This story is SEPERATE and different from my Petals on the Sea series!
Falling for the Sun starts right after the giant war. I hope you'll enjoy this story. If you do, please review and let me know how I could make it better or just let me know how I'm doing. Reviews mean everything to writers :).
Olympus was bustling with energy. Every god and almost every demigod was in the throne room, excited about the prospect of a party.
"Where is Persephone Jackson?" Zeus's voice rang out over the crowd and silence entered the room. Nobody answered the king and most didn't even glance at him.
"Uh," Jason looked at his friends for help, but they were offering none "Percy lost a lot in this war. I assume she's at camp." He looked down at his feet and Zeus nodded silently.
"Should I send someone to get her or leave her?" He questioned, watching as his son glanced up at him.
"She'd just sneak off if you brought her here, it'd be torture for her." He paused "She'll enjoy the peace at camp more than any party." He didn't add that most of the seven would, as his friends looked relatively excited about seeing a godly party.
"Thank you Jason." Zeus nodded to him and Jason stepped back to his friends. Piper wrapped her hand around his and leaned her head against his shoulder while Thalia and Nico crossed their arms, a worried and unfocused look about them.
"You should be on Olympus, celebrating." Apollo slid down the sand dune and sat next to her. Percy wiped her eyes quickly and turned towards the ocean.
"What's there to celebrate? More lives lost, another war most likely on its way." She shrugged, and wrapped her arms around herself.
"Hey, that's not the way to think about things!" he clapped her on the back, grinning "You've got to stay positive!" Percy turned towards him at that moment, a mixture of feelings overwhelming her.
"And what would you know?" she questioned, voice a pitch higher than usual "You haven't lost you mother, you step-father, your best friend. You didn't fight in the war and see kids younger then yourself fall and not be able to help them, you haven't seen a thing!" she growled, standing up and walking away quickly. She kept her arms crossed and Apollo sat watching her for a moment, before leaping up and chasing after her.
"Percy, Persephone!" he shouted her name and she spun around, glaring at him. "Jason, he told us what happened. I came down to let you know I was sorry." He frowned at him for a moment, then nodded slightly.
"Me too." She murmured, glancing out at the ocean and shaking her head "I need to get some sleep." She started off, but again, his voice stopped her.
"Except you're not going to sleep, are you?" he questioned, watching as she paused, back to him. "You're going to lay there and think and think and get up around seven in the morning and do it all again. You go through training, eat a little food, help out around camp, and come back out here once everybody is in bed." She turned towards him and he saw a side of her that not many had ever seen. A side of vulnerability.
"So? It's part of the demigod life. We're your pawns, your side effects of doing whatever you want." She paused "Why do you care?"
"I care because I'm one of those who you say doesn't care." Apollo paused, choosing his words carefully "What if I told you that the gods separated themselves from the demigods, because they were afraid of what you feel now."
"And how would I believe you? How would I know that's not just a little white lie you tell?"
"Not so little, not so white, now is it?" he questioned, putting his hands in his pockets and glancing towards his sister's chariot. It was almost dawn, and he had to get to work. "Spend the day with me." He offered, tilting his head "And if you still feel the same at the end of it, I'll leave you alone."
"If I don't take your offer?" she questioned, watching as he shrugged and kicked the sand.
"Then you'll continue to be a pawn in the gods' game. You'll fight battles, eventually lose one and die." He watched the conflicting emotions shadow her face and knew he had her. "Come on, what harm is one day?"
"I could die, because I didn't train and it'll effect my battle." She raised her eyebrows and sighed "But, I know you won't leave me alone until I accept." She sighed and he grinned, stepping forward to offer her his arm.
Riding in the chariot was almost like riding in the car on a sunny day with the windows down. The wind blew around them and Percy let it filter through her fingers, feeling the raw power.
"Incredible, isn't it?" Apollo questioned, smiling as she turned towards him. One hand rested on the steering wheel easily. He was turned towards her and she frowned.
"Shouldn't you be watched where you're going?" she questioned, pulling her hand in and wrapping an arm around her knee.
"Once she's in the air and on a set course, I can do whatever I want." He patted the steering wheel fondly and shook his head.
"Like hook up with women and party." She raised an eyebrow, studying his reaction. Apollo ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"That used to be me." He shrugged and she turned, looking out the windshield. "I can't do it anymore." He murmured, and she looked at him, frowning.
"Do what?" she questioned, watching as he adjusted himself.
"I can't pretend that I don't care." He sighed and glanced over at her "Come on, let's go somewhere else to talk." He offered his hand and se took it gingerly.
"Between this war and the last, I've lost all my children." He sat on the couch in his temple and Percy leaned against the arm, watching him carefully. "I watched others lose their children too, the minor gods mostly. None of them seemed to care." He took a sip out of his water bottle and grimaced "I can't just do that though. The laws prevented us from visiting, but that doesn't mean I care for them less or pretend they don't exist." He looked at her as he said this and she saw he was telling the truth.
"We've both lost the ones we love, then." She sighed and rested her chin on her knee, looking towards the lamp's shadow tiredly. "I'm sorry I couldn't save them."
"It wasn't your fault." Apollo replied quickly, leaning towards her to make sure she paid attention to him "If it is anybody's fault, it is mine for bringing them into the world."
"My father told me something similar once." She murmured, pursing her lips and leaning her head against the side of the couch.
"He loves you, Persephone." Apollo whispered, moving closer and watching as her eyes seemed to glitter.
"It doesn't feel like it sometimes." She shook her head and wiped her eyes "All of you, you act so cold towards us. It hurts." She looked at him as her voice grew hoarse and he closed his eyes, pain obvious on his face.
"Come here." He murmured after a moment, opening his eyes slowly. Percy frowned and he moved towards her again, wrapping his arms around her "I'll do everything I can to get the law revoked." He murmured, holding her as tears streamed down her face. "Everything I can, okay?"
"Why? Why would you do that for me?" she questioned, pulling back slightly. She was surprised by how trusting she was of him after spending only a morning with the sun god.
"I'm not going to lie to you." He murmured "I care for you Persephone. You, of all people, don't deserve what you've gone through." She let him pull her back into a hug and wrapped an arm around him, shuddering as tears again came to her eyes.
"Thank you." She murmured, resting her head on his shoulder. Apollo grimaced softly, looking down at her.
"Don't thank me yet, I haven't done anything." He warned, watching her reaction. He was surprised to see the facade she held so well fall and the exhaustion begin to show.
"You've done more than anyone else." She murmured softly, almost too soft to here. Apollo tapped her forehead softly and murmured one word in Greek, knowing it was what she needed.