Hey guys so I'm writing a long one shot but I had to do something different or else I might run out of love for it. So here is some short shit written at 1am with the twenty one pilots album playing.

Short cause I didn't know what I wanted to come from it but this works well. I found it kind of funny.

ALSO as I said its 1am so I apologize for any mistakes.

Dan sighed approaching a table with Phil on his heels. This American tour thing was really hectic and just flat out annoying, but the fans did make it better. He couldn't believe the number of fans that showed up at each show. They were in a Starbucks right now. He flopped into the chair slightly with a stressed and anxious pose to his sitting position.

"Calm down Dan you look like you will fall over any second." Phil said with a smile trying to make him feel better.

"That's how I feel.. This was so unorganized." Dan replied sighing once again.

"First rule of this tour: No sighing." Phil said laughing at Dan.

"Impossible. Laugh with me not at me." Dan smiled looking over at Phil who stopped laughing long enough to send Dan a smile.

"Honestly Dan laughing with you is impossible." Phil said eyes twinkling. Dan admired Phil pale skin and his defined cheekbones. His pale skin fit him defying all of his curves perfectly. Dan sighed knowing it was his choice never telling their fans of their relationship, but he didn't honestly feel comfortable with them knowing about their relationship.

"Then you don't get to laugh." He said realizing he stared at Phil to long. Phil and him were dating but it still felt weird to stare at him in public for to long.

"What! Unfair!" Phil said rather loudly.

"To bad." Dan said taking a sip of the coffee he ordered.

"I don't like you." Phil said playfully a joking glint in his eyes. A nice silence fell over the couple neither breaking it. Dan was thinking about how he wished he had confidence coming out to their fans half of them expected it in the first place. He just couldn't. He always thought that this was something that the whole world shouldn't know after all its not like its their business what goes on in the bedroom (it seemed many thought it was). Phil on the other hand was wondering how Dan could be so beautiful this early in the morning. His eyes drifted to the other boy who was looking at the table currently. Their eyes drifted to each other both of them seeing love and lust in the others eyes. Phil's orbs glowed with many emotions as they leaned in (in a PUBLIC place might Dan add). They met in the middle of the table their lips softly connecting. Both with their eyes closed taking in the moment.

They were oblivious to the female taking pictures of their kiss. She hit the Instagram icon quickly hitting the photo and making a caption saying 'OMFG PHAN KISFS! AHHJJHHH! IM FUCKING CRIINNNGG! #DAN #PHIL #DANANDPHIL #PHAN #OMFG #DANISNOTONFIRE #AMAZINGPHIL' and so on. She hit her other social media accounts adding the photos and a caption. Her phone was already buzzing. She looked up to see the long kiss end and them pulling apart as they looked around warily. Dan eyes met the females as she stood and walked out of the restaurant without another look.

What do you think!? My first phan fic so they are probably OCC. Please leave a review..

Favorite? If ya want. More so if you like it.

-Hadesmessengerpillow (::)