"Gibbs?" Tony looked genuinely surprised which made the older man feel even worse; did he really think Gibbs wouldn't give a shit? "What are you doing here?"

'Yeah, apparently he did.' Gibbs thought angrily. But with supreme effort, he suppressed his anger at himself, knowing that the younger man would take it the wrong way; so instead of growling, he just raised one eyebrow as he approached the SFA's bed.

"Your doctor talked to you?"

Tony gave him a sad smile. "O yeah."

Well, there was no point talking about that situation, then. "You should've mentioned something sooner." Gibbs chose the next thing that had to be addressed, knowing that he was plunging head first into a conversation he wasn't sure he'd ever be ready for. But expecting a sarcastic remark or an argument, or heck even just the finger-because he kinda felt that statement deserved it-, he was surprised at the answer Tony gave.

Hearing those words, the younger man felt a stab of pain in his chest and he was fairly sure it had nothing to do with his inflamed heart; he was about to say something about it being pointless when nobody wanted to hear things like that, but at the last moment, he just shrugged and said, "We had work to do."

Gibbs was bewildered. He could read his agent, no matter what was going on between them and he knew his words had hit a sore spot, but he didn't expect to hear something like that. "And now because of your stubbornness, you might never be able to get back your job." He knew he was being unnecessarily cruel and that it'd hurt his agent, but he wanted for his agent to come out with his anger at him; maybe then they could clear the air.

The look on Tony's face made him regret his words, though. But the look of hurt was wiped from Tony's face in the blink of an eye and replaced by an icy look of indifference.

"That'd be my problem to deal with." He said monotonously.

He was already cutting them out of his life. Gibbs felt his own heart clenched in his chest. No, he had to take a different approach this time; apparently the usual one was just deepening the gulf between them.

"You're mine, DiNozzo."

"I'm not a dog, Gibbs." Tony replied without missing a beat.

Damn, the younger agent wasn't going to make it easy for him. Ducky was wrong, even the conversation wasn't going to be easy!

"Listen, Tony." He finally sat down in the plastic chair and clasped his hands together. "When you were on that ship, I didn't trust anyone to be my SFA or to take care of things in my absence but you. I've never settled for anything but the best and that's why I wanted you back. Nothing's changed. You hear me?"

Tony didn't even blink, which was unsettling.

"You hear me, DiNozzo?" Gibbs repeated his question. "I want you back. You gotta fight this and pull through."

"I sure don't want to end up behind a desk for the rest of my life." Tony's tone of voice suggested he hadn't exactly believed, if heard, Gibbs' earlier words.

Had the damage been that bad? Gibbs had to wonder. Had he managed to ruin what they had spent years to build, for good? Had really those simple words, spoken out of frustration, finished the job that years of getting kicked hadn't done to the younger man?

Those thoughts scared Gibbs and he wasn't one to get scared easily.

"Why didn't you say a thing?" he wanted to hear it, so he could come up with some excuses and maybe convince the man in front of him that he'd gotten it wrong. "And don't say work again. Work's not more important than your health. Why didn't you say a word?"

Tony tilted his head and studied Gibbs before a smirk sat at corner of his mouth. "You do know that I can read you as well as you can read me, right?"

Gibbs' eyes narrowed. "What are you getting at?"

"What am I getting at?" Tony laughed tiredly and breathlessly. "You repeat that question twice and you think I don't know what it is exactly that you want to hear from me? Only, you Gibbs." he shook his head.

Gibbs sighed in resignation. "So it's true." He said. "You kept it to yourself, put your life at risk, just because I've said something stupid days ago?"

"Something stupid, huh?"

"Yes, DiNozzo. Something stupid. You claim you know me, yet you didn't know that I do care about your health?"

"I never said you didn't care. Although, you have a funny way of showing it; gotta tell you. Or well, funny timing."

"Then what?" Gibbs said exasperatedly. "Why didn't you say anything if you knew I didn't mean it?"

"Oh, but I didn't know you didn't mean it." Tony was so calm and detached that Gibbs felt like he was talking to a stranger that he knew nothing about. "Actually, I'm pretty sure you did mean it."

The Lead Agent was confused, Tony wasn't making any sense. But before he could point that out, the younger agent started talking again.

"I know you didn't mean that you didn't care if I died." Tony clarified at the confusion in Gibbs' eyes. "But I also know you meant it like you couldn't stand my whining anymore. Which I can't blame you for; but it would've been nice to know you, of all people, could understand why I was afraid or why and how I tend to hide my fears behind jokes and words."

"I do know that."

"That why you always take it so well?" Tony laughed humorlessly. "Because seriously, this was hardly the first time you've put a stop to my ranting with such a blow when I've been trying to keep my mind away from the shit I've landed in by talking." Sighing, Tony tried to hide his grimace when his ailing heart pounded painfully against his rib cage. He hadn't seen his own reflection recently, but he was pretty sure hiding the pain or the discomfort wouldn't do him much good this time; his color must be telling. Nevertheless, he continued with his argument. "It might come as a surprise to you, but I know dealing with my nonstop talking could be extremely hard at times; my nonstop talking and my jokes and everything. But you think dealing with your temper is easy? You think it's easy for me to keep smiling when you and your temper and your unreasonable shouts get on my nerves? You think it's easy to deal with McGee's holier-than-thou attitude and say nothing? Or with Ziva's jabs and nastiness?" Tony shook his head. "Let me tell you, it's NOT. But do you ever see me snap?"

The younger man had a point and Gibbs knew he couldn't say anything in return. Tony was, by far, the most patient man he'd even known.

Tony's hand went to his chest and unconsciously rubbed his chest and Gibbs suddenly noticed that the machine attached to him was making irregular sounds. But apparently it was nothing to worry the staff, because no one showed up to throw him out and calm Tony down.

"I didn't say anything;" Tony continued, "Because there was no point in it when nobody can understand why it's a big deal to me to end up where I've once been when I almost didn't leave on my own feet the first time around. Unlike what you think, I actually can take it and keep quiet about it; it's just..." he smiled sadly, "I just thought maybe I could share my fears with someone for a change. Someone who'd been there the first time and has an idea what it's been like. Well, obviously I was wrong again."

If Gibbs was one to flinch, he would've flinched then. He just realized how bad he'd failed his best agent. He couldn't help thinking 'way to screw up, Gunny! Way to royally screw up.' over and over again.

"In any case, what's done is done." Tony's mask was firmly back in place. "There's no point in crying over spilled milk."

"Tony-" Gibbs couldn't let his friend think this was it for him. "You're gonna be alright. Most patients with Myo-" he frowned when he couldn't remember the exact title of Tony's problem.

"Myocarditis." Tony rolled his eyes.

Gibbs shook his head. "Whatever. Most people pull through with little to no problem. You've beaten worse odds."

'Everyone runs out of luck one day' Tony wanted to point out, but for some reason he didn't; his eyes, though, had a distant look in them.

"I depend on you, DiNozzo." Gibbs leaned forward and caught Tony's gaze. "What you said is true; you're right not to believe me now, but you also know that frustration comes to me as naturally as words come to you; you hide behind words and I behind my growls." Putting a hand on Tony's head, he silenced the other man's protest, "Not an excuse, I know; I'm just saying I hope you can give me another chance. I've got your back and I want you to tell me whatever it is that you have in your head." he stood up and moved his hand to Tony's neck. "You're not on your own; so you don't have to deal with it alone." he squeezed the younger man's neck. "I'll prove it to you."

Tony held his gaze and didn't say a thing. He didn't have anything to say; not because he was shocked at hearing some nice words out of Gibbs' mouth. No, honestly, it was because he wasn't sure he could suddenly shake all the weariness and pour out his heart again. The last ten days hadn't been easy and he'd promised himself not to let anyone see his fears again. He wasn't ready to break his promise to himself so soon again.

"Everyone will be there. Just trust us."

Involuntary, Tony snorted, causing Gibbs's eyes to darken.

It couldn't be too late, already, could it? Gibbs inwardly shuddered at that thought. No. He couldn't accept defeat.

"Look, Gibbs-" Tony opened his mouth, but Gibbs cut him off.

"Give me a chance." The Lead Agent said, his tone as close as it could get to pleading. "You're way too patient with us and we rarely return the favor, but you gotta know that we care." 'That I care.' He added silently.

Tony wanted to say something to Gibbs, but he just wasn't up to it. Maybe he was tired and the pain in his chest was making it harder for him; but at that moment, he couldn't promise anything. They could see about it in a few days; well, more like a few weeks, if he wanted to get rid of the bone-tiredness, first. But his hesitation was clear in his eyes, because Gibbs had read it and just nodded.

"Alright." The Ex-Marine sighed. "But, I'll prove it to you." he sounded distraught, but determined.

Tony didn't know anything for sure at that moment, but he knew he loved his job and that he'd do his best to get back to it and he did trust Gibbs with his life; it didn't matter if he couldn't speak about his fears; did it? No, not really.

Gibbs, on the other hand, was dead serious when he said he'd prove it to the younger man. He hated to fail and he'd failed his most loyal agent big time; so, it was time to do some damage control and he'd see to it; no matter how long it took. He'd chase that look away from Tony's eyes and would make sure that one day, Tony'd once again open up to him and when that day came, he'd never ever say 'shut up' to him again; at least not when it mattered and would be taken seriously.

But at the end, only time could tell. Whether Gibbs won and made the younger man trust him again or Tony won and didn't let anyone in, again, was something that nobody could tell for months to come.

And during those days and weeks, Tony had to struggle with yet another nasty ailment and Gibbs could only hope that Tony believed their genuine concern and accepted their help, which was a battle of its own.

Deep cuts don't heal overnight.



OK, that's it! Told you it was short!


A/N: Let me know what you think.

Thanks for your support and sorry for the long wait.



Again, I don't own the show and its characters and all mistakes are mine.