"So tell us more about the Drive-In yesterday?" My mom says, as her and my dad start taking out everything to make breakfast.

"Uh...both of the movies were good."

"Oh tell us about them." My dad says.

"Well one was a romantic comedy, and the other was a horror movie...do you guys want any help?"

"Oh no, no!" They both exclaim at the same time.

"No, no don't worry about it. You just relax, honey" My mom says.

I roll my eyes. "Okay then…"

This is so awkward, they are back at it with the overly nice act. It is going to be a long morning.

"So, Tori-" My dad starts to speak, but the doorbell suddenly rings. Thank the Lord.

"I'll get it!" I hop to my feet, and a little too excitedly swing the door open, without even checking the peephole. I don't even care if it is one of those door to door salespeople, that is how desperate I am to get out of this odd conversation with my parents.

And my knight in shining armor is...Jade. Jade? What is she doing here, especially this early.


"Tori, who is it honey?" My mom asks.

"It's Jade. We are going for a uh...morning walk! Yeah! Gotta go now! Bye." I rush out quickly, stepping outside.

"Wait Wh-" Jade starts, confused. I quickly shut the front door, before any questions can come up.

I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank God I got out of that one.

I suddenly remember Jade. Here we are, right outside my house, staring at each other awkwardly. It's quiet for a moment.

"What the hell was that?" Jade finally breaks the silence.

"Uh...n-nothing." I clear my throat. "Wh-what are you uh doing here?"

Abruptly, she shoves something into my hands. I look down. My phone.

"You left it in the car."

"Oh thanks…"

"Yeah well I didn't sign up for a morning walk, so see ya."Jade starts to walk off.

"Wait!" I pull her back. She grunts.


"Go on a walk with me."


"Go on a walk with me."


"Go on a walk with me."

"No! Look if you want to avoid your parents just go on a walk by yourself."

"Pfft. Who said I was avoiding my parents?" I say, as if what she just said was absurd.

She scowls at me silently.

"Okay...so I'm avoiding my parents, but that's because they are acting weird."

"Beg me."

"What? No way!" I cross my arms.

She takes a few steps towards her car.

"Okay, okay. Please."

"Please what?' Jade says, with a wolfish grin.

"Please go on a walk with me. Jade."

She has a satisfied smile on her face.

"Mm music to my ears. See was that so hard, princess?" Jade tantalizes, walking ahead.

I follow along, with a sigh. What did I get myself into.

"Alright I guess we can walk to the nearby par-" I start to say, when I catch up to Jade. She interrupts me.

"No, no. I'll decide where we walk." She thinks for half a second. "We will walk to the park."

"That's what I was saying!" I huff.

Jade just smirked, and kept walking. I took a moment to look at the sky. It's a nice morning. It's a little sunny, but not too bright. There's also practically no one out, so it's nice and quiet. Maybe I should try to go on walks more often…I probably won't, but it's a nice thought.

"So your parents are acting weird." She says it as a statement.

"Yes, and it is just…" She looks at me, waiting for me to finish. "...not like them."

"Is that why you have been acting different? Because of your parents?"

"Partly." I answer shortly. "Things are just complicated right now."

Jade nods. "Do you...want to talk about it?"

I snap my head in her direction. Imposter.

"You don't have to. I mean I'm not exactly good at being comforting...I can be a good listener, though. Uh...if you want to you know vent...or something." Jade quickly adds, rambling. She isn't meeting my eyes. I find it endearing.

I smile, her cheeks look pinkish. Aww.

"Alright well...there's this big change happening ...and it's affecting everyone negatively, and there is nothing I can do about it. It just seems like all I can do is just sit back, and watch as they fall apart and act all weird...if that makes sense."

"Yeah it does." She nods. "It sounds like they are all just as confused as you are on how to deal with this...change. I think they are just trying to be there for you the best they know how."

"Yeah I guess you're right. I never thought of it that way. Thanks for uh... letting me vent ."

Jade nods, shyly. I'm thankful that she didn't push me for more details. Even if I explained it very vaguely, it still felt good to talk about it. I'm also pleasantly surprised that what I said meant made sense to her. It always feels good to be understood.

We both stay quiet for about a minute. It's a little awkward, we're not used to being "friendly" like this with one another.

"So...what's going on with you and Beck?" I ask. I hope it doesn't come off as too abrasive.

She sighs. "I'm just starting to see more of the faults in our relationship."

"Sure you guys have your faults, but you love each other. I'm sure you guys will work things out." I offer a small reassuring smile.

"Yeah," Jade nods. "How about you and Joey?"

I can feel my cheeks heat up.

"I really like him, and I feel... happy when I'm around him."

"Good." Jade smiles, and I can tell it's genuine.

"Alright enough of this sappy stuff. It's out of character." Jade announces.

"Of course," I chuckle. "It seems we've made it to the park."

"I guess we should start heading back." Jade nods.

"Yeah...after I get on the swings." I walk over to them.

I am not going to miss out on this opportunity. For once, there are no kids around.

"I did not sign up for this." Jade huffs, and follows after me.

Without wasting any time, I get right to swinging as soon as I sit. Jade just looks at me, with what I think is a judgemental gaze.

"Jade get on one!"


"Come on!"

"How about I just push you. I can pretend I'm pushing you off a cliff." Jade deadpans.

"Mhmm sure." I roll my eyes.

I feel Jade's hands on my back, as she surprisingly gently pushes me forward.

"Wanna go higher?" She asks.

"Duh!" I chuckle.

"Watch it, Vega." She says, as she lightly tugs a lock of my hair.

"Sooo intimidating." I laugh at how childish this is.

"Damn right. Now hold on tight."

She pushes me higher, and higher. It brings me back to when I was a kid. Just as I start to go really high, and really fast. Kids start to show up. Great.

"Well I guess time's up." I sigh.

Jade grabs ahold of the chains, and slows the swinging down to a stop for me.

"Thanks," I say as I get off. She nods.

The walk back is quiet. It isn't awkward or anything, but it isn't completely comfortable either. Jade's attention is focused on a stone she's been kicking. I'm just staring ahead, my thoughts wandering. I wonder what Jade is thinking about. Probably her situation with Beck. When we finally get to my driveway, Jade goes directly to her car. Awkwardly, I ask if she wants to join for Breakfast. Of course she says a No, thanks. It would have been awkward anyway.

Breakfast with my parents isn't as bad as it was yesterday. With what Jade said in mind, I try to take it easy on them, and just go along with the conversation.

A few hours after Breakfast, Andre lets us all know his decision. Apparently, Sarah's mom owns a golf course, and she is allowing her to have a party there tonight, as long as there is no alcohol. So that's what we're doing today. Sarah also told Andre to show up a couple hours before the party starts, so we could drive the golf carts around. Should be fun.

When the time comes for me to get dressed, I decide on a white summer dress, with a grey cardigan, and some flats. As I'm working on my hair and makeup, Trina casually strolls into my room and onto my bed. She props her head up using her elbow, and looks over what I'm wearing. This kind of thing has been happening more often lately, and honestly I kind of don't mind it.

"I didn't realize you guys were going to church."

I glare at her through the mirror. "This is a normal outfit!"

"Yeah whatever." She's in my closet in a flash, making a lot of noise pushing around the hangers. "Here we go." She tosses a dress my way, and it lands on my face. "Ooh this one is cute too." She tosses another, also landing on my face. "Or maybe this one." Another dress to the face.

"Oh! And these shoes!"

"Don't throw them!" I get up quickly, out of fear that those will also hit me in the face. Once she's out of my closet, with the shoes. I smack her with a nearby pillow.

"What was that for?!" She exclaims.

"For throwing clothes in my face!"

"Oh my gosh, Tori, quit being a child." Trina crosses her arms.

"You first." I smirk.

She glares at me, when all of a sudden her attention is back to the closet when she spots something else. I'm curious to see what.

"Forget everything else I said. Now this…" She pulls out a little black dress. "This is the one. You. Must. Wear. This. One."

The dress is the literal opposite of the dress I'm currently wearing.

"Trina! I can't! It's so... risque"

"Then why did you even get it?" She asks with an eyeroll.

"I didn't! You did! For my last birthday!"

"Oh yeah…"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready? I thought you were going to another party tonight." I say, trying to get Trina out of my hair.

"Nah, I have time. The party I'm going to doesn't start until ten, sweetie." She corrects, mockingly. She laughs at me, as if I'm little kid who just said something ridiculous.

"Well, sweetie." I throw back at her, with an eyeroll. "You better be careful tonight."

I grab a tube of nude lipstick, and start applying it.

"Yeah okay, mom. Anyways, I'm going to go back to watching my show." She heads out, and she grabs a pair of earrings on the way out. "Also, I'm borrowing these."

About half an hour later, I get a text from Andre saying they're outside. I rush to add some last minute touches to my makeup, and quickly put on some earrings. I rush down the stairs. Trina, and my parents are on the couches watching a show. I say a quick goodbye, and I'm out the door.

"Have fun at church!" Trina shouts, right before I shut the front door.

The way over, is noisy with chatter and loud music playing on the car stereo. When we get there, and finally meet up with Sarah, Andre acts all nervous and cute with her. Also, I've had Sarah for a class, but we never really talked, but now I can see how cool she is.

The golf course is pretty big. There's a bunch of lights set up everywhere, I'm sure they'll look great once it gets dark in a couple hours. Sarah guides us over to where there are four golf carts.

"Alright, well...unfortunately there are only four available right now. The rest are under repair, because there was a safety recall. Which is why today the course was closed...but uh these carts are from a different brand so they're completely safe. I promise." Sarah rambles on, nervously.

"It's all good. We'll make do." Andre smiles at her, and puts a hand on her back.

Andre and Sarah get in one, Cat and Robbie in another. Then of course Beck and Jade start arguing about something stupid. Andre quickly jumps in to stop the arguing, out of embarrassment. Of course, Jade and I end up having to share a cart. Why does this keep happening?

"I'm driving."Jade says simply.

I just roll my eyes, and scoot to the passenger seat. I was really looking forward to driving. It starts out with all of us just driving around the course, but then we decide to start racing them.

"Alright. I'll count to three. Is everyone ready?" Andre says.

"Yeah, yeah. We're ready. Hurry up." Jade responds.

"Do I detect a bit of fear in your voice there, Jade?" Andre teases with a chuckle. How bold.

Jade scoffs. "Yeah, right. Me, scared? I'm not scared of anything."

"Dolphins." Beck says in between fake coughs. Andre laughs, and I attempt to hold in mine since I'm right next to Jade.

"You son of a-" Jade starts, but she's cut off by Robbie.

"Come on guys! Let's race already." Robbie exclaims, excitedly.

"I don't know why you're so anxious to start, Robbie. You've already lost." Jade states, confidently.

"Guys! Can we just start already?!" I blurt out. I bet if I didn't say anything, they would have just kept trash talking for ages.

"Good call. Alright. One. Two...Three!"

With a hard press on the gas, catching me off guard, Jade rushes us forward. We're off to a strong start in front of everyone.

"You left them in the dust!" I laugh, when I see the others behind.

"Did you expect any less?" Jade smirks, eyes still looking forward.

"Yes." I answer simply, to annoy her.

"Vega." Jade says, warningly. Andre passes us. "Great, you jinxed us."

"What happened to all that confidence, huh Jade?"

"Ohh it's still there. We won't be second place for long," She smirks. Beck suddenly passes us up, sending a wink Jade's way.

"You're right, because now we're third." I say, amused. Sure that means technically I'm losing too, but it's still funny to see Jade frustrated.

"Nuh uh. Pretty boy is not passing us!" Jade says, with this new determination. Her knuckles turn even whiter, as she grips the steering wheel hard. I laugh at how serious she is, and she side eyes me. "You're lucky I'm driving, Vega!"

"Not really, cause you're making us lose." I tease, taking full advantage of the fact that she's driving.

"Keep it up, Vega." Jade says, warningly.

Jade suddenly presses hard on the gas, and she flips Beck the bird as she passes him.

"Jade!" I gasp. She smirks.

After a few seconds, we pass Andre and win. And then win again, when they ask for a rematch. Sarah jumps in, and almost wins. Then to everyone's surprise, we finally lose when Cat decides to drive. Who would've thought...After all that, I think everyone's egos were a little bruised, so we go back to driving around again.

"I want to try driving." I break the silence.

She scoffs. "Yeah right. You can't even drive, Miss no license."

Ouch, That's a low blow.

"Well, I don't need a license to drive a golf cart!" I huff.

"Alright. Go ahead."

"Yeah, well-wait what?"

"I said 'go ahead' Vega." She rolls her eyes. "Hurry up before I change my mind."

"Okay." I say as we switch seats. I grasp the wheel with both hands.

"Well?" Jade raises an impatient brow. "Turn it on."

"Right. Yeah."

"Now release the break, and hit the gas." Jade commands.

"Oh look there's Andre and Sarah! Aren't they cute-"

"Vega, are you actually nervous about driving a golf cart?" She scoffs.

"Of course not!"

"Then go!"

"Alright, alright! I'm going. Jeez, bossy." I say the last part under my breath. I still don't release

the break.

"Look there are no old ladies in wheelchairs around, so just drive!"

"Wow thanks for bringing up my dark past! Have you considered becoming a motivational speaker?"

"Oh, I'll show you motivational!"

"Jade, wait! No! What're you doing!"

With her foot, she pushes my own foot off the break, and then slams her foot on the gas.

"Aaah! Jade! What the heck!"

"Vega, turn the wheel or we're gonna run over those pretty little flowers." Jade laughs.

I quickly start turning the wheel left, successfully avoiding the bed of flowers that are planted on the ground all cutely. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Jade are you crazy! We could've died!"

"Yeah those little flowers are real fatal." She chuckles.

"W-well we could have killed the flowers!"

"Look see you're driving now. Congrats you are one step closer to getting back on the streets. Old ladies beware." Jade smirks.

I just scoff, and keep driving around slowly. Jade puts her arms behind her head, and closes her eyes.

"Wake me when it's over," says Jade.

I press a little harder on the gas, making Jade jerk forward a bit. She glares at me.

"Oops sorry my foot slipped." I smirk.

She glances at my mouth.

"Stop smirking," She rolls her eye. "And I know I'm attractive, but look ahead or we'll crash."

"Sorry I just couldn't help myself." I joke. She snickers.

"Well who can blame you? You're only human, Vega."

Yeah and you're a demon I think to myself, and chuckle.

I drive around for awhile longer, when all of a sudden the car starts to slow and eventually comes to a stop.

"Uh…I think we're out of gas."

"Thank you, captain obvious."

"Oh! There's Sarah and Andre's cart. We can ride with them."

I tried calling out to Andre a few times, but there was no response, and I couldn't even see where he was.

"It's pointless. He can't hear you."

"Why not?" I ask.

She points to a spot near the corner. There, Andre and Sarah are making out.

"Ohhh" I say dumbly. "Ugh I guess we have to walk all the way back."

"Nah. I have a better idea. Follow me." Jade says, walking ahead.

I catch up. I have a bad feeling about this.

Jade casually just sits in the driver's seat of Andre and Sarah's cart.

"Get in, Vega."

"Jade! We can't!"

"And why not?" She says, with an annoyed sigh.

"Cause it's...rude!"

She chuckles. "Well it's rude to ignore people."

"Good point." I nod, getting into the passenger seat.

"Well that didn't take much convincing." She says, sounding amused.

I just shrug, as she turns the key.

"Who leaves the keys? Jade shakes her head.

"Well I mean, I don't think anyone expects to get their golf cart stolen in a golf course...with only their friends around."

"Well they shouldn't assume."

Jade drifts off, and we hear a distant Hey! I turn back to see Andre with a scowl. Jade and I look at each other, and then start cracking up laughing. Then we stop. Then we start again. And that happens a few times.

It takes the others a few minutes to get back, and Andre and Sarah arrive sitting in the back seats of Cat and Robbie's golf cart. Andre has the same scowl plastered onto his face. I send a small guilty smile his way.

"I thought we were just driving golf carts around! Not playing Grand Theft Auto!" Andre exclaims.

I try to hold back laughter, but Jade shamelessly chuckles.

"Love that game." Jade says simply.

"Or perhaps Grand Theft Kart-o." Robbie adds with a giggle. Cat giggles along with him, as Andre stares at them unamused.

"Jade's a bad influence on you."Andre directs at me. Jade mockingly gasps as if she's offended.

"Ouch, Andre. I'm hurt." Jade says with a wicked grin, clearly not at all hurt.

When the party finally starts, I hang out with Andre for a while, and then Cat. Then I mingle a little. A cute guy asks if I want to dance, but I wasn't really in the mood. Which is strange, because a song I really like was playing. I seperate myself from the party, finding a spot where the music isn't so overwhelmingly loud.

I just sit in silence, trying not to think about anything. My eyes settle on the moon. I never really paid attention to how amazing it is. It's like a light in the darkness of the night. It's beautiful. I enjoy a few moments of silence, well enjoy is kind of a strong word, right up until I hear footsteps behind me.

Surprisingly, it's Beck.

"Hey Tori, why are you all alone out here?" Beck asks, taking a seat next to me.

"Just not in a partying mood, I guess." I shrug. "Where's Jade? You guys okay?" I say, trying to direct his attention to something else.

"Yeah we're okay." He answers, simply. He runs a hand through his fluffy hair. "You know you've been acting...different lately." Ugh.

"There's just a lot of changes happening, but I'll be fine." Hopefully. Probably not.

Beck puts a hand on my shoulder. "Well we're all here for you."

By the end of the night I'm tired, and a little annoyed when I realize that there is a stain on my white dress. I wonder how long it's been there.

. . .

The next day is Thursday. My day to choose. I decide on night bowling, which I'm excited to try. The day goes by in a blur, and when night time comes around I head up to my room to do my makeup.

When I'm done I swiftly make my way to my parent's room to let them know I'll be leaving soon. As I open the door, I realize they aren't there. I'm about to close the door again, when I notice a pill bottle on my mom's nightstand.

I hesitantly walk towards it. I snatch it from the nightstand, and my suspicions are confirmed.

She's back on them.

I feel my stomach drop, and all these emotions. I feel this anger, and sadness in my chest. My eyes start with that all too familiar burn, but I stop myself.

No tears,Tori! No crying! I told myself I was done with the crying!

I go back into my room, slamming my door shut. I lie onto my bed. Why can't good things last? My life was starting to get good again, and then all this happens. I don't know what I did to deserve all this.

That's when something catches my attention, from the corner of my eye. It's a black dress peeking out of my closet. The one Trina picked out.

I grab my phone to text the gang.

Change of plans. I want to do something else tonight.