Hello everyone, I apologize for the delay, but I'm back with another adventure with Edward Nygma and Bree Taylor! If you haven't read the first installment of this series, I would suggest you give Questions Without Answers a read. I'm excited to get this one posted, since I've had a nice break and I'm ready to get writing again. Without further ado, here is the second (and maybe final?) installment in the series. (I guess we'll find out!)

Gotham was a storm waiting to break.

That was a fact, no longer a matter of opinion on the bleak, grey streets.

Much like the actual storm that rumbled above in billowy thunderheads above. The first drops of rain fell from the sky and Edward flinched as one smacked him hard in the forehead as he stepped beside his car in the early dawn. He looked down as more water dropped, falling into hard splatters onto the ground—like blood splatters. He shook his head at the sudden image that resurfaced from his memory—one of Daugherty laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood—of Bree standing with wide eyes in a blood-stained blouse. One he had stained with his own hands.

The soft rumble of thunder above pulled him from his reverie. His knuckles were white around the car door, and he forced himself to soften his grip as he yanked the door open and climbed inside.

"Pull it together, Eddie-boy. You won't fool anyone if you go into work like this."

His throat bobbed as he swallowed hard, his gaze drifting to the rear-view mirror. His mirror image—not him—but also him, grinned back at him.

"I know you like what you see, but you gotta get a move on if you don't want to be late."

His reflection crooned from the back seat. Ed adjusted the mirror so he couldn't see him and a laugh echoed in his head.

He drove off to the precinct in silence.

Ed stood in front of the men's room sink, wiping the smudges off his glasses. His eyes shifted as Detective—officer—Gordonnow approached the sink and shot him a curious look. His lips pressed together into a tight line as he avoided meeting his gaze.

Ohh looks like Jimmy-boy is noticing there's something different about you.

The smooth voice rang out loudly in his head.

Shut up. He wanted to say, but Gordon still stood beside him, rinsing his hands and regarding him with prying eyes. The voice in his head seemed so real that he almost expected Gordon to hear it.

"Ed….you okay?"

He almost jumped when Gordon's voice broke the silence.

"Never better," he said with a tight-lipped smile, quickly looking back down and continuing to clean his already wiped glasses. He released an inner sigh of relief as the intercom came over the precinct, calling for Officer Gordon to go attend to whatever menial task he that was assigned to him these days.

"Well, see yah," Gordon says, turning away.

Edward said nothing, his head low as his eyes trailed after Gordon as he left.

"He's gone, relax."

He actually jumped this time, his head snapping back towards the mirror as the voice rang out again. His mouth fell agape, his eyes drifting downcast.

"Holy moley, look at you!"

Ed looked back up at his other's reflection.

"Everyone's gonna thing you're going nuts!" the other smiled with a sharp laugh.

"I get nervous when you talk to me with other people around me like that," Ed said, flexing his hands in an exasperated gesture, his voice sounded soft, but hoarse, even to his own ears.

His reflection raised its brows with a grin.

"—Stop, doing that," he spat, jabbing his fingers towards his other.


"That!" he paused, searching for the appropriate word, "—copying me."

"Dude. It's a mirror, that's how they work."

Ed turned silent, eyeing his reflection warily before turning on the faucet once more and rubbing his hands under the cool stream of water.

"You know what I think?" his reflection began, "...I think…..that we need…a little more fun!" he said with a slight snicker as he grinned. Ed's stomach dropped in dark anticipation of what his other might suggest. His other gave him a smoldering look.


"Stop—I know where this is going," Edward cut him off, as he reached for the paper towels and grabbed them with much more force than necessary, crumbling them into a messy wad in his palms.

"I told you—leave Ms. Kringle alone."

"Imagine her in our arms. Those big eyes looking up at us. That soft, trembling fleshhh…."

"Quiet…." Ed muttered, his throat bobbing as he swallowed hard, trying to push his other away mentally.

"Eh, you're right…..but you know who would be really fun? Our little Briaaaannaa," the voice practically sang, "What kind of noises do you think she would make while we fucked her? Imagine seeing her body writhing beneath ours,"

Ed's throat constricted tightly at the thought and he froze at his other's words. The voice chuckled.

"Or if you're in control, she would definitely be on top."

"BE QUIET!" Ed suddenly shouted at his reflection.

They locked eyes, staring at each other for a long moment before Edward grabbed his glasses and quickly strode away.

His other's laughter echoing behind him as he left.


The work day passed quickly in relative silence as he finished his work. Well….mostly silent.

He kept his head down, hoping no one would notice his slight change in demeanor. To no surprise….no one did.

He climbed down the stairs and his eyes skated across the room until they rested on a familiar form standing by the coffee machine.

His heart couldn't help but leap for a moment as he quickened his pace towards the short haired blonde woman. It had nearly grown back to shoulder length, and he loved the way it framed her face in loose waves.

"Just run your hands through it like you know you want to…"

Shut up.

He bit back responding out loud as he shuffled up behind her.

He carefully reached out and his hand rested on her shoulder. She gasped, spinning around, coffee sloshing out the sides of the mug.

"Oh….sorry! Sorry!" Ed apologized quickly, steadying her. Coffee droplets dripped down her hand and forearm.

She met his eyes with a short laugh.

"Hey…...Ed," she said, meeting his eyes with a short laugh, setting the mug down and shaking her hand, "You kinda took me by surprise there…." She said with a small smile.

"Sorry…." He repeated again, a slight flush surfacing on his cheeks. She raised her hand and brought her lips to the side of her thumb, licking off a droplet of coffee, before reaching for a napkin behind her.

He swallowed hard as his eyes lingered on her lips a moment too long.

"Need's more sugar," she commented dryly.

I agree. The voice echoed with a chuckle in his head.


"The coffee….it needs more sugar….," she said, wiping off the sides of the mug.

"So….what do you need?" she said, her smile fading somewhat. It wasn't until that moment that Ed noticed the bags under her eyes. Her smile seemed more forced than usual.

She looked tired.

"I've…..ah…..wanted to see you," he admitted, his gaze dropping. She nodded slowly and when their eyes met again her smile completely disappeared. A look of distress flashed in her eyes, so fast that he almost didn't catch it. She looked down, swallowing visibly. His brow furrowed, his hand drifting back up her arm.

"Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?" she shot back with a humorless chuckle.

"That's not what I asked…"

His hand on her shoulder moved across her back and gently pulled her into a hug. She hesitantly stiff at first, but she slowly relaxed into his touch, her face burying into the lapels of his suit.

"No…" she whispered, "I'm really not…"

This is all my fault….

He thought, his stomach dropping in dread. His arms tightened around her as he placed a kiss on her hairline.

"Neither am I…" he breathed, his fingers sliding through the silky ends of her hair.

Sorry for how long this took me! Busy-life aside, as soon as I finally had the time to work on this I got a horrible case of writer's block on how to start this next story. Please let me know what you think, and I'd love to hear from you what you hope to see this time around! I have a plan, but I love to hear your theories.