of the lore I've associated with it for so long! I hope this has given everyone an idea of what to expect when Ash eventually ventures there...not going to lie, I hyped myself up while I was writing this!

One thing I would like to say is that this isn't meant to be an exhaustive list of what exists in Sinnoh. There's a lot missing or given only brief detail. I intend this to simply be a very basic overview given by Cynthia in one of her books, which she then proceeds to go over in exhaustive detail in the actual chapters! Smaller cities and towns are given their own sections, but for this she focused primarily on the major powerhouses.

Anyways, I really hope everyone enjoyed this! It's definitely got me excited to start writing Chapter 54 of Traveler, which I hope to start within the next few days. It will be long but I plan to have it released by early August! It's a chapter that I've been incredibly excited to write for years now.

I'll end this here, but before I go I just want to say thank you so much for your kind words and support! I hope you're staying safe and taking care during this wild year.

Let me know what you think! This is definitely a new format for me, and I'm curious to see if you'd be interested in seeing similar chapters in the future! Thanks to my Discord mods for looking this over and reminding me of several important details! They made this significantly smoother than it was originally.