Yeah.. I wrote a sequel to 'Forbidden'.. thanks for the reviews, all of you!!! Anyway.. I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, don't sue me, cause all you'll get is a bunch of yaoi fanfictions!


Darkness and the Light that Pierces It

I hate how he cringes. I hate how he shudders and flinches away every time I get near. I wonder.. would he flinch if he knew I didn't really want to hurt him? It's my nature, I suppose… to hide my emotions.
"Y-yami.. please.. don't hit me again…" Ryou says quietly. I can see the tears streaking down his face.
And for once.. I let my guard down.
"Please stop crying, hikari."
He looks up at me, and I can see the surprise in his wide, chocolate brown eyes. Oh, how I can drown in those depths… forever..
"What did you say, Yami?"
I kneel down and touch his face. At first he flinches, but then sensing no ill will from me, he sighs dreamily and leans into the touch.
Alright.. so maybe this is.. mutual?
I wonder…
I hadn't realized he had moved into my arms, sobbing into my chest and holding on for dear life. I stiffen immediately, but Ryou looks up at me with pleading eyes, so I oblige and softly pat his hair until he ceased.
"Why do you hate me?" he asks quietly, sniffling now. I tilt his face up, searching for a reason, any reason, in his face to make me stop from telling the truth.
"I don't hate you, Ryou."
I run my thumb under his eye, marveling at the smooth skin.
"Would.. would you hate me if I loved you?"
My eyes widen.
And with that he smiled, catching his bottom lip between his teeth in the cutest way. I lean down and brush his soft lips with my firm ones. Ryou whimpers and melts in my arms, kissing back tentatively. He was sweeter than I had imagined many a dark night…
"Bakura…" he whispers my name gently, barely, and I pull away, staring into his hot, half-lidded eyes.
"I love you." My hikari confesses, his hands still twined around my neck. I smile.
"I.. I love you too, hikari. More than life itself."
I blush and start running my fingers through his hair absently. Ryou sighs and lays his head against my chest.
I may be a being of darkness.
Imprisoned sometimes by my own mind.
But Ryou is a light in that darkness..
And that's all that matters.


-_0… sappy.. sweet..
