Harry Potter: Blastwave
AU set with First Class Mutants are Professors with well-known mutants as students.
Harry vomited blood onto the floor. It had been three days since he had gotten home from Hogwarts. It had been four nights that he had been yanked awake by nightmares of Cedric Diggory being killed in front of him.
The reason for him to be vomiting blood was the massive size sixteen leather loafer of his uncle, kicking him solidly in the stomach.
"Anything to say about waking me up in the middle of the night?" Growled Vernon as he pulled Harry to his feet.
"S-sorry." Harry doubled over and sank to his knees as Dudley punched him.
"You will be. Oh you will be. You will be indeed." There was the unforgettable sound of a belt being taken off. Harry grimaced and whimpered as the buckle slammed into his spine across his shoulder blades.
Running through a set of underground tunnels, Sean Cassidy, Henry 'Hank' McCoy, Professor Xavier and Jean Grey headed towards the X-Jet. Cassidy, (aka Banshee), Hank, (aka Beast), and Professor Charles Xavier, (aka Professor X, or Charles to his friends) were three of the first class of mutants that Charles Xavier had taught to control their powers.
Jean Grey, (aka Marvel Girl), on the other hand, was an extremely powerful psychic with more of an aptitude towards telekinesis than telepathy. She had been working as Hank's intern when they had discovered her phenomenal abilities and people seemed to open to her.
They were rushing for the X-Jet as they had found another extremely powerful mutant located in Sussex, Britain. It was a race between the X-men and the radicals that Eric Lensherr, (aka Magneto), had recruited and subsequently left when they had turned too radical. As for Magneto, he was doing his own thing back in Poland where his life had taken an unexpected twist.
"We need to go to Surrey, England. I've detected an extremely powerful mutant who will likely need our help." Stated Professor X calmly, although everyone felt the gravitas in his tone. Soon, the X-jet was taking flight and hit Mach 2 30 minutes later
(Private Drive)
Back in Surrey, Harry, while reflecting on the unfortunate nature of the situation, noticed that his arms were beginning to glow. This blinding glow seemed to crackle up his arms and across his body like lightning, occasionally discharging onto his cousin. Dudley immediately let go, and Harry staggered clumsily to his feet as Dudley screamed,
"THE FREAK'S DOING SOMETHING!" Vernon turned red and raised the belt, which came crashing down towards Harry's skull
Harry smirked coldly,
"How about…" Harry paused, "No…" Then, his eyes sparked with anger. "Now, let's give you a taste of your own medicine!" And with that, he grabbed the belt and channelled his power through it. To Harry it was like unloading over fourteen years of pain, abuse, anger and sadness at his tormentor. Uncle Vernon, on the other hand, felt as though he was holding onto the electrical mains as he was slammed solidly into the wall, cracking it and knocking plaster from the ceiling. Hedwig, who had been trapped in her cage, barked nervously as another bolt of blinding energy vaporised the door and cage, which coalesced around her and exploded outwards. "Go to the Weasley's girl. I'm so very sorry for this."
Hedwig barked, hopped onto his shoulder, nipped his ear and hit him with her wing before going to fly out, only for Dudley to manage to grab her as she went through the window. Hedwig shrieked and began to claw viciously, while Dudley's face was painted with a demented grin. Fortunately, his face paled as Harry grabbed his shoulder and spun him around to face him.
"Hello, freak." Harry whispered, maliciously, before driving his fist into Dudley's several layers of fat, discharging a tidal wave of energy at the same time.
Now, if you've ever seen ballistic gel quiver as a bullet is shot through it, then you'll have a vague idea of what Dudley's body looked like as Harry's energized fist slammed into it. By this point in time, Dudley looked very much like a post-Vietnam Fred Dukes, only much smaller and far uglier. As he was forced backwards, it was a little like a Teenage Blob being shoved back by Scott Summer's Full Optic Blasts with Bobby Drake slowly freezing the floor behind him. But Harry smirked, jerked back his arm and brought it to his waist, before placing his other hand above it, forming the unmistakable cupped shape of a very familiar energy beam attack, which began to form in Harry's hands, lances of energy spinning around it. Harry, incidentally, was smirking internally as dreadful realisation spread on Dudley's face, before he snarled in anger and hurled it forwards, screaming as it went. The powerful attack crashed into Dudley, blasting him through the wall and out of the house.
Vernon, by now, had pulled himself out the wall.
"FREAK!" He yelled, and charged forwards, throwing himself at his nephew. Harry turned, lightning coalescing around his chest, forming an X, bearing out of him and shredding his shirt before tunnelling straight through Uncle Vernon, who clattered to the ground, dead.
It was at that moment that the X-Jet touched down in the middle of the street. Banshee and Havok's eyes widened,
"Hate to point out the obvious, but if the hole in the side of that house is any indication, I think we've found our Mutant." Jean said, while gesturing towards the prone Dudley.
Havok snorted,
"I doubt it. I'd guess that they're upstairs." It was just then Harry poked his head out the window, powerful energy crackling over his body. Havok groaned. "An energy manipulator? Seriously?! I'd ask if the Mansion could stand another one of me and my brother, only this one seems WAY more powerful."
Aunt Petunia, meanwhile, was in hysterics. First, the freak had interrupted her beauty sleep, and now he was unable to do the chores so she had to get her freshly manicured hands dirty. Then the noises were heard upstairs and now more strangers were at the door, which the freak should have been opening.
Opening the door, she was greeted by a bald man in a wheelchair.
"Hello, Mrs. Dursley. My name is Charles Xavier, and I represent my School for Gifted Youngsters." Petunia pulled the door back and allowed Professor Xavier and his escort in. "Sorry, where are my manners? These are Sean Cassidy, Alexander Summers and Jean Grey. Mr Cassidy and Mr Summers are members of my staff. They are teachers of History and Physical Education respectively. Miss Grey, on the other hand, is…"
"…Technically a student, but working as an interim for Doctor Henry McCoy, our standing physio, surgeon, doctor." Aunt Petunia stared,
"Aren't you…"
"A bit young? I know, I get it a lot. I've got a bit of a genius IQ. I don't like talking about it."
"Mrs Dursley, have you ever heard the term: 'Mutants?'" The response he got made him inwardly gulp. This was serious. "Alex, go upstairs and find the other resident of this house household… I would suggest not calling him boy or freak. He may react badly."
Alex nodded,
"Sir." With that he headed upstairs, feet carrying him two stairs at a time. He reached the landing and quickly deduced the room where the mutant was kept. He foolishly forgot to introduce himself as he opened the door, however, and was immediately met by two surprisingly powerful energy blasts. One, he dodged, while he was able to absorb the other. "Nice trick, kid… What's your name?"
"Harry…Harry Potter. Who are you? Why are you here?" Alex grinned "Names Alex. Alex Summers, my friends call me Havok. 'Afraid there's no other way to say it without sounding like a horror film, but we are here for yo-…
Where's your Uncle?" Slowly, Harry pointed towards the charred corpse, and Alex gulped.
"Okay…Basically you're a mutant. A powerful one, if this," he gestured at their surroundings, "Is anything to go by. We need to grab your stuff, and then be on our way."
"I'm a WHAT!? But how can that be?!" Gasped Harry, who was beginning to panic, causing himself to spark with energy again. Alex moved forwards,
"Don't worry!" He assured. "The Professor will explain everything… Now, where's your stuff?"
"In my trunk. Only just got here three days ago, and my 'loving relatives' put me to work the moment I got home. Bastards." Harry got up, only to stagger as his vision swirled, and he landed painfully on his knees. Alex stared. Between them arriving and Harry's powers activating, the lad had evidently been abused. Alex surveyed the destruction, and was quite impressed. It was similar to the damage he had caused before the School had been built.
"Come on, the Professor's finishing up." With that, the pair made their way down stairs. As they did, Alex got a look at Harry's back and saw the skin beginning to stitch itself up. Professor Xavier was waiting patiently outside.
"Ready to go?" He inquired. Harry was about to say yes, when a multitude of pops and bangs reverberated in the back garden, eliciting shrieks of outrage from Aunt Petunia, who stormed to the back door only to be propelled backwards, stunned.
"What's going on Harry?" Asked Alex, as he covered himself in a scarlet aura.
"People who think they can dictate my life, that's what." Harry growled as Albus Dumbledore, Remus Lupin and five other unknown people paraded into the kitchen. The tall black guy's wand still smoking.
"Ah, Harry… I must say it is…" Began Dumbledore. Harry snarled,
"If you say it's for the 'Greater Good', or my 'Best Interests' that I stay here for the Summer, I swear to god this house is coming right down." An identical aura to Alex's flared up around him, and the energy manipulator's auras connected and suddenly began to amplify.
"Harry the protections here…"
"Are not working, Albus. Remember me? Charles Xavier. We met back in August 1971 when we were talking to the Evan's family about their daughters and you tried to erase my mind." Xavier said from the doorway. "Mr. Potter, might you help me back into the house?" Harry nodded and retracted the aura enough that he could safely wheel Xavier back into the house without incinerating him.
Lupin turned to Dumbledore, "Who is that man? Why would you try to erase his memories?!" Dumbledore didn't look at the werewolf when he answered.
"I had been Headmaster of Hogwarts for fifteen years and made myself known to all muggleborn students on the register. When I saw the Evans sisters appear, I made myself known. Unfortunately, so did Charles Xavier. We were both interested in the Evans twins. Professor Xavier is a mutant, and a very powerful one too. The reason that we were both there was…"
"…That Lily and Elaine Evans were identical twins. One was magically powerful but a weak Mutant, While the other was the opposite. I wanted to take both of them as did Albus. The exchange got heated and Dumbledore tried to wipe my mind." Finished Xavier, wheeling himself into the kitchen.
Petunia's eyes flared with recognition.
"I remember that day…" She turned to Harry, "Where are your Uncle and Cousin?" Harry stared back with blank eyes.
"Dudley's outside. Vernon's dead." Everyone's face paled.
Dumbledore looked on him with a mixture of horror and pity.
"Did you kill him?"
Harry shrugged. "He was beating the shit out of me with a belt, because I was having nightmares, because no-one thought that counselling was important after WATCHING A FRIEND BEING MURDERED IN FRONT OF ME! I wanted to return the favour, and, next thing I know, he smells like cooked chicken and beef and Dudley is outside somewhere after I launched him through a brick wall. Now watch, as soon as I finish speaking, Dumbledore's going to do the whole 'Your relatives love you deep down' speech and one of this lot is going to arrest me. So, I'm going five steps ahead and removing myself from the equation. I'm leaving Britain for the foreseeable future. Oh, and Professor Lupin- yes I know we are not in school but you're still a professor to me -if you see the Weasley's, could you get Hedwig for me and tell her I'm…?"
"…In Westchester, at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, in the United States of America." Finished Alex. For a few tense seconds, the most Powerful Wizard on the Planet stared down at its Strongest Telepath before Dumbledore sighed.
"You win, Xavier. You win. Just tell me, will Harry be coming home?" Xavier gave the man a crooked smile.
"That will be for him to decide. Give Harry his vault key and we can cover his inheritance from America. Don't try and give him a false key. Believe me, I'll know." Dumbledore handed over the key and a larger than normal money pouch.
"I had acquired Harry's money for books and a bit more for the school year before our arrival. It was Sirius's wish."
Xavier nodded. He doubted the last sentence, but chose not to pursue it. He had, in his mind at least, already shown a poor example of his staff.
"Let's go." Harry was led out of the house and to the X-Jet.
Meanwhile, Dudley sat on the bench outside Number 4, hunched over and clearly in deep thought.
"He's okay Mr. Potter. He's shaken himself off and is now realising that following his late father's bigoted idealisms as his own was perhaps not the best thing to do. I believe he'll change rather drastically over the next few weeks."
Harry started, "How did you…?"
"Know? Not much is hidden from a telepath, and even less is hidden from me. Now, allow me to apologise for the actions of myself and my staff just now. I'm Professor Charles Xavier. So and do you know anything about mutants…?"