Hello again my dear friends I am trying to work out the plans for my other stories and it's kind of hard doing that with the fact that I will most likely do a re-boot of the stories like Kami of the Digital world, and Fallen Angel. Those two are my babies, the ones that I started out with but looking back I see some things just confused the hell out of me. So those two shall be under reboot for a little while not much change but still enough to the point I feel a little bit satisfied. This story has elements of Halo/RWBY

Now to answer some questions

Naruto is broken for better terms, his mother left him alone and it will be revealed how this came to be in this chapter. The thought of anyone bad mouthing Rose just angers him because he loves his mother that's simple. He's not evil as I said he is broken and broken characters in my stories have less morals than they had before. He laughs at people's death because of the fact that what happened after rose left him. But to get to Rose he will do anything to see her again.

He sings because that's what he truly loved about his mother was that she would sing to him to help him feel better. The reason I chose RWBY-Mirror mirror was because he was lonely and didn't have anyone anymore.

I own nothing.


Naruto across a bridge made of what looked like blue light with two other gems walking behind him all holding weapons their own variant of weapons. He was wearing a regular kimono that seemed now more styled to be used for battle. On his neck he wore a choker with a ruby rose on the front of it. On his back he held a red and black scythe (Can't help myself RWBY Ruby's scythe is just to kick ass to ignore). Though he looked a bit older at least the age of thirteen.

To Naruto's left was a blue sapphire gem holding what appeared to be a giant sword that was bigger than her body (Zabuza's sword), she was wearing a dark blue dress that went down to her knees as it was puffy at the end. At her waste was a white belt that held her dress to her frame allowing her to move around as she pleased, she had white hair that went to the base of her neck that was straight. Her eyes the same shade of blue as her dress. She was wearing boots around her feet that made a thud at every step she took. This was Azure (It's a bright blue like a cloudless sky) her gem was on the side of her face.

Right behind Naruto was a green gem. She held a two daggers in each of her hands. She had on a body fitting suit that had a zipper in the back of it. Her hair was dark green and went down to her back while it curled around the end of it. She had a pair of black gloves to cover her hands. She had sandals on her feet that were opened toed allowing her feet to breathe. Her gem was on the back of her right hand. This was Ivy.

The reason they were walking across the bridge was because they received information that there had been a power surge on this side of space. When there ship arrived they found a ship that seemed be made in the shape of a planet it was covered in grey plating. (Basically the Didacts planet ship they used in Halo 4) Though before they could even try and make contact something pulled them in it was like a tractor beam as even a ship of this size could never have its own gravitational pull. The planet like ship started to open forcing their own ship to dock inside of the ship.

Once their ship had docked they scanned the planet like ship that forced them to dock. They found the energy surge was coming from the center of the ship. So the started to walk towards where the surge was coming from hoping to find out more about this place.

Once the three gems were across the bridge the door they entered shut behind them. The energy bridge that they were walking on disappeared behind them

A figure walked out in the light were they all could see them

"Hello Naruto…it's good to see you" the figure said

Flashback over

Everyone inside the van could feel it shaking. They could hear the metal being put under pressure as if it was about to cave in acting quickly everyone jumped out of the van as it ripped in half. The gems landed on their feet while Greg and Steven fell on their butts. They watched as Naruto slammed the two pieces of the van together turning it into a giant ball of metal. It was then tossed into the ocean

Scotty - The black pearl remix (Dave Darell Radio Edit)

Both sides looked at each other waiting for the other to make their move. Naruto looked at Jasper and nodded his head. Jasper charged at Garnet her Crash Helmet appearing on her head. Deciding to meet her half way Garnet charged with her gauntlets appearing on her hands. Sending a punch to clash with Jaspers helmet the clash let out a small shockwave that made Steven fall on his butt.

Seeing their chance Amethyst and Pearl quickly fused to make Opal. Naruto looked at this new form in interest not even trying to stop them from fusing. He never cared when gems fused he would just break them apart. Bringing his scythe out Naruto jumped into the air and slashed the air sending out a blood red crescent wave at Opal. Seeing the immediate danger Opal picked up Steven and Greg and jumped into the air onto the side of the hill. Setting the two down, Opal gave Steven a stern look. When the Red Crescent hit the sand, the sand became glass.

"Steven leave and don't come back this has gotten too dangerous" Not waiting for a response she jumped down with her bow and arrow in hand firing the arrow it broke off into twenty arrows going towards Naruto. Using his scythe he spun it at a fast rate allowing the arrows to bounce off of it. Naruto back flipped as Opal landed where he once stood.

He once again jumped into the air bringing his scythe towards Opals head. Quickly bringing her bow in front of her she blocked the attack. Though the strength behind Naruto's swing almost brought her to her a knee.

A smile formed on Naruto's face but this wasn't a peaceful smile, this smile was psychotic. Using one of her hands she punched Naruto in the cheek sending him flying back towards his ship. Hitting the ship Naruto let out a grunt. The smile was still in place as he started to laugh as he stood back up he charged once more this time covering his scythe his red energy.

Not wanting to have another clash of strength Opal shot five arrows each breaking into twenty arrows. Naruto continued to charge with the demented smile still on his face. Slashing down he created a gust of wind that enough power to compete with a tornado. This resulted in the arrows to disappear, sending his scythe away Naruto tackled Opal with enough strength to send her crashing into the side of the hill.

Landing on her butt she let out a grunt, though it was short lived as she felt something sharp against her neck. Naruto had his scythe out once more up to her neck. He leaned close the demented smile still on his face, he licked her cheek as there was blood present on it. For the first time in a long time Opal showed fear as she saw him raise his scythe into the air and was about to bring it down her.

"Like all Naru's toys you'll break to" Naruto started to giggle has he brought his scythe down. Before it could reach halfway something got in its way. Stopping his scythe it was his mother's shield

"I won't let you hurt Opal" it was Steven, this boy. Wait Naruto felt something though it was faint, he could feel his mother's presence inside this boy. Naruto didn't like that at all he put more force into his scythe sending Steven away. He perused after the boy, bringing his scythe down he was able to cut through the shield but barely, he had cut Stevens shirt in half.

When he did though, he saw something, he saw his mother's gem right there on this boys stomach.

He knew something happened to his mother but he didn't know what, he knew this boy wasn't his mother as his mother didn't believe in the need to change ones appearance.


Sorry for the wait but Ive been bust I also have a challenge that I will post later