Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from supernatural. Only the OC included in this fan fiction

Sam scanned the area searching around for any cops, to see if some were still at the bridge.

"You think Dad ever came here?" Sam asked absentmindedly I knew that Sam was thinking, we were wasting time when Dad was fine, but as much as I hated this goose chase I knew I had to reassure Sam so that he would stay with us longer.

"Well, if Dad saw the same article he definitely would've"

Dean continued "So, we gotta keep searching for him" Dean skimmed Sams face for a reaction "Might take a while"

Sam whipped his head to look at Dean with brows raised "Dean, you know I have to be back by-"

Dean cut him off before he could finish his sentence "Monday," he stated with an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, I forgot" he huffed a bitter laugh "You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl? He asked rhetorically

I could practically see both of them heating up, preparing for an argument; I usually tried to stay out of arguments, as I can get pretty bitchy.

"Maybe. Why not? " Sam pulled his best bitch face.

I thought for a second "Did you ever actually tell Jessica the truth? About you? Us?"

"No" Sam stated firmly whilst looking at me seriously "And she never will"

"Wow, Sam such an honest relationsh-"I began mockingly

Dean cut me off before I could finish "You can pretend all you want Sammy, But sooner or later you'll have to tell her the truth, tell her who you really are"

Dean walked off and both Sam and I followed, I knew this argument wasn't nearly over.

"And who's that?" Sam questioned angrily, looking for a fight.

"One of us" I clearly stated

Sam looked between Dean and I in disbelief "No. I'm not like you. This can't be my life"

I raised my eyebrows in offense.

"We have a responsibility-"

"To Dad? And his crusade?" Sam asked mockingly "If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Moms gone. And she isn't ever coming back" Sam stated harshly.

"Sam! Do not drag mom into this" I said in warning

Dean grasped Sam by the collar and shoved Sam against the bridge of the railing. I tried to protest at their fighting but they continued their showdown.

"Oh my God, really?" I paused waiting for a reaction "You're seriously doing this right now?" I turned to walk back the car as they both ignored me.

I stopped in my tracks; this random-ass chick was at the bridge, on the railing. My eyes widened "Uh, Guys?" I waited "There's sort of a women on the railing, maybe you could pause your pissing contest for a second"

They both turned to look at my interruption, just as the woman jumped over the ledge. "What the hell?" I rhetorically asked

"Holy crap" Dean exclaimed before we all ran over the bridge railing, I scanned the murky water for the women, but she was gone.

"Where the hell did she go?"

"Who knows?" Dean answered uselessly

"What?" I wondered "She's Houdini now?"

"Dean, who the hell is driving the car?" Sam questioned.

I turned to look at the car, confused at the question. Dean pulled his car keys out of his pocket and jingled them in front of our faces. The car turned to life and started moving, heading straight for us

"Victoria, Run" Dean stated seriously, I despised when he used my full name but I knew now wasn't the time to be difficult. We all set into motion and sprinted toward the railing, my legs obviously weren't as long as Sam and or Deans, being only 5"4. But I ran as fast as I could. Sam gripped my hand as we all dived over the railing, fortunately for Sam and me, his freakishly long limbs held on for dear life to the railing. I snorted a laugh as Dean threw himself straight into the Muddy water, which I knew he would bitch about later.

Sam managed to pull both of our weight over the railing, doing me a favour seeing as these were my cleanest clothes.

"You alright?" I asked checking him over for any injuries.

"Yeah, fine" he dismissed my worry. "Are you?"

"Me? I'm good"

He called out to Dean worried. Dean didn't answer, "Dean?" I called; I heard sputtering and looked over to see him spitting out mud, and I instantly started laughing my ass off at him.

Sam tried to send me a serious look, but I could see the corner of his lips turning up.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up" Dean said sarcastically from below us.

Dean shut the hood of his car and leaned on it, seemingly tired already. "The car alright?" I questioned.

"Yeah, whatever she did to it seems all right now. "He sighed "That Constance chick, what a bitch!"He shouted out into the air.

I snorted; Dean could be such a little bitch about his car sometimes.

He gave me a dirty look, his version of Sams bitch face.

"Yeah, well she doesn't want us digging around here, that's for sure"

"Where to now genius?" I asked expectantly

Dean threw his arms up in the air in exasperation, flicking mud at Sam and me in the process. Sam sniffed Dean a litter and wrinkled his nosed in disgust.

"You reek, Dean" I told him honestly

Sam agreed. "Yeah, Dude, you smell like a toilet"

Dean huffed and looked down at himself.

Hey!, Sorry, it took me So long to update, just really busy with family issues, thanks for the reviews and support, especially the favorites and followers. Make sure to review and comment on anything and everything, be back soon!