I apologize for the long wait. The chapters may come slowly now, but the story will take a while to complete.

I also take requests. if you want me to write some romantic one-shots with couples I ship, or if you have any other requests, please review and let me know! Also give feedback on the story. They make me very happy. Now continue reading and please enjoy!

Hermione and Ron sat under a tent they made in the middle of a prairie. The huddled next to each other wrapped loosely in a blanket, munching on the soft pieces of the bakery bread. It was truly a pretty wonderful loaf, and it felt very safe to sit there, with a protection charm to make them invisible and muted to people outside of their (literal) personal bubble.

Hermione took the last piece of bread (which annoyed Ron intentionally) and scooted to a position so she could face him. "So," she began, eating up the last crumbs of bread, "We have to search for Moody today. If we don't find him, he could be gone somewhere else. Sometime else."

"Okay," said Ron, who moved forward a little closer. "Where do you want to start?"

Hermione usually had great ideas, but she was out. Then she noticed something gleaming through the tent. From the outside. She slowly stood up, and poked Ron's shoulder. "What is that?" she asked.


"That shiny object through the tent. See it?" Hermione looted into the bottom left corner of the tent.

Ron turned around. "Oh," he said a little quietly. "Your time turner, right?"

"No, Ron, it's right around my neck!" Hermione sighed, but she still seemed a bit panicked as she wiped a trickle of sweat from her forehead. "I mean, it is a time turner, but it's not mine."

"Let's check it out," Ron said. Before Hermione could say anything, he climbed out of the tent and saw the time turner. He shouted to Hermione, "Who d'you suppose the time turner belongs to?" He hung it around his neck and crouched back into the tent. Hermione seemed passive about his entry. "Did you hear me?" Ron asked her.

Hermione had her nose in a book, and it had only been a few seconds ago where she was up and alert talking to Ron. "Mm?" She looked up as if Ron had just appeared out of nowhere. Then she noticed the time turner around Ron's neck. "Ron!" Hermione yelled, which was a little too loud, because once Ron was sitting comfortably in the tent, a pounding noise came from outside the tent.

"OPEN UP!" shouted a loud, demanding voice from outside. It sounded almost bloodthirsty. Hermione used a dash and a variety of spells to silently clean everything up. It took longer than the person outside the tent's patience could handle, so they ripped the tent open and stepped inside, widening the rip in the tent even more.

Ron screamed, forgetting the American accent: "Bloody hell! What are you doing in here!" He had a reason to be scared, Hermione was crouched down, behind Ron's shoulder, shuddering off a salty mix of sweat and tears. The mysterious person from outside the tent was a person completely covered in a white metal armor that made them seem like a robot. It was hard to identify the gender of the figure, as it was completely clad in the white armor.

The white figure held a baton, and slowly approached Hermione and Ron. "What are you doing, away from the Reaping!" they yelled, as they raised the baton. All of a sudden, Hermione fainted, so Ron came up with an idea, but he had to try his foreign dialect, which seemed passive enough this time.

"Sir-ma'am-uh…" Ron didn't know the armored figure's gender. The figure sighed and removed their helmet, revealing a middle aged, stern, chiseled, face with a buzz cut. So it's a man, thought Ron. When the armor man lifted the baton again, Ron shouted, "NO! DON'T STRIKE!" He started panting, which turned into tears.

Luckily the tears only lasted a few seconds, which gave Ron time let out a couple gasps. "I'm sorry, sir, but she's sick!" Ron lied. "My...sister. She's been sick for a few days now, and she wanted me to stay with her, and she has a really contagious sickness...so….we couldn't attend the um, ah...Griefing."

"Reaping," muttered the baton man, trying to determine how Ron and Hermione looked anything alike to be related.

Ron let out a nervous chuckle. "Sorry, I didn't know, you see, we're new here-"

"How can that be true? Who's in District 12 stays in District 12!" shouted the baton man.

"Yeah, I know, we were born here, we were born here, but, er, we're siblings...uh-twins, in fact,"-The baton man raised an eyebrow, like he was trying to interpret what Ron was saying,"And we were raised by parents who hid with us in secret places away from the social world. They died a couple months ago from the same sickness my sister has now, so we don't want to start, you know, and epidemic."

The man lowered his baton once more and sighed. He then took a flask with a white liquid from somewhere inside his suit and handed it to Ron. "Give that to her. Within a few minutes she'll be back to normal and then I'm taking you two to the reaping. Then, due to your ignorance, you both are under a ten-thirty curfew until further notice."

Ron awkwardly fake force-fed Hermione, but she was very cooperative somehow, being knocked out, and was great at acting out her sickness, so it wasn't very hard. Though Ron suspected Hermione only drank a few drops and let the rest fall down her chin. The baton man seemed not to give the least bit of worry. He retrieved the somewhat empty flask and dragged the pair by their collars onto their feet, which woke Hermione up. Ron secretly mouthed to her, Act sick. She comprehended his message and did what she was told. They walked straight out of the tent.

After about a minute of walking outside of the tent, Hermione got tired of walking like she was sick so she started to walk normally again. Ron, using his usual lack of brains, asked the baton man, "So, what are you exactly?"

It wasn't possible to tell if Ron was getting shot a dirty look through the deeply tinted mask, but the man told him, "I'm a Peacekeeper. I keep the District in line."

"Oh!" exclaimed Hermione, whose voice was obviously high and fake. "DIstrict Twelve, right?"

The Peacekeeper sighed. "Gosh, how ignorant are you two? Yes, you're in District Twelve. Just to be sure you two know what's going on, the Reaping is an annual event where one boy and one girl are randomly selected to participate in the Hunger Games, which is a fight to the death." This made Ron and Hermione terrified, but they winced back their shocked expressions.

"Now come on, we're at the square." The Peacekeeper still had his fists clenched tightly on Ron and Hermione's collars, so he threw Ron where a lot of teenage boys were and Hermione with teenage girls. Then he walked like a soldier to a line of people wearing identical suits like his and stood as straight as a stick.

The place was like a big layout of a rock concert, only everyone in the crowd had a terrified look on their face, and there was no band playing. Instead, the stage was preoccupied by a man who looked pretty drunk and a woman with poofy pink hair, which made her stand out from everyone with her thick makeup and flaring outfit. She had an annoying voice, and was making a speech.

"...so let's start with the Reaping, shall we?" she was saying. "So as usual, ladies first!" She daintily walked over to a huge, round, glass vase. Inside the vase were thousands of tiny slips of paper. The lady stuck her hand inside it for a few seconds, and everyone in the crowd seemed to inhale at the same time. She plucked a slip out of the vase and read out a name.

"Primrose Everdeen," announced the woman, happily, like there was nothing wrong with picking up and random child and forcing her to die.

Everyone turned and looked at a small girl who looked maybe eleven or twelve years old. She slowly walked toward the audience.

The rest of the event seemed like a blur, coincidentally to both Ron and Hermione. Another girl who was around their age did some sort of volunteering for the small girl, and then the older girl somehow was now fighting to the death instead of the younger one. The boy chosen was the same boy at the bakery, and then they held hands, bowed and left the stage. Just like that.

This was wrong. Hermione knew just fine that this was cruelty, child abuse, and she wasn't going to let these completely innocent (as far as she knew) teens get killed. When the audience retreated, Hermione sprinted to Ron. They both ran away, all the way to the tent. Hermione put a Protego Totalum spell on the tent so that nobody else would find them, and then she started to cry. "We've got to save them, Ron. We have to!"

Ron awkwardly put his arm around her. "Hermione, it's okay. You know what?" He turned away and grabbed his backpack. Then he pulled out a nice embroidered cloth. When he hung it around his shoulders, his body disappeared.

Hermione gasped and hugged Ron. "That's brilliant! How'd you get it?"

"Harry let me borrow it," he said simply. "If you want-"

"We can sneak out and save them!" Hermione finished. She wiped away her tears and kissed Ron on the cheek. "But we still need to find Moody."

Ron sighed as if he had forgotten. "You're right. Bloody hell, how will we have any damn time?"

Even though she flinched when she heard the word 'damn', Hermione smiled and pointed to the extra time turner they found in the tent earlier. "Don't be stupid. We have all the time we can get." The two were silent for a few moments.

Then, very suddenly, Hermione shouted, being very excited. "The time turner! Ron, the extra time turner!"

Ron was confused. He held up the circular golden object hanging around his neck. "What about it?"

Looking very frustrated, Hermione took the time turner very aggressively from around Ron's neck and he held it up in his face, as if it were hard to see any inches further away. "Ronald! Don't you see? This is Moody's time turner!" she shouted. "How was I so stupid to even not realize that? I mean, what other witches or wizards would be here? It was probably left behind! I mean, the only magical people here are us and Moody. We have to return it to him!"

"Oh!" Ron said, pushing the time turner away from his face. "So that's what's been holding him back, right?"

Hermione sighed in annoyance. "Ron, I know he didn't return after a long time, but something else must be forcing him to arrive back to 1997 later. We have to return it to him!"

"Well, we need to be absolutely sure it's his," said Ron.

Hearing this, Hermione whipped out her wand and cried, "Occupantus Revelio!" A sudden image erupted from the time turner, like a transparent floating film. The iridescent screen showed none other than Alastor Moody, who was walking along a fast moving train with two teens that looked familiar. They were the ones that were 'reaped' as these people called it.

"Ron, let's go turn it in to him!" shouted Hermione. "Then we can save those people, and return Moody's Time Turner!" She kissed Ron's cheek again, which made him turn very red, but he decide not to respond to her action, that actually made him delighted.

"But how are we going to get there?" asked Ron. "I mean we can't apparate-"

Hermione smiled, but she seemed very rebellious this time. "This is why we can break the rules, Ron. It's urgent, and we're not even in the wizarding world anymore. This is a futuristic Muggle world."

Ron sighed. "Okay, you're acting a little bonkers. But yeah, I guess we can Apparate. Can I-"

Hermione interrupted him. "Hang on, there, Ron! There is no way in hell that you are Apparating. It's bad enough that you lost your eyebrow once, so it would be better to not risk anything and let me do it. Um, no offense."

"Whatever you say, since you're the brightest witch of your age," muttered Ron.

"Why, thank you," responded Hermione as she draped Harry's invisibility cloak over them and held Ron's hand. She let her mind take them to a completely different place.