Mothers are the most amazing people in the world. They love us, care for us, are always there for us, and put us above everything else. I was originally going to post this on Mother's Day, but I decided to make this a two-shot: one for Mother's Day and one for Father's. So I'm posting this roughly halfway between those two holidays. Reviews and constructive criticism appreciated (especially if you find any bad grammar or awkward wording). Happy reading!

For Dick Grayson, the joy of finding out that his father was alive after an entire year of believing otherwise unfortunately lasted only a few weeks before it was quickly eclipsed by jealously and uncertainty regarding his relationship with a certain little bird. Although Damian would (probably) never admit it, he had come to accept Dick and even begin to view him as family (despite his "inferior gypsy blood and ungainly habits"). But now that Bruce had returned, Damian of course wanted to reclaim his place as the "true" son of Bruce Wayne. This left Dick confused about his status in the mind of the youngest bird. After living with and mentoring Damian for so long, his view of his young protégée had blurred between brother and son.

However, to Damian's dismay and Dick's indignation, Bruce was highly averse to accepting Damian as his son, blood relations or no. For so long, the vigilante had forbidden killing, yet his biological son had been raised an assassin by the al Ghuls of all people, which did not help the child gain his father's trust. Plus, that kid's personality was pricklier than a hedgehog-covered cactus.

Even though Dick didn't enjoy being seemingly replaced (as much as Alfred tried to convince him otherwise), he did his best to strongly foster, in his way, the partnership between the original Batman and the newest Robin. As Bruce grew to reluctantly trust his unorthodox son, Dick found himself increasingly confused and slightly lost. After all, now that Bruce was back in his position as head of the house, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, and Gotham's Dark Knight, Dick really had no reason to stay in Gotham. Dick had long ago grown into an independent young man and both their dominant personalities began to clash and cause friction. So he decided that it was high time that he went back to his city before that friction escalated into an inferno.

Dick was in his room packing up his belongings in preparation for his departure from the Manor when Damian entered his room with uncharacteristic shyness, his hands tucked behind his back. He gave a small cough to announce his presence. Dick has already grown used to his brother's quirks and turned smiling wryly, waiting for the child to say his piece.

"As you know, being the sappy imbecile that you are, today is Mother's Day. Our idiotic teacher had us make cards and threatened to fail me if I didn't, which you know Father would be quite angry if I did. Of course, Mother wouldn't want it so…" He had unfortunately run into a problem earlier that day during school when their perky young teacher decided that the students would be making cards for their mothers that day. When Damian told her that his mother wouldn't want the card, she told him that he should just make it for some other mother-figure in his life. He had Googled the word "mother", putting the detective skills that Dick had taught him to good use. Apparently a mother was there to coddle you when you were sick, tuck you in at night, make your hurts better, play with you, take care of you, and generally love you. Of course, the first person that came into his mind who fit that exact description was Grayson.

He stood there, his eyes skimming awkwardly around the room, not settling on his older brother. He gave another awkward cough before bringing his hand to the front. In his hands were a cute pink and rather glitter-covered card with the words "Happy Mother's Day" cheerily written over the top in red caps. Dick didn't know whether to laugh, be offended, or cry. Damian stuck the card out, looking directly out the window.

Dick gave a half laugh, half sob before tightly gathering the protesting aspiring artist into his arms. "Thanks Baby Bird," He choked out. "It's beautiful." Damian buried his face in the older Bird's face to hide his blush and the rather joyful smile that was stretching across his normally oh-so-serious features. He decided that he would let this unwelcomed display of affection slide. After all, it was a special holiday to celebrate someone special.

Later, when he was having a final cup of tea with Alfred after dinner and everyone else had gone out for the night, Dick proudly displayed his newest treasure. Alfred decided that now was the time to be a grandfather and not a butler and let a pleased smile settle on his features. He knew that Dick had been agonizing (unfoundedly, of course) over his place in Damian's life for the past few weeks after Bruce's return. The two Birds had grown close to the point that they were more father and son than brothers during Bruce's absence and the butler was glad that everyone's place was firmly resolved. After all, it wouldn't harm Damian too much if he had two fathers; on the contrary, it would seem that Damian wouldn't prefer it any other way.