A/N: Hello all and welcome to my first official Crossover fanfiction! I am super excited to begin this story and have been itching to get it underway for a very long time. This story is actually the third instalment in my Broken Girl storyline, following The Broken Girl and Broken Pieces Shattered Lives, however I will try to make sure those of you who haven't read those stories can enjoy this as a stand alone story. (however if you are interested in Madeline's backstory, please check out the aforementioned stories :) ) so, this story takes place after both The Dark Knight Rises, as well as, after Captain American Winter Soldier, and will lead right into Civil War. I hope you enjoy my story as well as my o.c. Please review and let me know what you think of my first ever official cross over. -Cat

Disclaimer: I do not own anything affiliated with Batman, the Dark Knight Series, or Captain America, nor any of the characters affiliated with either franchise. I just thank my lucky stars they exist.

Chapter One


The wind whipped around her like mad. It was hard to think, impossible to breath. She couldn't see, she's couldn't think. All she knew was that in this moment, she was alive. The pain that was ripping through her body as she pushed it to her limit, made her know she was there. On that mountain. She was alive, in spite of everything, she was very much alive. At least, all she could think about was this one thing, climbing, breathing, moving. Nothing else.

She reached up to the next hand hold, it was too slick, her hand slipped away. She watched as her hand dropped from the mountain. She looked at the endless drop beneath her. She felt her feet in their crampons, they were sturdy and locked in. She took a deep breath.

"MADELINE!" She looked up at the top of the face, only a few feet away. The bundled up figure of the lead climber looked down at her, offering an arm.

She swung her hanging arm up to the hand and grabbed hold, all she needed was a steady grasp to get her next foot hold but instead the hand just hauled her up, over the last foot of the face.

She crawled over the ice and snow to lay beside the other climber, "I just needed to get my footing!" She yelled over the wind.

The other climber shook his head, it looked like he might have been smiling, "I know!" He pushed himself up and brushed off the snow from his stomach. "Come on,"

Madeline stood up as well. She looked up to see they were on a plateau. There was an enormous ornate arch standing alone. It looked like a big building once stood there but had been brought down. Timber and beams stood up all over the place in the snow.

She watched him walk through the archway after brushing his fingers on the left beam. He walked with purpose like he always did and she followed, as she always would. He led her through the wreckage to where a few beams leaned on one another creating a wind shield. He sat down in it, and Madeline sat down across from him, happy to be out of the wind for a minute. Even if that did mean she could hear her own thoughts again.

He brushed the snow away and swung his pack around. He set about starting a small fire. She looked around, "Are we where I think we are?" She asked over the howling wind.

He looked at her "Yes, we are at the original home of the League of Shadows." He brushed off his hands as the little flames were strong enough they could manage on their own. "I was here nearly twenty years ago. This is where I found myself again. Found my power."

She pursed her lips, furrowing her brow, "Yeah and wasn't it run by a bunch of psychopaths?"

He looked right in her eyes, "Sometimes, we don't get to choose who hands us our redemption, we just get to choose what to do with it."

She looked out over the mountain range they had just scaled. She looked back at her father, "Why did you bring me here dad?"

"I know how angry you are Madeline," He said simply. She looked up at him, "I was angry too."

She shook her head, "Not the same thing."

"When you lose a parent it doesn't matter how, I know the rage that consumes you."

She looked back at her father, "Your parents were murdered by a no good criminal, after taking you to the opera. Mom died because she couldn't see fit to find her way out of a vodka bottle for her entire twenties and had a severe predisposition to liver disease. She left me, after keeping you from me for half my life without even a good explanation. My rage is a whole different animal."

He pulled off his goggles and toque and looked at his daughter. Bruce Wayne took a deep breath. He looked sad. As anger raged in Madeline's chest, she wished she could let it go. Go and sit down by her father, let their sorrow be shared. She knew how much he was hurting, she didn't want to add to that but she couldn't…. Rage was all she could feel. She had cocooned herself in her own self righteous rage against her mother, it formed a powerful shield from the reality she would never see her mother again, even if it was to yell and scream at her.

"Your mother only ever did what she thought was best for you." He said. She had heard it so many times, from him, from Uncle Tony, from Alfred, Madeline wanted to scream.

"I know, I know all that. It doesn't change history. It doesn't change what she did." Madeline looked into the flames, "And now she's dead."

Bruce ran a hand through his hair, "Madeline," Evidently he wasn't in the mood to argue with his teenage daughter, and jumped to the chase, "I brought you here to train."

She looked back at her father, "Train for what?"

"Your life," He smiled sadly at her. "Maddy, you're my daughter, and eventually someone is going to figure that out. The rumours already run rampant. But eventually someone is going to figure it out for more than just celebrity gossip. I need to know you can look after yourself."

She blinked, and then let out a hollow chuckle, afraid of what was coming, "That's why I have you... and Uncle Tony."

Her father gave her a sad smile, "I can't always be there, neither can Tony, you need to stand on your own two feet. Once we get back to Katmandu, you will go back to LA to stay with Tony."

She looked at her father, appalled, "What?! No! I wanna stay with you!"

Bruce looked at her, "You can't Maddy. I'm dead, remember? Now, that your mother…" He looked completely lost when he thought about her mom, let alone tried to talk about her. It had been a terrible two weeks, after Adriana had passed Bruce had packed the two of them up and taken off with Madeline, leaving Adriana's arrangements in Alfred Pennyworth's capable hands. Bruce had run with Madeline as if trying to escape the fact he had lost the one woman he would never have enough time with. Now Madeline realized why, "You need to be with the next of kin, you can't be running around the world on your own anymore than you already have been, your fifteen."

"I'll have Alfred… that is all people will need to know. You could be, like, a body guard or something." Maddy said shrugging.

Bruce shook his head, "You need to go home. I know you were accepted to Stanford." Madeline blinked, looking down at her hands, "Surprised you chose your mother's alma mater."

"Yeah well, it's the best medical school on the West coast so…" She looked up at her dad. "I don't wanna go to school if that means I can't stay with you."

Bruce took a deep breath, it came out in a billowing, twisting mist. "Come here," Madeline crawled around the fire to sit heavily down beside her father, "You are going to be so busy with school you won't even notice I am gone."

Madeline looked at her father, school hadn't kept her busy since preschool, she had such an advanced mind, the product of two families chock-a-block full of geniuses, her real goal was to beat her Uncle Tony's record of graduating with a full Masters at seventeen. Sure a doctorate in Neurology would be harder but she figured she could do it if she really focused, and if she was stuck in California without her dad or Alfred that shouldn't be hard.

Bruce shrugged looking out at the terrifyingly beautiful landscape they were currently apart of, "Madeline, you know I will always be there if you need me?" She nodded, "Having the life you were given, it's not easy. Sometimes we don't get to choose what happens to us. Sometimes we have to act the part."

"Why? Because I am Adriana Stark's lovechild," Madeline said using air quotes to get across the fact her mother had used her father's sirname as simply a middle initial on her birth certificate and as far as the rest of the world knew her paternity was only guessable. "Or because my father was the batman?" She figured it was ok to speak freely on the mountain top.

Madeline saw the muscle twitch in her fathers jaw. He looked at her with a sad expression. "I am sorry your life hasn't been easier."

Maddy shrugged, looking out over the horizon. She could remember when she was younger, before her father had come back into her mother's life. Going to school with the other kids in California, thinking she was normal, she just didn't have a dad around. Her mother always explained that it was because her father was working hard to make the world a better place. And Maddy had been small, how was she to know any better? It had seemed like a perfectly normal reason.

Then when she turned eight he just appeared. They had been in Florence, travelling with her uncle Tony, Pepper and Alfred, when one day he just showed up. They never went back to the states after that. The three of them, along with Alfred, travelled all over the world, her mother helping set up medical centres all over the world in impoverished communities, her father spending the majority of his time home schooling Madeline, with Alfred's help of course, as well as adventuring.

It wasn't until a couple of years ago that Maddy really started to ask questions about Bruce's previous absence from her life. What had he been doing that made it impossible for him to come home? How come he never phoned, yet there were always birthday and Christmas gifts for her from him?

Then they told her, almost everything, on her thirteenth birthday.

Turned out her father, Bruce Wayne, had in fact been the Batman. Vigilante saviour of Gotham City. To top it off her mother had been not only his friend, Doctor and cover story but also had been madly in love with him. As they had explained it Adriana had left Gotham during an extremely violent time and subsequently gave birth to her, Madeline, safely in California, with Bruce waiting to join them when it was safe.

It didn't take much for Madeline to discover the gapping holes in her parents stories. It took eight years for her dad to be able to come home? How come her mother had been safe in Gotham with Bruce but Madeline couldn't be there as a child, no one knew he was Batman, everyone just thought he was Bruce Wayne. Not to mention, the lack of her fathers name on her birth certificate or the fact that after a basic computer search Madeline discovered "Bruce Wayne" supposedly died in a car crash in Gotham, when Madeline was having her eighth birthday. Not to even mention, Madeline's memories of one pesky, Selina Kyle.

After some horrendous fights and demands for the truth between mother and daughter, Adriana had given fourteen year old Madeline the whole ugly truth. The fact that Bruce hadn't even known Madeline had existed until he found them in Italy. No matter how her father tried to explain the complexities of his relationship with her mother, Madeline couldn't understand how he had forgiven her. How could he stand to be with her still? Madeline could barely stand to be in the same room with her.

Then the diagnosis came... Madeline willed her mind to go blank.

And now sitting there with her father, Madeline knew, once again her life would never be the same.



" 'Good Morning LA and thank you for watching What's Up? Your foremost news show on everything society, and good morning to you Jessica!'

'Good morning Will, we have a lot to catch up on today don't we?'

'Oh yes we do! LA was rocked this morning by some shocking news, our one and only Madeline Stark, that's right L.A.'s sweetheart turns eighteen today and to start the day, she was downtown at City Hall changing her name!'

'Oh, don't tell me that sweet young girl is changing it to something crazy like Princess Sunflower or something?!'

'No, Jessica, she has legally changed her name to Madeline Wayne, that's right Wayne. Reigniting all those rumours circulating around her father or lack there of,' Will jiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

'Well, Will, we can certainly all remember eighteen years ago when her mother, the beautiful Adriana Stark, returned home from her time in Gotham in the family way. But no ring on that finger!'

'Well, it would seem that Madeline is letting everyone know just who her father, is loud and clear. Her mother, of course had a long standing affair with Gotham's Society Son Bruce Wayne, who we all remember perished tragically in that car crash just ten years ago.'

'It would seem that Madeline is tired of people guessing. You gotta wonder with a pedigree like that, how will she ever come out of living in her families shadow?'

'Oh, I don't think she has to worry about that Will, she definitely got her good genes from her Uncle Tony and her mother and [alleged] father, but she shines in her own right as well. Having already not only graduated from High School, College, Medical School and our Madeline has received her doctorate in Neurology and Genetic Mapping! Good lord, here I am happy to get my run in the morning.'

'Ha ha, oh we all know that is just a light jog Jessica,'

'Well, either way Will, Madeline is making sure the world knows exactly who her father is without having to make a public statement.'

Jessica shook her head, 'So sad, coming back to LA after travelling around the world with her mother, when Adriana passed away from Liver Disease. Madeline was what fifteen, sixteen years old?'

'Simply tragic, but her Uncle Tony stepped up to the plate after her mother passed.'

'Oh! I am just getting news, it would seem after the name change, there has been a press conference in Gotham, well how do you like that? Lucius Fox has just announced that, as CEO of Wayne Enterprises, he is awarding Madeline Stark-sorry Wayne, hehehe, that will be hard to get used to, anyway…Lucius Fox has just awarded Madeline Wayne an honorary seat on the Board of Director's of Wayne Enterprises! Meaning she holds seats on both Wayne Enterprises Board as well as Stark Industries, good thing they aren't competitors any more since Stark has stepped down from weapons manufacturing. Looks like the new Miss Wayne will be having a very Happy Birthday indeed!'

'That certainly seems to be the case Jessica. Now, let's got to the field, it would seem Jones has spotted one of the Kardashian's coming out of the bistro on fifth…..'