Hello, all. I hope everyone is still coping all right in this ever-changing world we find ourselves in at the moment. (Shout out to all my fellow essential workers. Hope you are finding ways to stay sane.) This is entirely the wedding reception.

Thanks for the feedback to the previous chapter and your patience between updates. :-)

"…and if you can get past her first love being Marky Mark, then I have no doubts you two will have a long and happy life together." Hana raised her glass. "To Shawn and Naomi!"

The rest of the reception hall followed suit and lifted their glasses as well. "To Shawn and Naomi!"

Shawn snickered before leaning in. "Marky Mark?"

"You sound pretty judgmental for a guy who had a dream about Smurfette when he was twelve."

"Cory told you that?! I'm going to kill him."

"He didn't. Topanga did."

"He told her? Then he dies twice."

"Let him give his speech before you murder him." She glanced out at their guests as they continued to clink their glasses. That was definitely going to get old. It wasn't that she didn't want to kiss Shawn all night but affection on demand was not her style. "Now let's give the people what they want and kiss before they break their glasses and we have to pay for them."

"Okay, everyone," the DJ breaks in, "now it's time to hear from the best man. Let's give it up for Cory Matthews!"

Cory took a deep breath before accepting the microphone. He'd been fretting over this speech even more than he did the bachelor party. It was a lot of pressure to be just sentimental and funny enough. How did he sum up everything Shawn meant to him and what he wanted for his future happiness in just a few minutes? And how did he do it without blubbering through the whole thing like a baby? "Hi, everyone. For those that don't know I'm Cory. Shawn's been my best friend since…well…since before dinosaurs roamed the earth basically. I'm pretty sure the Big Bang was caused by us sending a baseball through Mr. Feeny's window. We've spent most of our lives getting into and out of trouble together…probably more into trouble than out of it if I'm being honest," he admitted, drawing laughter. "Since it's his wedding day I'll be nice and spare you all the details, but let's just say my life would definitely be empty and a lot less interesting without him around.

"One thing I've always admired about Shawn is how tough he is. He's the strongest person I've ever met. No matter how many times life kicked him around he always bounced back. Even if he said otherwise, he never gave up on finding happiness and that one special person to share his life with. I remember the first time he told me about Naomi. For those that don't know they met in the cafeteria of her hospital. They both tried to order a chicken sandwich for lunch and there was only one left. So they split it and ate together." The audience awed. "See, that was my reaction. Shawn was just annoyed by the whole thing. I asked if he was going to see her again and he said no."

Naomi looked at her husband. This was news to her. "Is that true?"

"I told Shawn it seemed perfect," Cory continued. "And he said that was the problem, it seemed like a perfect set up…too perfect. I don't know what made him change his mind, but here we are five plus years later at their wedding so…way to go, Shawnie! It took some time, but you got here!"

Shawn reached for Naomi's hand. The week after their first lunch "date" he decided to skip the cafeteria after therapy and hit a drive thru on the way home. While walking to his van he saw her on a bench, upset. Her shift was over, but she couldn't bring herself to leave. She'd been assisting in a surgery earlier in the day and the patient didn't make it. Then she'd been tasked with talking to the family. Though that part had always been difficult, with time she'd learned to leave work behind the hospital doors. But that day was the first time she'd had to counsel the family of a child. He offered to drive her home and she accepted. They got takeout and found something mind-numbingly silly to watch on television. Then they stayed up talking half the night until he fell asleep on her couch. Before he left for work the next morning they made plans for a real, official date.

"I am very happy for both of you and I just know you guys are going to have a long and happy life together. But-"

"There's a but," Shawn interrupted.

"You bet your butt there's a but, Shawnie. You see family, friends, I've spent a lot of my life fighting change, especially when it comes to the people I love. I don't like change and have to be dragged kicking and screaming through it. But then I think about all the other times I've fought changes in my life. Most of the time I end up feeling stupid because usually something beautiful comes from that change…even if I don't see it immediately. The universe has a way of working this stuff out. Yeah, maybe we're not eleven years old anymore and hiding in my treehouse pretending it's the two of us against the world, but where we are now's not so bad." He realized he was starting to ramble and shook his head. "I remember on my wedding day Shawn told Topanga that she was my best friend now and I should probably return the favor." He walked over to Naomi. "Naomi, today I'm officially transferring my best friend card over to you. I just hope you'll still let me borrow it on occasion."

She smiled, her eyes shining with tears. "Of course. Come here." She stood up and wrapped him in a tight hug.

"You call me when he drives you crazy," he whispered in her ear.


After he helped her back into her chair Cory raised his glass. "A toast: to Shawn and Naomi, the luckiest best friends in the world."


"…my dad's flying in and staying for a few days so we thought it'd be nice to have everyone over for a Father's Day barbecue. We didn't get to use the grill much last summer between getting settled after the move and then obviously Georgia was born."

"That sounds really nice. Let me know if you want me to make anything."

"How is your dad doing," Alan asked, hoping the question wouldn't upset her.

"He's okay. Or at least he's not doing any worse, which I guess is most important at this stage. He's well enough for his doctor to let him fly. I don't see how being trapped in continuous limbo doesn't drive him crazy, but I'm choosing to focus on the positive and-" She stopped talking when the baby leaned across the highchair tray and snatched something from her plate. "Oh, that's okay, Georgia," she spoke through laughter, "I suppose mama was done with her dinner."

"Get used to it. For the next few years nothing will be more appealing to her than what's on your plate. I can't believe she went for the salmon though," Amy said, marveling at her granddaughter's appetite. "I don't think we could get the kids to eat fish until they were older. And even then it was fish sticks for the longest time."

"She's not super picky, at least not yet. The only thing she outright hates so far is peas. And she has a love/hate relationship with cantaloupe and honeydew melon. They have to be just right. Come to think of it, strawberry is hit or miss, too," Eric realized. "Hmm, guess she's pickier than I thought, at least with fruit."

"Have you guys worked out any wedding plans yet?"

Angela and Eric glanced at each other briefly before turning their attention back to Morgan. "We've decided a few things, yes."

"So, what is it? Did you pick a date?"

"It's Shawn's and Naomi's day. We're here for their wedding, not to talk about ours'."

"But I just want to-"

"Later, Weasel, okay?"

"Just tell me one thing."


"I won't have to miss any school for it, right? I mean, I totally would because I love you guys and wouldn't miss your wedding for the world, but it's at least on a weekend or during a break?"

Angela smiled. "It's during one of your breaks. We want everyone we love to be there."

"Which break?"

"What part of later aren't you understanding, Weasel?"

"Would you stop calling me that? I have a name."

"But I've called you Weasel since before you could talk. Man…those were the good old days, huh?"

She rolled her eyes. "I don't want Georgia to grow up calling me Aunt Weasel. I want to be Aunt Morgan."

"How do you feel about Auntie Weasel?"


"Fine, I'll work on it, at least when Georgia's around."

"Thank you."



"Okay, you were right."

Shawn counted steps under his breath, more concerned about stepped on his bride's dress than her feet at the moment. "Right about what?"

"Dancing with everyone watching us, this is weird. Why do people do this?"

It was all he could do not to laugh in her face. "Wow."


"You're panicking now?"

"I'm not panicking, but it never occurred to me how strange the whole thing was until we were out here, on display like circus freaks. Seriously, how is this still a tradition?"

He pulled her a little closer. "Hey, remember what you said to me when I was on the fence about us having a dance?"

"Not really, no."

"You said it was the time just for us. The spotlight isn't showcasing us to the rest of the world. It's shutting the world away and keeping us in a protective bubble."

"I said that?"

"Yeah, well…it's not an exact quote, but that was the gist."

"That's kind of sweet."

"Maybe you should listen to the pep talks you give me sometimes. You're pretty good at them."

Naomi took a deep breath and rested her forehead against his. "Thank you. I guess it just hit me that we spent all these months planning our wedding and here we are."

"It only hit you now? What about during the vows? Or the San San Kudo?"

"There were too many people around. I was paranoid about mixing up the words in our vows or spilling something during the San San Kudo."

"So you saved the crazy for me?" Shawn put a hand over his heart. "I'm touched."

"Very funny."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hunter." It was the first time he's said that out loud and it wasn't nearly as terrifying as he thought it would be. "I am to please."



"I didn't realize how much I missed the cuddly baby stage until now. And you are absolutely adorable, little man." Angela smiled at Rachel while she cooed over Calum. "I know he and Georgia are only a few months apart, but those few months can make a big difference."

"Hey, feel free to take him tonight. You'll see how cuddly he is when he's screaming at 4AM for his bottle."

"Please, Georgia still doesn't sleep through the night. I can handle a kid who wakes up once,"

"You still get cuddly Georgia," Eric pointed out, "or at least you get her a lot more than me."

"Yeah, but she's trying to be mobile and is interested in exploring and playing and learning new things. And that's great and it's so amazing to watch her mind work and I love how proud she is when she learns something new, but sometimes I miss the girl who wanted nothing more than to sit in a chair with me and watch the birds in the backyard when they're at the feeder. Now she wants to chase those birds," She laughed and wiped the corner of her eye. "Wow, okay, I'm definitely getting too emotional over this conversation."

"Baby fever," Rachel suggested.

"More like she spent half the day Friday looking for ideas for her first birthday," Eric pointed out.

"I only meant to look up some ideas for cakes…it's not my fault it's spiraled from there. Who knew there were so many themes for first birthdays?"

"You're not going to get a pony, are you? Trust me, my parents rented a pony for Nina's birthday. Don't do it. She thought it was hers' to keep."

"No, no pony. We're going to keep it small so it's not overwhelming for her, but I want it to be special. My baby only turns one once."

He looked around the reception area. "Speaking of Georgia, where did she go?"

Angela pointed to the dance floor. "Morgan's using her to flirt with one of Naomi's cousins." She rolled her eyes at the look on his face. "Come on, after all the stories I heard about the times you'd use her to get dates I figured it was only fair she get to use your daughter at least once. They've been making eyes at each other all weekend. I told her she could use the cuteness to seal the deal."

"How does that work?"

"Easy: Georgia's favorite Big Bird ball gets away from her and rolls over to this guy's feet. Georgia crawls after it. Morgan, being the caring aunt, goes to get the toy and her niece and strikes up a conversation."

He narrowed his eyes. "Why do I get the feeling you cooked up this little scheme instead of her?"

"Because I did."

"He looks older."

I think he's twenty-one or twenty-two. Naomi said he's really sweet- a good guy."

"But Morgan's only nineteen."

"She'll be twenty in a few months. It's not that big of an age difference. You're a few years older than me, you know."

He put his hands over his ears. "I'm not listening to this." He pouted when the ladies laughed at him. "This isn't funny, you meanies."

"Boy, if he's this bad now you may need to sedate him when it's time for Georgia to date."

"La-la-la, I can't hear you."

"Very mature, babe."

"Whatever." He continued to frown when Morgan came running over with Georgia, a grin on her face. "Watch it with my kid when you're on those stilts."

"Say what you want, you're not bringing me down. I will say I totally get it now though. I understand."

"Understand what?"

"Why you used me to get dates; no one can resist a cute little kid. It's like humanity's kryptonite. Just imagine the kind of action I can get once she learns to talk!"

"Okay, that's it," he exclaimed as he took the baby from his sister, "time with Aunt Morgan is over. From now on if you need help getting dates, borrow a puppy." Georgia shifted and squirmed in his arms. "What's up, kid? I know. What did Aunt Weasel do to you, huh?"

Angela smiled when her daughter reached out and touched her arm. "Hi, sweetie. Do you see the baby? Yeah? You see Calum?" She ran a hand along the dozing infant's back. "We have to be quiet. He's sleeping." She brought a finger to her lips. "Shh. Sleeping."

"Technically she could be yelling and screaming at the top of her lungs and still not disturb him," Rachel pointed out. "That's part of the profound hearing loss."

"I know, but we can still try to teach her manners, right?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

It was all they could do not to laugh when Georgia pet Calum the same way she would the cat. "Be gentle." Eric held her hand and helped her touch the baby's hand. No one was prepared when she abruptly smacked him in the face. He was startled out of his sleep and began to cry.

"God, Rachel, I'm so sorry. I don't know why she did that."

"She didn't hurt him, did she?"

She quickly took her son and, after looking him over, determined he was fine, just scared. "He's okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I think I'm going to check his diaper and give him his bottle. Don't worry about it. They're babies. It happens."

"Okay…sorry again," Angela feebly called after her friend, feeling like the worst mother in the world. However, instead of checking on Calum, she had her own fussing infant to tend to. "What was all that about, Little Miss Diva? We don't hit."

"Maybe she was jealous," Eric suggested. "You are pretty amazing. Tell her, Georgia." He bounced her a bit, hoping to stop the whines. "It sucks to share mama with the rest of the world." He sighed and realized he was not the one Georgia wanted. "You want me to take her outside so you can keep enjoying the party?"

She offered him a sympathetic smile and took a step forward. "How about I calm her down and then we can get your parents or Morgan to watch her for a little bit so we can dance?"

"That would be nice." He handed over the baby and shook his head, laughing. "If you can pry her off of you come find me for our dance. I'll be talking to Frankie. He hasn't been able to see Mr. Feeny since he moved to the rehab place and wants to know how it's going."

"See you in a few minutes. Get us some champagne?"

He nodded. "You got it."

"You know mama's heart won't be broken if you want daddy sometimes, little girl. He's pretty amazing, too. If you're going to be clingy with be you can at least toss him a da-da." She grabbed onto Georgia's hands to stop her no so gentle pats on her face and collarbone. "No," she said firmly, "we don't hit." She sighed when the little face crumpled at the harsher tone and she began to cry. Angela rubbed her back and swayed to the music. "You're too young right now, but I'm so reminding you of this when you're being a bratty eleven year old and are on punishment."



"What did you think of my speech?"

"I loved it. It was very sweet."

"Thanks. You have no idea how many times I almost ran it by you."

"You could have done that anytime."

"I know, but I wanted it to stay my speech."

Topanga stopped mid-dance step and stared at him. "What does that mean?"

Cory deftly maneuvered them to a more isolated area of the dance floor. "I don't mean it in a bad way, but you're a perfectionist. I know I can be, too, but mine comes out in different ways. I think you would've kept the spirit of my words the same, but it would've become a Topanga speech with Cory highlights."

She considered the merit of his words. "You're probably right. I would've had the best of intentions, but I would've treated it like an assignment you were going to turn into Mr. Feeny instead of something coming from your heart. And you have the kindest, most loving heart of anyone I've ever met and I'm glad that got to run unfiltered today."

"I wouldn't call it unfiltered. I did have to keep it to just a few minutes. Let's face it, if I had free reign I'd still be up there talking." They both laughed.

"It was a beautiful speech and I'm very proud of you."

"Even if I cried?"

"I think it would've been disappointing if you didn't." Topanga rested her head against his chest. "I can't believe in less than a month we'll be on our vacation."

"I know. Just you and me and-"


The pair spun around and found the newlyweds standing directly behind them. "Hey, Shawnie, Mrs. Shawnie, enjoying your reception?"

"That pretty much depends on your next answer."

"What are you talking about?"

"The music's a little loud, but did I hear you say something about a vacation?"

"Oh, yeah, we've had it planned for a while. After talking about it in therapy we realized we haven't been on a real vacation in years. We need time just the two of us."

"I know the feeling." Shawn glanced at Naomi and took her hand. "Look, Cor, I know we're best friends and have done everything together, but you can't come on our honeymoon with us."

"Well, duh," he exclaimed, "how awkward would that be?"

"So you're not tagging along to Vancouver Island?"

"We're going to be almost five thousand miles away in The Bahamas. And we're not even leaving until after you guys come back."

Naomi visibly relaxed. "Thank goodness. I mean, no offense, but-"

Topanga held up a hand. "No, I get it. Did we ever tell you about how Eric followed us to Hawaii to make sure we had the perfect honeymoon to make up for getting us thrown in jail on our wedding night?"

"He followed you?"

"Oh," Shawn said, "I forgot all about that."

"We never saw him, but whenever we were out of the room, I felt like we were being watched. It was very weird. He confessed later." She shook her head. "So no, I would never follow anyone on their honeymoon."

"Okay…great…thanks. Again, no offense." Naomi looked around the reception and smiled when it appeared all of their family and friends were having a good time. She'd warned her father that he wouldn't be able to resist Nina's charms and it seemed she was proven right, given that the two of them were currently dominating the dance floor. She only hoped someone was getting good pictures. "Topanga," she began as the song changed to something slightly more upbeat, "do you mind if I borrow your husband for a dance or two?"

"Wow, tired of being married to me already, huh? And to think I at least had six hours in the pool."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes as she pulled Cory away from his wife and best friend. "Thank you."

"What did I do?"

"What haven't you done? I'm sure you did a lot in helping Shawn keep it together the last couple of days."

"Actually, he's been pretty together. I mean, he did throw up this morning, but he was saying he felt like he had to all weekend and he was sure if he did the nerves would be gone. But aside from making sure he spit out his gum before the ceremony I don't feel like I did much this weekend."

"Then thank you for all you did before this weekend: being his friend, my friend…all of it."

He shrugged. "It's not like Shawn wouldn't do the same for me….hasn't done the same for me. He has on more than one occasion."

"Still, thank you. And that speech-"

"What about it?"

"Pretty good."

"Only pretty good?! I knew I shouldn't have watched the time like Shawn warned. I had this funny skit planned and everything."

"You did?" Naomi was slightly caught off guard when he spun her. It seemed Cory was a much better dancer when his mind was occupied with something else. "Tell me about it."

"Well, I think it's funny. I don't know if Topanga would. Sometimes her idea of humor is a little more…sophisticated than mine and Shawn's."

"I promise I can be just as low brow with humor as you guys, so hit me with it."

"You see, I was going to elaborate on how much things have changed for us and mention that for the first time since we met, Shawn and I don't live within two minutes of each other. I thought it would be funny to talk about you and Topanga like parents having to share custody of the kids…with me and Shawn being the kids."

She smiled. "Obviously."

"I even wrote up a calendar." He took a step back and reached into his inside jacket pocket. "See?"

"Oh, my." Each month was personalized with photos. "You've been walking around all day with this bulky thing in your jacket?"

"No, only since the reception. I was going to give it to you later."

Naomi flipped through to a random month. "Why do I get you both on Arbor Day?"

"Topanga obviously gets Earth Day because she's an environmental lawyer, silly. You get Arbor Day because it's about trees and we want to keep things as even as possible." He wasn't sure what to do when she wiped her eyes. "This wasn't supposed to make you cry. I wanted to make you laugh. Guess it's a good thing I didn't show it in front of everyone," he grumbled.

"No, I love it. It's the sweetest, most Cory thing you've ever done."


"Yes. And I look forward to Arbor Day and…" She looked at another random date. "…there's a National Licorice Day?"

"I know! Isn't it awesome? You go online and just about every day of the year has its own ridiculous holiday. Although that day might just be the two of us since Shawn and Topanga don't share our appreciation for licorice."

"Weirdos, the both of them. It's okay, though. More for us."

He flung his arms around her. "I'm so glad you came into our lives."


"What do you think they're talking about," Shawn asked Topanga as they danced several feet away.

"I have no idea, but they're smiling and laughing so I'm sure it's good."

"Or Cory just decided to show some embarrassing pictures based on what just came out of his pocket."

"Stop worrying. They're fine. How are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like I mean. It's been forever since we talked." While they would never be the sort of inseparable friends he and Cory were- no one was- she has known Shawn for just as long as she's known Cory and they've been through a lot together. She confided in him when her family and parents were falling apart and then again years later when it was happening in her own marriage. He was one of the most important people in her life. "I'm glad you're happy, Shawn. I can't lie. There were a few times where I wasn't sure I'd ever be dancing at your wedding."

"That makes two of us."

"Cory was right though. You've never given up. Not once. You always found a way to power through."

"It helped to have friends who wouldn't let me quit."

"You don't realize how strong you are."

"I-" What he saw across the room stopped him in his tracks. "Wow."

"What?" She didn't expect him to stop and stepped on his foot. "Sorry. What's wrong?" She followed his gaze and spotted Virna with Jack's mother. They were talking, laughing, and there was even a hug. It appeared to be no different than any other old friends greeting each other after a long separation. "Oh. Are you okay? Do you need me to get Naomi?"

All he could do was stare at them. "Chet is either rolling in his grave or laughing his ass off."

"Let's go with the laughing one," she suggested, squeezing his hand. "From what I remember about him, he seemed like a guy would pull a prank at a wedding."

"Yeah." He nodded before looking toward the heavens. "Good one, dad."


"No way! You're telling me there is such a thing as designer baby clothes?"

"You can check the label on Georgia's outfit- Ralph Lauren. Lila and I found it at a baby consignment shop, brand new with tags, never been worn, and for a fraction of the original price. She insisted on buying it."

"That's amazing." She shook her head. "Designer clothes for babies."

"I'll save it in case you and Cory ever have a daughter."

"Careful. I'm not quite there yet."

"No rush from me. I was just saying I won't give it away."

"So word around the reception is you and Eric picked a wedding date."

"Who told you? Eric and I agreed we weren't discussing anything about our wedding this weekend. This is Shawn and Naomi's time."

"Morgan bet me twenty bucks that I couldn't get you to cough up the date," Topanga admitted.

"And you fell for that?"

"She bet that I couldn't. Would you believe she said that since I didn't become the kind of lawyer that interrogates people in a court room I couldn't get the answers out of you?"

"Fork over the twenty dollars because you lost the bet."

"What if I promise not to tell anyone, not even Cory?"

"I saw a few ATMs in the lobby of the main building, so you can get Morgan her money in the morning."

"Fine," she relented. "I get it. No more questions this weekend."

"Thank you. So where is Cory?"

Topanga pointed to the dance floor. "Nina."

"Ah. Yeah, she danced with Eric earlier."

They talked for a few more minutes, catching up on each other's lives. They discussed the Father's Day barbecue, Topanga and Cory's upcoming vacation, Georgia's first birthday, and how Angela agreed to work a few fashion events in New York in September. She missed more serious journalism sometimes, but at the moment being near her family was her top priority.

"Aunt Toto, Aunt, Toto!" Nina came running over.

"What is it?"

"Uncle Cory wants you."

"Is everything okay? Did he hurt himself when you were-" Before she could even finish her question the next song began…their song. She smiled and fixed the crown of flowers on the girl's head. "Thank you, Nina."

"You're welcome."


A little while later Angela came out of the photo booth after joking around and using a million funny hats and props with Rachel and Topanga and looked around for Eric. It was getting late and they should probably get back to their room in order to keep some sort of bed time routine for Georgia. After checking on the patio she went back into the venue and asked around until she came to the dance floor.

Eric held baby close and had her stuffed dog in hand. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but whatever it was it sent Georgia into giggle fits every few seconds. It was enough to almost melt her heart. Whatever she did to be blessed with the two of them Angela did not know, but she was forever grateful for her little family.

She watched from a distance for a while, not wanting to break the spell and have the baby see her and want nothing to do with daddy. But once Georgia's head was on his shoulder and her hand was lightly patting his cheek- something she'd done ever since she was a newborn- Angela felt it was safe enough to approach.

"It looks like someone realized how awesome her dad is, huh?"

"I bribed her with wedding cake." He wrapped his free arm around her. "I'm kidding…sort of. I did give her a few little bites, no frosting though. I know she's not ready for all that sugar."

"It's hard to believe that she might be able to stand on your feet to dance at our wedding."

"Wow. That's scary and cool at the same time. And almost kinda makes me want to cry if I'm being completely honest."

"I know. She's growing so quickly."

"So…let's enjoy this while it lasts?"

Angela kissed him gently before she leaned into him and they swayed to the music, hands joined across Georgia's back. "Sounds good to me."



"Shoes! Ouch, help me get out of these shoes," Naomi pleaded with Shawn as they stumbled into the honeymoon suite later in the evening. "Please."

"At least you remembered the magic word."


They fell together onto the couch and he pulled her feet into his lap. "I thought you were going to change into flats at the reception."

"I forgot. There was so much going on and a million people to talk to. Plus my grandma would've been offended no matter when I took them off."

"You're grandmother gave you the shoes?"

She nodded. "I figured wearing them was the least I could do since we didn't wear kimonos or get married in a temple."

"And red is a good luck color in Japan, right?" He got one heel off and tossed it to the side.


"That explains the socks," he said as he kicked off his own shoes to reveal his red socks. He continued to work on the ankle strap of her other heel. "Can I ask you something?"

"I swear I didn't know she was going to send you underwear!"

He freed her foot from the other shoe and smiled. "Well, I figured that."

"You're not wearing them, are you?"

"Are you crazy? I love your grandma, but no. Never. Not even if all the laundromats closed down and those were my very last pair."

She exhaled. "Good."

"So why did she-"



"Soba was reading and saw that boxers help keep things…roomy…and it's more beneficial for a couple trying to have a baby. And before you ask, no, I have said nothing to her and I know we're not ready to have-"

Shawn cut her off with a kiss. "Nomi, relax. I know you keep this kind of stuff between us. Just like I know your grandma is nosy as hell and tries to influence the world in her not so subtle ways."

"You're not mad?"

"No. It'll be a funny story to tell in a few years. Soba gave me underwear as a wedding gift. I mean, who else gets to tell that story?"

She ran her hand along his cheek before pulling him closer for a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

They sat quietly, simply enjoying each other's presence. Aside from their first dance, most of the evening was spent socializing with family and friends, some of which they hadn't seen in years. It was nice to just sit and be still. "God, I'm so tired."

"You, too? I was afraid it was just me."

"No." She reached for his hand and held it tight. "I loved today. It was perfect and everything I ever dreamed of, but it was such a long day. I feel like I could sleep for a week."

Shawn let out a pathetic laugh. "Man, are we failing wedding night 101 or what?"

"I feel like every romantic movie I've ever watched has lied to me. We should be falling into bed, wanting to rip each other's clothes off, but-"


"I just want to fall into bed."

"I think we're allowed."

"Really? You won't be mad?"

"I'd rather this stay a perfect night than us getting frustrated trying to follow some romantic fantasy."

She smiled, grateful. "Thank you. Help me up?" When he stood to assist her, an envelope fell from his pocket. "What's that?"

"I don't...right, Cory's mom gave this to me as we were leaving. I forgot all about it." Shawn tore open the envelope and found a card. He read aloud. "If you two are anything like us, you barely got the chance to enjoy the meal you spent months picking out. Here is a gift card for the local pizza place. (They're still open and will deliver.) Eat and relax. Reflect on the best moments of your past and the best of what is to come. We love you both. Love, Amy and Alan."

"Oh, that's so sweet."

"I know. They're the best."

"How about you order the pizza and I'll start the hot tub? I'm pretty sure pizza in a hot tub means we won't completely fail the wedding night."

"I love the way you think."

*A local takeout gift card for the newlyweds on the wedding night is something my parents have always done. In their words, "Hollywood lies and fills your head with unrealistic expectations. Why put so much pressure on a single day/night to be the best and most romantic of your life? You've got the rest of your life for romance. Relax, enjoy each other, and eat the damn pizza."