This chapter is dedicated to the to the 13 people who reviewed this. The 101 people who favorited this. The 142 who followed this., and the 2 communities this fic finds itself in. I never thought it would get 101 favorites and 142 follows.
Now I'd like to say this… I don't own True Blood or Nikita. I just own the Original Characters I've created. Also, I'm not the best writer in the world. Sorry.
RIP Nelsan Ellis aka Lafayette
Review, Favorite, and Follow if you enjoy this.
If you're a fan of the Injustice 2 game then please give Injustice 2: The Novelization By: SuperJimmy978 a read.
Hailey tried to calm her racing heart as the beautiful vampire stripped her. The look in those jade green eyes as Natasha slid the flannel shirt the blonde had been wearing off her, it had sent a chill down her spine. The ancient vampire helped Hailey take off the white tank top, the top quickly joining the flannel shirt on the floor. Natasha licked her lips at the sight before her. The short blonde was breath taking. She had been around for over a thousand years and it was always a treat to see such beauty. Hailey's breath hitched as the vampire reached around and expertly took her bra off. Far easier than any of her previous lovers.
Not that the list was very long to begin with.
Natasha waved the purple bra around playfully as her eyes feasted on the girl's breasts. She couldn't wait to kiss the mounds of flesh. To tease the blonde's cute little pink nipples that were already hardening under her gaze.
Hailey licked her suddenly dry lips and swallowed the lump in her throat. The thought that Natasha, a who knows how old vampire, someone who had likely seen hundreds of boobies over her life, yet she still looked at Hailey's chest as if they were some form of rare gemstones. Hailey was proud of her breasts, a lovely size 32C. Feeling bold, she quickly unbuttoned her jeans and after pulling down the zipper, she quickly shoved her pants down. Quickly she kicked her shoes off, followed by her jeans. Now she stood before the vampire in just a simple pair of purple panties, which she had worn to match her bra. She slid them down and kicked them away. The 5'2" tall blonde waited to see how the vampire would respond.
Natasha was surprised at the bold move. It seemed the blonde was eager to get things started. Her jade green eyes took in the blonde's voluptuous form with silent approval.
"I suppose it is unfair." Natasha said while reaching behind her back to undo her bra. Hailey at first was confused by what Natasha said until she saw the woman reach to unclasp her bra. The blonde's mouth went dry as the black bra fell away. Freeing the red-haired vampire's large bosom.
A lovely pair of 32DD tits.
Natasha stepped forward and placed her hand underneath Hailey's chin, tilting her head up. Jade green met bright blue. The ancient vampire leaned down and pressed her lips softly to the blonde human's. Hailey closed her eyes and enjoyed the softness of the vampire's lips. When Natasha ran her tongue across Hailey's pretty pink lips it caused the young woman to let out a soft moan. Her cheeks also darkened which gained Hailey a small smirk from the redhead, which vanished as the blonde quickly pressed her lips back against the vampire's. An action that pleased Natasha greatly. She enjoyed submissiveness and shyness at times, but the boldness from this human was really starting to rev her engine.
The ancient vampire's hands went down to Hailey's buttocks. She cupped the human's ass, giving it a rough squeeze which caused Hailey to whimper. Which turned into a sharp gasp as Natasha's finger nails dug lightly into the blonde's perfect round ass. The auburn-haired vampire took advantage of Hailey's opened mouth, she slid her tongue into the human woman's mouth. Their eyes closed. Their tongues dueled each other. The feel of Natasha's tongue against hers caused Hailey to feel as if she was on fire and she knew there was only one way to put out the flames.
"Such a pretty girl." Natasha drawled after ending the kiss. She moved her right hand from the girl's ass to place it right on the sparse curls of golden fuzz that crest Hailey's mound. Close enough to tease the girl without really touching her center yet.
It just wasn't fair, Hailey decided. It just wasn't fair at how easy this vampire got her body to react. All that had happened so far was some kissing and her ass getting touched and she was pretty sure that she was hornier than she had ever been before. Her eyes widened as she watched Natasha sniff the air. Oh god, the vampire could smell her arousal. Hailey almost wanted to die on the spot from embarrassment.
"You smell divine." Natasha said huskily while moving her hand down until her palm was flat against Hailey's wet pussy. Feeling the human's arousal against her hand caused a smile to grace Natasha's face. Hailey couldn't even think, her mouth opened in a tiny 'o' as the red-haired vampire moved her hand down even further until her hand was near the bottom of Hailey's sex. Natasha extended her middle finger and began rubbing Hailey's taint.
Hailey shuddered and placed her hands on the ancient vampire's shoulders. Her blue eyes connecting with jade green. She almost couldn't believe at how quickly this beautiful and dangerous creature had seduced her. Not that she was complaining.
Natasha bit her lip as she lowered her hand just a little bit further, her middle finger extending out to prod Hailey's asshole. Hailey tensed up just as little as a whine escaped her before her mouth dropped open in shock. The ancient vampire took a great amount of pleasure in the human's reaction.
"Not there!" Hailey babbled. She didn't have anything against anal sex but she really wasn't in the mood for that. Or at least that is what her mind told her, her body had an entirely different reaction.
"Where then?" Natasha asked with a cheshire cat smile. "Where do you want this finger, Hailey?"
Hailey's face burned at the question. None of her previous lovers had ever made a simple question sound so naughty.
"In my cunt." She whispered, knowing the red-haired vampire would hear her easily.
"Get on the bed." Natasha ordered while moving her hand away from the young human woman. Hailey walked over to the bed and moved the covers off to the side, she took a moment to appreciate the red bed sheets.
Deciding that the blonde was taking too much time, Natasha decided to give her a bit of motivation. By slapping Hailey's perfect round ass. The slap drew a short cry from Hailey who hadn't been expecting it. Natasha licked her lips as the ass cheek she had slapped now sported a bright pink hand print.
It took some time for Hailey to get on the bed and to get comfy. Her eyes followed Natasha who stalked around the edge of the bed to stand at the foot of it. The look on the vampire's face was hungry, like she wanted to eat her whole. The look got even better when Hailey opened her legs and showed her dripping pussy to the red-haired vampire who immediately stared at it. Her gaze alone was enough to cause a shiver to shoot through Hailey.
Slowly. Deliberately. Natasha got onto the bed and crawled up to Hailey, like a lioness getting ready to pounce on her prey.
"You told me." Natasha said while placing her hands-on Hailey's knees. Slowly dragging her hands up as she spoke. "That you wanted my finger in your cunt." The way the ancient vampire put an emphasis on the word caused the blonde to pant with need. Who knew simply being called up to feed a vampire could lead to this?
"I… I… d..did." Hailey said shakily with a nod. She licked her lips and watched as those hands, that had done who knows what over the years, got ever closer to wet needy cunt. The blonde was getting close to begging for something. Even the lightest touch to her center would likely cause her to see stars.
"Mmm." Natasha made eye contact with Hailey, her hands now resting on the human's inner thighs. She could smell Hailey's arousal. She was pink and glistening and she smelled so fucking sexy, and Natasha wondered how she tasted. Only one way to find out. Slowly, she lowered her head and stuck out her tongue.
Hailey's lips parted and she watched with widened eyes as the gorgeous red-haired vampire's tongue licked a slow stripe up her swollen and visibly excited pussy. The instant Natasha's tongue touched her… Hailey couldn't stop the moan that escaped her throat. Her cheeks were tomato red. The moan sounded like something out of a porn! Yet this seem to encourage Natasha to lick another stripe… followed by another… soon enough it wasn't just slow, teasing licks but a full-on assault.
Natasha took immense pleasure in drawing out every cry, whimper, and moan. Her eyes were not closed and she was gazing up at the blonde's face. It was beautiful. The young woman's red face, her heaving tits, and the way she squirmed under her ministrations caused the ancient vampire to inwardly grin with satisfaction.
Hailey's grip tightened on the red sheets as she writhed under the ministrations of her current… lover. Lover sounded better than client.
The ancient vampire slid her hands underneath Hailey to grab onto the woman's ass. She squeezed it roughly while continuing to the tip of her tongue up and down the woman's cunt.
"Please…" Hailey begged. She needed more. Anything the vampire would give her.
Natasha smirked before flicking her tongue on the swollen little bud that was Hailey's clit. The flick almost caused Hailey's eyes to roll into the back of her head. Natasha brought her right hand to the blonde's cunt, teasing the woman's tight entrance with her index finger before sliding it in just a little bit. Hailey let out a shaky moan at the feeling. She could feel herself open and accepting the vampire's index finger.
Natasha continued to lap at Hailey's clit while thrusting her index and middle fingers deep into the blonde woman's cunt. Hailey whined and squirmed, she tossed her head back into the pillows and cried out the vampire's name as the finger fuck's speed increased.
The red head wrapped her lips around Hailey's little nub of pleasure and sucked hard which combined with her fingers, that were slamming in and out of Hailey's sopping cunt. Hailey clenched around the ancient vampire's fingers as she let out a scream as electricity coursed through her body. Her mouth opened in a silent cry of pleasure, her back arched off the bed as she climaxed, hard. It was almost embarrassing at how hard she came. All do to a little oral and fingering from the red-haired goddess between her legs.
Hailey's hair stuck to her face as her body was covered in a light sheen of sweat.
Wordlessly Natasha raised herself up onto her knees and licked her lips, savoring the taste of Hailey's juices before she got out of the bed to clean her hands and face with a small white towel. After that was done she moved back to the bed where the blonde human was still recovering from the orgasm. Her blue eyes were focused solely on Natasha, the vampire preened. The look in the human's eyes made her feel like a goddess. The power she had over the young woman on the bed was intoxicating. It was enough to make her consider giving Sarah Newlin over to her daughters and keeping this perfect little morsel all for herself.
"I still haven't fed…" Natasha said while straddling Hailey's right thigh, her gaze never breaking from Hailey's. "I think you'll just have to stay with me until all my hungers are taken care of."
Hailey merely whimpered in response.
"You are upset with me." Godric said while resting his eyes on Eric.
It seemed Eric's idea of waiting until they were at Fangtasia to have this talk went up in flames. He had returned to the bedroom after watching the news for thirty minutes, he found Godric sitting up in bed. He didn't respond, simply pulling out his phone and going through the contacts until he reached Nora. He was tempted to call her, and inform his little 'sister' that their maker had decided to try and kill himself without even telling her goodbye. Their relationship was frosty at best but still, she deserved at least a letter. A phone call. A text. Something!
Eric liked to ignore the fact that he was willing to die by his maker's side, some may have called him a hypocrite for not caring about Nora and Pam. However, he had left orders behind if something happened to him. Nora and Pam would have known how much they meant to him in the letters and videos he had prepared if such a thing, like his death, occurred.
"Godric." Eric said while trying not to let his anger and frustration leak out, "I am a lot of things with you at the moment. Upset doesn't even scratch the surface." It surprised the ancient Viking. He had never spoke like this to his maker before, but his feelings of fear and anger were bubbling to the surface. He couldn't contain them.
"I'm sorry Eric." Godric said sincerely.
"Why Godric?" Eric asked. Dropping the calm and collected mask he had been wearing. "I want to know why." It was more than a little shocking for the tall Viking vampire to use this tone with his maker.
Godric opened his mouth to respond but stopped. The tone in Eric's voice was one that had rarely ever been directed at him. If ever. It was truly shocking to the shorter ancient. The look of pure anger and sadness in those blue orbs caused Godric to lower his head in shame.
"You may not like my answer." Godric whispered. Not lifting his head.
"Probably not but I still want to hear it." Eric said with steel in his voice.
"I'm old." Godric said before lifting his head. "For over 2,000 years I have roamed this Earth, I feel like I can no longer live with the violence and bloodshed that I have took part in over my existence."
Eric sat down on the edge of the bed and thought over his maker's words. It saddened the ancient Viking to know his maker could have felt this way for decades. Maybe even a century. The last time he had seen Godric before coming to Dallas was in 1945. In Germany. The Gallic vampire had seemed fine then. Eric had been more focused on the mission they were on at the time, but he was certain if there had been such a weight on his maker's shoulders he would have noticed. When they had reunited in the basement of Steve Newlin's church, he could tell that something was wrong with Godric.
"Why didn't you talk to me?" Eric asked not unkindly. He didn't look at the shorter vampire as he asked another question, "How long have you felt like this Godric?"
Godric turned his head to look at the wall as he thought over the questions his first progeny had asked. In truth, he didn't have a satisfactory answer for either question. Perhaps he didn't want to burden Eric and Nora with his problems. With the demons that plagued his mind every night. The death and destruction that he had caused with such immense pleasure once upon a time, now haunted him.
"I don't know Eric." Godric said after a few minutes of silence. He shook his head, "No. That isn't entirely true. I have felt this way for years… but the years just seem to run together now. I don't think I can give you a number. I'm sorry."
"So sorry that you'll call Nora and explain to her what you attempted to do?" Eric asked innocently. Godric and Nora's relationship was… rocky at best. Nora had wanted more. Perhaps it is best to leave those memories in the past. For now. The Viking vampire shifted his body, so he could meet Godric's eyes.
Godric sighed before nodding. "Do you think she is up at this hour?"
"If not." Eric smirked. "We will just keep calling until she answers the phone."
Godric met Eric's smirk with a small smile.
"So, do we have a lead on Sarah Newlin?" Michael asked while walking over to where Birkhoff was working his magic on the computer. He took a sip of his coffee while waiting for a response.
"I guess you saw the news eh?" Seymour Birkhoff asked in return. His eyes darted over to the flat screen tv that was on mute. "Mrs. Newlin is probably freaking out right now. I doubt she'd stay in the Newlin home. Lucky for you guys I am one of the best hackers alive." Nikita and Alex, who had walked over to join them rolled their eyes at his boasting. "Short story is I hacked into her phone."
"Good work Seymour." Nikita said before ruffling his hair causing the hacker to playfully smack at the deadly woman's hands.
"Hey Nikita." Alex said softly, drawing the woman's attention to her. "We aren't putting Sarah into some form vampire sex slavery, are we?" Her own past rearing its ugly head in her mind. The vampire world had its darkness just like the human one. She didn't like to think about it, but it was foolish to believe that the vampires didn't partake in the action of human trafficking.
Nikita looked at her protégé for a solid minute before nodding once. She would get in contact with Natalia and try to find out why the ancient vampire wanted Sarah Newlin. If she wanted the woman to be her pet and planned to force her into it, then Nikita would have to decline the contract and send the money back. It had been her fault that Alex had ended up as a sex slave for that Russian bastard all those years ago and she would not condemn another soul to that life knowingly. Not even someone like Sarah Newlin.
"I'll give her a call right now." Nikita said firmly while giving Alex a hug. The younger woman returned it immediately which brought a smile to Nikita's face.
"Thanks." Alex whispered, her lips next to Nikita's ear. She still had nightmares about that time of her life.
"I guess it is a good thing I haven't really spent any of the money, yet." Birkoff said with a chuckle.
Michael smirked at the hacker.
Nikita laughed lightly before ending the embrace with Alex. She gave the younger woman a smile before leaving the room to make the call.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Did you like the sex scene? I'm nervous when writing them so I'd like some feedback on it.
Until next time… bye!