So here's the thing, and I'll be up front about this so any homophobes can get out of here tout suite; this is gonna have some slash in it. Genji and McCree are building up to have a relationship. Homosexuality. Gay.

Still here? Alright, lemme go on.

This fanfic isn't centred around the slash pairing involved. It's an important element, gradually growing chapter by chapter, but that's not all it's addressing. It's also addressing the emotional and psychological rifts between Genji and Hanzo's cliché predicament. It addresses a Buddhist view on forgiveness and self acceptance. It's a writing exercise for an aspiring writer.

You see, this is one of my most popular fanfics thus far on this site. It's very much appreciated, and I'm impressed! I've never gotten such a sudden and steady flow of positivity and constructive criticism before. It's wonderful.

But if ya'll gonna come in here and tell me I can't make two computer generated men have romantic feelings for each other, and start crawling up my arse like an angry twelve year old boy on COD, you can just jog on. I have my story, I have my tastes. If the idea of a homosexual relationship in a fanfic puts a bad taste in your mouth, then by all means, move along. I'm not shoving it down your throat, and you have your warning.

With that said, have a wonderful day my lovelies!