Author's Rant: I can't believe I let this story slip my mind. So sorry guys. Thanks very much to everyone who's read, favorited, reviewed, and followed the story. Here's the final chapter. Please excuse any mistakes. Enjoy!
Warning: The fluff's insanely sickening lol. Mpreg Mildly Implied.
Final Outcome
Returning to school the next day shouldn't be all that big a deal. It could go the way Inuyasha wanted it, but after what happened yesterday, he wasn't sure whether he craved normalcy or the anticipation of seeing how true Sesshomaru's confession was. It could have been an elaborate joke. Some terribly cruel scheme to have Inuyasha too lovesick to see the prank before it's deployed.
Boy, how well organized would that be because as Inuyasha kissed his mother good bye and stepped free of the car, he gazed at his high school with a new outlook. If anything did happen, he wouldn't expect it. His thoughts were raving with his first kiss, Sesshomaru's sweet words and the gentleness in the way he touched the hanyou's face.
He clutched at his textbooks with his left arm to let his right hand rise and cradle over his cheek. If Sesshomaru were really planning to trick Inuyasha, his act yesterday would be Oscar worthy. He seemed genuine about everything. What if it is real? That meant that all they've ever done up to this point will change. The school populous would freak. Even the teacher staff would flip out. The two of them were notorious for their bitter rivalry.
Inuyasha stopped his lazy stroll to the school and glanced over his shoulder to see Bankotsu jogging to him, waving. The hanyou meets his best friend with a fist dab and pats his back.
"What's good?"
Bankotsu sighs. "Not a damn thing now or ever. Ma's got me on lockdown for the rest of my life."
"Damn, word?"
"Yep, I'm not even allowed to breathe without written permission. Remember that trip we had planned for Orlando this summer? Kiss that good-bye."
"It's cool. When Aunt Kagura tells Mama she's got gonna let you go, there's no way I'm going." Inuyasha hugs him closer. "It would've been boring without you anyway."
"I'm glad you think so," Bankotsu loops his arm around Inuyasha's neck snickering. "You know I'm a selfish best friend, yeah? If you went without me, I'd have to level your head with the sole of my shoes."
They indulged in a fun laugh, taunting, teasing, and challenging one another on who had it worse at home. After a few counters, Inuyasha didn't think his punishment could compare to Bankotsu's. Save for coming to school, Bankotsu couldn't even leave his bedroom without shouting from upstairs for consent from his parents.
They were near the portico now, the early morning sanctuary for the upperclassmen. All the regular dwellers were present and accounted for: Koga, Hoshiyomi, Hiten, Hakudoshi, Tsukuyomaru, Ryura, and naturally, their ring leader, standing against the rails, dressed like holy shit, is Sesshomaru. Stupid sexy jackass. . .
Normally, here is when Inuyasha held his breath and kept his fingers crossed to climb the stairs unnoticed. Pretending to be oblivious to the open leers and snickering whispers would usually be a piece of cake. What changed is that now that he knew about Sesshomaru, what would be appropriate now? Speak? Act normal—which revolves around violence. Or simply be casual and toss a quick 'sup'.
Inuyasha shakes his head. Man, why was he thinking so much into it? He bets Sesshomaru isn't stumbling over himself wondering how to proceed with his day. Shoot, Inuyasha knew he wasn't. Sesshomaru's always been too stuck on himself to let anything bother him.
"Just play it cool, dude," the hanyou hears Bankotsu whisper. "Maybe he's in a good mood today."
Oh. Yeah, Bank doesn't know about what happened. Pretend huh? Easier said than done.
Inuyasha swallowed and licked his lips, unhooking his arm from Bankotsu's shoulders to securely hold his books to his chest. Eyes lowered to slightly below leveled, he isn't able to see much of the upperclassmen as he takes each step stiffly. When he realized how timid it made him look, he shook his head and snorts, and erects his back ramrod straight, adding more of a languid fluency in his stride. There, now that's how he's supposed to be. He'll be damned if he lets Sesshomaru disrupt his swagger.
And just like that, everything he just put into effect melted like candle wax. Sesshomaru's deep voice crackles through the hanyou like a lightning bolt. Inuyasha almost jumped out of his shoes, just like his heart barely kept from leaping into his throat. Self-control is marginally drawn back in as Inuyasha takes a deep breath and shoots a sour glare in Sesshomaru's direction.
"Yeah, what?" he snaps on reflex.
Sesshomaru looked at him carefully, scowl set hard on his handsome face. Then the expression smooths into one of the most gorgeous smiles Inuyasha didn't think possible for someone so evil.
"Good morning," he says and widens his smile so that the arch in his cheekbones closes his eyes. "I just wanna tell ya to have a good day."
Inuyasha almost went into a state of shock. As were the likely cause for everyone else within hearing range that bore witness to this historical moment. Even as the seconds ticked for everyone waiting for the anticipated moment Sesshomaru would follow up with an insult or something provokingly clever to rattle the hanyou's nerves, it never came.
"Um," Inuyasha's sure a blush has made itself right at home along the bridge of his nose and cheeks. "Thanks. You too."
Sesshomaru shifts off the rail on his feet and slowly moves to stand on the step ahead of the hanyou's. "You need help carryin' your books to class?"
An audible gasp could be heard coming from one of his teammates. Or from Bankotsu. Inuyasha was too transfixed on the kindly glimmer in Sesshomaru's eyes to notice.
"N-no, I got it." He chuckles uneasily, tucking a bit of hair back. "Thanks though."
Sesshomaru winks. "You're welcome."
'Be still my beating heart, is this for real?' Inuyasha's mind shrieks. "So, I'll just, uh, go to class now." Wow, he couldn't believe how soft his voice had gotten.
Sesshomaru bent forward so that his lips rested on the side of Inuyasha's forehead. Gentle as the beat of a butterfly wing, he presses his lips there and lifts away. "I'll see ya later." He returns to prop himself against the veranda railing, eyes specifically trained on Inuyasha for a reaction.
The hanyou couldn't tear his eyes away from the older demon either if he tried. The tingly residue left behind from his warm lips acted like a magnetic root keeping him in place. Gold eyes wide and entranced, a small smile tilts the corner of his lips. His blush intensifies and with a new vigor in his stroll, Inuyasha continues through the double doors.
Bankotsu stared awkwardly between the two profoundly lost from this otherworldly occurrence. He didn't know whether to be glad or scared. When the first bell rings, he shakes himself out of his stupor and dashes after Inuyasha. He is going to need a major explanation for this strange turn of events.
Meanwhile, Sesshomaru's circle of friends were monumentally mortified from what just transpired in front of them.
"What in the actual fuck did I just see?" Ryura whispered.
Hoshiyomi shift a couple of feet away from Sesshomaru eyeballing fiercely, like he grew an extra head. "Ya good man? That was awful sweet of you."
"Mm'straight," the white hair demon answers coolly.
"Man, this is some crazy apocalyptic shit here," grumbles Tsukuyomaru. He leans forward to catch a better view of Sesshomaru's face. At the heavenly aura radiating off of him, the bat demon immediately grabs his backpack and shuffles for the door. "Screw this. It's the second coming. I'm gonna go pray before Hell bursts wide open."
The others follow his example, nervously gendering Sesshomaru as they past. Koga remains, on his perch, grinning from ear to ear. He holds out his fist. "My man."
Sesshomaru cracks open an eye and takes the fist pound. "My dickish title has officially been relinquished."
Inuyasha couldn't contain his dreamily sighs. Every time he thought about he thought about Sesshomaru an ooey, gooey shiver would summon chills along his arms. His first two periods went by in a blur, the teacher's voices on par to the characters from Charlie Brown. Nothing but wah, wah, wah.
The front of his textbooks were branded with dozens of crooked hearts filled with his and Sesshomaru's initials. This morning's actions delighted him, and so had the emotions displayed on Sesshomaru's face, clear as the wind dancing through his hair. Another misty sigh leaves his lips.
It's all Bankotsu can stand. "Ugh, I can't take it!" At the sound of the next bell, he throws his arms up. "Saved by the bell. Another session of hearing your sick sighs and I was gonna blow a chunk. Jesus man, have some self-control."
Inuyasha eyes were glazed as silkily as his smile. "You say something?"
Bankotsu glowers. "You disgust me." He yanks on his bag and marches out of class.
Inuyasha languidly trails behind unable to keep his thoughts from clouding over with images of Sesshomaru. His smile, his eyes, his hair, his body, his walk, his utter perfection. What took him so long to realize how wonderfully magnificent that guy is?
"Inuyasha," Bankotsu whined. "Stop bein' all gross and in love, bro. You're ignorin' me."
Inuyasha blinks at the pitiful tenor directed at him and notices his best friend's blue eyes doing a terrible impression of a kicked puppy. "Aww, Bank." The hanyou loops his arm over his best friend's shoulder. "Sorry bud. I've been trippin' huh?"
"All over your damn self 'cause of Sesshomaru. Shit if I knew you'd go all alien, I'd have called the Men in Black."
They arrived to their lockers, interchanging their textbooks for the next class period, and grabbing their lunch money.
"Are we still eating outside or do I need to start interviewing for a new lunch pal?" Bankotsu finished his chore before shimmying his shoulders through the straps. When Inuyasha doesn't reply, the blue eyed human swings his door shut to see why.
Inuyasha's engrossed in reading an unfolded letter written from, naturally, Sesshomaru. Bankotsu can't help but chuckle. "Dude, you are so done for." He secures his locker door and leaves, shouting a short, "Yo, come find me when you're back to normal!"
The hanyou doesn't hear him or the noise of the other students crowding the halls. He leans his back against the locker wall, gold eyes skating over each word addressed to him. With each finish sentence he succumbs more and more to the thought of finalizing his decision on where he stood with Sesshomaru.
Dear Inuyasha,
Guess there's no sense in using choice words to disguise who I am. The cat's out of the bag, my secret revealed. How that came to be is of minor importance. I can't say I'm disappointed that you found me out. There's no reason for me to be careful. I can be what I've always wanted to be for you; your one and only loving, caring, affectionate guy.
As I proved this morning, I can change. Perhaps not all of me, but enough to convince you that all impossibilities aren't so imaginary. I'll admit there are some rough patches about myself I doubt I can ever get rid of. I'm not perfect. Even if I often declare myself to be, I'm not without my faults. I'm short-tempered, have difficulty being tender in public, and I'm probably going to be aloof about my emotions. You've witnessed that for yourself yesterday. I'm no good at it. It's so much easier to reveal my feelings on paper because anything that comes out of my mouth feels forced. The deliverance might sound lukewarm, but know my love for you isn't.
What I told you yesterday was true. I've yearned for you since we were children. My younger self was too naïve to recognize my infatuation, confusing the word with rough attention. I can't apologize enough for my decade of terror and if it comes to me having to drop to my knees to beg for your forgiveness, I'm not beyond doing it.
It wasn't until I made it home last night that I was able to erase the clouds of doubt that hovered in my mind about our future. I was elated Inuyasha. So much so I couldn't contain my laughter and shook with happiness. I wanted to scream it to the sky, telling everyone I knew, share my jovial with the world.
There lies a genuine chance for it to become a reality.
I know you told me that you would think on it. I respect that. No rush. No pressure. I've placed a heavy burden on you as far as the next step to take between us. Know that no matter what, I fully accept the consequences. My past actions may influence your decision. I'm man enough to acknowledge when I was wrong. Whether you chose to look past my mistakes is strictly up to you. Don't feel obligated to return my feelings out of a sense of necessity to spare hurting me. I'm a big boy. Rejection and acceptance are all a part of growing up right?
Before I end this, I want to make a few things clear. Should you decide to recognize my love for you, you'll never regret it. I will treat you like the king you are, cherish your worth and never let you forget how much prosperity you bring into my life. We'll fight, we'll argue, there may be days neither of us ever wants to speak to the other again. But that will never be the end. Because we'll always drift back to one another and remember why we fell in love in the first place.
You'll help me fulfill every silly fantasy I've ever dreamed; the easygoing, simple one . . . and those where I drive you through the most intense passion you've ever heard of. I will worship your body, claim you as mine, hold you tight, and maintain your paroxysm until you beg me to stop.
You know what's crazy? Once, I had a dream of me returning to a two white house; one of those country style abodes with the flowers hanging off the porch, the swinging bench, and the wooden rails and a bunch of land with lots of grass. I went inside, dumped my duffle off and my feet took me back to a room enveloped in this intense golden light.
And there you were, an older, mature version of you welcoming me with open arms. (No lie baby, I swear you were even more gorgeous then you are now, if that's even possible. You went from hot to blazing baby boy, I mean fuck!) You grew your hair longer, you even got taller. You were wearing one of my basketball jerseys: for the San Antonio Spurs. (Keeping my fingers crossed for that goal.)
You were standing next to a crib. That's where the blinding glow came. You held out your hand, captured mine in your grasp and pulled me forward. I kiss you, felt every bit of your sweetness in it, and you hugged me close. You look to me wearing the cutest smile and bring my hand to touch the crib.
I look inside and what I see inside is my ultimate utopia, the truest testament to my love for you.
I caught a glimpse of a vision that I rarely entertained, but they were there. A pair of chubby cheeked babies, just as thick in the arms and legs. One in a kitty cat onesie and the other wearing a bunny two-piece. I can't tell you whether they're boy or girl. It didn't matter to me. But they were ours. I know they were. The way they smiled at me, no one else in the universe wears it like you.
Inuyasha . . . as long as I live, I don't think I'll ever love someone as much as I do you. You are my everything. I want you to be the beginning, middle and end of my life . . .
I love you.
If you say yes, I vow to remind you every day for as long as we live.
Inuyasha shut his eyes hard to stop the tears from falling, but they stupidly leaked through, hanging like dewdrops on his eyelashes. He chewed his bottom lip, holding his sob at bay and turns to face his open locker because of the the few students noticing his emotional state. He sniffed, rubbing his palm over his eyes and inhaling real slow and careful.
Whenever his vision cleared long enough to find the sentences that touched him most, his chest would tighten, his throat would plug and he'd back to square one in trying to control his dumb tears. Crying, shit. He couldn't believe he was so touched. He needs to get it together.
The hanyou choked back a squeak, but didn't turn around. He didn't need to feel how close Sesshomaru was to him. The heat coming off him sent Inuyasha's stomach into somersaults and cartwheels.
"Why aren't you at lunch?"
Speech failed him. Inuyasha didn't think he could handle speaking or formulating a single phrase in response. He couldn't concentrate on anything other than the endless possibilities promised him; those heartfelt words penetrated him to his core. How exactly do you recover from that?
"Hey, Inuyasha, ya feelin' alright?"
Another thing Inuyasha couldn't deal with right now was a sympathizing Sesshomaru. Inuyasha felt his eyes stinging for another round of tears as he silently stared into the messy contents in his locker. No matter how hard he tried to fight them, the tears flowed freely. He lowered his head, shoulders buckling, eyes squeezed tight. He didn't know what to say to Sesshomaru.
And by now, Sesshomaru could smell his tears. If he hadn't already picked up the scent, it was definitely permeating the air now. He ran a shaky hand through his banes, biting down on his bottom lip.
Strong hands balanced on his shoulders. He jumped as gentle strength was applied to turn him around. Inuyasha kept his head bowed. Long fingers cradled his chin and tilts his head up. Inuyasha helplessly gazes those powerfully bronze gold eyes, soft and concerned. And angry? Why?
"You either tell me who put these tears in your eyes or I'm gonna start knockin' heads until the stupid ass confesses."
He thinks that. . . Yeah, of course he does. Inuyasha wipes at his eyes, opens his mouth, and still nothing comes out. All he can muster is a slight head shake. There was a long pause before a dry sigh breezes between Inuyasha's ears and two long arms glide up and wrap around the hanyou's torso, pulling him into Sesshomaru's chest. Inuyasha buried his face deep into the warmth, absorbing as much Sesshomaru's fresh body wash as he could.
An airy chuckle. "Didja find my letter?" he rumbles. Inuyasha nods and there's more soft laughter. "You mean to tell me you cryin' is my fault?" Again Inuyasha confirms with a nod. Sesshomaru's long digits stroked gently through Inuyasha's hair, combing sweeps from crown to the middle of his back. "I made you cry. That's really somethin'. I would kick my own ass, but I doubt my foot's gonna reach that far."
That brings a watery smile to the hanyou's face. "Shut up, stupid." He drags in a shuddering breath, tears welling up in his eyes again. ". . . I'm s-so used to you bein' a jerk. . . How long have you been this sweet?"
"I'm not like this with just any ole' body," Sesshomaru murmurs, brushing a kiss against Inuyasha's forehead. "You bring this sissy shit outta me."
"We're probably scarin' people, huggin' like this."
Inuyasha feels the curve of Sesshomaru's smile against his face. "Probably."
"I can't believe we're doin' this."
"Me either. I didn't think I'd get a hug or kiss this early. That was gonna be next year's goal. Hell, I'm ahead schedule now."
The embrace loosens, making Inuyasha gaze up. Thin white eyebrows hung low over gold eyes, warmed like honey. Inuyasha's arms rose of their own accord, draping lazily around Sesshomaru's neck, pulling him closer and tapping their foreheads together. The moment's sweetened when Sesshomaru rubs his nose against Inuyasha's and the hanyou furthers the intimacy by gently touching their lips together.
Sesshomaru gasps, and Inuyasha curls his tongue into Sesshomaru's mouth with a neat little flick, in and out.
"Yum," Sesshomaru backs away, eyes half-lidded, licking his lips as if Inuyasha left a little of his taste behind. "Ya sure you never kissed anybody before?"
"Nope, you're my first."
"Good," Sesshomaru dips his head, "less folks to be jealous of," and expertly lures Inuyasha in for a second burning kiss. It's more enjoyable then the first, much more. Inuyasha's fingertips tickle the nape of Sesshomaru's neck, teasingly kneading the finer bits of hair not as long as the rest.
Euphoria must feel like this. If this was a dream, Sesshomaru will fight to stay asleep. All he wanted to do was savor this for as long as it lasts, drinking in Inuyasha's gorgeous flushed face, kissing his lips until he they were too numb to tell the difference between them. He never, ever wants to let the hanyou go and he definitely didn't want to stop kissing him. Who knew Inuyasha could taste so good?
He kept pressing kisses to Inuyasha's mouth, just firm, quick lip locks and drawing away to watch the bliss on Inuyasha's face before satisfying his hunger again, relishing every sound, his scent, every breath to make sure this is indeed reality.
"Oh baby boy. . . I . . . love . . . you. . . so much," Sesshomaru mumbled in between kisses, pulling Inuyasha's body closer.
"Mm. . . Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha tried before their lips connected again and again.
A kiss. Then another. Inuyasha could barely catch his breath. "You . . . don't think . . . we oughta . . . stop?"
"Hell . . . no. . ."
"People . . . are . . . startin' to . . . stare."
"So? . . . Let 'em."
Inuyasha ducked his head to let the next few catch his forehead. "Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru wait," Inuyasha placed his hand on the demon's lips when he discovered where his lips landed. "I never gave you my answer."
"Huh?" Sesshomaru asked in a daze, steadying his breathing. "Answer to what?"
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Don't go stupid on me, dude. I mean about being your boyfriend."
"You didn't . . . wait what?"
"I mean," Sesshomaru shrugged. "You kissed me. Shit, I thought it was a given."
Well, oh. Inuyasha hadn't considered that. His fingers drum over the back of Sesshomaru's neck in thought. "I guess it was." He shrugs too. "So what happens now?"
Sesshomaru pops his lips together, glances over his shoulders and cocks his eyebrow at the less then conspicuous audience they gathered. "Firstly, we go somewhere more private. I think we missed half of lunch period." He suddenly grins mischievously. "Wanna go to the school roof?"
Inuyasha's blush covers his whole face. "And do what?"
Sesshomaru's smirk couldn't be more lecherous.
Inuyasha dulls his eyes. "Hell no. My virginity's off limits."
Sesshomaru's eyes grow comically wide. "You're a virgin?"
"I'm only sixteen."
Sesshomaru closes his eyes and tilts his head heaven bound. "Thank you, God. I swear I won't let this gift go to waste. I vow on our honeymoon to dig my sausage all up in his bread."
"Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha bops him on the nose. "Don't get any ideas. That's the last thing on my mind."
"Oh yeah?" Sesshomaru grins sneakily and wiggles his hips forward. "Lil' man downstairs says differently."
"Well, yeah, if you rub against him like that he's gonna go for gold, dumbass." Inuyasha blinks impossibly wide, glances between them, looks at Sesshomaru, back down, then looks up frowning. "Uh, is that—"
"All eleven by three inches of me, yeah. So, don't move. My Johnson's locked and loaded. Any sudden moves and someone's gonna lose an eye."
Inuyasha shakes his head in affection. "You're an idiot." He cups Sesshomaru's cheeks and plants a kiss on his nose before rubbing his against it. "My big, insane idiot."
Sesshomaru smiles as well. "Love you too, baby boy."
Epilogue: 10 Years Later
"So, ya know, I was wonderin'. . ."
"I mean, if you ain't doin' anything later. . ."
Bankotsu paused in the middle of installing the ceiling fan in the nursery and looked down at Koga's scrunched up face down below. He smiled encouragingly at the wolf demon to continue with his inquiry, but little did he know, that smile's become Koga's kryptonite. All of these years of constantly teasing and keeping a lethargic demeanor so Koga's really feelings aren't revealed around the human, has done little to cure his inability to form a straight sentence.
Anything relating to asking him out always ends up buried under a pile of shame and embarrassment. They were older now, a lot more mature since their high school years. Sesshomaru was recruited their second year of college into the Spurs. Koga soon followed after, being sent to the Cleveland Cavalier's. They have be rivals on the court, but Sesshomaru and Koga never lost touch. Their friendship remained as strong as ever. Thankfully, so had Inuyasha and Bankotsu's.
Which meant, anytime Koga went to visit his friends, Bankotsu was right there to join in the gathering. And every time Koga saw him, a little more of him fell deeper and deeper into that rapturous damnation known as everlasting love. He thought himself incapable of ever feeling so strongly for anyone. Hearing Sesshomaru babble about it all the time was sweet and it seemed like something only meant for his best friend to enjoy. Sesshomaru had discovered a diamond in the rough when it came to Inuyasha. Gems like those were hard to find.
During the earlier part of Koga's career, he went through his share of men and women, but the end results were always the same; empty, pointless affairs that never amounted to anything. He felt nothing for them. They provided that momentary relief to his libido, but otherwise, they served no further purpose.
But around Bankotsu, he just, it was hard to describe. He felt lighter, his days brighter. Bankotsu maintained his laid back, silly, down-to-earth personality all the way up to his current days. Looking at him now, high above Koga's height, he glowed. The halo of sunshine haloing around him was as dazzling as his smile.
He'd grown taller, scarcely missing the full six feet by a couple of inches. He's packed on weight in all the right places, muscles compact in his lithe arms and legs after spending their college days running track and field. The long, whipping plait he held dear in high school was trimmed to the center of his back, but his banes were still impossible to bane. His forehead bears a four-point purple star he received after pledging with a frat nicknamed the Band of Seven. It'd been one of his happiest moments, being accepted into one of the most prestigious fraternities in the nation and earning the respect that came with a human joining a demon dominated group.
Koga sometimes wished he possessed Sesshomaru's tenacity. If he could borrow an ounce of his best friend's determination, he probably would've asked Bankotsu out and they'd be on their way to exchanging webbing nuptials. It's so damn stupid how immature this is, sporting an unhealthy crush. He was a grown ass man for goodness sakes!
"Koga, help me down."
The wolf demon snaps out of his reverie to help Bankotsu climb down the ladder, being sure to keep his gaze avert from staring too openly at his perky ass. Once leveled with the floor, Bankotsu stretched his arms overhead, leaning in a steep right, then left, unfairly revealing a slither of delectably tanned abs.
"Now, what were ya gonna ask me?"
Koga blinks, slanted blue eyes looking awkwardly at the deeper blue set belonging to Bankotsu. He stubbornly cuts his gaze to the side and huffs. "Just wanted to uh, ya know, see if you . . . wanted to chill later." He shoves his hands in his jean pockets, chewing the inside of his cheek.
"That's cool. When you wanna meet up?"
"Nah, I could pick you up." Koga's blush fanned across his cheeks. "If you're fine with that, I mean."
A similar blush spreads on Bankotsu's cheeks. "S-sure, yeah, that's alright with me."
Awkward silence levitates between them. Then they both speak at once.
"Wanna see a movie?"
"What time?"
They stare at each before dissolving into comfortable chuckles. Bankotsu rubs up and down his arm, smiling timidly at the floor, while Koga scratched the back of his neck, staring at the wall.
"So," Koga starts. "Movie?"
"Seven o'clock, gotcha," Bankotsu finishes. "Dinner later?"
Koga's grin turns sharp. "Olive Garden good?"
"Yep, I love the salad and—"
"Stuffed-Chicken Marasala, no mushrooms, extra breadsticks." Koga almost, almost slapped a hand over his mouth for letting out just how in tune he was to Bankotsu's eating habits. How weird did he sound just now?
The human studied him curiously. Then he brings his fist up to rest under his chin, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Chicken Scampi, extra sauce, no onions, light peppers."
Koga gawked. "H-How didja—"
Bankotsu burst out laughing at his expression. "It's what friends do, dude. All these years and you think I didn't pick up on some things?" He winks. "I gotta have my ammo."
Dear God, that's husband material. Koga really did give himself a slap to the face this time before composing himself. "Whatever, just be ready to go tonight. Don't take too long gettin' ready either. That's why we were late leavin' for Orlando last time."
Bankotsu rolled his eyes before heading back up the ladder. "Yeah, yeah Daddy."
Koga stopped, thought better of it, then continued on his way out the door. Sexy smartass.
. . . Outside the window to the nursery, Inuyasha calmly rocked in his chair, gently cradling a hand over his daughter's head to steady her body against his shoulder. Having heard the exchange between his friends, he smiles. "About time you idiots."
Inuyasha stared down into the bassinet holding his daughter's form while caressing her cheek. "I love you, baby girl," he whispers, tracing the tip of his finger over her features. She wasn't going to wake anytime soon. Such a sweet baby, his little Olvia, able to sleep through the nights with minimal demands.
His hand drifted to pinch at the tendrils of silvery downy hair adoring her head. He has to snort at the idea of combing it every morning because holy shit who knew a baby could be born with so much hair? That definitely explained the heartburn. Though, it was worth it. She's become his sole reason to wake up every day, getting up early to prepare for himself and then spending time to get her ready for whatever activities awaited them. He lived for it. He lived for her as much as he did for Sesshomaru.
Speaking of whom. . .
Inuyasha's right ear swiveled in the direction of the doorway and he smiles when two long arms encircle his waist and pulls him back.
"Watchin' her sleep again?"
"I'm just nervous 'bout leavin' her alone." Inuyasha's fingers gripped the edge of the bassinet. "I read on the internet—"
Sesshomaru stuffed his face into Inuyasha's shoulder to stifle his laugh. "Baby boy," he whined. "Ya ain't doin' yourself any favors readin' that shit."
Inuyasha glared. "Don't cuss 'round her. She's impressible at this age."
"She ain't thinkin' about us unless we're givin' her a bottle. Outside of that, we're irrelevant," chuckles Sesshomaru, gazing inside at his daughter as well, wearing a very narcissistic leer. "We make some pretty ass babies. I knew we would, but hot damn. . ." He suddenly frowns. "I'm gonna need a shotgun."
"You and me both," Inuyasha declared. Then he remembers. "Guess what happened today?"
"Mm?" A kiss is brushed on Inuyasha's cheek.
"Your boy finally manned up."
The smooches paused long enough for the news to sink in. "Koga asked Bank out?"
"Yep, 'bout time huh?"
Sesshomaru laughed quietly. "Damn. My man. Took his ass long enough."
"Sesshomaru," came Inuyasha's warning growl.
"Fine, fine." His hands spread over the little pouch left behind from their daughter. "By the way, I was wonderin'. . ."
"Ah man, here we go."
"No, I'm serious. Remember when you found out I was the guy raidin' your locker?"
"Dude, you're reminiscing that far back?"
"How did you find out it was me?"
Inuyasha tapped his chin. "I can't remember if it was me or Bankotsu's idea, but we said we'd hang around my locker to see who was sneakin' in the letters. Oh man, you should've seen our faces. Bankotsu looked like he swallowed poison and me, I freaked out so bad."
"Shut up." Inuyasha turned in the circle of Sesshomaru's arms and kissed his jaw. "Had it been anyone else, we'd been cool with it, but you?" he chuckles. "What a strange turn of events that was."
"And? Do you regret finding out?"
"Not at all," Inuyasha answers without missing a beat. "I don't regret a thing."
"Well I do."
Inuyasha cocks an eyebrow.
Sesshomaru poked his cheek. "I regret not sayin' somethin' sooner." And he proceeds to lay his forehead over Inuyasha's, and nuzzles their noses. "I love you."
Inuyasha closed his eyes, reeling inside. "You're so sappy . . . but I love your dumbass too."
Neither would ever get tired of hearing the other saying it. This was better than any dream they could have conjured for how their lives would be. It was perfect. The best life they could have ever hoped for.
^_^ The End ^_^
TBC: Thanks to everyone who's read it up to this point and enjoyed it. This marks the end of Strange Turn of Events . . . although, I'm debating on whether I should make a one-shot of Koga and Bankotsu. Not quite sure on that idea yet since it's up the wind lol. Anyway, I better go work on some updates for my other stories.