Yes who has jumped on the Borderlands train. Me.

"Oh my god. Oh my god that wasn't supposed to happen i'm so sorry!" Gilbert was practically having a panic attack in the back seat, gripping his mech builder tight in his hand still covered in Marcy Holloway's blood. "Oh my god Deathtrap what have you done. Well, what have I done. I was thinking about punching her but I forgot Deathtrap's attached to me and he did what I was thinking and oh my god…" Gilbert whimpered, leaning over the front seat of the car with his head down. "Dad I'm so sorry! That wasn't supposed to happen." Gilbert sighed, looking at Vincent as he drove.

"I know i told you to kill her but i didn't mean it literally kiddo." Vincent sighed.

"I don't know what happened! I swear his consciousness is completely separate from mine but it must be in the command database, c-cause I was thinking it and she was gloating and made me mad, I wanted to kill her and I guess Deathtrap thought I was giving an order…" Gilbert whimpered. "A-am I going to jail? I swear it was a technical failure!"

"You better be damn appreciate that you're not. Had to pull a lot of strings kiddo." Vincent grumbled obviously unhappy.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I-i didn't know! He wasn't ready! I didn't have time to calibrate, or even test him, I thought he was ready, he did what I said." Gilbert gulped, his mechanical arm nervously flicking between hand setting and gun setting. "It seemed all safe! I'm sorry! Please dad. Where are we going? Are we going home? Wait we can't go home, cops. Oh god you're shipping me off. Please no!"

"I thought i told you to always make sure shits ready. But no you just assumed. And now i gotta get your ass out of trouble." Vincent grumbled. "Kiddo it's for the best. Unless you want to be behind bars and knowing the Holloways worse."

"But he did! He was functioning as supposed to! Did what I said, how I said it. I just forgot the mental link for stealth commands, and i forgot he was attached to me, and well, i was angry…" Gilbert sighed. "You believe me don't you? You don't hate me?"

"You can be a real pain sometimes kiddo." Vincent sighed.

"WAIT!" Gilbert perked up as they came to a stoplight. "What was that thing at work you were talking about? The Vault thing?!"

Vincent looked over at him a bit surprised before sighing. "Don't worry about it kiddo." Vincent said.

"But I can go get a Vault or something, loot the place dry, and by the time I'm done we'll be rolling in cash!" Gilbert said. "More than enough to pay my way back and pay off the cops. I'd be able to pay you back ten times over!"

"You really think you got what it takes to be a Vault Hunter kid?" Vincent chuckled a bit.

"Well yeah. You saw me smash concrete to dust!" Gilbert grinned, holding up his arm as it set to gun mode. "And you saw what Deathtrap did. As *cough* tragic *cough* as it was, think of what he could do with actual orders to do so!"

Vincent sighed a bit. "Alright fine i'll let ya give it a shot." Vincent said with an amused expression.

"Alright! Where do I go, what am I looking for, what do I grab." Gilbert grinned.

"Well kiddo once i got the money all figured out you get to go on a little field trip to Pandora kiddo." Vincent chuckled.

"Only thing I'll have to worry is people looking at my arm or Deathtrap. Didn't exactly build it with people who haven't even seen a garbage disposal in mind." Gilbert said, looking more serious.

"Well ya got till i can get the money to work on them kiddo." Vincent said. "So i'd get right on it once you can."

"Really though. I am sorry about all this. Or that you even have to think about sending me to Pandora over a bad science project." Gilbert said. "I mean, as cool as vaults are, and vault hunters, I know that you know it's dangerous as hell, and I'm probably gonna die before I see any of it. I'll make sure it gets to you though. In person or… otherwise."

"Well kiddo if you do just know i do love ya." Vincent sighed. "With that mind of yours i'm sure you can find a way out of situations, just remember can't trust anyone down there. They just want the money they don't care how they get it."

"Can't trust anyone, pandoran or otherwise. At least I have deathtrap. He's practically my consciousness now, since it's be suicide to split us now." Gilbert said. "At least I'll have you to talk to, right?"

"Least you got someone lookin' after your back down there." Vincent chuckled. "When i can yeah. I do have a company to run you know this."

"Yeah. To be fair dad, I don't trust any of your guys to so much as hold my lunch spot." Gilbert sighed, looking down. "What about Sep?"

"Ah their reliable." Vincent said. "He's fine kiddo."

"You may think so. Again. A fucking Vault. I don't trust em not to shoot me in the back for that." Gilbert sighed. "What are you telling him?"

"Just keep an eye open kiddo. If ya ever feel like someone's gonna stab you in the back then don't trust em. Simple and easy." Vincent said with a shrug. "Ah little stories ya know. Truth but tweaked."

"I'll miss you Dad. No lie." Gilbert said. "Good. Good. Just come back with a Vault or don't come back at all. Okay that sounds way more ridiculous out loud. A 10 year old coming back with a Vault. Dammit Gil talk about biting off more than you can chew..."

"I'll miss you too kiddo." Vincent said. "In a sense ya."

"M-maybe I'll run across mom out there." Gilbert sighed. "Why did you want this vault anyway? You're hardly the 'legendary weapons and gear, riches and gems beyond your dreams' kinda guy."

Vincent huffed and gained a bit of an angry look to him. "You might." Vincent growled. "Gotta keep the business running somehow kiddo. Plus more money and i can get more supplies for your silly little projects."

"What's with that look?" Gilbert looked surprised. "I told ya I can get scrap. Ya don't have to get everything. Just the more exotic parts maybe but I can do scrap."

"Ah nothing to worry about kiddo." Vincent chuckled an almost obviously fake smile appeared on his face. "Ah but can't i spoil my kids once and while huh."

"I guess." Gilbert mumbled, already falling asleep in the back seat.

Vincent chuckled a bit before sighing.