Unexpected Phenomenon

AU View Finder

Pairing: Asami x Takaba

Summary: Takaba Akihito is regular salary man working for a big company. He had a bad day at work and decided to go drinking with his childhood friends, Kou and Takato. Upon drinking the next day he wakes up to a horrible headache, his sore body just to find out he became the lover of the underground crime lord Asami Ryuichi.

M for future sexual references, lemons, limes and obvious vulgar language.

English is not my first language. I personally speak Cantonese (Chinese dialect), a bit of Mandarin and learning Japanese! Yeah baby! (Ahaha Austin Powers gag). Sorry for the bad grammars and possibly numerous of run-on sentences and ideas, sentences that don't make sense (like this one) . Moving on I am my own beta. But please do point out my errors so I can improve and feel free to comment, critique, and criticize so I can improve. Thank you my lovely readers for your patients and time. Enjoy.

WARNING: Slight lemon, vulgar language, OOC for ASAMI and Akihito might be a bit annoying..hahha

The original series belong to Yamane Ayano-sensei. I am just borrowing her characters.


FLASHBACK or thoughts




Chapter 1: How did I get here?

"Fuck…" a small whimper of frustration was let out as the blond slowly sat up on a king size bed alone. He sluggishly brought his hand to his head, rubbing it in circles attempting to relief the pain. Then to only realize not only his head but also his lower back feels like it's on fire. "…fuck" another vulgar vocab escaped his lips as he tried to push himself up, but fail as he fall back to bed in this unknown room that looks super expensive and no way in hell it will ever be in his budget for life.

'Shit…where am I?' Akihito thought to himself as he successfully got out of bed. After being able to balance himself, he bravely attempt to walk to a nearby door which he assume is the bathroom. Gradually taking his time in his steps which felt awkward and painful because for sure he looked a like a new born fawn.

Before he could reach the handles to the bathroom, it was suddenly opened. In response to the sudden appearance of a mysterious man, Akihito abruptly backed up a step and fall. Before he fell completely, strong hands grabbed Akihito's arms pulled him to a hard bare chest for some reason felt safe and comfortable.

Looking up from the bare chest, Akihito saw the so called mysterious man face for the first time. The stare lasted for a minute in silences as both parties said nothing.

The Mysterious man has golden eyes, beautiful raven hair that framed his face. Strong arms, legs, torso and chest that no human on earth would not worship. 'This man is hot' Akihito thought, but of course will never voice it.

The man broke the silence with small smirk and "hmn" that Akihito read as "like what you see?"

Akihito turned red as a tomato on the spot as the man's arm wrapped him tighter in squeeze, bringing both their naked bodies closer.

The man chuckle to his ears giving butterfly kisses to his temple downward to his collar.

"Akihito." The man said in his low predatory sultry voice full of lust and desire. That was all it took for Akihito to drop and faint on the spot.

Akihito awoke again only to find himself alone in the same king size bed but this time cleaned up, dressed in an oversized PJ shirt with sleeves fold over a few time.

His head no longer thump in pain, but his lower back was still a mother fucking pain in the ass…'literally' he thought. Looking around the classy room, Akihito found a note lying on the small table next to the bed. Next to the note a small white capsule is found near it with a glass of water.

The Note read:

Akihito be good, till I come back. If you are not there, I will find you. Drink the medicine, it will be good for the pain.

'SHIT SHIT SHIT ! #$%^&*' incoherent course words dominated his brain for a worldly whole 10 seconds before he came to a conclusion, 'Did we…I…him..'

"AGHHH" Akihito shouted half screamed out in frustration, confusion and embarrassment.

"Takaba-sama!" a tall blond clad in monochrome suit like a Men in Black, came rushing in with a gun in his hand.

"AGHHHH" came another shout when Akihito saw the man with a gun. Millions of thoughts ran through his head, but mostly of regrets and apologies if all the stupid things he done with his two best friends. 'I'm sorry Kou, for saying you're stupid' Akihito thought lastly as for sure he assume that he was gonna die by this mysterious Blondie's hand.

"Takaba-sama are you alright?" the blond questioned in confusion? After a minute of silence between them, Akihito came to realize that the blond MIB dude meant no harm since he address him in honorific formality of "sama".

"..I'm fine" Akihito said in between breaths of calming down.

"Takaba-sama, do you need anything or need help with anything?" the blond questioned in his once again stoic voice and impeccable emotionless face.

"…yeah, first off stop with the sama this and sama that. It's annoying. Just call me Takaba." Akihito said casually as he waved his hand care freely.

"That I cannot, Takaba-sama. You-"

Hearing the blond utter 'sama' again made him cringe in annoyance/discomfort and intercept with another topic before he blows himself up, "What's your name?" Akihito asked the blond as he thought, 'Smooth move for a change of topic. Smooth..' trying not to roll his eyes in his creativeness.

"Suoh. _ Suoh, please call me Suoh." The blond replied giving him a formal introductory bow.

"Ok, Suoh-san how-"

"*Iie, just Suoh is fine" The blond said, cutting in to make sure what he said was 100% understood as he looked Akihito in the eye.

"Fine." Akihito submitted. 'Be that way'

"Anyway…back to my question," the blond nod and gave a semi bow before he continued "How did I get here?"


For a moment Suoh froze due to not comprehending the question or not comprehending Takaba himself for asking the question.

Akihito took Suoh's silence as if he shouldn't be asking that and panicked and reached a bizarre conclusion. I'm being KIDNAPPED! HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPENED?! AM I GONNA DIE?

Akihito's shivering got Suoh back to reality to answer his question.

"You were bought by our boss here yesterday"

Ironically that answer made Akihito's assumption none the less more likely the reality than he hoped. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" he shouted, half attempting to walk out the door.

Before Akihito reached the door, Suoh got there faster to barricade the door away from him. "Please stay in this room until our boss return." Suoh looked at his watch, "he should be returning soon."

As if mentioned, Asami opened the door revealing his slick back raven hair and golden eyes clad in an expensive three piece. His eyebrow arched up upon seeing Akihito's panicked expression.

He looks just like a kitten. Asami thought, imagining cat ears upon Akihito's platinum blond hair and a slim tail wrapped around his leg as if Akihito could cry any moment.

"What's going on?" Asami's tone dropped several degrees changing the atmosphere in the room. Suoh immediately reported to his boss, which left Asami slightly amused.

"下がれSAGARE" (JAPANESE term- leave, you are excused in a command tone)

Suoh left his boss and the poor young man who is still confused about his whereabouts.


Akihito's attention went back to Asami, remembering this morning's mishap/ embarrassment.

"Stay back!" he held his hand up, spreading all five his fingers while his other hand grabbed on to the blanket which is the only thing that is shielding his body from the man before him. They were only 6 feet away from each other as Asami gradually walked towards him as he also carefully walked backwards in attempted to create more distance between them.

Asami was enjoying this momentarily chasing game with his kitten. Seeing Akihito's teary doe like eyes glare back at him in defiance while trying to gain distance was turning him on. He could feel his lust reawakening for his boy. Asami chuckled as he finally broke the silence between them. Akihito noticed his smirk, he felt like a pray upon the man's gaze. Little did he know as the pray he is, he was slowly being trapped to a corner when he finally felt a solid wall touch his back. He 'eeep' in surprise. Asami used that moment of feebleness to advance towards Akihito.

Akihito felt large hands and strong arms circled around his waist, he struggled to get loose but was soon hushed by the warm hands that pat his head. He slowly begin to relax, leaning his head between the man's neck and collar. Asami's mouth curved up as he continued to pat the boy's head. They stayed in that position for a few minutes until Asami deemed Akihito was relaxed enough to move their position.

Asami slowly rearrange his arms from an embrace to a supporting/ carrying position to lift Akihito up to a bridal hold. He carried Akihito up and walked slowly toward their bed. He was expecting Akihito to retaliate and panic from the sudden movement but he did not. Akihito slumped right to his broad chest, as if searching for comfort from his touch. Asami sat on the bed, laying Akihito on his lap. Suddenly Akihito ringed his arms to Asami's neck for a tighter embrace. They stayed in that comfort for a good hour, when finally a ring from Asami's phone broke the silence in the room.

Akihito loosened his grip around the man's neck and pulled away feeling awkward and embarrassed for clingy to him for comfort. He dared not to look at the golden eyes, pulling away he started to roam the room to find his clothes scattered all around the room. Asami let Akihito slip away. He eyed the name of the caller for a moment before he picked up the phone.

The first thing Akihito picked up was his boxers and tank top, then his socks and dress shirt. Slowly he stripped the blanket bare of his body to reveal the PJ, letting the blanket crumble down his leg in a puddle. Golden eyes shone is lust as Akihito (not intentionally) slowly wore his boxers, slipping to feet to each circle before pulling up to his waist. He did the same for his socks, tank top and dress shirt after stripping the PJ. Not buttoning up his dress shirt, Akihito walk around again in search for his tie, pants and suitcase.

Asami was still on the phone. Kirishima first apologized for disrupting his boss' time before his report. Kirishima's reports are always precise, straight to the point while still maintaining important factors but right now Asami was having none of it, his eyes were still on his young lover crouching down to wear his boxer. It was as if Akihito's round butt was playing pic-a-boo with him. His legs were fully exposed with the PJ slightly covering his mound as he crouched down, more and more of his butt was exposed giving an exquisite show to Asami. The curve of his body, legs, the porcelain milkiness to the skin, the soft silkiness to the touch. Asami watched Akihito as he continued to dress himself Akihito turned around facing Asami, walking towards him to pick up his tie right above Asami's feet. Akihito looked up seeing Asami loomed over him. Their eyes meet, this time Akihito didn't shy away from Asami's gaze.

"Report to me again in two hours" with that said, Asami hung up the phone tossing it to the side to reach for Akihito. Akihito knew what message was lying in those golden eyes once he looked up. Asami pulled him up to a searing kiss. To both of their surprise, Akihito didn't evade or reject it. The kisses continued until another ring sang to once again interrupt them. Akihito pulled away to search for the sound, knowing that was his phone ringing. "Ignore it," Asami pulled Akihito face in for another kiss. Akihito once again pulled away moaning from Asami's kisses. "…nmh..I need to get that." Reaching for his phone he spot on the small table adjacent to him, Akihito grabbed it swiping to answer the caller.

Asami feeling ignored, followed Akihito movements but to encircle Akihito waist and have him sit on the hollow between his legs.

Akihito felt himself being embraced from behind as his back relaxed on broad chest.

"Good morning, this is Takaba Akihito of SAOTOME Corporation, how may I help you?" Akihito said in his professional clear voice.

The other line was his company's client. The conversation lasted for ten minutes. During those ten minutes Asami was relatively behaving well, only a few gropes and squeezes and the rest just small kisses and plain hugging.

"…thank you and have a great day" Akihito said after hanging up. "Can't you behave?" Akihito said without facing Asami.

"hmm..I thought I was behaving"

True….he was behaving very well compared to what I thought he'd do. Akihito thought but did not voice out. Asami took his lack of voice as agreement and continued his groping while roaming his hands all over the skin he can reach.

"ahn..stop" feeling the heated touch, "Ryu..i…chi"he panted out. Akihito didn't notice he remembered the name of the man but Asami heard him.

"Akihito" Asami continued his caress from his torso to hip slowly. The teasing touch had Akihito panting hard when they finally brought their lips together in a lock.

This is weird. Akihito thought. Its like there is an on off switch for both me and him (no its just you). This morning was….He couldn't put the right word for the mishap this morning. Then just right now and a moment ago. Undoubtedly, Akihito is aware of his sudden change in attitude with man. His shyness, then sudden boldness, to straight forward desire for the man. Am I bipolar or what? But he didn't think deeper to his right away acceptance towards the man embracing him. He just accepts the man as if its only natural to do so. It was something about those hands and warmth that somehow seeped into Akihito's comfort zone and not realize that he too desire those warm hands on him. After pondering about his bipolar towards the man, Akihito indirectly missing the whole point/question towards Suoh or better yet Asami. Am I forgetting something?

つづく to be continued。

Okay, I finished the 1st chapter. How was it? OK? Boring? WEIRD? Please review and tell me what you think. And again please correct me in my grammar or anything like for a better wording and what not. I am always told that I am too wordy, ambiguous or not straight tot point when writing. Thank you. See you next time.

Not sure when next chapter will be up, but hopefully soon. Baibai~
