Hi guys! This is A G Wicked and Dusk19, creating our Ice Age crossover sequel

I hope you enjoy our story :D

Ice Age (C) Blue Sky Studios

Our Story and our separate OCs belong to both A G Wicked and Dusk19 ;)


Prologue: One Year Later

A year has gone by since the events where Sid left the herd to rediscover the Dinosaur World and meet up with his best friend, Buck the Weasel. It has been a year since they first encountered the weasel tribe that would change their lives forever as well as the herd s.

Sid and Buck were both chosen by the prophecy of the late chief of Flora s tribe to stop the evil wolf duo, Ripper and Victor.

With the help of the herd and a few friends Sid and Buck knew, they managed to destroy the evil that plagued the tribal village for years and finally made peace with each other.

Sid and the herd forgave each other which resulted in the herd becoming stronger and happier since then they started treating Sid with much more patient and kindness whist Sid learned to do the right thing more and more and be the less clumsy as he was before.

Buck was still the wild crazy weasel but in his sanity, he devoted his life and found new happiness and freedom with the weasel tribe as well as the new love of his life, Flora.

Flora and her father Chief Tawkinova lived a life with a tribe of weasels from the Ice Age world until the notorious duo named Victor and Ripper wreaked havoc among them, thanks to the father of the villain that tried to kill the heroes, Hantro; a weasel like his father who swore revenge when Tawk was chosen to be Chief and Hantro swore on his father s grave that he d get their rightful throne if he had to kill the others to do so.

Hantro s father had ordered the wolves to murder and devour some of the tribe members, with sadly one of them being the Chief's wife. Afterwards, the ice below them all then began to crack and they all fell through it into the underground Dinosaur World. Most members survived fortunately, and so did the Chief and his daughter.

After exploring a bit and setting up their new village, Chief Tawkinova, the leader of the tribe swore revenge on the wolves and swore to protect his only daughter of the family Flora from the darkness of the world since she was the only heir of the tribe.

But ever since Sid, Buck and the herd came along, they together changed the lives of the tribe for the better including Tawk and Flora as the father and daughter made long overdue amends and became a better family with the herd and with Buck as Flora s boyfriend.

Life had been grand for everyone since then...except for one villain who is banished for his evil deeds, Leo.

Leo was a selfish manipulated mayor of the valley until he met the herd and the sloth who he had a deep vicious hatred toward. Leo hated Sid because of his fear of Sid s fire ability that could ruin his precious valley but he soon lost it when he teamed up with Ripper and Victor to destroy the herd and Sid. But when that backfired, Sid and Tawk banished Leo to the deeper parts of the Dinosaur World.

Since his banishment, Leo had been surviving from the dangers of the Dinosaur World every day, trying to find a way back to the Ice Age world and plotting his undying ambition for Sid s demise from his own two cold claws.

Somewhere in the deep woods down below the Ice Age world, the red sloth was running away from the raptors that he encountered whist trying to find his way back to the Ice Age World.

"Get away from me, you freaks!" Leo screeched at the chasing raptors.

The raptors eventually caught up to the red sloth who then picked up a sharp stone and yelled, You want a piece of me like last time?! Well what are you waiting for?!

Suddenly out of the shadows came out multiple violet lights that hit the raptors and to the sloth s alarm, they were turned to dust. The terrified sloth touched the dust with the stone.

"What the f-?"

"I believe the word you are looking is thank you"

The panicking sloth quickly swirled around and pointed the sharp stone at a shadowy figure up on top of a hill before Leo hissed, "Who in hellfire are you?!"

"Relax. You are safe now...I was looking for you, in case you were wondering" the figure giggled.

"Safe? I m never safe in this nightmarish place!" Leo scoffed.

"True, but if you stick with me then I shall return you to the Ice Age world...for a price" The figure sneered at the sloth.

"Ice Age World?! A price?! Who are you?!" Leo stuttered in confusion.

The figure approached the hostile sloth as Leo could see that it was a female brown wolf with black messy fur from on top of her head to her shoulders, making it look like hair. She approached Leo with a sadistic grin and answered his question with: "The name is Carlotta, and I want your help so I can get my revenge too"

"Revenge? On who?" Leo curiously questioned.

"On the mammals we wish death upon the most...The Fire King and The Dinosaur Hunter..." Carlotta coldly answered whist giggling menacingly.


What happens next?

Stay tuned to find out!