A/N: Alright, that's it. This is the end of this fluffy, smutty adventure. I definitely enjoyed this story and I hope you all did as well. I'm working on four story ideas right now so this will not be the last of me. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed and favorited. Thank you to the guest readers who I can't reply to your reviews. I appreciate them :) Enjoy!
Draco and I had fallen asleep for about an hour after we had kissed each other senseless. When we woke up, we talked about numerous things, random things. We laughed and smiled. We argued, but always soothed away the arguments with kisses and caresses and breathless apologies. We learned that we had much more in common than being in love with each other and amazing chemistry. We confirmed that forever seemed pretty darn great.
Around lunch and another small nap, my stomach growled loudly. "We should probably get up," I said as I turned to look down at Draco. His eyes were closed and he was breathing softly.
"I'm not hungry," he muttered. His stomach disagreed and growled loudly.
"Your stomach seems to think otherwise," I teased.
"Traitorous body part," he muttered in annoyance.
I laughed and slid out from under him, slipping my clothes back on and going into the bathroom to fix my hair, or at least attempt anyway. When I came back out, Draco was buttoning up his shirt and looking as sexy as ever, making me question whether or not we should leave or just get back in bed. My stomach grumbled again and I knew that my hunger would win out.
"You look amazing," I whispered as I walked over to him and kissed him again.
"I call it the 'just fucked by Harry Potter look' and only available for Draco Malfoy," he replied. He grinned cheekily and kissed me passionately.
"So are you saying that were like boyfriends now?" I questioned.
He frowned in thought. "Boyfriends seems not enough…." he trailed off thoughtfully.
I blushed. "Lovers?" I suggested.
"Not enough," he responded again thoughtfully.
"I don't think there is any word that can best describe what we have," I told him.
"Oh, there is, but it's definitely too soon for that," he replied with a wink.
I blushed deeply and felt my stomach warm. Was he implying what I think he was implying? Merlin….
We walked out of my dorm after we made sure we were both presentable enough. I stopped before we headed out into the common room and looked up at him. "Are you ready to tell everyone about us?" I asked quietly.
Draco grinned and reached up to cradle my face. He ran his thumbs along my jaw and leaned forward to kiss me lovingly. "Try and stop me," he whispered against my lips as he pecked me once more. I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He gasped and hesitated for just a moment. He buried his face in my neck and pressed a kiss there. "I'm going to say it," he whispered.
"Say what?" I asked in confusion.
"I love you, Harry," he whispered.
Oh…. I sighed in content and held him closer. "I love you, Draco," I whispered back.
We separated and kissed once more before we walked out into the common room to a scene we weren't quite expecting. Hermione and Ron were sitting on the couch with their backs to us and Neville and some other Gryffindors were looking at them in both amusement and some slight concern.
I rushed over to my best mates and looked at them. Their faces were pale and their eyes were wide and they both appeared to be muttering something over and over and shaking their heads.
"Neville, what is wrong with them?" I demanded, worry evident in my tone.
Draco joined me and looked down at them in confusion. "They look like they've seen a ghost or something," he commented.
"Or they suspected one thing and found out it was an entirely different thing," Neville commented cryptically.
I looked over at him in confusion. "How long have they been like this?" I questioned.
"Since Malfoy went into the dorm," he replied nonchalantly.
I looked between him and my two best mates still in confusion. "Why would they look like…." I stopped as I looked between them again and then looked at Draco who looked like he had figured it out a minute before me. His eyes were wide, but he was smirking in amusement. I looked over at Neville and saw the extendable ears in his hands and then remembered Ron's hollering from the other side of the door.
"You didn't," I said looking at Neville in shock.
"Oh, he did, alright," Draco replied with amusement. He started to laugh and everyone in the room, aside from Hermione and Ron, stared at him in surprise. Apparently they had not heard him laugh before, at least a friendly laugh. He clapped Neville on the back and looked down at them again, laughing harder.
"Draco, stop," I admonished. He couldn't stop himself so he moved away to try and contain his laughter.
I rolled my eyes and crouched down in front of Hermione. I shook her hard and she snapped out of her stupor and looked at me. She gasped and brought her hand to her mouth. "Harry James Potter, when I said that you should try and be friends with Malfoy, I didn't mean friends with benefits," she scolded.
I laughed and shook my head. Draco came back over and looked at her. She was blushing deeply. "We aren't friends with benefits, Granger," he told her seriously.
She looked up at him in confusion. "I know what I heard," she replied in a scandalized voice.
He smiled carefully at her. "I'm in love with him," he told her sincerely.
Everyone, who wasn't in a comatose state, gasped loudly at this revelation. Hermione's eyes went to me asking if it was true. I smiled and nodded. "And I'm in love with him," I told her in response to her unanswered question.
"You are?" she asked both of us. We nodded. She sat back on the couch to process the information. I took that moment to shake Ron and he immediately looked at me in horror. His eyes went between Draco and me quickly.
"You… you… and he….he… and then you, and…" Ron couldn't form a complete sentence. Hermione turned to look at him. She gripped his cheeks in her hands and got him to focus on her.
"They love each other, Ronald. Malfoy and Harry are in love. Their together. Their happy," she said as she looked back at us with a smile. "It all happened so quickly, but I see it. I believe it," she said. She stood up and hugged me. She stepped back from me and looked at Draco for a moment. She extended her hand to him and he stared at it for just a moment in surprise before he took her hand and they shook. However, Draco let out a squeak of surprise as Hermione gripped his hand and pulled him towards her. "Now, Malfoy, listen to me carefully, you remember what I did to you in third year, right?" she asked. He nodded. "That pales in comparison to what I'll do to you if you hurt him," she warned.
He nodded. "Noted," he replied fearfully.
She smiled sweetly at him and let go. She turned to look at Ron and frowned. He was still in shock so she did the only reasonable thing one did in these situations. She slapped him across the face.
He startled and looked up at her in surprise. "Mione!" he cried.
She smirked at him. "There, now that you've snapped out of it, let's go eat. I'm famished." She started for the door.
"Wait! Hold on! What about Malfoy and Harry?" he demanded.
"We're together, Weasley. Simple as that," Draco said as he started towards the door behind Hermione.
Ron looked over at me in confusion. It seemed that Hermione slapped him so hard that he forgot what he had heard. "Isn't it great?" I asked as I went to join Draco and Hermione. Draco grinned at me and pulled me towards him, kissing me deeply. Ron let out a strangled cry and we turned to see him covering his eyes with one hand and trying unsuccessfully to plug both ears with the other.
"Stop! Please stop! I already have the most horrible dream in my head of you and Malfoy shagging in the dorm room. Don't make it a reality," he cried.
Neville leaned towards him and whispered into his ear. "Not a dream mate. It's a reality."
Ron looked horrified again and started to splutter as we all left the common room. He mumbled and couldn't complete a coherent sentence the entire way down to the Great Hall. Maybe some lunch would help him find his words.
Despite Hermione and Ron's initial shock, it seemed that they were accepting of us. I looked over at Draco once more before we entered the Great Hall and pulled him into a kiss. The doors had opened wide enough that our kiss was not missed by most of the student body. Neither one of us cared. We were in this for the long haul and would weather any storm that might come our way.