If you didn't read the important message beforehand, DO SO or else you'll get confused.

Happy with this chapter finally. Still feel free to let me know if you don't like anything, or want a particular thing to happen, because I don't take reviews for granted. Also massive thank you to Gleeful Darren Criss FAn for checking over the chapter for me and giving me some advice. I highly appreciate it. Since I do tend to make mistakes, and I'm used to working solo so it was very much a nice change to get a new set of eyes to look over it before I posted. Also would like to thank It'sNotEasyBeingQueen I really appreciate the advice to take time and not to rush the story. It really means a lot when you guys let me know that you like it and are happy to wait for well written chapters. I'll do my best to keep it going that way!

"You told me that if I ever needed someone at last minute, you'd be available," Kurt was not livid, he was seething as he spoke through the phone, he paced his apartment. This was his second last hope of finding a caterer for the wedding. He had called everybody he knew and even tried some local restaurants to see if they could do it on the day, but they were all reserved already for parties and celebrations that Christmas. They didn't have enough time or products to prepare for a wedding of over 100 people.

The woman on the phone was as polite as she could be, and Kurt knew that he shouldn't be angry with her, but that's sometimes how he got his way. Demands and expectations were what got the job done.

"I understand you're upset Mr Hummel, and we value you as a client but you need to realise that it is Christmas. This has been one of the busiest years for us too. We didn't expect to be as booked as we are; we're really sorry for the inconvenience but there isn't anything we can do, I'm sorry,"

"Yeah, so am I - thank you for your time Andrea," Kurt sighed. There was no point trying when she was just going to keep giving him the opposite of what he wanted.

"Merry Christmas Mr Hummel, and good luck," He hung up the phone and went to the kitchen to pour his coffee that had been sitting there for the last 20 minutes sitting down briefly at the kitchen table and glancing through the phone book to see who else he could call. He already had red crosses marked over the places he tried.

He sighed again as he took a sip of the now cold coffee. Kurt was beyond exhausted. He hadn't stopped working since Rachel's wedding and offering to do Nick and Jeff's big day.

It was almost as bad as planning for Tina's wedding, if not worse because it was only 2 days before Christmas, and he had no caterer. This was a disaster. The only difference was that Nick and Jeff were actually co-operative and didn't request for last minute changes like Tina which had been a nightmare.

He was thankful he didn't have to go around looking for a photographer or a band which New Directions agreed to do since they were all still in New York. It was bad enough trying to get a venue at last minute for the reception, and a church since Jeff wanted to at least please his parents who hated outdoor weddings.

They managed to hire a church for a few hours and a priest that wasn't homophobic. Nick and Jeff had picked a local florist which had been open, gotten their rings and suits so Kurt had just the food to organise. They hadn't wanted an extravagant wedding cake or menu so as Kurt's finger searched the phone book he noticed something which he hadn't already tried and thought for a moment. The cheesecake factory, of course. He wondered if they did catering? As his last resort he took a ride to the Cheesecake Factory by taxi which was 50 minutes from Broadway, but about 45 minutes from his apartment. He was a regular customer there, and they gave him discounts on special occasions.

When he walked through the door, his favourite waiter Fred spotted him "Kurt!" Fred rushed over to him and gave him a hug. "It's so good to see you, Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas to you too Fred," It always warmed Kurt to see christmas decorations up and lights and candles, even though he didn't believe in god, he did believe in celebrating family and being reminded of what was important in life. Fred was a friend of the family. He had worked with him in the garage until his family decided to move to New York. When Kurt had first come out Fred didn't treat him any different even though he was as straight as a narrow, and Kurt loved him for it. "The place looks great," He complimneted and Fred beamed "All the staff did it in early November. We all felt a bit like cheering up,"

Fred also found he had a passion for waitressing and even though it didn't pay much, he always had a job, besides he liked to talk to people. He had just been telling Kurt about all the crazy orders they've been getting for the Christmas holidays. "I bet," Kurt only hoped they could help him out still.

"The usual today I presume?" Fred was just guiding him over to where he could place his order immediately since he knew Kurt didn't live nearby.

"Actually no, I have a wedding to prepare for down here. I was wondering if you did catering?" Kurt looked at the menu Fred had giving him as he gestured to a table for a young couple to sit down. When he came back he smiled at Kurt, who seemed impressed by what he saw on the new layout menu.

"We do actually. Our manager only recently put up a main menu for catering, we have Fettuccini Alfredo, and our famous Meatloaf still available if you're interested, it's also very popular because you can store it in the fridge until you need it,"

"That would be perfect, the wedding is in 2 days" Nick and Jeff had said they wanted simple food so this would be perfect. This was about as simple but tasty as you got. If the food was as good as their cheesecakes that is, than it'd be perfect.

"How many people are you expecting at this wedding?" Fred asked taking the pen from his ear as he wrote down the order on his pad.

"150 at least," Kurt grimaced and Fred whistled "Quite a lot of people,"

"This is what they told me was 'small' amount of family and friends," Fred laughed and shook his head.

"If it had been my wedding, I'd be thrilled if 10 people showed up," Fred greeted a customer and said he'd be with him in 10 minutes.

Kurt grinned at him as he chuckled "Well if you every find yourself a girlfriend that last longer than 2 months and decide to settle make sure I'm one of them!"

Fred laughed again "You bet anything else I can get you Kurt?"

"Do you do big cheesecakes?" Kurt asked because he's only ever gotten slices before and had noticed round cakes in the glass windows at the front.

Fred rolled his eyes and put his hands over his chest looking disappointed in Kurt "Does this look like a factory to you?"

Kurt pushed his arm playfully "Very funny. I'm the sassy one here. Order the best one on the menu for me?"

"Anything for our favourite customer. I'll give you 15 percent off too in the spirit of Christmas,"

"You don't have to do that. I don't need special treatment," Kurt laughed but Fred insisted "Besides...it's part of the holiday deal, so you're not that special I'm afraid," Kurt laughed again and felt calmer than he had all day. This was a good start.

He talked to Fred for a bit and then got the order shipped to his place which should arrive the next day. He didn't tell Nick and Jeff until he got back to his place and opened up skype on his laptop. Nick and Jeff were sitting on a couch cuddling and eating pizza as they spoke to Kurt.

"I'm going to make another course myself and I was thinking of making brownies because not everybody likes cheesecake which is absurd I know, but that should be enough for your guests,"

"You seem to be going out of your way to get this wedding done, we don't need a wedding at Christmas, it was just ideal if it's too much," Nick assured when they asked Kurt how he had been going with it all, and he explained everything as best he could without trying to sound like he was panicking, which he was massively. Kurt watched Jeff nod in agreement. Jeff kissed Nick's cheek and added "We're happy to get married back in Ohio if it makes it easier for you,"

"Absolutely not, this is my job guys. That's what I do. I make things work," Kurt refused to accept defeat. Kurt was sending emails through his phone to confirm his details in paying the delivery for the cheesecake factory and drinking coffee. He had skipped breakfast and went straight to work. "I'll do whatever I can to make this wedding happen. I will not fail you two. I promise,"

"Kurt you haven't failed anyone. You're doing the best you can" Kurt's eyes shot up to the screen when he saw Blaine appear next to Nick and Jeff with his own slice of pizza. Blaine smiled at him gently "Preach," Jeff agreed sounding a lot like Artie.

Kurt cast his eyes at Blaine who was sitting down and he noticed that Blaine for once let his hair loose a bit in their natural beauty and was wearing glasses which he didn't even know he wore and that made his heart beat double time and his smile grew even more when Blaine finally sat down with his pizza in hand and stared back at Kurt with his devastatingly handsome face.

"Hi," Blaine said then to break the tension as Kurt and Blaine stared at each other. "Hi," Kurt smiled back.

"I'm just down the hall in their hotel, we ran into each other and decided to get some pizza like old times," Blaine told as if he needed to explain to Kurt why he was there.

Kurt simply nodded in understanding wondering if Sebastian too was staying in the hotel room with Blaine down the hall.

He didn't want to think about Sebastian though so he put the topic back on the wedding as he rubbed the back of his neck

"I still don't want to let you guys down. You're having that wedding even if I have to do everything myself. Thankfully though it's just hair, make up and food I have to worry about and I'm good with all of the above. I'll make the brownies tonight and think of another dish before tomorrow. This wedding is happening if it's the last thing I do,"

Kurt bid them goodbye and he didn't see the astonished look on Blaine's face as he turned off Skype.

He was glad he at least had the main meal organised. You can't go wrong with meatloaf and fettucine alfredo right? Within half an hour of searching through his recipe books which were magazine recipes cut out and pasted in double A4 blank pages. He decided to make a spinach and ricotta cannelloni for the vegetarians and he was cooking it just as Blaine texted him.

Blaine: Hey, let me know what ingredients you still need. I've been Christmas shopping, so I can stop by the groceries on the way back

Kurt: Really? You're a lifesaver. I'm sending the list via Facebook. Thank you! And send me your account details so I can pay you in advance xo

Blaine: Don't worry about it

Kurt: I insist, or I'll just pay you in cash when I see you

Blaine: How about you pay me back by going to lunch with me tomorrow?

Kurt: Are you sure that's a good idea?

He was mixing ricotta spinach, parsley, basil, parmesan, and seasoning in a bowl as he looked at his phone frowning, waiting for an answer.

Blaine: Friends go to lunch all the time. You've lost weight Kurt, I'm not sure if you've even noticed but I know how hard you work and you don't stop to think about yourself for a minute. I've seen you do your job; and I hope I'm not overstepping but you've got to eat. Please? There's a place I've always wanted to go, and you're the only one I know that would appreciate it

He put the mixture aside and started getting his lasagne sheets out.

Kurt: I appreciate your concern, I really do and I'd love to go with you but I don't have a lot of time Blaine, the wedding's in 2 days

Kurt had called Nick and Jeff to tell them about the extra addition to the menu and they had been amazed he even thought of a vegetarian recipe. Kurt made this all the time for Rachel when she popped over, so it was an easy dish.

"We hadn't even thought of that, we have cousins who are vegetarian. You're a genius Kurt," Jeff was thrilled and Nick and Blaine approved as well in the background.

The phone rang then and Kurt instantly picked it up when a picture of Blaine's gorgeous face flashed on the screen. It was from the night of the opera. One of his favourite pictures because it reminded him of the kiss they had not long after. Blaine had looked incredibly handsome in his brooks brothers stripe sport shirt and Thom Browne cardigan. He had taken a Tony Perotti bag too so he could carry the tickets and his beloved camera. He also wore a navy bowtie with red dots on it and Kurt wasn't usually one for bowties, he preferred a broch but on Blaine...let's just say Blaine could wear a paper bag and make it look adorable.

He was distracted by wondering what it was that Blaine was wearing now. When Blaine had stayed at his place, he realised Blaine had quite a collection of bowties which got him thinking of what to do about Blaine's Christmas present because it turns out Kurt wasn't the only one with a good eye for fashion but he had an idea and wondered if Blaine would like it.

"Sorry what?" Kurt asked after saying hello and missing what Blaine was just talking about.

"What if I helped you make the brownies? I got your list, and I'm picking up the ingredients as we speak, so all you have to worry about is the cannelloni" Blaine said enthusiastically. Kurt loved hearing Blaine's voice. It always made him feel at peace

"I can't expect you to spend all your time in New York helping me Blaine. You helped me already with Rachel's wedding, that's enough," Kurt could hear it was busy wherever Blaine was, and he hoped Blaine could hear him .

"Kurt relax, I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to do it. Besides sightseeing alone isn't fun and I like to cook as well,"

Alone? Wasn't Sebastian hanging with him at all? New York was one of the most romantic places in the world – besides Paris of course. "I'd only accept your help by paying you," Kurt answered truthfully.

"I'd be your assistant for free," Blaine told honestly as Kurt went to grab a cookie from the jar in the kitchen while he continued his work. Kurt laughed. He couldn't help but admire Blaine for his kindness and humble nature. Kurt sometimes wish he was more like Blaine. "Blaine," he whined.

"Like I said before you can pay me back by going to lunch with me, besides I missed you Kurt, these last few days without you haven't been much fun," Blaine whispered the last part but Kurt groaned "I missed you too, but I'm still not going to let you work for free. Call me stubborn, but I believe in my principals"

"Fine, lunch and dinner," Blaine suggested. "Take it or leave it,"

"Blaine!" Kurt scolded because he had a boyfriend who definitely would not like the idea… Kurt could imagine him smirking as he listened to him thank the lady at the register. "Have a nice day!"

"Please?" Blaine paused and it sounded almost as if he had stopped walking just to press it on Kurt.

"Fine. You drive a hard bargain Anderson,"

Kurt heard Blaine's cheer and then with enthusiasm he said he'd be at Kurt's place in half an hour.

"Don't talk and drive," Kurt warned.

"Hanging up now, see you,"

"See you," Kurt smiled. I love you.

Kurt put the ricotta mixture along the length of each lasagne sheet and rolled the sheets to form a tumbe. He lay the tubes side by side in a dish

He had already preheated the oven to 190 celcius, and had tomato passatta over the base which he placed the tubes on. Kurt sprinkled more tomato over the top and cheese and placed it in the oven just as his doorbell rang

Blaine arrived with bagful of groceries on his arm. Kurt couldn't help but notice that Blaine had changed from his simple collar shirt, bowtie and jeans look into a new outfit. "Let me help you with those!" Kurt immediately took some bags off him that were the heaviest and only had brief amount of time to appreciate Blaine's red pants and the H&M striped sweater that complimented his thin waistline.

The colours looked very Christmassy.

Blaine on the other hand seemed to be appreciating what was in front of him "You look amazing," He gushed as he kissed Kurt's cheek when placing more bags on the kitchen counter. Kurt looked down at his own outfit. Kurt was wearing a very simple vivienne westwood man gold label kitten sweater over his dark skinny jeans which he only wore when he wanted to be comfortable and lazy around the house.

Kurt flushed a light pink and allowed himself to look Blaine over longer "So do you," Blaine beamed and Kurt couldn't help himself as he asked "No bowtie?"

"Sebastian says they make me look like a dork. I try not to wear them when I go out; it's mainly out of habit. In high school it was easier – we just wore blazers all the time," Blaine shrugged avoiding Kurt's gaze as he unpacked. "I actually miss my blazer," Kurt could see that Blaine was used to that kind of comment and he didn't like it.

"Well I personally love the bowties, you look handsome either way though," Kurt wanted to punch Sebastian in the face for making Blaine feel like he had to change even one aspect of himself.

"Yeah?" Blaine turned to him and his face lit up as Kurt nodded "Yeah."

"Believe me. I'd tell you if you looked awful," Kurt added which made Blaine bark out in laughter as he shook his head at Kurt and chucked a bag of pasta at him.

"Well I'm glad I got your approval Mr Hummel, so are you ready to make the brownies, or do you still need to finish the cannelloni?" Blaine noticed there was a big mess on the counter and began helping him wash up as Kurt unpacked the ingredients for the brownies on the counter.

"Cannelloni is all done. Do you know how to make brownies?"

Blaine looked at Kurt seriously and Kurt raised an eyebrow as he waited for an answer.

"Do I know how to make brownies?" Blaine gave him an incredulous look as though to say 'what a stupid question' so Kurt shoved an apron at him. "Alright then, the recipe is on the table. Do I need to tell you how to measure ingredients?"

"Nope," Blaine chuckled as he put the apron around his neck and tied the waist.

"Good, stop washing up and get started then,"

Blaine did not know how to cook brownies.

It would have been frustrating normally for Kurt had he not been distracted by Blaine's gorgeous ass as he bent down to open the oven door to put the first batch in.

"Blaine! Don't you dare open that oven door; don't you know that's the number one rule in the kitchen?" Kurt whacked a towel at Blaine who stared back at Kurt in surprise "But we need to put these in don't we?"

Blaine placed the brownies on top of the oven instead and looked clearly confused. He had mixed the wrong amount of flour in the first batch and Kurt noticed it because there was a bag of plain flour and he had scolded him because the recipe said self-raising flour. The counter was topped with ingredients and messier than Kurt usually liked it.

"Yes honey but we need the pasta too cook too. It still has another 15 minutes, just wait okay?"

"Kurt, you called me honey," Blaine stated facts wiggling his eyebrows. Kurt rolled his eyes "Yes I did, what are you going to do about it honey?" Kurt teased. Blaine flirted back in a low voice as he stepped closer "Absolutely nothing sugar pie,"

"I am not your sugar pie," Kurt scoffed turning to grab the flour and egg ready to make more brownies as Blaine stopped him by grabbing his arm and was dangerously close with a smirk. Kurt noticed his other hand behind his back "What are you doing?" He tilted his face at Blaine daring for him to do whatever he had in mind.

Blaine brought out his hand to sprinkle icing sugar on his hair and began singing "Sugar pie, honey bunch, you know that I love you," he placed some on cheeks and nose.

Kurt gaped at him Nobody messes with his hair.

It took him only two seconds to act though. He reached grabbed his hand that had put the sugar on his nose and with his other he reached behind him quickly to the pantry and pulled out a tube of honey. Blaine stopped singing when Kurt trapped him using his body to press him up against the counter and squirted honey all over his head making Blaine shriek in protest "Rub that into your hair gel honey! It'll make it all the more sweeter looking,"

"No! Kurt no please!" Blaine laughed loudly "I'm sorry!" He tried to wriggle himself free as Kurt messed up his hair terribly "No more! TRUCE, I CALL TRUCE," Blaine squealed. Blaine ducked his head in time as Kurt went to squeeze more honey onto Blaine's hair and managed to flick some chocolate that was still on the spatula in a bowl down Kurt's face over his eyes and down to his mouth. Kurt laughed along with Blaine who held his wrist.

"Argh! I can't see a thing," Kurt whined as the chocolate dripped down all over his face. Blaine stood on his toes and licked at the chocolate where Kurt had closed his eye.

"Ew!" Kurt shoved him off as Blaine went to do the same to the other closed eye.

Blaine laughed and stared at his lips which was also covered in chocolate. Kurt went to wipe it off with his thumb and just before Kurt went to put it in his mouth Blaine grabbed his arm with the other hand that wasn't holding his wrist and took the thumb into his own mouth sucking on it "Mmm delicious,"

Blaine's mouth made out with his thumb and Kurt felt himself grow hot.

Kurt stared at Blaine in shock as Blaine demolished the chocolate and then looked at Kurt's lips like he was about to kiss him but as he was about to lean in the doorbell rang.

"I better get that," Kurt whispered avoiding Blaine's stare.

He quickly grabbed a towel to wipe his eyes and face and when he opened it Nick and Jeff beamed at him "Hey Kurt! We thought we'd stop by and see if you needed any…. Woah…"

Blaine had no shame as he went over and stood next to Kurt at the door "Were baking!" He exclaimed happily bouncing on his feet like a toddler and Kurt rolled his eyes because Thank you captain obvious.

"Yes we can see that," Jeff winked at Blaine as Kurt hid his face in his hands but then looked back at his guest. The timer went off and Kurt gestured them to come in "The cannelloni has just finished, do you want to try some?" His face made a point to look back at the oven and at the two boys who shook their heads still smirking at them.

"No thanks Kurt, I'm sure it's delicious! We don't want to take any food away from the wedding. We could tell you were stressed and we we're just on the way to the airport to pick up Nick's parents, but we wanted to see if you needed anything," Nick was looking Kurt and Blaine over with a smirk on his face "But I think I can say with total confidence that you don't seem to need our help?"

"We're all good. Blaine's been great help," Kurt rolled his eyes at them. Jeff giggled as his arms went around Nick's waist "We better leave to get to the airport on time before they start pouring honey all over our hair too sweetie,"

"I think that's a good idea, have fun boys! Call if you need us," Within seconds they were rushing back to their taxi's and Kurt groaned against the closed door.

"That did not look professional," Kurt mumbled closing his eyes just briefly before reopening them. Blaine had left to get the cannelloni which Kurt was thankful for because he wasn't sure he could keep his dignity from jumping at Blaine.

When the brownies were in the oven Kurt suggested Blaine take a shower to get rid of the stickiness out of his hair "Are you sure?" Blaine asked as Kurt mixed ingredients for the second batch.

"You can help me with the last lot. I did put a lot of honey in your hair, and even though you're putting on a brave face, I'm sure you're cringing on the inside. I know I would be," Kurt was actually sorry for it as Blaine went to touch it and made a face as the honey stuck to his hand. "I barely noticed it actually," Blaine lied and Kurt gently pushed him away

"Go, take a shower," Kurt ordered using his hands to guide Blaine to the bathroom's direction. Blaine looked over his shoulder to glance at Kurt with a cheeky expression.

"Yes boss,"

After the second lot of brownies were made. Kurt put the first tray out of the oven aside to cool. Someone had to try it and Kurt figured they could have a piece after dinner since he hadn't had anything to eat yet. He assumed Blaine hadn't eaten anything as he had come over from his shopping so he whipped up a simple Caesar salad to have and put on a movie.

"I've always wanted to see The Bachelorette," Kurt whipped his head around as he saw Blaine emerge from the bathroom, looking clean and hair-gel free. Kurt could not get over how curly his hair was.

"This is why I wear hair gel," Blaine pointed to his hair "I look like Medusa,"

"I like the curls," Kurt said honestly and Kurt noticed he wasn't wearing anything under his cardigan as he stared at the bare skin exposed around the neck, if the fact that he was holding his light pink collar shirt indicated anything.

"I felt kind of hot wearing both the t-shirt and the cardigan after the shower. I hope you don't mind,"

Even though it was cold outside, it was warm in Kurt's apartment, either way he wasn't about to object to the view in front of him.

He didn't look fazed at all by Kurt's ogling. Blaine smiled at him and then his eyes wandered over to the table where the food was.

"Not at all," Kurt gulped wishing that hadn't sounded as dumbfounded as he felt.

"I see you got more food prepared for the wedding. Do you want me to gladwrap that and put it in the fridge?" He pointed to the salad in the large bowl that he had out on the living room table just as Kurt was going to go to the kitchen to grab some plates "No, I made that for us. That is, if you would like to stay for dinner? It's just a Caesar salad. I thought we could try a brownie after though with some coffee," Kurt added nervously, forgetting that Blaine might have other plans.

"That sounds perfect," Blaine said with an intense stare at Kurt. Kurt rapidly changed colour in the face and mumbled "I'll go get some plates,"

Blaine watched Kurt go to the kitchen and could hear him humming 'let's call the whole thing off' and smiled to himself. He realised then he enjoyed every moment with Kurt and he never wanted their moments together to end. It was sort of dangerous being around the taller gorgeous boy because it made him forget he was in a relationship already.

He stared at Kurt appreciating the way his hips were moving perfectly. Kurt should be on the cover of vogue, and WHY had he been single all this time? Elliot was actually the smart one to snatch him up when he could. He was funny, witty, and had great sense of fashion and taste in culture. Blaine still couldn't quite get his head wrapped around that. It was insanity. Kurt would make such a good boyfriend and he's gorgeous. When they finished their salad, Kurt got them some brownie with a bit of whipped cream.

Blaine didn't want to leave and didn't argue when Kurt scooted just a bit so that there were knees were touching. There were butterflies in his stomach which he never got when he was around Sebastian.

Blaine yawned and put his arm around Kurt's shoulder to give him the excuse to be pressed up beside him. Kurt didn't hesitate to lean into the touch as they ate their brownies in comfortable silence while the movie played. Something he learned from dating Sebastian when Sebastian wanted something. Blaine just wanted to be closer to Kurt.

Kurt leaned his head on Blaine's shoulder and sighed contently as Blaine rubbed circles into his shoulder.

"Do you want another piece of brownie?" Kurt asked when he demolished his own and looked up at Blaine with the most beautiful eyes Blaine has ever seen. People always told him he had nice eyes, but they were no were near as gorgeous as Kurt's. How come he never noticed it before?

Blaine smiled when he saw a bit of cream on Kurt's dimple. "What?" Kurt asked frowning as Blaine didn't say anything.

"You got a little cream on your…" Kurt went to touch his lip and Blaine laughed shaking his head "No, here…" Blaine leaned his thumb over to wipe it off and when he retreated his hand he couldn't stop staring at Kurt's lips .Blaine leaned in not quite sure what he was doing until his phone rang and he swore "Sorry,"

He held the phone to his ear and notice Kurt move a few inches across the couch looking thoughtfully at the screen as he licked more cream from the plate. Blaine should not be jealous of Kurt's finger but he was.

He was sucking the cream of it as he forgot to answer the phone "Sorry whose this?"

"Baby," Sebastian purred…oh right. His boyfriend "I was wondering if you and I could have a night cap?"

Blaine knew what Sebastian meant by night cap, and yeah. Maybe that's what he needed, because his emotions were getting the better of him and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt anybody; Especially Kurt.

"Ah yeah, that sounds great. I'll be right over,"

"There will be a naked guy on your bed, so hurry over,"

"Well why don't you and the naked guy start and I'll join in when I get there," Blaine chuckled as Sebastian roared with laughter "As if you'd agree to a threesome, besides I want you for myself,"

"I'll be right over," Blaine assured and hung up. He tried hard not to feel bad when seeing the disappointed look on Kurt's face. "Sorry, Sebastian wants to hang out,"

Kurt just nodded "That's okay. I got more cooking to do anyway,"

"Thanks for dinner Kurt," Blaine smiled "We still on for tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea," Kurt frowned and Blaine froze for a minute looking lost "What do you mean?"

"Blaine, you have a boyfriend," Kurt sighed when he saw the kicked puppy dog face Blaine was giving him.

"So?" Blaine was neatly folding his shirt into his bag as he talked to Kurt.

"You are with Sebastian," Kurt tried to be more specific and Blaine rolled his eyes.

"I repeat; so? Can't I hang out with a friend? Besides you have Elliot" Blaine sounded irritated like Kurt was the one being unreasonable when Blaine had wanted them to have some distance in the first place. Blaine really confused Kurt with his behaviour sometimes.

Kurt shook his head. Blaine didn't understand the concept of relationships, probably because he hadn't really had a proper one himself so he let it go "Elliot and I aren't dating but Never mind. It's just you wanted some distance with me before, and I'm trying to respect that,"

"You're not dating? Did you two break up?" Blaine looked sorry for spilling that out but Kurt shrugged "We'd have to be a couple first to be able to break up Blaine, he made that story up about how we got together. He was trying to help me," Kurt confessed "Because I really like you - more than just friends, and I wanted an extra pair of eyes to help me figure you out, because you confuse me Blaine,"

Blaine was just on his way to the front door as they stopped walking and he stood in front of Kurt putting his arms on Kurt's shoulders "I don't really know what I'm doing Kurt. I act like I do, because there's Sebastian, and I don't want people to think I'm insensitive, so I'm sorry if I'm confusing you because I confuse myself most of the time, and I usually tell it better in song, but this isn't high school anymore. It's real life, and I suck at it,"

"You don't suck at it," Kurt sympathised "You're just taking time in finding yourself and what you want in life," Blaine smiled warmly at him. "And that's okay. I'm content just being your friend right now," Kurt said sincerely and Blaine kissed him on the cheek. "I want you to know, I really really care about you,"

"It's just like when harry met sally," Kurt said with optimism and Blaine laughed as Kurt added "Except I get to play Meg Ryan,"

"Deal…hang on. Don't they get together in the end? I know we watched it on the plane but I think I fell asleep during that part,"

Kurt just grinned. "Goodnight Blaine,"
