A/N: So I finished a set of features on iFunny a couple days ago, and I saw a picture in collective that interested me (I saw it at that little page that shows when the next features are coming through and the six collective pictures). It had a drawing of Percy Jackson with a scenario: "But picture this: Percy Jackson working at his mother's bakery, he is a little sweaty because of the oven heat, his hair has flour on it, icing on his cheek and he is wearing a face full of concentration as he makes the birthday cake that was requested for someone called Annabeth Chase."

Great right? I asked the person who posted it if he/she wrote fanfic and the person said no, so I thought, "Why don't I?" Don't be surprised if they're a little OOC, because I haven't read a Percy Jackson book in forever.

Don't know if this is going to be a one-shot or if I'm going to take this further.

Summary: AU where Annabeth and Percy are normal teenagers. No weird Greek god stuff. I wasn't sure if the cake was for Annabeth or requested by her, so I went with requested. So, Annabeth is coming in to pick up a cake for her dad where she meets Percy.


The bell rang as she walked through the door of the small bakery. The shop wasn't overwhelmingly popular, but Annabeth simply chose to order her cake there because she'd been going there since she was little. Ms. Sally, the baker she'd grown fond of over the years, greeted her from behind the counter.

"Hello Annabeth, it's so good to see you again!" the baker said, smiling towards Annabeth.

"You too Ms. S," she replied.

"Listen, I'm a little busy at the moment, so my son will take care of you," Sally said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Sure," Annabeth shrugged then smiled back at the baker.

Sally hustled back to fetch her son. Annabeth could have sworn she heard some light arguing going on before a boy emerged from the kitchen. He had dark, wind-blown hair and sea green eyes. His skin was tan like a surfer's with a lean, muscular body to compliment it. She found it a little cute that he had some frosting under on his cheek below his left eye.

"Um... hi, Ms. Chase?" He said, dusting flour out of his long hair.

"That's me, but you don't need to call me Ms. Chase. I'm practically the same age as you," she replied, laughing to herself about his awkwardness,"Just call me Annabeth."

"Right," he said clearing his throat,"I'm Percy, my mom's son... wait, Sally's son." He cleared his throat again and scratched the back of his head. "Whatever-you-call-her's son." Percy extended his hand towards her.

"Nice to meet you too," Annabeth said with a smirk. When he let go she realized frosting had smeared on her hand.

"Oh shoot!" he said hurrying past the counter with a towel in hand. "Here let me get that." He held out her hand and wiped it with the towel, making sure to get the last bit of frosting off.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Ch- Annabeth," he said apologetically.

"It's fine. I'll live." He really was cute. Percy stood there, scratching the back of his head nervously. She looked over and raised her eyebrows,"My cake?"

"Oh, right! Right!" he said as he rushed back around the counter and ducked down to get it. He brought it up next to the register and slid it around to face her.

"All good?" he asked, opening the box.

"Ummm, unless I'm going on a cruise, no." He turned the box around to see a "Bon Voyage, Charles" cake. His cheeks turned red and he slapped his forehead, getting more frosting on his face. He turned even redder as he pulled the towel up to wipe his face off. Annabeth couldn't help but laugh at loud as she watched his little spectacle. She took her eyes off Percy for a moment to see his mother, wincing as she watched from behind some shelves in the kitchen. As soon as Sally saw Annabeth staring, she quickly turned around, pretending to work. When she turned back to Percy, he had already pulled out another cake and opened up the box.

"How about now?" he asked again while she examined her cake.

"Ummm..." she said while smiling.

"Oh, not again!" he yelled as he began to close up the box.

"I'm just kidding! I'm kidding!" she quickly said. A look of relief washed over his now completely red face. "It's perfect," she added.

"It's already paid for!" Percy's mother yelled from the back of the kitchen.

"All right then. Umm... enjoy the cake?" he said, making it sound like a question.

"I always do," she replied as she stared into his eyes. He shifted under the eye contact and cleared his throat.

"Can I get you anything else?" he asked shyly.

"Nope. I'm good," she answered as she began to walk out. She couldn't see him cover his face up in embarrassment after what just happened.


"Well, she's been coming here for years and I always thought that you two would hit it off," she replied coolly.

He covered his face back up and yelled into his hands. "Would you call that cringe-worthy encounter 'hitting it off?'"

"Well, do you think she's cute?" his mother questioned.

"Of course I do! Why else would I have acted like that?"

"Relax, Percy," she said patting his back,"I'm sure she thinks you're cute too." He scoffed and turned to tell say something back to his mother by she was already walking away.

But his mother was right. Annabeth Chase did find him adorable.

A/N: I think I'm gonna add some chapters to this story. List your criticism in the reviews.