Disclaimer: I own you. I own you all. Yes, I do.

Smiley could take it no longer. Didn't these humans have feelings? Couldn't they feel his pain? Why couldn't they see that he was suffering? All day long, he had to undergo constant clicking. The careless human clicked the boxes. It got lucky. Eight number boxes were uncovered, with a clickable box in the middle. "Look!" screamed Smiley. "There it is! Right- click that box, and you're home free!"

The human had never won. The stupid creature didn't know what right- clicking was. All this human ever did was draw squiggly lines on Paint. Smiley had always longed for the human to win, to feel the glory of triumph. He'd secretly pined for a pair of sunglasses. The bright light that shone on the monitor blinded Smiley, reducing his eyes to small black dots. If the human could win, if only once, Smiley would be happy beyond belief.

The mouse scurried along its colorful pad, gliding over a Crayola logo as only a mouse could. Smiley's eyes followed the small white arrow, and found it resting on the middle box. The box with the bomb. This was it. If Human right-clicked on that deadly box, everything would be all right. The sunglasses would appear. Smiley's eyes would look normal again. The spaceman from Space Cadet Pinball would stop stealing his lunch money. The Queen of Hearts would finally accept his offer to go to the Previously Installed Ball. The My Little Pony program would be uninstalled, and Smiley wouldn't have to worry about getting kicked when he went for a bounce on the desktop.

Human clicked the box, holding the mouse button down. Smiley's mouth formed an O of surprise. "No!" he shrieked in panic. How could Human ruin his chances at a perfect life? Smiley felt a rush of relief as Human held the mouse button and moved it around, depressing all the boxes. Human was just playing around. Smiley's anger surged. How could Human mess with him like this? It just wasn't fair!!! The white arrow returned to the box. Smiley broke out in a sweat. Human couldn't do this to him. No. Never. How could anyone be so cruel?

The mouse button was released. Smiley's life passed before his speck- like eyes. His dreams shattered, along with his miserable life. Now, he'd never ask the Queen of Hearts out. The spaceman would still have his lunch money. He'd never get the sunglasses. Smiley's life faded away.

At least the pony wouldn't kick him anymore...

At least, not until he lived again.

Done...omg, I didn't cuss! This must be a *gasp* G RATED FIC!!!!! Review. You know you want to.