Hiya~ Welcome to my story. I looked everywhere, but I could not find an PPB x RRB fanfic, so I decided to make my own~

Girls- 14

Boys- 16

Stupid Boys!

*The Reds*

Flashes of color lit up the sky as 6 teens duked it out. Crimson red clashed with rose pink, "Jeez babe, had enough?!" Brick yelled while smirking at his rival, his beautiful rival he might add. Blossom just glared before grabbing Brick by the ankle and throwing him down onto the unforgiving concrete. "Had enough Bricky." Blossom purred, using Princess' nickname for her counterpart. Brick glared as he felt a familiar heat come up from his throat before releasing the fiery flames upon the girl; she screamed in pain as the flames burned her. Blossom had no time to recover before she was beaten into the ground, "Sorry babe, I'll try to be easy with ya next time." Brick said, forcing a kiss upon her mouth, "And thanks for the kiss too~" he cooed, licking his lips before flying off to meet his brothers.

*The Greens*

Lime and forest green clashed against each other as punches, kicks, and even bites were traded between the two. "What were you and that fuckboy doing in the gym?!" Butch roared as he punched his counterpart, "None of your damn business BITCH!" she roared back, giving him a roundhouse kick to the head. The two glared at each other as Butch spat out blood while Buttercup ran her tongue over her busted lip, "I guess that means I gotta mark ya." He said smirking as he zipped over and grabbed Buttercup by her upper arms, "Let me go!" she snarled as the forest-eyed male removed the hair from her neck, "Not a chance." He said before biting down on the juncture between the neck and shoulder. Buttercup screamed in pain as blood ran down, staining her light green shirt. After a few more seconds of agony, Butch pulled away before letting her go and kicking her down onto a car, "Now everyone will know the yer mine." He said giving her a smile with his blood-stained teeth before flying off, leaving Buttercup to yell curses behind him.

*The Blues*

A flash of Sky blue zoomed by with a deeper cobalt blue following close behind. "Why can't you and your brothers leave us alone?" Bubbles said as they came to a stop, "You know why." Boomer said eyeing her up. The blond female blushed before glaring at her counterpart, "No Boomer," she spat as said teen glared back, "I don't know why." He smirked and before she could blink, Boomer pinned her against the side of a building, "You girls belong to us." He said while Bubbles' glare hardened, "We're not objects Boomer! My sisters do not belong to your brothers and I definitely do not belong to you!" she said firmly. Boomer gave her cold glare before slamming his lips onto hers in a bruising kiss. Bubbles felt black spots enter her vision as Boomer literally stole her breath away; when he pulled back, Bubbles fell to the ground panting harshly. Boomer smiled at the sight of her swollen lips, "No matter what you girls say and do, you all belong to us." He said before flying off, leaving Bubbles to try and let air into her lungs.


The girls sat on the couch, glaring at the TV. Blossom held a small block of ice against her lips that were burned and Bubbles was busy stitching up Buttercup's bite wound while the latter held a bag of ice against her sister's abnormally swollen lips. The girls all sighed at once, "Stupid boys."

Hope that you like the first chappy~