Hello everyone! Here is the new chapter and I do hope you all enjoy. Before you all start, I would like give my thanks to True Support. They have helped me with this chapter soooo much, from ideas to editing. I love it if you all would check out there stories! Overall, hope you all enjoy, and have a great day!


"So, this is your evil lair?" Yang broke the silence. Weiss, Blake, and Yang were all standing in front of a table in a warehouse in the middle of downtown Vale. The building itself looked like your normal everyday building. Thick brick outer walls with a sheet metal roof. Inside the building was mostly empty minus a couple of table, lights, and the rare storage box. On the other side of the table were the two criminals that caused the team so much trouble. Roman had his hands on the table leaning in with his trademark grin.

"Hey sweetheart, we haven't been doing too well since the mecha debacle," Roman replied as he looked up at the three-training huntress. He felt a ping of excitement, if Cinder was killed off, then nothing could stop him from raising to the top. Just by thinking about all the money and power that would come with the position his grin grew larger. "Well, lets get down to business, shall we?" After an assortment of nods, he continued, "First, I want you all to meet my lovely partner in crime, Neo." As he finished the pink and brown haired woman walked up to the table with a nod. There was a moment of reticent silence as the team took in the new pursuer. She was short. Barely came up to Yang's chest short. As Neo checked out the team, her sight stop at Yang. She raised an eye brow.

"Whata you looking at short stuff?" Yang said as she noticed her glaze. Two radiant pink and brown eyes, she was transfixed by the sight.

"Aaaanyways, lets get to why we are here in the first place," Torchwick spoke up as he started to pace around the table. Yang shook her head a bit before turning her attention back to the man with the bowler hat. "Look, our previous, eh, 'boss', has seem to have teamed up with Little Red. Her name is Cinder, and believe me, she lives up to her name." He stopped in front of the three women. "This is where you come in: you need to get the new buddies to get their asses here. After that, we will take care of them."

"What do you mean by 'take care of them'?" Yang asked concern for her little sister present. The others around turned their gazes toward her with confused expressions.

"We're going to treat them to a five-star meal, then give them a WHOLE new make-over!" Torchwick spoke with a high pitch and exaggerated gestures. "What do you think we're going to do? If you're not up to it, then I suggest you leave before this all goes down." Yang took a step back, almost recoiling from what was just said.

"We all knew that this was coming the second we stepped in here." Weiss said followed up with a nod of agreement from Blake.

"Look, I just don't see why we need to jump straight to the bloodshed! You guys said that I would be able to talk to Ruby before anything!" Yang argued back. While the three-training huntress were arguing about what was to come, Roman whispered to Neo who quickly grew a grin. After a few more minutes of arguing, Yang started for the exit saying, "Look, if you won't help me, then wh— " She was cut off by a swift strike from Neo's closed umbrella that knocked her clean out. Both Weiss and Blake took a shocked step back, drawing their weapons.

"Hey now! We can't have her just strolling out of here and going straight to Little Red, now can we? You two are huntress! You are the people who fight the bad guys! If she goes to her sister, she would be helping a bad guy!" Roman calmly spoke as he walked in front of the two. Why would he be afraid? They are just two students facing the future crime lord of Vale. "If you two really want to be huntress you would not let her leave, and join that criminal!"

Weiss and Blake looked at each other, before slowly lowing their weapons. "What happens now?"

"Now" Roman picks up Yang's scroll of her unconscious body. He swiped through it a bit before typing out a message, "We wait for the prey."

All Cinder could see was darkness. She heard nothing, felt nothing, even smelt nothing.

What's happening?

Cinder thought through the thick cloud of confusion. Slowly she felt a tingle of pain in her middle regions. With the pain, she felt the wind blow against her hair.

Why is it so windy, why am I wet?

"Don't worry Cinder, I'll save you… You'll be okay…"

Cinder heard the voice. Who was it? It was familiar, but she just could not place it. As she was thinking about the voice the pain was spreading. She felt all over, from her head to toes. As the pain steadily grew, she started to see red.

Red huh… Red… Red… RUBY!

With a gasp, Cinder opened her eyes to see Ruby carrying her through the city at neck-break speeds. As she shifted her gaze lower to her own body, she found that she was covered in blood. Normally she would have felt much pleasure at this image, but the blood was from her own body.

What happened?

Cinder shifted her gaze once more back up to Ruby's face. During this time, she took in every detail. Her gleaming silver eyes, the small splatter of blood on her check that led to her petite nose. The shine of her obsidian hair. Cinder was savoring every second she had sight of the younger girl. The last thought she had before for falling into the clutches of pain:

Ruby is beautiful.

R- YANG! I need some serious help with a friend! She hurt like really reallyyyyyy bad! Can you guys help!?

Y- Why of course! Weiss and Blake are with me in this totally rad new spot we found! I'll send you the address!

R- Thank you soooooo much! You're the best big sis ever!

Y- Of course Little Red.

Ruby quickly put her scroll away after receiving the address. She thought it was strange that Yang and the gang were in downtown Vale, but quickly dismissed the thought as she started off with Cinder. As Ruby was charging down the streets of Vale, she could not shake this feeling of pure, unadulterated, dread. It was brand new, she never felt this way when Yang was ever hurt, or anyone else for that matter. When she first felt it earlier, she just shook it off, but the thought of Cinder dying was just horrifying. Ruby could not think about life without Cinder. Ruby thought about how strange these feelings are. She had just met her under a week, and who basically threaten her life when they first met! Now, here Ruby is, devastated by the possibility of Cinder dying. She has never really put much thought into relationships before. The kind that go beyond just friends, the kind that are lovers and are with each other till the end.

That sounds… Pretty nice. It sounds lovely.

As Ruby and Cinder neared the warehouse that her team was in, she slowed down and took in her surroundings. In her opinion, the place was a dump. What was her team doing around here? Ruby quickly dismissed the thought as Cinder coughed up some more blood. "Don't worry, we only have a little longer then we are safe."

As Ruby pushed open the warehouse doors with Cinder in her arms, she saw her sister sitting in a chair in the center of the room by some tables. "Yang? I need some help here!" Ruby yelled as she rushed forward to the table, only to be intercepted by a flare from Melodic Cudgel. The explosion blew Ruby off her feet and made her lose her grip on Cinder. Ruby landed on her stomach, which stunned her efforts to retain her defensive stance. Cinder landed a few yards in front of Ruby on her back. Once Ruby stood up and got out Crescent Rose she saw Roman Torchwick and the strange pink and brown haired girl. "What did you do to my team?!"

"Nothing at all Little Red! Nothing at all" Roman spoke confidently as Weiss and Blake came out of the shadows of the building. Ruby stared, eyes wide, her own team, her own family standing against her. They... Betrayed her.

Ruby took a step back, "Weiss? Blake? What are you doing with that criminal?"

"Ruby you cannot speak about being a criminal! We know what you have done! Come with us peacefully!" Weiss spoke with force, not flinching even when Ruby started to tear up. She took another step back and turned to look at Cinder. Roman smirked as he strolled over to her body.

"Don't you touch her!" Ruby warned.

"Oh, little ol me? I would never hurt her!" Roman remarked and he stomped on her injury, causing Cinder to cry out in pain. Ruby, without thinking, surged at him intending to kill, but because she rushed forward, she was easily blocked by the pink and brown haired girl's umbrella. As Ruby staggered backwards, she found her legs encased in ice, from the Ice Queen's glyph. As she lost her balance and fell forward, her tears became more prevalent and started to roll down her checks. Ruby tried to drag herself away, only to find the barrel of Gambol Shroud pointed straight at her.

"Please don't hurt her." she pleaded. Roman just laughed in respond.

"Sorry Little Red, I just don't care what you want." Roman responded as he laughed and started to kick the downed Cinder. Ruby could not keep her eyes on the abuse that was happening. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something to do. Blake and Weiss were both standing next to her. Roman and the strange girl next to Cinder. She had very limited options. Her train of thought was broken when she heard Cinder cry out again as Roman kept up his assault. Only one thing came to mind to save Cinder. She had to combine their auras. It would permanently seal the two together. Their auras will share their strength. They would always be one. Ruby saw no other option. If she didn't, Cinder could die.

Ruby closed as she concentrated on her own aura. Her own soul. She sought out the auras around her. She saw Weiss's ice cold blue. Blake's mysterious onyx. Roman's corrupt apricot. Then she found Cinder's. A dark crimson, it was fading, barely visible. Ruby poured all her strength into Cinder's aura. As the last ounces of her vitality left her, she opened her eyes to see Cinder exploded in fire, knocking Roman and the girl off their feet. She then slowly stood up, completely healed and eyes burning with fury. As Ruby slowly lost consciousness she heard Cinder speak.

"This will be fun..."