This takes place shortly after the final chapter of 'The Vega-Marx Secret' ended.

Disclaimer: I don't own 'VicTORious', 'iCarly', or any characters.


Vega Household

"I'm surprised so many people seem to care so much." Tori says on one of the orange couches in the living room, Shelby beside her on her right, Trina on Tori's left, and their parents around them, the five Vega's watching the news after Shelby's announcement.

"What do you mean?" Shelby asks, eyes on the screen, the news showing a short clip of her announcement a few days ago with the line under it 'Youngest CFC women's champ hiding family. Why?' under a picture of paparazzi took of her and Tori in front of the gym she trains at the day before.

"Well, they're acting like you hid your relation to us because you were ashamed of us or something, not because, as you stated, you didn't want us getting swarmed by paparazzi, fans, or whoever else to get to you." Tori clarifies, sighing. "And you're not making it any better." She tells the eldest sister. "Why did you tweet that you were the one who trained Shelby and got her into MMA?" She asks, sighing about one of Trina's latest tweets.

"Technically I did." Trina counters, shrugging. "When we were younger, I showed her one of those martial art competitions, and when she started training, I helped." She says, avoiding her sisters' gazes.

"Yeah, as the training dummy." Tori counters back, making Shelby smirk, Trina scowl, and their parents stand up.

"Okay, change of topic." David Vega says, grabbing the remote and shutting off the t.v.

"Okay. How about why Tori seems to be avoiding her friends?" Trina counters, a smirk growing on her face. "Since the announcement, you've barely said a word to them, outside of Andre and Cat?" She asks, a hint of concern masked by the taunting tone she's using.

"Because Robbie wants her to train him to defend himself, Beck wants her autograph and maybe a date, and I don't bother with Jade that much anymore." Tori says, standing up and facing Trina.

"I thought you forgave her for everything when you forgave me?" Shelby asks, standing up and standing beside Tori, the two only recognizable because of Tori's hair being curly, Shelby's straight, and their clothing. (Shelby wears shirt that show her midriff and Tori wears tank tops that show only her arms and a small part of her chest below her neck.)

"It's not as easy. You, I understand you just wanted to help, though it wasn't the smartest of ways." Tori says, looking at Shelby, their parents watching from the sidelines. "But Jade's different. We were slowly starting to be friends, and she ruined it by going with that while knowing first hand what my exes have done." She says softly.

"I still thing you should let me kick her ass." Trina says, a small hint of anger at how Jade acted with Shelby, some resentment at the stronger of her little sisters for her part.

"Stop, Trina." Tori says, shaking her head. "It's not worth it, and you know it." She says with another sigh. "If it wasn't for everyone rushing us for pictures or an autograph, I'd ask to go out to Karaoke Dokie or something, but any time any of us open the door, all we see is camera flashes." She says, sitting back down.

"Are you mad at me for telling everyone?" Shelby asks, taking back her seat beside Tori.

"No, I'm fine with it." Tori assures her, smiling gently. "I know that couldn't have been an easy decision to make, especially with Trina…"

"Hey!" Trina says, offended by Tori's comment.

"And I support you. It's not you I have a problem with anyway. It's the kids at school and everything who want to meet you. It's the paparazzi never leaving us alone to get a scoop on why you never told anyone about us. Those are the things I don't like, that I have a problem with." Tori says, letting her frustration out at the end.

"Sweetie, you want to become a pop star, right?" Holly asks her youngest, shaking her head when Tori nods. "Then dealing with stuff like that, stuff going on now and that Shelby's been dealing with for years, is all a part of it." She says gently.

"Yeah, but I thought I'd be better prepared for it after getting a few songs out there, not swarmed when I try to use the bathroom at school." Tori says, closing her eyes and breathing to try to calm down. "I'm sorry I'm freaking out. I guess I just didn't think of this kind of backlash. How are you handling it?" She says, opening her eyes and staring at Shelby, trying to give a comforting smile.

"Better than you, I'm afraid to say." Shelby says, leaning against the back of the couch. "I'm used to it since becoming the youngest champ, but it is more than I thought too. I figured they'd let it go, take my word that I thought it was for the best, but I forget sometimes that most of them just want gossip, and won't hesitate to make something up." She says, tilting her head to look at Tori. "And Trina, next time I see a tweet by you, I'm smashing your phone." She says jokingly to her older sister, the mood lightening up as Trina squeaks in fear.

As the Vega's relax in their living room before dinner, Jade and the rest of Tori's friends sit in Nozu, still talking about Shelby's mini-conference.

"You guys seriously didn't notice?" Cat asks as Jade sighs, for the umpteenth time that afternoon, from the guys' constant questioning about Tori and Shelby. "They're identical twins, with Shelby being more toned and Tori slightly more tanned." She comments before taking a sip of her water.

"Shelby's slightly taller, her cheekbones aren't as pronounced, and her hair is a darker shade." Jade comments, standing up. "And Cat's right. You can tell they're related at a glimpse." She says before heading up to the stage to sing.

"How does Jade know Shelby's taller, and the other facts?" Beck asks, staring at his ex. "And how did Cat make the connection before any of us?" He asks Andre, keeping his voice quiet so Cat didn't hear the last part.

"Simple, silly. Jade loves Tori so she learned to tell the two apart." Cat says before getting up and jogging up to the stage to sing a duet with Jade, leaving the guys' staring at her with stunned looks, less so on Beck's, faces.

Okay, I know I said I was going to make these chapters longer than what I usually write, and I'm sorry this one isn't. I have no explanation.

Anyway, that's it for now. Hopefully, though I can't promise anything, the next chapters will be longer. I am aiming for this to be a three or four-shot, but if not, it'll be at most six or seven chapters.

Also, I need a name for this fic. I couldn't think of anything, so if anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know.

Thank you for reading. Hope you liked it.

Blessed Be.