Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Blue Bloods. (I would, however, love to meet Tom Selleck).

This is set early on in the series because I'm not caught up past season 2.

Sorry for any grammatical/spelling mistakes.

Note: I have no idea if Jamie has a balcony or not. In this story, though, he does. :)

Prologue: Jamie on a Wednesday

On that particular Wednesday afternoon, Jamie Reagan was slowly preparing himself for a midnight tour. There were still several hours before his shift started but Jamie didn't like to leave things until last minute.

He had taken a shower already and had most of his gear ready to go. The rest was waiting for him in his locker at the station.

Looking at the clock, he considered what to do next. His eyes settled on the coffee maker sitting on his counter. He fiddled in the cabinets, collecting the grounds, a filter, and a cup.

After he had made his coffee, he stepped out on his balcony. He watched as the steam poured off of the coffee and into the air. It was a quiet afternoon. All was peaceful.

Until it wasn't.

A scream coming from the alley between Jamie's building and other caught Jamie's attention.

"Help me!" a woman's voice pierced through the cold air. Jamie caught sight of what appeared to be a young woman being grabbed by a much larger man in a hoodie.

Dropping his coffee, his thoughts and concerns focused on the distressed citizen rather than the replaceable ceramic mug, Jamie grabbed his gun from where it waited on his table.

Running down the stairs that would lead him to the nearest exit to the alley, Jamie focused on moving as fast as he could without falling.

He raced into the alley with his gun raised, trying to assess the situation.

Except there was no situation to assess; the alley was empty except for a familiar dumpster pressed up against the building's wall.

The back of Jamie's neck began to tingle. He kept his gun raised, his senses on high alert. Something wasn't right.

"Hello?" he called out, wondering if the woman was injured somewhere nearby.

A screech of tires drew his attention. He turned, pointing his gun toward the oncoming vehicle. The small car didn't stop and Jamie tried to leap out of the way.

He landed on his side and his gun slipped out of his grip. The car stopped beside him. He grappled for his gun, trying to get up and face whatever threat was imminent. Before he could get up, however, two men climbed quickly out of the car and came toward him.

Jamie tried to fight them off but he knew the fight was over when he caught the glint of a needle heading for his neck. He tried to hit it away from himself but his arms were being pinned by one of the men.

He felt the sharp pinch of the syringe enter through his skin. Jamie didn't stop struggling until the drug began to take effect.

Within thirty seconds, Jamie Reagan was placed inside the trunk of the car, which pulled out of the alley and into traffic, disappearing into the throng of vehicles in the New York traffic.