Chapter 1

The middle of the City. Steven Universe, Star Butterfly, Mabel Pines, and Mordecai the blue jay were on a mission. Mabel and Star were sitting at a cafe, at different tables. Steven was in a building looking out of the window. Mordecai was on a roof of
another building. They communicated via earpiece.

Steven: "See anything yet?"

Mordecai: "Got nothing. We sure she's headed this way?"

Star: "Based on where she was last spotted, this is the only spot she could go."

Steven: "Let's stay focused. This is the best lead we've had on Jasper in six months."

Mordecai: "Well if she sees you coming she won't run. She kind of hates you."

Steven: "Yeah I gathered that last time she and I talked."

Mabel: "I see garbage truck coming down. There's not a garbage dump anywhere the direction its going."

Mordecai: "I'll take a look."

Mordecai activated a pair of goggles, and scanned the garbage truck.

Mordecai: "It's at max weight, and the driver's armed."

Steven: "It's a battering ram."

Star: "To what?"

The garbage truck drove past the cafe, driving towards an institute for infectious diseases.

Mabel: "The institute for infectious diseases!"

The garbage truck smashed through the gate, and the back opened. Out of it came multiple soldiers and a massive woman with orange skin and a gem in her nose. This was Jasper.

Jasper: "Move out and clear the building. Find the biohazard."

The soldiers fired gas grenades into the building, poisoning and killing those inside.

Steven: "We gotta move."

Mabel and Star jumped up and ran towards the building. Mordecai jumped off the building and activated a flight-wing pack. He flew out and over to the building.

Three soldiers were outside the building while the rest moved in with Jasper. Steven appeared from the sky smashing a soldier into the ground with his shield. He threw his shield, knocking out the other soldier, than ran over and drop kicked the other
one into the wall.

Steven: "I have seven hostiles out."

Mordecai flew to two soldeirs on the roof of a nearby building, clothes-lining them both off the roof.

Mordecai: "5."

Mabel floated downwards to the outside of the building., using telekinetic powers defined by red energy streams. She grabbed a soldier with these powers, and threw him into the air. Mordecai came down and took him out with the wing of his flight pack.

Mabel: "Four."

Steven: "Mabel. Get me into the building. I'll clear it out."

Mabel: "What about the gas?"

Steven: "Vent it out."

Mabel used her powers to throw Steven into the window. He crashed through it with his shield throwing it into the wall, bouncing it into the back of a soldier's head. He caught it, tripping up a soldier at his side with it. He ran to the side and kicked
another soldier into the wall with incredible kept his breath held to avoid inhaling the gas. Mabel began using her powers to vent out the gas from the building. Jasper walked out and noticed the gas being moved with red energy.

Jasper: "They're here."

Jasper and the soldiers ran to the truck.

Mabel: "I can't get the ones running to the truck!"

Star: "I'm on it."

Star ran to the truck. She fired off an energy blast from her wand, taking out a soldier. She vaulted over him, kicking the soldier behind him. She performed a sweep kick on another one, then jumped on top of another clotheslining him into the ground.
Jasper grabbed Star by her shirt and hoisted her into the air. She fired magical attacks into Jasper's stomach multiple times. Jasper was unfazed.

Jasper: "Sorry, Mewnite. You're magic doesn't work on Quartz soldiers like me."

Jasper dropped her into the truck. She pulled out a diamond shaped device and twisted the top half turning it red.

Jasper: "Boom."

She threw the device inside as it started rapidly beeping.

Star: "Rainbow shield!"

Star placed a shield over herself. The device exploded. She got blown out the back of the truck, but her shield kept her protected.

Steven: "Star! You alright?"

Star: "I'm alright! Find Jasper and get the vial!"

Jasper and a group of four soldiers went into a farmer's market. Jasper gave the vial to one of the soldiers.

Jasper: "Split up and get this out of here!"

Soldier: "Where are you going to meet us?"

Jasper: "Not gonna."

Jasper summoned a crash helmet from the gem in her nose.

Mordecai flew over the farmer's market.

Mordecai: "I count three. No. Four. They're splitting up."

Star: "I'll get the ones on the left."

Steven: "I'll get the ones on the right."

The two split off. Steven noticed a backpack of ammo and armor on the ground.

Steven: "They ditched their gear. It's a shell game, one of them has the biohazard."

Another gem bomb attached to his shield. He quickly threw it into the air as it exploded above the crowd. Jasper came behind him and smashed into his back with her crash helmet. Steven struggled to stand.

Jasper: "It's been a long time, hasn't it Rose? I've been waiting for this!"

Steven summoned another shield to block her helmet strike.

Mordecai flew over head and flew into two of the soldiers smashing them both into a wall. He checked them both.

Mordecai: "Star! Yours have the vial!"

Star was chasing after two of the soldiers. She fired a beam from her wand, that knocked out one of them. The other one revealed he had the vial.

Soldier: "Drop the wand, or I drop this."

The other soldier held her at gunpoint after standing up.

Soldier: "Drop it now!"

Mordecai flew behind them and fired at both of them with a pair of submachine guns, taking them out. Star grabbed the vial before it hit the ground.

Star: "Thanks for the assist."

Mordecai: "You're welcome."

Star: "Where's Steven?"

Steven was taking on Jasper. Jasper backhanded Steven into a wall. He grabbed her fist with one hand and grabbed her other fist with the other hand.

Steven: "Thought you hated humans. When did you start working with them?"

Jasper: "I hate it just as much as any other gem, but I'd do anything to take you down at this point!"

Jasper tried to head butt him, but he released both fists and ducked down, sweep kicking her, causing her to fall on her knees. He summoned two shields from his gemstone, and smashed both sides of her helmet with them. He repeatedly hit her helmet, until
it cracked off.

Jasper: "You've gotten stronger. I like that."

Steven: "I'm taking you in."

Jasper: "No. I'm taking you down with me."

Jasper triggered her last gem weapon, planning to bomb the both of them. Just as she exploded, Mabel tried to collect the explosion in one place. Steven quickly placed a powerful bubble around Jasper's body. Mabel threw the bubble into the air, but it
failed, causing an explosion that blew the side off of a building, killing the innocent workers inside.

Steven: "Oh no."

Mabel: "What did I do?"

Steven: "Mordecai. I need a rescue on the building near my position. Search for...survivors."