
Otherwise know as 'advancement', 'betterment', 'melioration', 'refinement', 'revision', 'enrichment', 'progress', 'reform' or 'upgrade'.

The definition of ameliorate is to improve or make better.


Nothing related to 'A song of Ice and Fire' belongs to me.


When my almost-conscience firstly appeared, I didn't really notice anything beyond the warmth of my bubble and the drums.

It was warm and wet, the place I was in. It was much too… tight, and I took comfort on the two other drums other than my own. In that warm and strange place, that I learned to call home, I could hear one drum that I assumed to be my heart and two others accompanied my own. The weaker one was just that, weak, but it was also the closest one to what I thought my body was. The louder drum was strong and steady, getting louder and louder sometimes, with different rhythms, faster and slower, that always lulled me to sleep or just made me get confused and irritated.

I always hated loud noises. (Did I?)

It confused me, as to why I was there. Even if I didn't know where there was. Somehow, it seemed wrong to be there. Don't get me wrong, it was comforting and safe, but it seemed so wrong. It was like some kind of sensation creeping up on me, like a warning of the wrongness of my presence. That feeling burned and always felt like it wanted to put me down. Honestly, I was too comfy in my warm place to care about it.

With time, the warm place became too tight. I could feel little Weak Drum's body. And it was very much annoying.

Let it be said that I didn't really thought. I wasn't awake, per se. It was like a dream or a mirage, those ones that you get when you're half-asleep and really drowsy. Like a timeless, boundless place where I could only feel and somehow hear. I wasn't really attached to a body, yet it was connected to me.

There came a time when I felt my bubble pop, and the sensation of suffocation came with it. I could feel the body I was connected press down, along with my bubble mate's. It was tight, messy, wet and I really wanted to be the first one to get out of wherever we were. I ended up being the first one to pop out of wherever the place my bubble resided in.

I came to the world screamed like any other. But I have to say, my bubble mate screamed more.

My bubble mate ended being called Joffrey, while I was called Gweneth. I must say, it was with great surprise that I noticed that we were miniature humans. Not Hobbits though, unfortunately. Nope, little Joff and I were lil' babies, in what I was mostly sure that was a Medieval era. Yay to the Dark Ages!

My sudden awareness of my surroundings wasn't immediate, but I could still hear and and see blurs when light wasn't so intense, which was more common than I expected because it seemed that wherever we were, it was not a very lighten up place. I would usually see light coming from what I thought were flames. If our caretakers/family/kidnappers were using fire as way of light, then we were probably really fucked up. All I could think was goodbye, dear internet and modern devices.

Joffrey was a fretful thing, never shutting up and always whining or crying. Thank God the blonde lady was always there to shut him up.

Yeah, there was this blond lady who would always stand above of what I assume was our cribs and watched us creepily. I had this strange feeling that she was really confused with my presence. Maybe it was her voice, always so hesitant with me. I could feel her slight trembling when she would hold me in her arms.

She was always so damn careful with me. I could feel the ultimate care she had with me, the slight fear and confusion, but also the love. That woman loved so fiercely, it was a surprising thing really.

When I was in her arms, next to her chest, I knew that I was safe.

With time there came memories. Memories and info about, lo and behold, another world where my present home was a fictional and fantasy world, where there existed legions of fans, theories, and much more. And so with the memories, I looked at my new home with different eyes.

And I've read too much fan fiction to ignore what was so obvious.

When I reached my sixth month of new-life, I was pretty damn sure that I was in Game of Thrones. An song of Ice and Fire. Worse than that, I was in King's Landing.

Must I say that I would prefer to be in any place but that one. And how did I came to knowing about my current placement? When someone told me so, of course. I was a baby, I needed to learned where the hell I lived, and so they told me. Of course, I was a sixth month old baby, so they told boring stupid things that were much too easy. So, like the idiotic person that I am, I choose to absorb information like a frigging sponge, thus acquiring the title of prodigy.

Which came to the sudden realization, at least to the grow-ups, that I was some kind of intelectual genius. Well, all I say is that I really wanted to be able to read, and when my sight finally evolved, allowing me to see things beyond one palm away from my face, it wasn't exactly my fault that the folks left some kind of book about dragons next to my play area. And it wasn't my fault that I could answer their questions instead of just crying to announce my displeasure of the world.

It wasn't my fault.

That's me in denial, and it's not a healthy or useful way of thinking, but yeah. It wasn't my fault.

So, King's Landing.

I hope that Joffrey was named after the crazed prince, because for more that I hated social rules, I really wanted to be loaded in this type of society.

But really, who I was trying to fool?

We were obvious filth rich. King's Landing civilians were generally poor. If you weren't noble, you were basically nothing. And we were obviously pretty well in life. Besides, how many Cerseis (?) there were in the Red Keep that would name their son, Joffrey?

Hear me roar.

That's basically what was told to us, most of the time. You'd think that we, as the King's first children, would hear more of our paternal Noble House. But really, all we'd learn of would be about our mother's House, about its great story line and battles.

That is, if our paternal House was truly House Baratheon. Wasn't our mother in an incestuous relationship with her twin brother? Well, I know that I would never involve myself with Joffrey of all people. The boy didn't even reach his first year of life and I already know that he would be an annoyance.

We were already in our ninth month, and I had started to walk around my little nursery. Joffrey always pouting at me with jealous eyes as he tried, and failed, to copy my advanced capabilities. Not gonna lie about it, I was a smug and arrogant bitch and would do my best to make him know it. At least while he couldn't remember it, in the future I would be sure to be his very best friend. Keep it safe and nice, please.

I was a bitch, I am mostly sure of it. A lazy, and smart one too. With a touch of arrogance, mischief, a kinda weak spot for misunderstood people, and a much childish and annoying wonder for the natural kingdom, I was a complex bag of shit. Probably deep into the Insanity levels, if there ever was one.

One minute, I could coldly watch someone burn, the other I could cry for a stranger passed out on the street. Yep. I'm a complicate person-baby. Don't know how useful I would be on the storyline.

Understand that I absorbed all content about An song of Ice and Fire in the short period of three days, reading about in on the net and then I watched the Sixth season. I totally ignored things such as spoilers. Some could call me a poser, and I answered that I probably was. But I just wanted to know what the fuss was about! Really! And you know how long those episodes were? That is why I watched anime. Mostly.

So, you shall be warned, my attachment to characters were more related to their awesomeness. Like anyone, really. And a fandom's wikia is a dangerous, dangerous place that anyone should never venture into.


About the whole House thing, it could be said that our mother's personnel were basically brainwashing us.

Until Jon Arryn came barreling into our, more like mine, lives soon as words of a raising prodigy came to his ears.

His face as Karena, our caretaker, told him that the female dark haired twin was the genius one though. I really wanted a camera in those moments when the male chauvinist population heard that no, Joffrey, the boy, the macho, the Heir, was the stupid one. Yep, who run the world? Girls.

First Arc - Superfecundation

Superfecundation is the fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse. The term superfecundation is derived from fecund, meaning the ability to produce offspring. Heteropaternal superfecundation occurs when two different males father fraternal twins.

In common usage, the term superfecundation is often used instead of heteropaternal superfecundation. The terms are practically equivalent because, though superfecundation by the same father is thought to be a common occurrence, it can only be proven to have occurred with multiple fathers.

Just a little piece for the Self Insert Week 2016. A little late, but it is the intention that counts, right?

I'm trying to write myself a little bit on the devious and kinda malevolent side of the coin. So, welcome to my Dark Side.

Funny story, yes, I did begin as a kinda poser. Never watched the whole series. Just the last part of the fifth season and then read the rest of it on the net and when the sixth began I watched religiously. And today I know everything about the Valyrian era. Like, I'm such a nerd for it.

I know, I know. I am a little piece of shit for doing it.

Don't know if I will ever continue, or if anyone will ever read this. But just wanted to put my piece into this :)

The info bits on superfecundation can be found on Wikipedia.

