Epilogue: Sidney, The Fire King

A few months later, everyone gathered at the Ice Age world as they were celebrating Sid's birthday all together. It was the first birthday that Sid ever felt special about for so long as he was gathered with the herd and weasel tribe as well as his friends who loved him so much as he happily sniffed to everyone, "You guys, seriously though. This is the best birthday I've ever had."

"We're so happy to be the ones who make this special day joyful for you, Sid," Flora replied while holding her baby close to her.

"Aye, To our dear sloth, Sid!" Buck purposed a toast to his friend.

"To Sid!" The crowd cheered and applauded.

Soon, Manny began to smell something foul before the others caught on the disgusting scent as the bull groaned, "What is that smell?"

"It's not me. Diana used her power to make me smell nice," Sid pointed out.

"He, he, he! Smell!"

Soon, the crowd turned to the source of the voice before they all saw Eunice, Milton, Marshall and Sid's uncle Fungus near the table before Sid gasped out, "M-Mom?! D-Dad?!"

"Hello, son," Eunice sweetly replied.

"W-What are you doing here?" Sid questioned in deep confusion.

"We came to celebrate with our good son," Milton replied.

"Good son? Yeah right," Marshall scoffed.

"Shut up, Marshall!" Eunice firmly whispered.

"Is that Sid's real family?" Buck questioned the herd.

"Yes...Yes they are," Manny replied while keeping a firm eye on the quartet.

"Why are they here?" Flora questioned.

"I don't know, but I doubt it's any good from them," Ellie stated.

"Marshall?...Uncle Fungus?...I don't understand," Sid replied in confusion.

"What do you mean, Sidney?" Eunice asked.

"Last time I'll say it, you guys. You abandoned me again and dumped Granny with me," Sid replied.

"Awww Sidney. We would never abandon you. We were going on a holiday and we wanted you to take care of Granny," Eunice sliver-tongued to her son.

"Really?" Sid asked.

"Yes. We love you, Sid," Marshall said without any emotion what so ever.

Sid wanted to accept this as he had always wanted his family back, but something in him was then telling the sloth something wasn't right.

"I-I don't if this isn't the truth, you guys," he said.

"Of course we're telling you the truth. When have we ever lied to you?" Eunice giggled.

"Yes, Sidney. We sure missed you, son," Milton lied.

"Really?" Sid asked.

"Yes. Now come along, darling. We're going home," said Eunice as she grabbed Sid and pulled him away with the boys.

"B-But what about Granny?" Sid asked.

"Oh she'll be fine! She has your friends to be with," Eunice laughed.

"But mom, I-!" Sid tried to protest.

"Not another word, Sidney! Let's go," Eunice impatiently replied in a fake sweet tone.

"B-But wait!" Sid cried.


The quartet with Sid halted as Chief Tawk stepped behind them firmly and snapped, "Who do you four think you are, coming here unannounced and dragging our friend away?"

"We are his family, Mr. Rodent," Eunice firmly replied.

"Why are you four here anyway?" Ellie asked as she was not pleased to see them.

"We came to take Sid home," Fungus laughed stupidity.

"But I am home, guys. This is where I belong!" Sid protested.

"This is your home? Oh sweetie, that's demented," Eunice sweetly denied.

"So you're the uncaring family huh?" Flora sternly asked as she approached them.

"What are you talking about?" Milton asked.

"You sloths kept on abandoning him," Buck stated sternly.

"Oh don't be silly, Mr. Rodent," Eunice giggled.

"I'm a weasel, lass, and from what I learned about all of ya, Sid told us about the time you trapped him in the cave and migrated without him!" Buck angrily replied to the sloths.

"We just wanted to protect our son," Milton lied, making it sound like it was a good excuse.

"Hey Milton!" Granny cranked.

"Oh. H-Hey, mother," Milton nervously chuckled at his mother.

"Don't you 'hey' me, mister! You left me behind like a stuffed rat!" Granny angrily snapped as she hit Milton in the head with her walking stick.

"Oh come on, mom! Let's just take Sid home!" Marshall groaned.

"OK. Let's go, Sid," Eunice replied as she dragged Sid away.

Suddenly, Diego stopped them and growled at the four sloths.

"Bad kitty!" Eunice hissed.

"Sid is not going anywhere with you lot!" Diego growled at them.

Manny soon took Sid by the trunk and put him with the others before the bull sternly added, "Sid is staying with us, with his herd."

Eunice was shaken before she nervously giggled, "Sidney, sweetie. You don't wanna stay with these predators. You should come home with us! We can be family!"

"Family? Since when were we family? Why are you guys really here? Tell me!" Sid sadly demanded.

"I told you this wasn't going to work, mom," Marshall groaned.

"Oh shut up, Marshall!" Eunice angrily snapped at her young son, making the herd jump and stay close to Sid more before the female sloth firmly looked at Sid and added, "We heard about you saving the island from that monstrous wolf and now all of the sloth pack is phrasing around you and we thought we could get you back home so you can finally be loved and adored like you always whined about!"

"Hold on a minute! Didn't you guys and the sloth pack all hated Sid in the past? How would you get Sid to make your family look bad for all the things you did to him?" Flora pointed out.

"If that was the case..." Diana said before she gasped and angrily added, "You don't want Sid back because you love him! You want him back to exploit him to the sloth pack, and feed off of the pride and phrase of your son's achievement to make yourselves look good instead! You don't care about Sid's welfare! You four only cared about your selfish pride!"

"So what?! He owes us!" Marshall snapped as Eunice and Milton tried to shush him.

"I owe you...for what?" Sid asked.

"All the times you made us look bad! I lost a couple of friends because I'm related to you, Mom's friends always laughed at her behind her back every time you appeared beside him, and you always were such a clutz! It's your fault we're screwed up!" Marshall snapped at Sid.

"Hey!" Diego growled, baring his teeth at Marshall.

"I'm afraid he's right," Eunice firmly pointed out while losing her patience.

"Mom?!" Sid gulped.

"You always did make us looked bad Sidney, with your clumsy ways and your freakish ability to make fire," Eunice scolded.

"Listen here, missy! That fire ability is one of the reasons Sid and I saved the island from that witch and the tribe before! So you should be bloody grateful for all he's offered you!" Buck snapped at Eunice.

"All he did was whine and cry for attention, to be frank," Milton said with a shrug.

"I only wanted to be loved and accepted by you guys...I just wanted to be a family...If you truly did love me, you would have been there for me," Sid sadly explained.

"Sidney, come on! Look at you! The reason we never wanted you around with us in public is that you're hideous and not very bright! All we wanted for you was to stay out of the way and do as you were told, but instead you always caused us trouble!" Eunice scoffed.

"You're a horrible mother!" Peaches angrily spat as she along with the crowd were all disgusted with Eunice and her family's ways with Sid.

"How could I be a horrible mother when I'm here offering my son to be back with us and finally get what he wants?" Eunice giggled as she then went to Sid and held his paws and added, "Trust me. You know you dreamt of this for so long. This is for the best. Come home with us and we can be a happy family again. After all, mother knows best. You know I'm right."

Sid looked at the concerned herd to the frighteningly grinning sloth family of his before he pulled his paws away from his mother and said, "Years ago, I would've accepted it as a false truth and go with you...But now that I opened my eyes to myself, I don't want to go anywhere with you anymore."

"What?" Eunice gasped a bit firmly.

"I'm sorry Mom...but it's true. You guys never stopped to see that I've tried so hard to give you guys the love you could have wanted. I know I screwed up at times as a child, but you never gave me a chance to be taught well like you did with Marshall...But to you guys, you didn't want it...So I'm tired of trying to think of you otherwise. You're not the family I want anymore...The herd is my true family," Sid explained as he smiled at the herd.

"You listen here, mister! I made you and we revoltingly raised you, and I know one thing true young man! You are part of us and you are in no position to be in a herd like them!" Eunice angrily scolded her older son.

"Actually lady, you guys are in no position for someone like Sid. He's staying with us!" Buck proudly said.

"With his herd!" Diego added.

"With his new family!" Manny added as well.

The quartet looked at Sid in annoyance and disbelief as they were doomed to be mocked by the sloth pack for all time before they gave up as Eunice hissed, "Fine! I hope you're happy, Sid! You've ruined this family! You will always be a rotten curse!"

"That's it!" Diana snapped as she made Sid's paws ignite with fire without hurting them.

Everyone including Sid gasped, but he calmed down in confusion when he learned his paws were not burning.

"What are you doing, Diana?" Sid asked the albino weasel.

"Show your so-called family why you're the Fire King!" Diana encouraged Sid.

Sid got the idea as he grinned at his sloth family who were freaking out from the power as Milton whimpered, "H-He's become a monster!"

"I'm not a monster! I am Sid the Fire King, and this is my family and my herd! I have more power and more love than you can ever give me!"

"Hehehe! Monster," Fungus stupidly snorted.

"If you ever come to the Fire King's herd again, it'll be a thousand years of bad juju for you lot!" Sid teased in a goofy yet spooky voice.

The male sloths freaked out and ran off from Eunice only to realize that they were running towards a cliff and it was too late for them to stop as they fell down and landed in a muddy swamp.

"You goddamn freak!" Eunice shrieked at Sid.

The Fire King just let out sparks to freak out the female sloth as she screamed and did the same thing her husband and younger son did before she fell down too and landed in the swamp with them.

"Hehehe! Mud!" Fungus giggled.

"Oh shut up!" Eunice angrily wailed out.

The crowd cheered at the victory as Sid felt happy to be free, but still felt a little down from the lost of his family. Buck and the herd saw this as the one-eyed weasel asked, "You OK, mate?"

"I guess. I'm happy that I'm free from them now, but I'm just also sad that I am never going to be loved in the end by them. They are my real family," Sid sighed.

"No they're not. They may be blood-related to you, but they are no family to you. Family is about love and relationships. Those who love you for who you are are your family, no matter how big or small they are," Manny explained to Sid.

Sid smiled at Manny before Diego added, "You are better than them Sid, and we know it."

"We're your family, now and forever," Ellie happily said to the sloth.

"And you guys are my family till the end. All of you!" Sid proudly concluded.

"All hail the Fire King!" Tawk cheered as Manny picked Sid up with his trunk and put him on his back as the herd cheered for Sid.

The sloth finally felt the peace and love again that he had always wanted from the start of his life and everything was so much better because in the end, there is no going back to normal for doing so was just a thing of the past. What lied ahead for the herd and tribe was a stronger and better family than ever before and like everyone else, Sid was finally free of his nightmares and fears as he was then home with the family he always wanted and they would always love him as he loved them all so much.

Sid, hearing his name happily chanted and with tears of joy, sang out loud and proud with everyone else.

Finally! I hear that word,
Sounding so sweet!
Thousands of voices forever repeating!


I am the sound of distant thunder, (Aaaaah!)
A color, a flame! (SIDNEY!)

I'm Sidney! (THE FIRE KING)
I am a song of endless wonder, (THE FIRE KING)
That no one will claim. (Aaaah-Haaaaa)

And finally (Finally)
Oh my, Finally! (Finally)

They all know my name! (SIDNEY!)


Well there you go guys

Another A G Wicked and Dusk19's Ice Age crossover

The Fire King 2

Hope you guy enjoyed it

Until then this is A G Wicked saying, Good day/night follow readers


FINAL NOTE: The song is a parody version of Carrie (LA Musical Version) which is copyright to Michael Gore & Dean Pitchford