Okay, so, I know in the previous chapter's AN (the bit at the end of the chapter, not the start) I said something about next chapter . . . but I realised that anything I would write after last chapter wouldn't fit in, because it was all happy and shit. Well. Sort of.

You don't deserve to fucking-

Shut up Green. Anyway, I'm gonna end this story with four chapters plus one extra AN for a fifth chapter, and then I'm gonna start work on a sequel!

But you'll probably screw it up.

Most likely. But whatever. This actually makes Omega the first completed fic I've had since that piece of crap Wishcatcher, which isn't around anymore so anyone who wants to go and see it, tough luck.

It was crap anyway.

That it was. Anyway . . . read and review, and watch out for the sequel! . . . If I can figure out what to call it, besides Omega 2 . . .

You could try Season Two.

That's dumb. Ah well . . . if anyone has any ideas, help me. It's basically just showing the life of Red and Green, raising Leaf and Fire, and also a surprise new member who shall not be named but I'm gonna tell you about anyway because he's big to the plot. Probably.

Woooow you're so good at this.

I'm used to thinking of shocking revelations and then throwing them at people as soon as I can. Anyway, read and review, watch out for the sequel, and pray to whatever god you people pray to that I can come up with a damn title. Bye!