This is my fourth story that I'm still working up the courage to post. If you're reading this, I either decided to post this because I'm older and wiser; or I'm just stupid and felt like I needed to write something other than Undertale for right now.

Three hundred years today there are people with the powers of Memories, Joy, Hope, Dreams, and Fun. But, in order to understand this, you must understand how it started.

Long ago, decendents of the Sun and Moon ruled over the land. They'd been good rulers, just and fair. They'd gotten a news of the Sun being pregnant with a child. They had been overjoyed and threw a party to celebrate their good furtion.

But not everyone was as happy as the Sun and Moon. This person believed that their rule was better than the Sun and Moon's. He showed up at the party, dressed in casual care, not looking at anyone. With care, he'd managed to make his way to the Queen.

He'd flattered her, explaining he was a prince from far far away. The Queen, happily accepting this, allowed him to meet her husband. Moon was kind, quickly giving into his wife's attempt to mingle.

Sun was happy. Everything was perfect, in her eyes. Moon was happy becuase his wife was happy. The prince from far away gave Sun a poisoned drink.

Sun had gone into labor that very day and died after giving birth to a boy. Moon knew that the boy will have his powers; and Sun uttered a spell to give her powers to another worthy of them. To a babe, same age as her son.

Sun and Moon had been seperated. Moon took his child far away, locked him in a small place in order to keep him safe. When Moon died, he explained everything to his child.

The child ruled the land, as his parents before him. But he was alone. His Sun missing, he searched. He sent troops, but never went himself. They brough him people of beauty, but none of them was his Sun.

The person who'd killed Sun, he'd quickly came back and pleaded for the new king to help him find his daughter. He explained the girl's personality and looks (the same of the Sun's chosen) and the King sent orders.

This person knew once the Sun and Moon were together, he'd get another chance at the throne. He couldn't allow this child to keep the throne. Moon found his Sun, and tragety struck again, right before Sun gave birth. Moon cursed his luck; but kept his son. Sun had to chose another.

Now, the king's brother, the person who believed he was fit, the person who murdered two Suns in cold blood, Pitch Black, found himself someone. He quickly married, and had a son. He'd wished for a daughter so she might have Sun's powers.

Pitch's powers were passed on, and Moon died, before his son managed to turn five. The Young Moon believes there was a curse on his family's name. He wanted to renounce the ansestor's name; yet he knew if he did, he would no longer be King.

Moon lived and learned. The Sun lived and died, every time uttering spells to find another. Finally, the last of the Moons gave up. He left with his Sun, and came back only a month later, having a crowd of people following him.

Claiming them to be their new protecters, the Guardians, Moon and Sun were shocked when the one with the powers of a bunny pointed out the Moon's cousin as the traitor. The Guardians and Pitch fought in a tuff battle but when Pitch was defeated, everything went smoothly.

But the Guardians argued more and more as the years went on. Moon and Sun were the only ones able to calm them. When Sun died, the spell just leaving her lips, without a heir, Moon was crushed. He no longer had Sun, or a son to live with.

The Guardians argued and this time, only Moon was allowed to stop them. Moon grew ill, so ill. The Guardians blamed each other when Moon died, his spell just hanging past his lips to keep the Moon line going. They began to fight; and Moon decided to do something else.

Sending a babe with special powers was dangerous. This boy would be the key to the Guardian's survival. The Guardians began to become a family; but when the boy died the family broke up.

The Guardians fought. They argued. They killed. They had children who, at first, believed the others to be evil. But when two fell in love; they realized they didn't need to hate each other.

The two in love had children, without any powers. Yet they didn't mind. They quickly gave the spell when they died, as did the others who didn't wed.

The cycle continues to this very day, this very hour. But the Guardians always had children without any powers; and two always fell in love. But, in each and every generation, they felt something missing. Something wrong. Each of the Guardians felt a piece of their soul missing.

They didn't know what. But the cycle is unbreakable to this very day, three hundred years.

But this year was different. These Guardians will finally be able to fill their missing link. These Guardians will truly be the Guardians.

Here. Um. Yeah. So, this is basically an AU where the Guardians are human; but they still have their powers. Like Tooth can fly and keeps teeth stores away; North does have toy-making skills and he gives them to the boys and girls; Bunny still paints eggs and lays them all around for children to find; Sandy still goes around spreading good dreams; and you can guess the last one, right? So... tell me if you want more. This is suppose to be a one-shot but I can make it multi-chapter.