by Teddylonglong

All recognizable characters belong to J. K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.
I am not a native speaker of English. Please excuse my mistakes.


It is my story, and I intend to write it the way I want it. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Reviews are very welcome, as they inspire my muse.

Eight-year-old Ronald Weasley stared at his still six-year-old sister Ginny in disdain. Ever since the small girl had been able to talk, she spoke about nothing but Harry Potter. Harry Potter, a boy of Ron's age, who had somehow managed as a baby to vanquish an evil wizard. 'Who cares? Ginny is my sister, she should care about me and not about stupid Harry Potter,' he thought, feeling very jealous at the unknown wizard.

Suddenly, an idea popped itself to the front of his mind. 'I'm going to show her that I'm so much better than that stupid baby,' he resolved and headed out into the garden, where his twelve-year-old brother Percy, who had just returned for the summer holidays after his first Hogwarts year, was degnoming the garden.

"Percy," he addressed the boy in a firm voice, "I need you to help me."

Percy looked up in apparent surprise. "What do you need help with?" he enquired in a stern voice.

"I want to learn everything that you studied at Hogwarts during your first year," Ron replied in determination.

Percy frowned. "Sure I can try to teach you, but I don't know if I'm good enough to teach someone," he replied, slightly hesitating. "Why don't you ask Bill or Charlie to help you?"

In the end, his three older brothers decided to take turns teaching him in Charms, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy and Defence. The twins offered Ron an old wand, which they had found in a box while exploring their parents' bedroom once when they had been alone at home. While Percy taught him in Transfiguration and Charms, Bill instructed him in Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, and Charlie was responsible for Defence and Potions, something for which Fred and George joined their brothers, as they were very interested in the brewing of fascinating concoctions.

Molly Weasley, completely overworked during the summer months, when all of her seven children were at home, was merely glad that they got along so well and that the older ones took turns occupying Ronald, so that she did not particularly care to check what they were doing. Otherwise, she might have found Ronald's sudden interest in studies peculiar.


When his three older brothers had to return to Hogwarts in autumn, Ron was desperate. Studying with his brothers had been so much fun, and the twins did not know much more than himself, as they were only going to attend Hogwarts in a year's time. He consoled himself with the first-year books that his brothers had left for him and discussed everything that he learned with the twins.

One day, after Ginny had once more begged their father to read her one of the Harry Potter books, he asked his father for the real story about Harry Potter, and during the thirty minutes, which he was allowed to stay up longer than his sister, his father told him everything about Harry and his parents and the dark times, which had ended when little Harry vanquished Voldemort, losing his parents at the same time.

From that time onwards, Ron often used the opportunity when his father was playing Wizard's chess with him to ask him about the war, about the Ministry of Magic, the Wizengamot and other systems within the British magical world. He was over the moon with joy, when his father handed him a couple of books, seemingly surprised that his son was much more interested in politics than any of his older brothers.

"Ron, you've become boring," Ginny complained one day. "You never play with me anymore; you only study all day."

Ron scoffed. "You're only interested in Harry Potter anyway," he replied, turning back to his lecture of the Daily Prophet.


During the following two years, Ron continued studying his brothers' old school books and used every opportunity to speak with his father about politics and other topics concerning the magical world. When Bill finished Hogwarts and returned to living at home during his training as curse breaker with the goblins, Ron was very eager to hear everything about Bill's new work.

It was in the summer, when Ron had just turned ten, that the twins came back to the Burrow from their first Hogwarts year and warned him.

"If you continue studying school books…"

"… you're going to be extremely bored at Hogwarts."

"You should find something else to occupy yourself…"

"… since even we were bored, 'cause you'd told us everything in advance."

"But I like studying school books," Ron replied, grumpily.

Unbeknownst to the children, their father witnessed the conversation and began to ponder how to efficiently occupy the boy who seemed to be the most intelligent of all his children. It was just by chance that he broadened the topic to Croaker, the head of the Unspeakables, when they once ended up having lunch together in the Ministry canteen.


"We could use a spy," Croaker informed Arthur Weasley. "I need someone for a civil matter, while our Unspeakables are all still busy following traits of suspected Death Eaters. The task for our spy is absolutely harmless in comparison and doesn't involve dealing with any evil wizards or witches. Your son would merely need a month of training in our Unspeakable Office if he's interested."

"He surely is," Arthur replied and promised to speak with Ron and bring him to the Ministry in the morning, provided that he wanted to work for the Unspeakables.


Ronald was over the moon with joy at the prospect of getting a job, with the Unspeakables at that. He felt very big and important, when he travelled to the Ministry of Magic together with his father the following morning.

His father led him into the Department of Mysteries and further into the Unspeakables Office, where he left him with Croaker.

"Good morning," Croaker greeted him in a friendly voice, "I was told that you would like to work for the Unspeakables?"

"Yes sir," Ron replied, firmly. "I'm only ten, and I'm going to attend Hogwarts next year though."

"That doesn't matter," Croaker informed him. "You're going to have a month of training right away in order to become one of our Mini Unspeakables. We also have a girl of ten years, who has begun her training just one week ago. Her name is Sphinx. Your Unspeakable name will be 'Mastermind', at least I believe that's fitting from what your father told me about you. Whenever you are here in the office or leave our office on a mission, you will wear your Unspeakable robes with hood, which will automatically alter your voice, so that it won't be recognisable. It's for the safety of the Unspeakables that we don't show others who we are."

"I understand," Ron commented, finding the matter very interesting. 'It sounds almost like a game,' he thought in amusement.

"You will be paid a monthly stipend for your work, and if you don't have your own Gringotts account yet, I'll take you there, so that you can open one during the next few days," Croaker informed him.

"Thank you," Ron replied, enthusiastically.

"Right after your training, I'll have a special job for you, harmless but very important for the magical world," Croaker continued. "Shine!" he then called out, and Ron was just wondering what he was up to, when a house-elf popped up in front of the head Unspeakable.

"Shine, this is Mastermind, our new Mini Unspeakable," Croaker introduced him. "He needs training garments as well as Unspeakable robes. Please see to it."

"Yes Master Croaker," Shine responded and popped away only to reappear an instant later, handing Ron a pile of clothes.

"Well, get dressed. I'll fetch you to join Sphinx's training in fifteen minutes," Croaker instructed him, as he led him into a small room.

Ron envisioned his new clothes in awe. 'They're really new,' he thought, fingering the silky fabric in amazement. 'Everything seems very mysterious here,' he thought, as he quickly changed and mentally readied himself for what was sure going to be very hard training. 'I hope the girl is nice and not too far ahead yet,' he mused, while he waited for Croaker to fetch him.

"Always put your Unspeakable robes over including the hood, so that no one recognises you," Croaker slightly chided him. "That's very important."

"Yes sir," Ron replied, quickly following the instruction.

"Do you have any questions?" Croaker asked, only to continue, "Otherwise, I'll take you to the training room."

"I'm ready," Ron replied, trying to keep his excitement at bay.


Ron found the training with the Unspeakables extremely interesting, and the girl, Sphinx, who was ten like himself, was very friendly.

Together, they studied the Unspeakables' method of Apparition, Telepathy and Defence, however, Ron found it very difficult and was relieved that Sphinx seemed to have the same problems.

"Do both of you have your own wand already?" Horus, who was their trainer for most of the time, enquired, causing Ron to blush.

He inwardly sighed in relief, however, when Sphinx replied, "No, I'm using my grandmother's wand."

"I'm also using someone else's wand," Ron admitted, quietly.

"Very well, let's quickly go to Ollivander's and get you your own wands," Horus decided and went to receive Croaker's permission, before he popped the three of them right into Diagon Alley.

"Amazing," Ollivander commented when both of them had received their wands. "Even at such a young age, the wands already recognise you as Unspeakables."

"Excuse me sir…" Sphinx began to ask.

"How do you know that?" Ron completed her question.

"Both of your wands have a falcon feather as the core, which is normally used for the wands of Unspeakables," Ollivander informed them.

Sphinx and Ron exchanged a surprised look, before they thanked the wand maker as well as the Unspeakable who paid for their wands.

Five minutes later, they found themselves back in the training room, where Horus dismissed them and instructed them to come back at eight o'clock the following morning.

"I'm glad that you came to join me," Sphinx told him. "It wasn't half as interesting alone."

"I'm also glad to be here," Ron replied, smiling in spite of the fact that the girl was unable to see his face under the hood. "I'll see you tomorrow."

With that he made his way towards his father's office, wondering if they could return home together.


"Oh, Ronniekins got himself a girlfriend…"

"… Is she at least good-looking?"

"… Does she have a sweet voice?"

"… And what colour do her eyes have?" the twins teased Ron, once the family was gathered around the dinner table.

"Ah, leave Ronald in peace," Molly Weasley scolded the twins, while their father observed the situation in clear amusement.

"Do you know what her real name is?" he finally spoke up.

Ron shook his head. "No, they forbade us to tell anyone our real name or to take off our hoods. Her voice was nice, but it's of course not her real voice."

"Well, at least what she said were her own words I suppose," Bill threw in, "so I believe that you said you liked her because of what she said and how she said it, right?"

"Yes," Ron said, giving his oldest brother a grateful look.

"Maybe she's a muggle…" George spoke again, grinning.

"… Or muggleborn," Fred added, smirking.

"No, Horus said our magic was quite strong for our age," Ron contradicted firmly, happily showing off his new wand.

"She could still be muggleborn then, even if not a muggle," Percy joined the conversation about the mysterious girl.

"Cool," Ginny said, sounding amazed. "Dad, can I become a Mini Unspeakble too, when I'm ten?"

"No," Ronald replied, quickly and harshly, thinking, 'I'm so happy to finally have found something that's just for myself and not for all of my siblings. For the first time, I'm Mastermind and not just the younger brother of Bill, Charlie, Percy or the twins, and I won't have anyone take that from me.'


The four weeks of Unspeakable training passed much too fast for Ron's liking. He really enjoyed himself, and he learned a lot. After the four weeks were over, both Sphinx and Mastermind could fairly well apparate the Unspeakables' way, which meant more popping than Apparition. It was absolutely silent and they turned themselves invisible before leaving, so that they could pop anywhere without anyone noticing. According to Horus, they were even able to pop in and out of Hogwarts.

"Your training will still continue," Croaker informed them, "however, not on such an intense basis. You will also participate in the Unspeakables' meetings, which take place once a day, usually first thing in the morning, and you will undertake your missions."

Apparently noticing both children look at him in excitement, he sighed. "Well, let me explain about your mission then. You will partly work together in this and partly on your own."

Sphinx and Ron exchanged a glance, before they both nodded in understanding.

"Most people are unaware of this, but our Queen is a witch. She is magical and comes from a family with many generations of Squibs," Croaker explained. "Recently, I've received a complaint from the Queen that the information about the magical world coming from the British Prime Minister has become absolutely insufficient ever since Minister Fudge became the Minister of Magic five months ago. It's the obligation of the Minister of Magic to inform the Prime Minister of everything important occurring in the magical world, and apparently, the new Minister is not taking this as seriously as necessary. Therefore, we need you to spy on the conversations between the Prime Minister and Minister Fudge and at the same time provide much needed information about the magical world to the Prime Minister and to the Queen herself."

"Excuse me, sir, but do you believe that we're competent enough to fulfil such important positions?" Sphinx asked, sounding incredulous.

Ron nodded, eagerly, wondering if there weren't adults who were much more predestined for such a mission.

"We shall provide you with the necessary information during our Unspeakable meetings every morning," Croaker promised. "One of you will then go to Downing Street and the other to Buckingham Palace to relay the information and pick up any possible questions from the side of the muggle government."

"I'd prefer to provide the Minister with information then," Sphinx said, pensively. "I don't know enough about the muggle world to feel comfortable enough to deal with the Queen, even knowing that she's a witch."

"I'll take the Queen then," Ron added, "although I don't know anything about the muggle world either." 'So that means that Sphinx is not muggleborn but probably a pureblood like myself,' he thought, recalling the conversation with the twins and Percy about his new friend and colleague.

"At least the Queen is magical," Croaker replied, smirking. "The first time, the three of us will visit both places together, and I'll introduce the two of you. Are you comfortable enough popping yourselves, or do you need to use a fireplace?"

The children exchanged a glance, before Sphinx replied for both of them. "I think we can somehow manage to sufficiently pop ourselves."

"We should be fine," Ron agreed. "When are we going to visit the Prime Minister and the Queen, sir?"

"Now," Croaker informed him, smirking. "Hold on to my hands, and I'll apparate the three of us."

Sphinx and Mastermind exchanged a surprised look, however, they could already feel the Apparition begin.