Update. I'm officially a monster. I hope you survive this chapter. Warning: There's a non-graphic torture scene but if you want to skip it, don't read the first paragraph. Thanks!
Chapter 10 - Come back to me
"Why are you doing this?" I yell at him over the flames.
"Because you're mine. And I prefer my possessions to be obedient." I look at him in horror.
"But…I'll be good! I'll do everything you ask, please, you don't have to do this!" I beg but he only smiles.
"Don't worry beautiful, I'll fix you up nice and good after we're done." I look at him in horror.
"No, no please. I…" Tears are already pouring down my face, my chest constricting with fright.
"I won't kill you, I just want to make a few changes to that spirit of yours." He smiles sadistically, so casual about the things that make my heart stop and my eyes water.
"Now, I'm going to ask you questions and you're going to answer. If you get them right, you get a point." He pauses. "But points don't mean anything in my game. Ready?" I try to see past the pain in my arm, looking at him in a desperate attempt to reach any dregs of humanity in him.
"Ok, first question, what's your name?" The worst part is, I'm not sure.
"Uh, Lorelei." My voice is quiet. He places the point of the knife on the left side of my collar bone and drags it down, not deep but enough to make blood emerge.
"What was that?" He asks happily, pleased with the power he has.
"Lorelei!" I shout it this time, making sure he can hear me.
"Good girl." He acts impressed, causing a surge of hatred flow through my body.
"Next. Who do you love?" I frown, what does he mean?
"My mum, my dad, my sis-!" I cut myself off with a scream when he punches me across the face. I can feel blood pool in my mouth and I spit it out, causing it to splatter on my clothes and face.
"You are just so sexy." He mocks as I look at him disgustedly.
"Try again. Who do you love?" Now I know what he wants me to say, but even thinking the words make me want to vomit. So I don't answer. This leads to a punch to my gut, knocking the air out my lungs painfully.
"Try. Again." His voice is hard and close to my ear - full of threats he intends to fulfil.
"You." I almost gag on the word, struggling to get it out due to the lack of oxygen in my body. He nods, satisfied.
"Who do you belong to?" His voice makes me nauseous, but I'm armed with an answer this time.
"You." He claps his hands together, making the sound of a proud mum.
"You're learning!" I spit out more blood, trying to aim for him but missing miserably.
"Now tell me, what do you think of the Winchesters?" He sounds curious, like he actually gives a damn.
"I…" I gasp for breath but don't dare not answer. "I don't know?" It's hard to know what he wants me to say.
"Wrong." He sounds frustratedly bored, grabbing hold of my upper arm and yanking it. A scream is ripped from my body, pain searing through my violently.
"Nononononono, please, please." I'm not sure what I'm begging for, I can't see past the black edging into my vision.
"Am I that boring? You're falling asleep!" He cuts me again, knocking back to black invading my sight. He continues this, until there's not a part of my body with at least one slice in it.
"That's enough for now." He sounds proud, like he's thinking this is a job well done.
"I'll see you later." The words echo around my mind the whole time, even when I'm unconscious. Knowing that there's more to come.
That it isn't over yet.
Time has lost all meaning. Minutes feel like hours, and unless there's thousands of hours in each day, several days have passed. I think. There's no way to know. He comes in, tears me apart bit by bit and then he leaves. Later, though God knows how much later, he comes back in and starts it all over again. I know that I'm drenched in blood. When I can manage to open my eyes, I can see it coating my skin like a layer of clothing. I wonder how I still have enough blood left to be alive. For a while, he insisted I kept my eyes open, that I watched him. But around nine sessions in, I closed my eyes and they haven't opened with him around since. For a long while I would scream Cas' name, hoping beyond hope that he would hear me. But good ol' Satan didn't like it, so he taped my mouth shut so all I could do was release muffled screams. So I would scream it in my head instead, begging for him to find me and save me. Then it became me begging for him to find me and kill me. Now, I've given up. He's just finished the latest session, I watch him stride happily away from me, entertained for now. And I dare to pray. I reach far, far down inside me for a sliver of hope and I cling to it for a few short moments.
Please, Castiel. Please find me and end this.
I tried praying to God once or twice before, but pretty early on I realised that God wasn't listening. It was all I could do to beg and pray that Cas could hear me somehow, that they were looking for me.
But soon, so soon, that tiny glimmer of hope would be snuffed out.
I just beg that I die before it does.
From Dean's Point Of View
When she goes, Sam and I both blame ourselves. We should've known, should've realised that she would run. We shoulda known how stupid selfless she can be. We should've stopped her. But like idiots, we failed. It took nothing to mow down those few minions, but she was long gone once we did. We prayed to Cas, he came and we've been hunting her down ever since.
"We need a plan, ok? An idea!" Sam insists to Cas and I across the table.
"We have a plan." I tell him gruffly.
"Do we? Because, Dean, from where I'm standing, torturing a bunch of demons who either have no clue what we're talking about or who would rather die then tell us the truth - that's not working for us." He's right, of course he's right. But what else do we do. I look to Cas, for signs that he agrees with Sam. But his brow is furrowed and I can tell he's not with us. I sigh. Cas has been helping us look for Lei for weeks with no break, I feel bad that we've been so hard on him. I also look to Sam, whose lack of sleep is evident by the bags under his eyes, the way his jaw is set and his jittering legs.
What if we never find her? I ask myself, not even for the first time. It's the voice in the back of my head that will kill me if I let it.
"Sam, Dean." Cas' voice is sudden and urgent. My head snaps to him, seeing that he's already up on his feet.
"She, she prayed to me. It was quiet but I heard it. It's so faint but I have a general location." I stare at him in disbelief. After all this time, she's finally broken through. We figured there'd be angel wards everywhere around wherever He's keeping her, so we thought contacting Cas was out of the question.
"Wait, are you sure? But how?" The words spill out of my mouth before I can think what to say.
"Someone or something must've broken one of the wards, allowing Cas to hear Lei." Sam's quick thinking answers my questions.
"We have to hurry, her voice was weak. I'm afraid we can't leave her much longer." We all know what he's implying, but none of us want to say it.
"Then let's go. Now, where is she Cas?" My head is buzzing and I can barely process the words I just said, let lone Cas' answer. We have to find her and put an end to this. I don't know how the hell we'll take Lucifer down, but we'll do it.
We have to.
From Lorelei's Point Of View
On the bright side, I'm no longer chained up. Lucifer took off the cuffs when he realised there was nothing in me left to fight. My legs are still tied up so I can't run and my wrists are chafed to hell, but somehow I'm still breathing. Barely.
The gaps between the beatings are longer now. I don't know if it's because he's busy, given up or if it's to prolong the suffering. In some ways, since I scream a lot, it's nice to hear nothing for once. But I'm just waiting for the next time he decides to cut me up or break a finger. He asks the same questions.
Except this time I know the answers.
Sam. Dean. Castiel.
I have to say their names to myself so I remember them. A few times, I've almost forgotten.
But they always come back to me.
I don't expect them to come for me anymore. It was stupid to ever think they would. Foolish. Lucifer was right. He was always right.
There's an unfamiliar shoving sound to my left, echoing from one side of the, what I believe to be, warehouse. Had I been in different circumstances, being alone in such an empty, creepy place would have frightened me. Unsurprisingly, not much is scary when you see the Devil everyday. I force my eyes open, wincing at how much effort is needed for a simple task. All it takes is a glance at the pools of blood, old and new, across the floor and I want to puke. I hear another sound, this time a grunt, and my eyes slowly flit to the door. It slams open, letting in light I haven't seen in an age. A figure blocks out the harshness of the daylight, standing in the doorway. I can't see what they're doing or what they do next, as my eyes close against my demand. I hope whoever it is has come to kill me. I can hear footsteps, lots of them. The sounds bounces off the walls, so I can't tell if it's two or two thousand people coming in. I assume they aren't here for me, that they're waiting for Lucifer. I'm surprised when I hear a gasp and a whisper.
"Lei?" Someone says. I'm not responsive. Why would I be?
"Oh God, oh god." Another voice says. I flinch as a hand touches my cheek. My eyes flutter open in shock of the contact. I barely see three faces staring at me in horror. It can't be real. My throat is so dry, I can't speak to tell them that. As if they hear me, a cool liquid finds it's way to my mouth and down my throat. I gasp and wince as I swallow the water. It awkwardly soothes my throat.
"Leave." I manage to get out, causing the water to drip down me.
"What?" The voice sounds confused.
"You're not here." I tell them confidently. My eyes can't focus on them, they're too far away.
"It's us! Cas heard you, we heard you." One of the faces comes closer, studying me.
"Cas?" I choke out, still unable to look at them properly.
"We're here." His grave voice is close to my ear.
"No, it can't be." Their response is cut off by me promptly heaving up the water I just drank. I feel like I'm falling, darkness clouding my already weak vision as bile forces it's way out of me.
"Please." A desperate voice whispers. "Come back to me."
When I wake up, I haven't moved far. The rope around my legs has been cut but I'm still where I was when I passed out. Voices become more and more clear as my head becomes less groggy. The dull pain that's always there hasn't gone away, but I'm used to it by now.
"The damage is too much, Dean, it'll take a while to heal. I can't fix it all now." Says one voice, his tone calmly tense.
"We need to focus on getting her out of here. How much can you heal now Cas." Says another, their voice sounds practical and worried. There's no answer for a few moments.
"I don't know. I can try to heal her as much as possible, without disabling myself." There's a shuffling and I can hear footsteps move closer to me. I start to panic, trying to move away.
"Sam, Dean, she's awake." I freeze, worried I've screwed myself over.
"Lei?" Says a gentle voice, I do nothing.
"Lei, It's Sam, Dean and Cas. It's us." My eyes shoot open.
"Sam. Dean. Cas." I repeat. I've said those words so many times. But I can barely remember the people attached to them.
"Yeah, yes, it's us." I stare in disbelief.
"You can't be real. You're here? You came for me?" My words are a little jumbled, but I hope they understand.
"I'm so sorry. We took too long to find you." A hard voice sounds, close by. I move my eyes a little to look at a tall, stubble ridden man with his jaw set.
"Dean?" I can't believe this. This has to be some twisted trick, there's no way they could actually come for me.
"Yes, it's me." Something isn't right, this isn't possible.
"How did you find me?" I ask, but to no prevail.
"There's no time for that, we've gotta get out of here - Cas." He signals to the angel, who places his hands on me. My body starts numbing, like all of me simultaneously got pins and needles. He stops after about a minute, breathing hard.
"You should be able to move now." He informs me and I test it out. I begin by wiggling my feet, then moving my legs and hands. I slowly sit up, feeling dizzy. Cas, who is kneeling beside me, puts a hand on my shoulder to steady me. I cast him a small smile.
"Thank you." Just as I start to get up, the door swings open and another person strides confidently in.
"Oh god, you have to run - You have to run." My voice escalates, so I'm nearly screaming.
"I think you'll find that hard." Lucifer clicks his fingers and I can't move. It's like I'm glued to the floor.
"Y'know, Honey, I thought we were getting somewhere. But I leave for a few hours and you're ready to betray me. Looks like I'll have to be a little tougher." Although I'm being held up, I sag and start to cry. There's barely any fight in me anymore.
"Uh, uh. You have to learn." It's only then I notice that he's dragging something across the floor with his hand. He clicks again and suddenly lights flicker on, burning my eyes. I scream when my eyes adjust and I can see him properly. In his hands, held by the hair, is my sister.
"No." I scream, the tendrils of fear clutching my heart. Amy looks at me, silently screaming and her eyes crazed with fear.
"Consider this a lesson, darling." He says is calmly, dragging up her head.
"No please god no, Kill me! Kill anyone else please not her" I'm still sobbing loudly, continuing to scream every word.
"No. I've had enough. I've been too kind." He sounds like he actually believes it.
"Amy! It'll be ok, it'll be fine just close your eyes ok, don't look." She stares at me, terrified, but does as I say. I put my head in my hands, screaming and crying uncontrollably. My head is forced up against my will and I can't close my eyes.
"No God, why, no. I can't do this I can't-" I freeze, watching in perfect horror and he grabs her head and twists it. My sister crumbles to the floor. I release a sorrowful wail that echoes around my head. The hold on me is gone and I fall to the floor.
"I'm so sorry, Amy, I'm sorry that I'm still here without you. I'm so sorry that I left you, that I gave up on you. That I wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry I can't tell you what you died for. I'm sorry it was you and not me. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm-" I crawl toward her, tears streaming wildly down my cheeks.
"Lei, no." I hear Sam call, but I keep moving towards her body.
"Please Amy, come back I…We can start again, I won't abandon you I would never abandon you-" Dean gently grabs my shoulders, lifting me from the ground.
"NO! I CAN'T LEAVE HER AGAIN I WON'T-" Dean continues to pull me away as I scream and fight to reach my sister. I turn and start punching his chest.
"I wish you'd never come. You ruined my life. This is all our fault. My sister is dead and I'm still here. Just leave." As if by magic, Dean let's me go and I am punching the air. I open my eyes and stumble back when I realise that Dean isn't there anymore. I hear laughter and I spin around.
"Did you actually think they'd come and save you? Did you really think that they still care?" I wince in pain at his words.
"It was all a trick and you fell for it." I collapse to the ground.
"My sister?" I whisper, not sure if he can hear.
"Oh, that bit was real." He sounds like he feels awkward. I look at him in horror.
"I had to know, I had to see if you'd still betray me. I got my answer and you got your punishment. She would still be alive if you didn't pick the Winchesters over her." He moves towards the door, laughing the entire time.
"Stupid girl. They won't come back to you. And neither will your sister."