"They went in there! Okay, put me down there, Blackjack."

You got it boss! The pegasus replied. They descended, landing right in front of an old movie theater. Percy jumped off Blackjack and Jason landed next to him.

"Don't stick around for us, thanks pal! There will be some sugar cubes for you when I get back to camp."

Aw yeah, sugar cubes. With that, Blackjack jumped into the air.

"So what now?"

Jason tapped his glasses. He was staring through the window and into the building. "It looks like Nico and Will just bought tickets. I can't tell what movie they're for though."

"Here, let me take a look...oh gods do you see that? They just bought one popcorn, that means they're going to share!"

Jason rolled his eyes. "You're a dork. Let's go in and see which movie they're seeing."

The boys walked in, Percy ducking behind plants and cardboard cutouts until they got to the ticket booth.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you could tell me what movie those two boys bought ticket for? We're friends of theirs but we got here a little late."

The woman in the booth smiled at Jason. "Of course. They bought tickets for the Force Awakens. Would you both like tickets for that too?"

"Yes please. Thank you, ma'am." Jason replied.

"Here you go. Enjoy your movie, it's a great one!"

Jason and Percy walked over to the room playing Star Wars. Jason held up his hand. "Wait." He opened the door slightly and peaked his head in. "They're sitting towards the middle, there's a few other people in there. If we sit in the back row they shouldn't notice us. Come on…Percy?"

Jason realized Percy wasn't there with him anymore. As he was about to retrace their steps, he saw Percy walking towards him with a couple boxes of m&ms and a container of popcorn. Jason gave him a hard look. "What in Olympus are you doing?!"

"Getting snacks. Dude, you don't expect me to see the movie without food, do you? Here, I got some candy for you too." He handed Jason a box of m&ms.

"Whatever! Come on."

With that, the two demigods tiptoed into the theater and took their seats.

Nothing exciting happened during the movie except for Percy spilling half of his remaining popcorn and cursing in ancient Greek towards the end. Jason had to slap his hand over Percy's mouth and yank him down below the seat to avoid being noticed by Will and Nico.

A couple minutes before the movie ended, Jason tapped Percy. "Psst. It's time to leave."

"But Jason! Just let me see the end- ouch!" Jason had grabbed Percy's shoulder. "Alright, I'm coming. Easy, bro."

They walked past the tickets booths, through the door, and out the building. Jason pulled Percy over to a tree right in front of the building. "Let's hide here until they come out,"

About ten minute later, out came Will and Nico.

"I know the perfect place for dinner." Nico was saying.

"They look happy." Percy interrupted.

"Shhhh." Jason responded but he couldn't help agreeing. Nico was smiling.

Will and Nico crossed the street, Jason and Percy following them from a safe distance. A couple blocks later, they went into a pizzeria. "Oooh, that looks good." Percy whispered.

They followed them inside. Jason approached the host when he had returned from escorting Will and Nico to a table, "Hello sir. I was wondering if we might have a table near those two teenagers who came in please?"

The host looked suspicious. "Why?"

"Because they've had a rough past together, they're having dinner to make up with each other. We wanted to make sure that they're okay and nobody's trash talking or hurting the other. If it's too much trouble, we understand though." Percy pipped in.

The host's expression softened a bit. "Ah okay, I guess I can arrange something. Follow me please."

They were led to a table fifteen feet away and diagonal from Will and Nico. They were far enough not to hear what was being said but close enough to see their expressions.

The host laid down their menus. "A waitress will be with you in a moment. Thank you for stopping in and enjoy your meal."

"Just stay low and don't talk too loud." Jason told Percy when the host had left.

"Come on, Jason, you know me. I'm as silent as a mouse."

Jason chuckled. "Right." He glanced at Will and Nico. Will had his menu over his face and Nico was staring at him woefully. Jason sighed. He really cared about Nico and just wanted him to be happy. He hated seeing his so upset.

Why are you here? You can't help him by stalking him. Nico would hate it if he found out. Give him his privacy. His conscience told him. As much as Jason hated it, the voice in his head was right. As he thought about it though, he realized that his conscience had spoke in an elegant female voice.


Ah Jason, my darling! Don't mind me, I'm only doing what you set out to do.

That snapped Jason out of it. He was spying on Will and Nico just like Aphrodite. He made up his mind.

We'll leave if you do. Jason heard a feminine sigh in his head.

Alright. Take care, Jason dear and give Piper my love.

Jason shook his head. Aphrodite wasn't the worst goddess at all but she sure could be something.

"You know what, Percy, I think I'm going to go now. I think we both should. It looks like Will and Nico are having a moment and I don't want to ruin it for them. Let's give them their privacy."

Percy eyes snapped off his menu and he nodded. "I see what you mean, man but do you think we could get some pizza to go? I'm starved!"

Author's Note:

Hey guys, so I decided to post this tonight instead of tomorrow. I've been so late with the other chapters, hopefully this will make up for it! For those of you who haven't read the last chapter, make sure to do so because I updated twice today! Thanks for reading and let me know what you think.