My Pov

We carefully snuck through the shop. We went into the back room and saw a gihugic oven.

"Why would Gramma Stuffum need a oven that big?" I asked. That's when Gramma Stuffum's voice came from a speaker.

"Why just have a bunch of TINY doughnuts when just ONE of my mega-doughnuts can plump you up oh so nicely!?" Gramma Stuffum exclaimed.

"We won't let you do this!" Lenny said.

"You'll never get away with this, Gramma Stuffum!" Numbuh 1 exclaimed.

"Oh, but my Spinach Soldiers beg to differ!" Gramma Stuffum said. Many of them started popping up.

"Kids Next Door, battle stations!" Numbuh 1 called. We charged foward, shooting the Spinach Soldiers with our G.U.M.Z.O.O.K.A. Then, several of Gramma Stuffum's Lunch Ladies came at us. We managed to take them out before traveling farther into the shop. We came to another room, where boiling red liquid filled the floor below us and broccoli infused gas spouted from nozzles on small platforms.

"Figures she's making this hard, but we can't stop now." I said.

"Adults never realize they can't win against Kids Next Door noperative mtater what because we nevery give up." Lenny said.

"Gramma Stuffum, we will neverallow you to deny kids the sugary-sweet taste of Sprinkle Puff Donuts! You're going back to prison where you'll never touch another spatula again!" Numbuh 1 exclaimed.

"Oh you sweet little children, you'll never make it out of my oven uncooked!" Stuffum said. Numbuh 1 handed me and Lenny a grappling shot.

"Aim carefully and time it just right." Numbuh advised. We managed to get to a steady platform, just missing the broccoli gas. However, we ended up stuck.

"Now what?" Lenny asked. That's when several doughnuts were shot up by small spouts of the red liquid.

"That's it. We can use the donuts to get across. Be careful and watch your step." Numbuh 1 said. One by one, each of us hopped on one donut and thenanotger, staying only one donut behind the other. Finally we made it to the small platform beneath a vent. The small platform lifted us into the vent and we ended up in a ridiculously gihugic ventilation duct. I looked down and saw a large fan.

"How are we suppose to get up there?" Lenny asked. I looked up and saw the door was several feet above the ground. I noticed a switch.

"I think I got an idea." I said. I went to the switch box and pulled down the lever, turning on the fan. Merely jumping up, propelled us several feet into the air. Thankfully, there were several moving platforms for us to land on. We got up to the door only to find it locked.

"There must be a way to open this door." Numbuh 1 said.

"Be back." I said. I decided to go up farther. That's when I spotted a switch. I pulled it down and the door opened.

"The door's open Numbuh 0.6. Let's go!" Lenny yelled up to me. I jumped down and let myself fall and Lenny grabbed my hand and pulled me into the doorway. We hurried farther in.

We used our grappling shots to get down to the ground. The whole floor area of the room was covered in something.

"What is this goo?" I asked. Lenny scooped some on his fingers and tasted it.

"It's donut batter." Lenny said.

"There's enough here to feed all the hungry kids in the world." Numbuh 1 said.

"It won't matter if Gramma Stuffum uses all this batter to make spinach-filled, anchovy sprinkle-covered donuts!" I exclaimed, disgusted.

"She's right! We have to hurry and stop Stuffum." Lenny said. We hurried through, fighting off Lunch Ladies and Food Soldiers that would come out of the batter. Finally we made it to the final room. That's when Gramma Stuffum appeared in some kind of machine.

"So... haven't had enough of Gramma's cooking yet I see..." Stuffum said.

"Stuff it, Stuffum! It's time to trade in your oven-mitts for hand-cufffs!" Numbuh 1 exclaimed.

"You've cooked your last meal!" Lenny said.

"You should make this easy and come quietly." I said.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho... but I'm afraid you haven't cleaned your platesyet my skinny scarecrows! Not to worry... my Chunk Wagon has just ze thing to helps you children put some... MEAT ON YOUR BONES!" Stuffum exclaimed.

"Looks like we should have ordered out to eat!" Numbuh 1 gasped. Gramma Stuffum charged at us. We each fired our G.U.M.Z.O.O.K.A. but she had a shield around her. I noticed a switch on the wall. I ran over and over and pulled it. The meat hooks above us brought out large donut. Once it was over the vant, a hose drained the donut of all its jelly filling. I pulled the switch again, except this time a donut dropped to the ground. Gramma Stuffum went after it and her Chunk Wagon started pulverizing it. I noticed a switch on the vant and one on the far wall.

"Numbuh 1, the switch on the wall!" I said, pointing to it. He spotted it and ran for it, taking out any Spinach Soldiers that got in the way. He pulled theswitch, causing the cute under Stuffum to opened, trapping her in a small space.

"Numbuh 0.4! Pull the switch on the vant. The sugary-sweetness of the jelly should disable the Chunk Wagon's shield." Numbuh 1 said. Lenny jumped over several soldiers, while shooting them in the process, and pulled the switch. The vant emptied into the space, destroying the shield. We fire our weapons at Stuffum and her machine powered off.

"Hope you didn't have any dinner plans. You may just have to cancel." I said.

"Let's go." Lenny said. He slapped a pair of cuffs on her. That's when I heard my P.I.P.E.R. go off. I pulled it out and heard Bruce's voice.

"Numbuh 1! Numbuh 0.4! Numbuh 0.6! Come in!" Bruce called.

"Numbuh 0.6, speaking. What's wrong Numbuh 0.1?" I asked. That's when Numbuh 4 cut in.

"Numbuh 1, I really have to go to the bathroom!" Numbuh 4 exclaimed.

"He has to ask premission for that?" Lenny asked, confused. Numbuh 1 shook his head and took my P.I.P.E.R.

"Well, you don't need my premission." Numbuh 1 said.

"I know! It's just that all of the toilets are clogged with-" Numbuh 4 said.

"Ew!" I exclaimed.

"We don't need to know that!" Lenny groaned.

Numbuh 1: "Gross, Numbuh 4! What have I told you about keeping it in the bowl?" Numbuh 1 said.

"That's the thing; he hasn't gone yet. There some kind of gross slime all over the treehouse. It looked like someone just blew their nose everywhere." Bruce said.

"Sounds like the Common Cold's work." I said.

"My thoughts exactly. You guys break out the Vitamin C weapons and wait for backup. Attention, members of Sectors V and Z! This is a Super-Double Code Blurpleberry. The treehouse is under attack!" Numbuh 1 alerted.

"Copy that. Numbuh 5 and Numbuh 0.2 are on it." Numbuh 5 said.

"Roger that! We'll locate and capture the Common Cold. You guys worry about transporting Gramma Stuffum here." David said.

"Right. Let's move." Numbuh 1 said. We grabbed Stuffum and hurried back.