(The Movie in the Making)

I don't own Bones.


So she told those people behind the camera that she despises being called Bones. Okay. Got it.

As she entered the kitchen with Hank resting on her hip, Brennan noticed Booth flipping a pancake on to a stack of already cooked pancakes on a plate. While he was finishing up at the counter, she placed Hank in his high chair next to the table and called out to their daughter. "Christine, we're going to eat breakfast now."

After she set the table with the plates and flatware, she walked over to the fridge and pulled out containers of juice and milk for breakfast. "Booth, I'm going to drive Hank to daycare this morning. I have a meeting this evening at five, so I'll be late coming home."

A plate of bacon in one hand and a plate of pancakes in the other, Booth leaned over and kissed Brennan as he passed her. "Okay Temperance. I'll pick Hank up from Day Care this evening."

Temperance? Surprised, Brennan carried the milk and juice over to the table and set them down. "Alright."

Christine rushed into the room and once everyone was settled at the table, they began to eat. Brennan stared at Booth while he chewed on some bacon trying to figure out what had caused him to call her by her name. Temperance? He does call me Temperance occasionally, but it is usually when I am being emotional or he is. Are we having an emotional moment and I don't understand? Her eyes darting around the table, Brennan decided that she'd talk to him about it later at lunch when they were alone.


Trying to finish up some paper work, Booth called Brennan around ten that morning. "Temperance I'm sending Aubrey over to pick up Hodgins' and Cam's reports in thirty minutes. Do you think you'll have yours ready soon? I want close the file so I can start working on some 'after action reports'. Stark is bugging me for them, so I better finish them as soon as I can."

Yes, my report is ready now. Tell Aubrey I'll leave the file on the corner of my desk for him to pick up.

"Great, I'll see you at lunch, Temperance." Ending the call, Booth placed his phone on his desk. Maybe she really does hate me calling her Bones.


He saw her enter the Diner and the look on her face was troubling. After she sat down, Booth leaned forward and placed his hand over her hand. "What's wrong? Having a rough morning?"

Before she could answer, Aubrey breezed up to the table and sat down. "Stark moved up our meeting to 12:30, so if you were going to get something to eat you better get it to go. I've called my order in and I'm just picking up. We're doing the business lunch thing I guess."

Hastily checking his mail, Booth noticed an email from Stark. "Damn it! He sent it after I'd left the building. He could have sent it earlier." Standing, he walked over to the counter and changed his order to go and came back to the table and sat back down. "Sorry Temperance, I guess you'll have to eat by yourself today."

Puzzled, Aubrey looked at Booth and then at Brennan. "Temperance . . . since when you do call your wife Temperance? You two having a fight?"

Before he could answer, the waitress called Booth and Aubrey's name. Standing, Booth leaned over and kissed Brennan on the cheek. "No we're not fighting, are we Temperance?"

"No . . . no we don't fight." Brennan watched Aubrey shrug his shoulders and hurry towards the counter to pay for his lunch. Before her husband could follow, Brennan grabbed his hand. "Are we fighting, Booth?"

"No, I'm not. Actually, I'm in a pretty good mood." Booth smiled at her trying to assure her. He knew they probably needed to talk but it would have to wait until after work. "See you this evening Temperance."

Filled with worry, Brennan declined to place an order when the waitress came by her table. Standing, she grabbed her purse and left since her appetite was gone.


Brennan had attended the meeting, but Cam cut it short when she realized that Brennan wasn't mentally there. After she rescheduled the meeting, Cam tried to find out what was going on. "Is there something wrong? You seem to be very distracted today."

As she stood up, Brennan shook her head. "No nothing is wrong." Not sure if there really was anything wrong, she moved over to the door and stopped. "Booth has called me Temperance numerous times today. I . . . I think he may be angry with me, but I'm not sure. I asked him earlier and he said we aren't fighting, but . . ."

"I does sound odd." Cam stood up. "I know when he calls me Camille he's usually annoyed with me."

Embarrassed, Brennan turned to face Cam. "When we were being interviewed I mentioned that I hated to be called Bones. In fact, I said I despise being called Bones."

"Oh." Cam knew that Booth wouldn't have taken that well. She knew that he used nicknames as a way of showing affection even if the person he was giving the name to didn't realize it. "I see."

"I think I hurt his feelings." Brennan was sure she'd hurt his feelings especially after she'd called him Seeley on camera. He really did hate his name.

A throat clearing in the hallway got Brennan's attention. Turning she spied her husband. "Booth what are you doing here?"

Waiting in the hallway, Booth smiled at her. "I wanted to talk to you. Angela's watching the kids in her office."

Not sure what was happening between them, Brennan moved out into the hallway. "We can talk in my office." Moving down the hallway, Brennan remained silent while Booth followed her. Once she was in her office, she moved to stand in front of her desk while Booth entered the room and closed the door. "Are we fighting Booth? Are you angry with me about something?"

Slowly shaking his head, Booth assured her. "No, we aren't."

"Then why are you calling me Temperance?" Anxiously, Brennan crossed her arms against her breasts. "The only time you call me Temperance is when one or both of us are being emotional. You have called me Temperance several times today and you have not called me Bones at all."

Silent for a few moments, Booth finally nodded his head. "You told the interviewer that you hate being called Bones. I don't want to make you unhappy, so I'm not going to call you that anymore."

Tears springing in her eyes, Brennan moved quickly across the room and threw her arms around her husband. "I don't really hate being called Bones, Booth. I . . . I know you call me that as a sign of affection and . . . I'm not sure why I told the interviewer I hated to be called Bones . . . perhaps it's because I don't as a rule like nicknames . . . but, Booth, I know you call me Bones because you love me and that is your way of showing affection."

He had never meant to upset her, in fact he thought he'd been doing what she wanted, so now he knew that he'd made a mistake. His arms around her to comfort her, Booth leaned his head against her head. "Bones, I'm sorry. I thought I was doing something to make you happy. If you don't mind it, I'll keep calling you Bones because you are my Bones and I love you."

Weeping, Brennan nodded her head. "Yes, I'd like that . . . and I won't call you Seeley."

"Well thank God for that." Booth retrieved a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and dabbed it against her tear stained face. "You know we're a pair. We bicker a lot and we don't think anything about it, but sometimes we go too far and well . . . we confuse each other."

Sniffing, Brennan took Booth's handkerchief and blew her nose. "Yes, but that is because we are very opinionated."

"I'll say." Booth chuckled, took his soggy handkerchief from her hand and placed it back into his jacket pocket. "But that's who we are . . . Bones and Booth . . . you noticed I gave you top billing."

Amused, Brennan nodded her head and smiled. "Yes I did, thank you."

"You know Bones, some people don't understand us, but that's their problem." Booth opened the door and waited for Brennan to grab her purse from the desk. "We bicker because we have to get things out in the open. Secrets just wreck us and we don't do that anymore."

Now standing next to Booth, Brennan hooked her arm around his arm. "Yes, no more secrets. We tell each other the truth and . . . yes we need to be honest and not let outsiders influence us. That only creates trouble. I should have told the interviewer I liked to be call Bones. That is the truth."

"And I love calling you Bones." Booth smiled as they moved into the hallway. "How about we ask Angela to watch the kids tonight?"

Pleased at the suggestion, Brennan leaned against Booth as they walked down the hallway. "That sounds like a wonderful idea."


Just a little something that popped into my head this morning. Let me know what you think of it. Thank you.

A/N: What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. Romeo and Juliet Act II Scene II