Plot: Who ever said that technology had to fight magic? Harry discovers a new form of magic called "Technomancy", which he quickly masters and uses to do what is right, not what is easy. He's going to become even more rich by helping people around the world with his doctoring skills. He's going to help Tony Stark, his bestie. And - OOPS, spoilers!

Disclaimer: If my name isn't J.K. Rowling, then I don't own Harry Potter. And in case you're not sure, my name isn't J.K. Rowling. Also, I don't own the Avengers.

Author's Note: I CHANGED THE FIRST CHAPTER! It's very different now. If you read it before, don't worry - similar elements will be appearing in later chapters. Somebody suggested that things should be more slow, so that's what's happening. Sorry if you don't like it.

In the previous chapter...

Eventually, he reached the front desk. "Excuse me, where do I sign up for school?" he asked the blonde secretary sitting at the desk.

She rolled her eyes and pointed at the principal's office. Harry sighed and grabbed the forms that the secretary handed to him. He knocked on the door-

"Come in!" a voice shouted.

Harry was strangely feeling nervous. You're a Gryffindor, he told himself. Get a grip. She's can't be that bad.

His hand closed around the doorknob and turned...

Harry opened the door and saw something that he had never expected.




Chapter 2: Landing a Job

Harry stayed in that position for a few seconds. He didn't move. He didn't blink. He didn't scream.

He just stared at Umbridge.

"Ahem, ahem," she said, coughing to get his attention.

The woman didn't even try to hide the fact that she was just like Umbridge. They both had toady voices, they both looked like toads, they both acted like toads, they both sounded like toads... they both were kinda toads.

Strangely, though, she didn't even look at him like she recognized him. "Uhhhhhhhhh," Harry said, his jaw dropping.

"I know I'm breathtaking, but you should close your mouth if you don't want flies to get in," the Umbridge look-a-like said. Harry closed his mouth. "Are you here to sign up for school?"

Harry nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"Are you dumb or just mute? Speak up, boy!" the woman said.

"Woman, I had to deal with you for a year already!" Harry exclaimed, backing towards the door.

"What?" the woman asked. "I don't even know you!"

Harry looked at her nametag closely. Daphne Jill Upton. D.J.U.

She had the same initials as Umbridge... but she couldn't be Umbridge, since Harry had put her in Azkaban himself.

Alright, this adventure was probably going to be just as hard as he had thought it would be. And very confusing.

On a second thought, it was entirely possible that some Death Eaters had taken her from Azkaban, Obliviated her, and sent her to the Muggle world.

But that wouldn't make sense, so Harry didn't question it.

On their first day of class, the short brown-haired teacher had bounced into the room, clearly excited to see all of her students. Likewise, all of her students were smiling at her exuberance.

"Alright, class!" she exclaimed. "Today we're going to code!"

Nobody protested. They knew that this was the way she worked - after all, practice made perfect. Harry, on the other hand, was very surprised. Normally, in Hogwarts, they learned theory before they practiced it.

"You will create a class called ," she said. "If you read the textbook at home like you were supposed to, you would know how to do this."

This time, there were groans of protest. Nobody liked homework.

Except Harry.

He got on a computer that had already been logged on and began typing.

It seemed like Harry was a natural at coding. His hands flew over the keyboard (something he had never touched before) like it was an instinct, typing rapidly for around ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, it was over. He had finished typing.

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main (String[] args) {
/* Prints "Hello World!" to the terminal window.*/
System . out. println("Hello World!"); } }

Mrs. Porter slowly went around the room, but as soon as she caught sight of Harry, she immediately headed for him.

"Mr. Potter," she hissed. "Can you tell me why you aren't typing- huh?"

Harry looked up at his monitor. He didn't even known how he did that.

"Well," Mrs. Porter said, looking impressed. "It seems like you've read the book, unlike the rest of the class. Create an animation of any kind. I expect to see it at the end of class."

The moment she turned around to check on the other students, Harry's hands flew over to the keyboard and began typing as fast as lightning again.

Ten minutes later, he was done.

Mrs. Porter quickly returned to him again. "Mr. Potter, why aren't you typing- huh?"

Harry looked at his monitor again. He still didn't know how he did that...

Or did he?

He was a wizard.

But wasn't magic supposed to conflict with magic?

"Well, Mr. Potter, you seem very experienced with coding," Mrs. Porter said, laughing. "I guess we'll have to test you a little more before we can move you up. You definitely don't belong in a beginning class. Make a Pacman program."

"Uhhhhh," Harry said. "What's Pacman?"

She facepalmed. "Make a card game," she said. Everybody knew what that was, she thought.

Exploding Snaps, Harry thought. His hands raced across the keyboard again as Mrs. Porter watched, intrigued. Even she couldn't type this quickly... it was almost like an instinct for Harry.

This game took a lot longer, but by the end of the class period, Harry was done. The bell rang, and Harry gathered his books-

"Class dismissed!" Mrs. Porter said. "Please stay in the classroom, Mr. Potter."

Harry did as she instructed. He looked at his code again.

"Mr. Potter," she said. "I'm very surprised. Not only did you create such a new, interesting, and complicated game in thirty minutes, you also did it without any errors. No logic errors, no syntax errors, no runtime errors... no errors at all. Even I wouldn't be able to do that," she confessed.

Harry's own eyes widened, surprised.

"I think you're miles ahead of even our advanced classes," Mrs. Porter said. "You don't deserve to be held behind, and the other students deserve my attention too."

Harry nodded.

"I'm going to ask my alma mater to accept your transfer," she said.

Harry shook his head. "I-I kind of did pretty bad in my other subjects in high school," he confessed. "That's why I'm in this community college."

Mrs. Porter nodded in understanding. "Alright, then. I'll ask my alma mater, New York University, to accept your transfer-ish. You're honestly so skilled that I think you'll be top of your class. But I'll ask them to let you keep taking your other classes here."

Harry nodded. "That'd be great," he said, grinning. "Thanks!"

"No problem," Mrs. Porter said.

Harry had no idea that he had realized one of the main tenets of Technomancy: Wizards excel at computer science because their magic flows through their finger tips, guiding them to create a near-perfect code. Normal wizards might have a few errors, but Harry wasn't a normal wizard.

- Line Break - Line Break - Line Break - Line Break - Line Break - Line Break - Line Break - Line Break - Line Break - Line Break - Line Break -

"Welcome to NYU's very own Computer Science class," the teacher said, grinning. "We will take a test to determine your placement."

Harry sighed. This again?

"Get on a computer and create a program that creates an animation of what you expect this class to be like."

Harry's hands moved themselves into the correct position while Harry stared, fascinated. They exploded into motion, coding as quickly as a zebra runs after seeing a lion. Ten minutes later, he was done.

The rest of the class had barely finished a hundred lines of code, while Harry had easily typed more than a thousands. It seemed like practice did make perfect. (Or more perfect, at least)

The teacher walked over to Harry's computer, disbelieving his own eyes. "Porter said you were better at coding than she was," he said in awe. "But I've never seen anybody code as fast as you did. Your major and minor objects both look so real! I can't believe this!"

Needless to say, Harry was quickly moved forward to an even more advanced class.

Harry wasn't as successful in his other classes, unfortunately. He was successful by his own standards, but he was never as successful at any other subject than he was at Computer Science.

Even though community college courses normally took two years, Harry had successfully completed his course in a year (thank Merlin for summer school). With that, he was ready to transfer to a better college.

His options were no longer as limited. Schools like Columbia and Rice were clamoring to accept Harry. Personally, Harry wanted to stay close to home, so he decided to attend Columbia for his second year of college.

Unfortunately, Columbia's computer science courses were barely enough to teach Harry anything. After a year of following the teacher's instructions in class, Harry decided that he wanted to apply his skillset in a more intense manner.

The options were definitely limited, since Harry still wanted to stay in New York with his wife, Ginny...

Instead of taking more computer science classes, Harry chose to apply for a job as a computer scientist.

His first job was with Citibank, which wanted to re-haul their old method of keeping records. They had offered Harry a one-week contract to test out whether Harry was talented enough to do the job.

Harry finished the job in that one week. Citibank had been so surprised at Harry's success that they actually paid him the amount of money that he was supposed to earn after two years of working - $100,000.

With that said, they wanted to keep Harry, but their uses for him weren't really that intense anymore. They didn't require critical thinking. Harry could have finished most of them in a couple of days.

So he quit.

Harry's existence wasn't really a secret among the major companies in New York City, and the moment he left Citibank, he had received almost a hundred emails asking him to work for a ton of companies.

There was one from almost every big financial company, government agency, and little small business in America. Harry couldn't decide on which company to work for.

It was a hard decision, Harry thought, clicking on another such email.

"Job Offer from Stark Industries," Harry muttered, reading aloud.

Interesting. What was this one about?

Author's Note:

I'm sorry about the little piece of code I entered for " "

Fanfiction doesn't let me have domains like , and it interpreted .println as a domain. That's a minor issue, though.

By the way, thanks to everybody who reviewed! It honestly means a tonnnnnnn to me :)

Thanks to Morgan d'Arc, Gir240, SLYNNR, Gnaoh El Nart, mattcun, Silvermane1, akasanta, natyob, serenityselena, Ace Trainer Jessie, DragonNOOB, Sasoridisciple, BooksRockGirl so what, and a random guest for reviewing!

Also, this story now has a beta reader! Our new beta reader is Bijuui9! Let's have a round of applause for him/her! :) Thanks so much, Bijuui9!