Author's note: Yayyy! Another fic (finally!). :D

It has been forever and I should really be studying for my exams right now but ehhhh... I'll do that later. I've been wanting to write a No. 6 fanfic since FOREVER and this definitely won't be the last one I'll write. Fun fact: No. 6 is my all-time favorite anime/manga. This one here is done after the manga and is basically this extremely awkward moment through Nezumi's eyes. xD I might actually make this into a series, with multiple moments like this in which Nezumi is kinda stalking Shion, maybe even some smut? ;D Just lemme know what you think! Hope you enjoy!

I don't own No. 6 or any of the characters found in this story!

How naive. You never learn, do you?

The little robotic mouse scurried along the path, completely hidden from the mass surrounding it, as expected of it's creator. Nezumi sat quietly in his underground room. It was dark but he didn't bother lighting the candle. Through the small mic in his ear, he could clearly hear the chattering of people and the soft screeching of a train passing by. In his hand he held a small device with a screen that illuminated his grey eyes, watching intently for anything suspicious.

He has been following them around for a while now, but nothing had changed. The girl (Safi, Sefu, whatever her name was) was still obviously trying to get her friend's attention and Shion continued to be completely oblivious to it.


Nezumi sighed and placed the screen on the table for a moment to rub his eyes. He had been warned by one of his little companions about Shion possibly being in danger and had been keeping an eye on the brunette for hours.

It's probably nothing anyway. I doubt harm could find him while his out in public in that damn cursed city. Although, it is him and he's always practically begging for trouble, isn't he? The rat though with a small grin.


His grin disappeared, eyes widening. Quickly scrambling forward on the mattress, he grabbed the device, listening closely to what he was hearing.

''Huh? Safu! Do you know what you just said?'' a familiar, yet slightly deeper voice echoed in his ear so clearly, it's as if he was standing there himself.

''I know! I know everything about you! I've been together with you since we were 2! You're that one that doesn't get it...''

What the hell?! What kind of pick-up move is that?


''I want to make love with you,'' The female said, blushing now, ''I don't care about sperm. I just want to have sex with you. Just that.''

Nezumi stared as Shion's eyes widened, mouth agape, cheeks flushing way more than his friend's. Nezumi would have laughed at the face, if he wasn't so shocked himself.

''That... isn't, wait a second, that...'' the airhead stuttered, ''right now, I cant...''

The actor let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

Why the hell am I reacting like this? This is funny right?

''Why? Don't you like me?''

Yeah, it's hilarious.

''Not that... I just always thought of you as a friend.''

The screen showed the girl, obviously upset.

''I'm an idiot,'' she said while walking away from the other, ''why do you have to act like a kid about this too? Whatever, I'm going back.''

That's right, this is the best entertainment ever. What did I get so worked up about anywa-

''Safu! After two years...''


''When you come back, ask me again.''


''You said you didn't want to have sex right?''

This isn't funny.


''You're a complete idiot!''

''Be careful on the way home!''

I wanna strangle this woman.

''I'll work as hard as I can, so that nobody dares to ask me out,'' the girl explained cheerfully.

However Nezumi wasn't listening to her anymore. He hadn't even noticed when his hands pulled the right switches, commanding the mouse to run towards the pair.


Making his way up Shion's sleeve, The dark haired man switched a few wires and connected his self-made device to another mic.

''You're as simple as ever,'' he said with a clear voice, using his acting abilities to completely hide his distress.

He saw how the brunette flinched and eyes widened when he recognized the voice. Satisfied with he reaction, he quickly controlled the mechanical mouse to jump off the boy's shoulder and quickly run across the street.

''Nezumi!'' the rat heard his name being called by Shion and wasn't able to stop the small smile from forming on his face. As he went further, the sounds of that annoying girls's questioning voice and Shion sending her a quick apology as he ran after the robot, became quieter.

He quickly allowed the mouse to disappear trough a small crack in a fence and went along to find a new safe hiding place to keep an eye on the naive boy.

He didn't allow himself to keep wondering why that little moment on the street between that girl and Shion had bothered him. He didn't allow himself to think about the way he had felt nauseous at the request he had heard from the girl and the way that feeling changed to his stomach turning in a more pleasant, fluttering way when the other rejected her. He kept his eyes solely on the boy, alone now, running from corner to corner and trying to find the mouse. To Nezumi's amusement, the other didn't stop his search for quite a while, even when it began to rain. The grey eyed man felt tired, but didn't even think about stopping his watch anytime soon.

After all, he still had a debt to pay to a certain airhead.