I see you came back for part two. Yay! That makes me happy! Hopefully you'll enjoy the prologue enough to come back for the rest of the story, but before we get to that there are a couple of things I feel I need to address. Some disclaimers if you will. Now, I usually don't do that because obviously I don't own the shows and movies my fics are based on. Or at least you could probably make a pretty good guess that I don't, and you're right. I don't.

I don't own the picture used for the cover art either. I'm not entirely sure who does (the copyright in the corner says cruz_zandus). No copyright infringement is intended. If you're not comfortable with my use of your photo please let me know, and I will happily take it down. Now, I don't really own any of the photos I use here, but this one has the little copyright thing in the corner, so I just wanted to put that out there this time.

Also this story contains some abusive behavior/SVU type content. Mostly in chapter six. I'll give you a heads up at the beginning of each chapter so you can prepare yourself if that sort of thing bothers you in any way. Which brings me to my next point. IAHFY.

I Am Here For You is a new campaign being launched over Fanfiction and social media for anyone that needs a helping hand. IAHFY is a safe haven for anyone that is going through tough times and situations and is in need of someone to open up to without fearing judgment. Anything said will remain completely confidential. Just look for the IAHFY logo in the profile picture (check my profile picture to know what you're looking for) and send us a PM. We will be happy to help you out with anything you need, from advice to just being someone to vent to. #IAHFY

My dear sweet friend ArtistKurai and I are more than happy to help in any way we can, but keep in mind that we are NOT professionals. We're simply two people that know that sometimes you just need someone to listen. You can also find IAHFY on Facebook at I Am Here For You. We're not a very active page right now, but we are here. I also recommend WeAreSPNFamily on Facebook. I promise you will not feel unloved or unwanted there. It is the most amazing support group/family.

And now that I've made all my disclaimers and PSAs we can continue with the story. The prologue's not very long, but the story itself is about twice as long as Angel Baby, so it won't be over quite as fast. Enjoy! ~SG

P.S. Language warning! I don't usually drop S-bombs in my writing, but it felt necessary for the character and situation this time, and it's only in the prologue.


June 1, 2001

"I can't believe you're moving in with him." Katie Newsome said as she followed her best friend up a flight of stairs at her new apartment complex, loaded down with groceries.

Wren shrugged. "It's not that big a deal."

"Oh, come on, Tammy." Katie said. "It's a huge deal!"

Wren smiled at the nickname. Katie called her Tammy because she had been named after Tammy Wynette. And because she liked to sing. It was one of many nicknames she answered to. Wren, Tammy, Angel, and Angel Baby being her favorites. Then there was babe, which was what her boyfriend Brad called her. He also called her sexy. She wasn't crazy about either one.

Actually, she wasn't all that crazy about Brad either, and Katie knew that.

The girls, both only children belonging to single parents, had been best friends since diapers. They were practically sisters. If their parents would only get married like they'd always dreamed of they would be sisters. Stepsisters, but it was close enough. But Wren's mother wasn't interested in getting married. She wasn't even interested in dating, which probably drove Katie's dad up a wall because he was clearly head over heels in love with her.

And he was so patient. It was the most romantic thing either of the girls had ever seen, and they were eagerly awaiting the day when Alexa would finally give in.

But sisters or not, because Wren and Katie had been so close for so long Katie knew something wasn't right about Wren's relationship with Brad. It was obvious that Brad wasn't right for her, and Katie couldn't understand why Wren was wasting her time with him. She suspected that Brad might be abusing Wren in some way, but she had no proof since she never saw any marks on her and Wren never said anything bad about their relationship. But something just felt off. There was no light shining in Wren's eyes when she talked about Brad. She knew when her friend was happy, and Brad was not making her happy. So, why was she staying with him? Why was she moving in with him?

"Katie, please." Wren said as she slid the key into the lock, exasperated with her friend's constant need to poke holes in her relationship. "Don't."

"Don't what?" Katie asked. "Don't point out the fact that you don't love him? I know you better than that, Wren. You can't fool me. Why did you agree to move in with him?"

"Because I wanted to, okay?" Wren snapped. "You don't have to be in love with a guy to move in with him."

They hardly ever fought. At least they hadn't until Brad. That was another sign that something was off, and Katie didn't like it at all.

Wren pushed the door open, and they were greeted by the sound of muffled grunts coming from somewhere in the apartment.

"What's that?" Katie asked as she set bags on the kitchen counter.

"I don't know, but it's coming from the bedroom." Wren said. "Brad? Is that you?"


Suddenly it dawned on her what he was doing, and she smiled as she walked toward the bedroom. "If you had waited just a little longer I'd have done that for you."

Her smiled faded as soon as she walked into the room. "Oh my god."

"Shit." Brad repeated. "Wren, I can explain."

"Who the hell is she?" the bottle blonde with the bad dye job and orange-tinted skin asked.

"She's his girlfriend." Wren shot back, glaring at the girl. "Actually, make that ex-girlfriend. And you don't need to explain, Brad. It's pretty obvious what's going on here."

He got out of bed and was across the room before she could turn to leave, grabbing her arm. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Home." she said, pulling her arm free. "Goodbye Brad."

"You're not going anywhere." he said, grabbing her again.

His grip was tighter, rougher, but she was still able to pull away. "Oh, yes I am. Do you actually think I'm gonna stick around after finding you in bed with another girl? Because if you do you're crazy."

He didn't try to stop her again as she turned around and left, taking Katie with her.

"Do me a favor." she said when they got outside. "Don't say I told you so, but feel free to smack me next time I don't listen to you about a guy."

"Deal." Katie said, as they got into her car and headed back toward the Quarter.

Intrigued? Good. That's exactly what I was aiming for. See y'all tomorrow for more! Bye loves! ~SG