A/N: Please don't kill me! Everything will be explained soon! I'm going off to a church camp though, so I won't be able to update until (at least) next Saturday. Thank you to Guest, AngelGirl, and Anilovesbooks123 for reviewing, along with all the people who favorited and followed. Also, I edited the first chapter so there's less typos (sorry, I don't have anyone to proofread)



"Riley, what's wrong?"

For the second time in less than twenty-four hours, Farkle used his least favorite phrase.

He had opened his apartment door to a shivering, sobbing Riley Matthews. She was bundled up, but that clearly couldn't keep out the cold. Though, last time Farkle had checked, it wasn't extremely freezing outside.

Riley lifted her bowed head. "H-H-He was cheating on me."


It took less than a millisecond for Farkle to process exactly what Riley had told him. After all, he was a genius. It didn't take a genius too long to figure out what Riley meant by cheating. It didn't take a genius to know that the bubble inside his stomach was a growing cloud of anger.

"H-He was ch-cheating o-o-on m-me w-with M-M-M-"

Riley couldn't say any more. She fell forward into Farkle's open arms and wailed into his black shirt, unable to hold anything in any longer.

Farkle nearly toppled backwards, barely managing to adjust his footing in time to keep the pair standing.

"Hey, Riles, don't worry," Farkle soothed. Inside, he could feel himself panicking. How was he supposed to help her? How was he supposed to handle this situation? How was he even supposed to react?

This was why there was a Riley Committee. To protect her from becoming this.

"I c-can't believe Maya would do this to me!" Riley wailed, though it was slightly muffled by Farkle's shirt.

He froze. Maya? He was thinking she was going to say Missy, who had been chasing after Lucas for the past few years. But Maya? Maya would never hurt Riley like this. Maya couldn't hurt Riley like this- she was in the Riley Committee. The Riley Committee protected her.

Farkle forced himself to focus on the crying girl in his arms.

"Riley," he whispered, "what do you need me to do to help you feel better?"

Riley didn't have to pause to think. "I need you to erase the past hour from my mind and make sure Lucas never kisses Maya."

Even though it wasn't the time nor the place, Farkle almost wanted to laugh. Riley, always believing that everything could be fixed if she didn't see it. Because if something bad happened, it was only when she saw it; not before, or after. It was a one time thing.

"I can't do that," Farkle told her. "But I can turn on a movie and get out my super-secret stash of candy bars."

Riley pulled away, smiling. "Do you have the variety pack?"

This time, Farkle didn't try to hold back his laughter. "Is that even a necessary question?"

And then Riley was forgetting about what she saw, eating as many candy bars as she could while they laughed at Pitch Perfect. Farkle knew she would crumple later, but for now she was happy.

At ten, Riley remembered that she had to go home for her family birthday celebration. Sure, she had opened presents at the party, but her family had a tradition of family dinner and a special gift.

"But Farkle," Riley complained, dragging out the vowels in his name. "Why won't you come with me?"

"Because I'm not family," Farkle answered, shaking his head. Some things would never change, and thank goodness for that. He couldn't stand it if Riley stopped being her happy-go-lucky, faithful self.

"You might as well be. Now, come on!" Riley shouted, pulling Farkle out of the apartment and throwing his coat at him.

"Let me lock the door!" Farkle said, fumbling with his keys while Riley impatiently tapped her foot. "We can go."

"Finally!" Riley exclaimed, speeding down the stairs in the apartment building. "Bet I'll beat you there!"

"Don't you wish!"


"HA!" Farkle laughed.

Riley, out of breath, sprinted up to the door beside him. "No fair! You have longer legs! That's cheat-"

She cut herself off. Farkle's eyes widened and her lips started to tremble as she began crying again.


"I'm fine," she insisted, wiping her tears away so they were gone as quickly as they came.

Farkle knitted his eyebrows and shook his head. "No, you're not. It's okay to let it all out, to let people know that you're upset."

"No, it's not," Riley said.

"You don't have to be sunshine and rainbows all the time. You're allowed to be sad," Farkle reminded her.

"Not tonight. I'm too tired," Riley told him, her voice small and exhausted.

"Wouldn't it be easier to let it out?" Farkle wondered.

"No," Riley said simply.

Farkle nodded, still confused. He knew Riley struggled with showing hurt, even though it seemed easier to drop the façade and continue crying.

Riley pressed the buzzer. "Daddy, I'm home for dinner. I hope you don't mind, I brought Farkle with me."

"Right on time. Lucas and Maya are here," Mr. Matthews answered.

Riley and Farkle flinched, but Riley had to keep going or she would break down again. Farkle had noticed it over the years. It was like Newton's First Law of Motion: Objects in motion stay in motion, while objects at rest stay at rest.

Riley threw open the door, a wide smile painted on her face, and strode in. "Hello everybody!"

"Riley!" Lucas greeted. "Why didn't you meet me at the park?"

Farkle noticed Riley's grin falter for half a second, but she quickly recovered. "Oh, there was something wrong with the figures I worked out on the trip so Farkle called me in to discuss them quickly. Sorry, I forgot to tell you."

If he hadn't been there with her, Farkle would've believed Riley's lie. It seemed so odd, that such an innocent girl would be so great at lying, but she was an actress at heart.

"No problem," Lucas said. Farkle wondered how he could be so calm after cheating on Riley just a few hours ago.

Maya, on the other hand, wasn't handling it all so well. She had her head in the clouds, wringing her hands and biting her lip.

"Well, happy birthday, sweetheart," Topanga told her daughter, giving her a tight embrace and a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so proud of you."

Riley lit up, and Farkle felt a half-grin take over his own features. She was so sweet, so true. Why did she have to deal with all this on her birthday?

"Riley, Riley! Sit down so we can eat and you can open your present!" Auggie called, patting the seat next to him. Riley giggled and danced over to Auggie, placing an overly exaggerated kiss on his cheek.

"Ew!" The twelve-year-old shrieked, wiping it cheek.

Riley threw her head back and laughed.

Farkle hoped it would all be okay after all.


"We have the weirdest schedule," Ava stated, sprawled across the couch. "I'm going to pass out during school tomorrow."

"Me too," Auggie agreed. "It's almost midnight and we're only just done with Riley's stuff. I'm glad we got to miss school today, though."

"Yeah. Mr. Matthews, please tell me we don't have to make up any work for your class," Ava pleaded with her history teacher.

Mr. Matthews shrugged. "Our class does revolve around you and Auggie. I doubt we could miss anything."

That made everyone laugh.

"Before everyone leaves," Lucas started, "I have one question for Riley."

Everyone but Riley and Farkle perked up, immediately interested. Farkle slouched down, knowing that what was coming would break Riley.

It was supposed to be a happy moment. After earlier events, it would be anything but.

Riley hesitantly turned toward Lucas. "What do you need?"

Lucas took a deep breath. "Riley, we've been dating for five years. You made me better. You helped me overcome all my anger, you helped me set my path straight. I love you so much."

A look of realisation dawned in Riley's eyes. Horror painted itself across her face, and all but Lucas saw it. He was too wrapped up to see clearly.

Lucas shifted so he was kneeling in front of her on one knee, a ring box open in front of him.

"Riley, will you marry me?"

SIlence hung in the room. The air was so thick with tension, no knife could cut through it.

Lucas was confused. Why wasn't Riley ecstatic? She was always excited, and he knew she would normally be bouncing off the ceiling.


Upon hearing her name, Riley couldn't take it anymore. Her mouth opened and closed, repeating the action until she stood and rushed out of the apartment, not bothering to grab her coat.

"Riley!" Everyone called. Farkle ran out after her.

"Riley, wait up!" Farkle yelled, attempting to catch up.

The pair burst onto the rooftop, snow falling around them. It could have been a picturesque moment- a girl and a boy, standing on a rooftop overlooking the lighted city at night as snow cascades around them.

But they were shivering and she was crying.

"Riley, are you okay?"

"How could I be okay?" Riley shouted. She quickly realized who was there, and mumbled, "Sorry."

"Don't apologize," Farkle said. "You're allowed to yell. Scream as loud as you can, for all I care. You've been hurt. Your cheating boyfriend proposed to you, but he doesn't even know you caught him."

Riley nodded numbly. "Did you know?'

Farkle stared at his shoes. "He came to me, before we left. Asked for my permission. I thought- Well, at the time, it was perfect."

"Why didn't you stop him?" Riley asked, stepping closer.

"I was hoping he wouldn't, not after what he did," Farkle told her.

Riley nodded. "I-I'm tired. And cold. I just want to go to bed."

Farkle was reminded of when they were little and played outside for too long. She made him tuck her in, because Maya was not going to tuck her in.

"I'll check that it's safe, then let you in. Alright?" Farkle offered.

Riley smiled at him sadly. "Yes, please."

Farkle smiled back at her and went back down to the apartment, mentally preparing himself for the scene that would await him.


"What's wrong with her?" Auggie asked as soon as Farkle stepped back into the living room.

Auggie and Ava were setting on the couch, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders, next to Cory and Topanga. Riley's parents were whispering between themselves, clearly worried about their daughter.

Maya sat on the ground in front of them, staring at her hands. Farkle knew she thought this was all her fault- which it was.

Lucas was pacing all around the room, ring discarded on the floor. His fingers were running through his hair, and he was completely distraught.

Once Farkle was in the room, however, everything stopped and everyone looked to him, expecting answers. Farkle desperately wished he still carried around a tarantula and could scare Lucas away, the way he scared away anyone who tried to hurt Riley in their younger years.

They were adults now, though, and had to talk it out.

"Why'd she run out?" Lucas wondered. "Why wasn't she happy? I thought she wanted to get married. She always talked about it."

Farkle knew he shouldn't say it, but he couldn't stop himself from the angry words that spilled out of his mouth. "There was nothing wrong with the figures Riley worked out on the trip."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Lucas yelled, frustrated that Farkle didn't answer him.

"There was nothing wrong with the figured Riley worked out on the trip," Farkle repeated. "I didn't call her in to discuss anything."

That only made Lucas angrier. "That doesn't matter!"

But Maya figured it out. She looked up at Farkle, guilt splayed across her features. "She… She went to the park first, didn't she?"

Farkle nodded, never tearing his glare away from Lucas, who finally understood what he meant.

"How much did she see?" He whispered, ashamed of himself.


Topanga was the first to speak up for the confused quartet. "What are you guys going on about?"

Farkle turned to face the couch. "Riley caught Lucas kissing another girl."

"WHAT?" Cory screamed, leaping up. The other three sat in shocked silence.

"That's why she ran out- she had been trying to forget it all night, but then he just had to go and propose," Farkle bitterly explained.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Cory roared, turning to Lucas.

The boy didn't pause before he fled, speeding away as quickly as he could.

Maya played with the ends of her hair, glancing up at Farkle, silently asking why he hadn't ratted her out.

Farkle didn't try to answer her. "I think everyone should leave," He said. "Riley's tired."

They all agreed. Maya shuffled out, and Ava gave Auggie a goodbye hug before returning to her place next door. Auggie got himself into bed, quietly asking Farkle to send Riley in for his goodnight kiss.

Farkle promised Auggie he would do so and told Cory and Topanga he was going to get their daughter.

"Hurry," Cory said. "And tell her it's okay to break down now. It's just us."

Farkle nodded, heading up the stairs to fetch the poor girl.

This had to be the worst birthday ever.