NOTES: Hello! this is my first Reylux fic. I hope you enjoy!

Everything comes to an end, eventually. Everything and everyone that lives will also die, the children of stardust that will return to stardust.

Civilizations rise, civilizations fall. Power is exchanged, quid pro quo, and the wheels of time continue grinding forward, undisturbed. The universe, impartial and unmoved, is a silent scribe that records everything that ever was and ever will be across the infinite inevitability that is forever. Some stories are small, faint; pinpricks of light in the vastness of time and space, fading as easily as they came into existence in the blink of an eye: A life well lived in some far away land where the troubles of power and war cannot reach. A happy childhood. A peaceful death. Eventually, they too will be forgotten, and like everything that comes from nothing, will eventually become nothing themselves.

Every once in a while, though, there are those that come along with the power to shred the threads that bind it all together, those who force time and space to shift.

Some stories are only footnotes.

Others are far-reaching sagas, and for those in them, destiny demands greatness. When their stories are told around fireplaces and dinner tables, the legends will be unbelievable, and perhaps some day will become myth. But every myth and every legend is born of truth.

This the story of three individuals drawn to each other with the gravity of two massive giants circling a scorching sun; like titans forever locked in an interstellar dance, slow and steady, to a song nobody else is privy to. On their dance hinges the fate of billions of much smaller stories, those flickering lights, and the universe waits with bated breath as it unfolds.


Thank you for reading! This is going to be a rather long fic, and this is just a prologue! so get yourself a warm mug of something nice and settle in.