Chapter 25- Devil's Divide


I wasn't gonna upload this til I uploaded this entire finished story, which is about three or four more chapters. But the last two aren't finished. And his has been done for months. And truth is I want to finish a couple of my "almost done" stories already. So, I'm just gonna upload today. As I said Damon and Stefan are embedded in this dark dimensional world already. They are apart of this life of darkness. So, the story continues with that dark energy. If you don't like evil Damon and Stefan don't read! Thanks for continued follows and reviews.

Damon's shirt was open, showcasing his very pale skin, and the decorated, musculature of his torso. Pale to the point, his veins were prominent in through his skin. He sat on the edge of the large bed, hair blacker than black, eyes bluer than blue, and the look of a man possessed. He looked up at her, when she was forced into the room by Lily. She stood far from him, analyzing her options to use magic, if she needed to. She became quickly accustomed to the needs of her unborn babies. Her body had been doing it already while her mind was at rest. The question was how much magic could she use without hurting herself?

None of it mattered right now, as his eyes, were burning a hole through her body too hard for her to think straight.

"Don't stand so far away from me." He held his hand out reaching for her. "Don't be shy. I don't bite." She looked up, in shock at his sarcasm. "Okay, I do bite. But, you used to love it."


"You can call me your King." He joked.

"I'll call you Damon. Because we aren't staying here. You are not the King of this living hell, and we will not be here long." Damon stood up, defensively. His blue eyes darkened at the rim... traces of black filled in its place. And the veins below his eyes were desperate with hunger for her. She was covered in a black chiffon night gown. It was see-through and her body was nude underneath. He moved towards her, putting his hands behind her lower back and pulling her backwards with him, as he walked back towards the bed's edge again. Her body didn't move willingly, he possessively, pulled her. The entire walk backwards he didn't take his eyes off her. But she refused to look at him in the eyes.

He sat on the edge of the bed before her, resting his head onto her rounded belly. Bonnie felt uncomfortable with him so close to her babies. He rubbed his nose gently around her stomach, filling his nostrils with the memory of her scent, from her absence. She withdrew, tensing up. He clutched her arms tighter and held her in place. "This, is our life now. A life where I am King, and you are Queen. And every supernatural being is at our disposal. Why would you want to go back to a world, where humans fear us, and try to kill us? Where we live in hiding, and have to act like we aren't powerful beings, with accelerated speed, hearing, and strength, living off of blood? You are a powerful witch Bonnie. Here, you don't have to hold back. You can use power anytime anywhere, everyday. Everyone will bow at your feet here. You will be worshipped. Why go back to the place that brought out the worst in us, by forcing us pretend we weren't who we were?"

"Because this place, is Hell Damon. This place, is torture for anyone who is not royalty. This isn't us." She explained. "They won't worship me. They'll fear me."

"Same difference." He spoke with angry eyes.

"I don't want this. Neither do you."

"This is us." He lowered his hands to the bottom of the dress and caressed the highest part of her thighs. His long sharp nails, easily made her bleed as they were longer and sharper than normal. This was the beast inside of Damon, she'd come in contact with before. Only he didn't have to hide his natural self. He looked up at her, blood-red eyes and all. "This is our home now. You will get used to it. You don't have a choice." He softly demanded, with harsh undertones to his voice.

"This isn't you, Damon. This is darkness. It's changing you. Don't let him change you, Damon. Don't let the darkness of Aiden consume you." She warned. But he was tired of hearing her defiance. He wrapped his hand around her throat, and gripped her tight. Bonnie tried remaining calm, in his grips, but he'd shown her, he was the one in control.

"I am Aiden. He is me. We are the same. And I like it. This is Vulgaris. We are home. And whether you want to or not, you're staying here, with me. You will never be without me. and I will never leave." He pulled her to him by the throat. His tongue bore from his mouth, to hers suffocating her. She fought his kiss, with both of her hands, trying to pull his mouth from hers, but he just squeezed her neck tighter. That is, until he'd tasted her enough. Bonnie tried removing his hand but he was too strong. "Now, I'm going to remind our babies, of who daddy is, to mommy. Get on the bed, and don't say another fucking word about leaving." He finally released her throat, forcing her to grab it with her hands after he squeezed so hard. Bonnie saw blood on her hand, from where his nails dug into her skin. She looked up at his demonic face, and she couldn't find Damon inside of those blood-red eyes. When she made it to the bed, and got on top of it, she looked up and he was already on top of her, naked. You smell..." he takes a long hard sniff "... sinful."

"You can't drink from me. The babies need all of my blood." She spoke lowly. To which he responded lowly in return.

"I have plenty of time to drink from you after they're born. Tonight, I want to feed on you from the inside. And I'm quite starved."


Aside from feeling safe and at ease at the Crystal Lake, the two women had to go back into the dark tunnels and find their way to Bonnie. They'd spent the hours trying to gather their strength to go back through the tunnels. The younger witch, made Caroline feed from her to gain strength. And Caroline let The young witch rest so she could have the energy to head back.

They were sad to leave the beautiful crystal clear lake. It was never dark there. The sun looked like a sunset all day long. It was peaceful, and serene, and possibly a mirage they'd never see again, once they left. But they took their chances. After half a day, they left the magic water, and headed back towards the unknown, in the dark tunnels.

"Scarlet, we are to the point we came in yesterday."

"Yes. It's a two way. Right or left?" She asked.

Caroline stood quietly and listened out for where she could hear the possibility of an end. "This way." They headed right, and walked a while. The tunnel had torches lighting the way. Every so often, the eerie darkness in the tunnels, sustained the girl's silence most of the time. They didn't want their voices echoing, so they refrained from talking much. They came to one more crossroad in the tunnel. They had another choice of left or right. "Let's go left." The two women walked until they ended up at stone steps, leading up to a narrow space and a door.

"Should I try to open it?"

"What choice do we have?"


"Walk up next to me turn and open the door. I will walk in first. If there is danger, you turn and go back to the lake. Remember, the opposite of how we came, when you go back, make a right then a left." The young girl agreed with a head nod. She opened the door slowly. When Caroline looked out, they were in a darkness. It looked like the tons of trees and shrubs. The entrance was even covered in shrubs. She broke through a few shrubs, to push through seeing a dark sky. "Okay, Scarlet, come on. It's clear."

Caroline reached through and put her hands in front of her to pull the witch out. They both turned to the covered door, hidden inside the stomp between a large group of trees. "It's been covered. Someone wanted to keep the bad out."

"I thought this whole place was bad."

"Well, the universe, makes a way."

"How will we remember where we are?"

"Let's look for landmarks" They searched, but it was too dark to find any major land points. Until Caroline looked up. "Look. The tree shrubs are moving." They watched as the shrubs started slithering through the ground, and moved back to cover up the secret door on the large stomp. "We can't possibly miss the only shrub covered tree stomp. There are no other cut trees."

"Okay." Just as she agreed with Caroline, she noticed they were near the castle. Straight ahead there was an opening that lead to the back side of the castle wall. "Look."

"Finally." Caroline moved towards the vision before her. "But its heavily guarded. Now, we just need to get inside." She headed towards the desolate side of the wall and felt around the wall to see if it was possible to climb it. But the stones weren't rigid enough. "I thought we could climb it, but, maybe with some of the shrubs, we can build some type of rope. If we can do that, and toss it over with a large stone, we can get to the other side. I can use my vamp strength to get the stone over." Caroline kept offering ideas but wasn't hearing any suggestions or agreeing. She turned to see why Scarlett was aloof and the young girl was being held by guard. "Scarlet, what do you think... oh shit."

"Well, here you are. Escaped slave, E3619 found." The man grabbed her by her arm, and slammed her against the wall hard. His strength was that of three men, and her face hit the stone with not a thud, but crack.

"Ahh." She yelled out winded..

Her entire face, plastered against the stone. She was convinced she felt her cheek split open. She felt her fangs ascend, as a defense mechanism. Her eyes, turned blood-red, and she growled in the guards face. The strength she had from drinking the young witches blood made Caroline more powerful. She'd only lived on animals since being here, but the blood of the young girl helped Caroline to fight the guard back. She wiped at her cheek, and saw the blood against her fingers. "My face? Not my damn face." She ran for the guard, breaking his neck. She doesn't even know if he was a vampire, but she snapped his neck, and jumped on the very same guard that was holding the witch. Caroline went mad with greed, and ripped into his neck, severing any major arteries, before reaching inside of his chest and pulling his heart out.

The little witch stood in amazement. Though she feared vampires, seeing one defend her was was astonishing. She couldn't even speak. "Come on, let's go, I'm sure there's more where he came from. We have to go before they find us." Caroline grabbed the hand of the other girl, and they ran to find cover.


Bonnie woke up in bed alone. She was nude and her groin was sore, her muscles ached. She could hardly move, but she tried. She gave herself minutes to cover her body and move towards edge of the bed. Her body was overheated and burning from within. He'd kept true to his word, when he told her he'd wanted to feed on her from the inside. Her insides were burning up.

Bonnie looked around and the large room, was decorated in indescribable figures and darkness. Again this room taunted her though and robbed her of peace. She moaned in pain, sitting her body up. "Ahhh. Hmmm." Humming through pained moans, She moved towards the edge of the bed, and Lily came in quickly.

"My Queen, what is wrong?"

"Clothes. Give me my clothes."

"I should bathe you first. A bath will soothe the ache."

"No. Just stay away from me." Bonnie convinced herself she didn't need Lily. She leaned over to stand, but the pain was strong in her muscles. Lily watched Bonnie struggle, to come to her feet. She walked over to her, attempting to help her. Bonnie tried snatching her arm away, but Lily was more gentle than Damon was just hours before. So, she allowed the touch as she needed some sort of comfort.

"It's okay, My Queen. Lay back. No need to get up. I can take care of you right here." Lily saw the bruises on her body and the scratch marks. "I'm sorry he did this to you."

Bonnie said nothing and looked away. In the past she and Damon got rough with one another. It was the way they loved to touch each other. Their sex lives were built from dark and twisted natures. Damon was without his humanity from day one, and Bonnie hadn't had him any other way, except the moments leading up to the white light, sucking them in. It always had been dark and intense when they made love. His vampirism and her magic were good balances for each other. But she couldn't use her magic last night to balance his power, because of the twins. So, she let him ravage her.

She kept her eyes and her face to the opposite side of Lily. She refused to make eye contact in embarrassment. Lily called to the servants to bring cool water and towels to regulate Bonnie's temperature. She immediately went to work on her over-heated body.

Her hands rubbed tirelessly and she chanted quick and quietly.

"Sana Carne, Sana Cor."

"Sana Carne, Sana Cor."

"Sana Carne, Sana Cor."

"Sana Carne, Sana Cor."

"Sana Carne, Sana Cor."

She repeated until Bonnie's body relaxed from its tense state. Bonnie lay quietly, remembering moments she couldn't block out, while Lily focused on healing her.


He restrained her wrists inside of his hands and sat before her on his knees. He lay her on her back and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her beautiful protruding belly facing the ceiling, while he plunged inside of her reuniting their bodies. He was rough, and his skin was hot to the touch. She put her hands against his chest, trying to soften his depth, and that's when he held her wrists. "Te mea. TE MEA!" He yelled. His blood darkened under his skin, and the beast like talons grow before her eyes. This version of Damon was scary, and powerful.

Bonnie understood his possessiveness over her. But, she had to play calmly. Damon was concealed in Aiden's darkness, and his power was unmatched right now, even for Bonnie. "Finally, we are together little witch. I've missed you. Have you missed me?" She couldn't focus on his face, because he didn't feel like Damon. She new part of him was Aiden, and the pleasure Aiden got out of being a part of Damon, just so he could have Bonnie disgusted her. Aiden went to great lengths to control and manipulate everything. "Answer me!"


"Say it then!"

"I love you."

And for just a minute, his eyes turned blue again. "Bon Bon." He smiled, catching her of guard. She held his face for seconds, seeing him fighting to come back to the surface. But it wasn't long before, his beast like nature returned, and dominated her body, roughly. Bonnie was dealing with Damon, losing his soul to the devil. She hardly recognized him anymore. He salivated over the smell of her blood, and he pinned her arms down, overpowering her harder, than she could handle while pregnant. Not like the old Bonnie.

She held it together for as long as she could. Her legs, gripped the back of his legs, trying to control him down, but the devil within him, growled in her face. "Don't resist me."

She swallowed hard and told herself that Damon was somewhere deep deep down in the darkness. And that she'd get the devil out of him, and get them back home.


Lily held Bonnie's wrists gently, healing the bruises around them from his strong grips. Bonnie watched, as Lily place Bonnie's hands onto her stomach, and rest them there. She stood quietly. And the woman with the stone face cracked a gentle smile. Bonnie was torn out of her memories, at the occurrence.

"What?" Bonnie asked sullenly.

"My Queen, inside of you awakens the lives of a boy and a girl."

Bonnie's surprise, was pleasant. After all she'd been through, it gave her hope. "How can you tell?"

"The energy." She grabbed Bonnie's hands and placed them on the lowest part of her belly. "This is your girl. Girls love to nuzzle in the lower abdomen." Bonnie pressed gently. "You're boy is over here. Boys love to be near the breast." Bonnie lay there smiling, feeling her babies move around and communicate with each other. Suddenly all that ached was healed and the more she touched them the faster she was healing. Lily looked on in amazement. "I've never witnessed... Look! The babies are healing you."

"What?" Bonnie looked up, and watched her bruises vanishing. Her cuts healing. And the aching in her groin was gone. "Are my babies healers?"

"I don't know their powers. But, you can easily figure it out." Lily grew excited.


"Meditation. A quiet space, and some peace, and you can enter their minds." Bonnie took her words into consideration. But was dead set on leaving, before she could find comfort in any reason for staying.


"Yes, my Queen." Bonnie rolled her eyes at the title.

"Is there a way, to get this darkness out of me?" Lily's happiness disappeared, into worry.

"Surely, you want to get me killed. This conversation, can't-"

"Lily, listen to me. My children... your grandchildren, are the Saviors. They will bring peace to the world of supernaturals. But, if they are born in this darkness, they will possibly bring destruction. Is this what you want for your blood? Is this the legacy, you want on your conscience, knowing how you already left your own boys in the wake of destruction when they needed you?"

"My Queen, I-"

"Pretend it's just me and you. No King, no Queen. No Vulgaris. Two women. Two mothers." Bonnie pleaded. "These are my children, and I will do anything to protect them. ANYTHING." Her eyes began to water as she looked Lily right in her blue eyes. "And, I will never stop trying as long as I'm here. So, don't you owe it to your boys, to let their legacy live on, the legacy of the Salvatore name. Because, I know, as a Bennett, I can't let them be born into darkness. My family has protected my name for too long."

Lily opened her mouth to speak, "I-"

"Lily, please? Find anything inside of you, that wants more than this, for my babies." Lily hated how Bonnie compromised her loyalty. And over and over, Bonnie was in denial of what her new life was. But as a mother, Lily knew she owed her boys more.

"Fine. The darkness, can be exercised out of your body, but it won't leave without a vessel to cling to."

"Meaning, another body?"

"Exactly. And how, will you find a body to do that? Let alone, put your body through this stress while you're pregnant."

"I'd do it, for them. My children. Even if it kills me."

"I can't perform the exorcism. I'm not strong enough."

"Well, one of my friends that I've been asking you for, is a witch. She can help."

"It'll take more than that."

"Okay, well, help me out here Lily. What can I do?"

"I may know someone else that can help."

"Okay. Bring them to me. I'll do all the talking and convincing." Bonnie offered desperately.

"No. You won't have to convince her. She will help you without a hesitation." Lily admitted.

"Okay. Good. Who is she? Where is she?"

"Lucy Bennett."

"Lucy Bennett, my cousin? My cousin is here?! How? Why?" Bonnie's worry grew to another level. Missing friends, missing cousin, Damon's soul, twin saviors destiny being erased in this place... how much more could she handle? "Lily, how is my cousin here?"

"I can't answer that. Just know, she was brought against her will. And, getting her isn't going to be easy." Lily sighed. "She is a slave to one of the strongest soldiers, in the Vulgarian Army.

"So, how can I get her? Surely, he can't say no to me, if I'm the Queen?"

"No, he can't, but he answers to Damon, now. And Damon will not let you see her."


"Because, he won't let you be alone with anyone besides me or himself."

"Damon doesn't control me, take me to Lucy."

"Bonnie- I mean my Queen. You are going to get me killed. You're trying the way of the dictatorship here. Do you understand, Damon is the King of this entire dimension? He didn't have a choice, it was forced upon him. He won't just, decide to allow you to overthrow his purpose. He serves a purpose here."

"Purpose? Is that what you said? His purpose, his destiny, is to fulfill his prophecy, and that means he is to protect me and our children. For the rest of his undead life. THIS! This hell is not his prophecy. Now, you... Leave Damon to me. I will not let him kill you. But, I need to find Lucy. And I need to find her now!"

"But, my Queen, you aren't allowed to be alone with anyone besides-"

"Now Lily. Take me to her."

"But-" Lily thought to contest, but Bonnie wasn't going to change her mind. She could tell by the look in her face, that she wasn't changing her mind. "Okay. But we must move with haste, and we must cover your body fully. No one is to see you."

"Let's move quickly." Bonnie was able to stand up, once she healed. She wasn't very big for how far along she was, but she wasn't weak by any means. She found herself in a position, to conceal her pregnancy, and find Lucy.


Caroline and Scarlett walked about the wall with no source for entry. They remained in a quiet position, hiding until they saw two castle workers outside. They looked like royal servants. "I have an idea." Caroline said. "Let's get their clothes. We can disguise ourselves higher up on the poverty chain here."

"You don't suppose they'll just pleasantly agree to a switch?"

"Hell no. But listen to me Scarlett. This is about survival. We aren't asking questions. We will march over there, and take them."

"I'm not a good fighter."

"Leave that to me You just, keep an eye out for the guards." Caroline put her fingers to her lips and they quietly ran across the way, until they were behind the women. "Hey." Caroline called out trying to get their attention. The two women turned around, surprising Caroline in their appearance. They were both pale white with dark circles around their eyes, and red pupils. "Oh shit!" Caroline froze in fear, not knowing what to say next. And that's when one woman opened her mouth, and a long snake snake like tongue made a hissing sound, moving towards Caroline. The blonde ducked, and the two creatures, begin to went straight for her. Scarlett, ran for cover, and looked out for any other bodies, but her concern grew for Caroline.

One creature had Caroline pinned by the arms, and the other held up her hands as to attack. Caroline kicked, knocking her down, then relieving herself of the other woman's grip, when she turned to defend herself, the hissing woman snared. Caroline's defense mechanism kicked in. The veins underneath her eyes swam causing blood to rise to the surface of her pupils. Blue eyes turned blood red, as teeth ascended ferociously. The woman came for Caroline attacking her and Caroline held her own, fighting back. She reached for the servant woman's neck and squeezed growling as the alpha female she was claiming in that moment. Her hands squeezed, until the woman's body began to give way. Caroline finally had the upper hand, until the second woman rose to her feet watching Caroline control the fight. She let out a loud hissing shriek, and the sound cut through Caroline's ears like a knife. Caroline grabbed her ears in pain, and falls to her back. It was now two on one again.

Young Scarlet stood on, helplessly watching and afraid. One woman ripped Carolines shirt open, as they pinned her down, and just before they began to feast on her body, Caroline prepared herself for what was about to happen. She was going to be feasted on by two demons, until both creatures fell violently in pain. Caroline stumbled around confused and turned at the sound of her name. "Caroline!" When she saw the young witch holding her hands out towards the two women and screaming for her she ran towards her.

Caroline grabbed her arms checking her, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. But I can't hold them off much longer. We have to hurry."

"Well I need to snap their necks, keep the hold on them." Bonnie tried for just a little longer, enough for Caroline to do what she had to do. "We have to move quickly." The two women hurried and switched out their clothes. When more noises and voices were nearing, they ran away from the scene, and found cover nearby.

"Wait, stop." Caroline said, reaching for Scarlet and hugging her. "Thank you. You saved my life again."

"You saved my life too. When you killed the guards." The two women had been one another's only advocate ever since they arrived in this dimension. Bonnie was in a coma, most of the time, and they were responsible for taking care of each other, and Bonnie and keeping her alive. And now, they were each other's only means for survival.

"Of course. We only have each other right now. We have to be fearless, here. Or we'll be eaten alive." Caroline said. "Like literally. Do you understand?"

"Yes." She agreed, nodding her head.

"Okay, we are close to getting back to the inside of the castle. And that much closer to Bonnie. Let's go."


Stefan decided to take a break from guarding Damon. He went to the corridor where the castle servants spent time, when they weren't working. Although the crowd was rather, one-dimensional, it wasn't hard for him to notice when someone stood out. Especially since, majority of the women there hit on him whenever he was around the commoners. His the too. Was caught of guard, one afternoon, by a hooded woman. He took two steps to the left, to see if he'd seen, right? He thought he had seen a particular shade of red hair, under a hood. He tried get a better look until he was interrupted. "I don't suppose you're aware that the blonde and the red-head escaped?"

"Enzo. I thought you resigned from the court. Why are you in the castle?"

"I have some unfinished business to settle."

"With who?"

"It's none of your concern."

"If it has to do with the King and the Queen, then it does concern me. You have been in hiding for weeks." Stefan stood face to face with Enzo. "So, what is this about?"

"I have some personal information for the King. And I'm not telling you."

"He won't see you Enzo. Not unless you decide to take punishment for tormenting the Queen before arriving here."

"Bonnie, you mean, Bonnie? And I had every right. She cheated on me."

"You left her for months, refused to go back. You also lied about your relationship with Sally to her. And Damon knows you were sleeping with Sally. And lied."

"So, come after your best mates girl? The man who went after him, to save him, because SHE asked me to! I made choices I had no control over."

"And fucking the woman who was manipulating you, was the answer?" Stefan asked. Enzo growled, defensively at Stefan. But Stefan gave it right back to him. Forehead to forehead. "So, unless you plan to take the punishment, you should go." Stefan's teeth ascended slowly, as to prove a point.

"Fine, I'll go." Enzo backed up and smirked unpleasantly, but also condescending. He walked away, heading towards the large group of patrons drinking merrily in the courtyard. Drunk, and debaucherous. He stumbled upon a red haired girl with a familiar scent. He snatched her hood off her head. "My, my... what have we here? A naughty little prisoner. Where's your comrade?"

She stood frozen in fear. This man tortured her, took her blood by force, and tormented her. He was her single greatest fear, in a vampire. Ruthless, vile, and without humanity. She tried to run, but he snatched her by the neck. "Caroline-" she choked out when his hand wrapped around her throat. When Caroline turned to the sound, Scarlet was no where in sight.

Her red hair. Her scent. All of her. Was gone.

"Scarlet!" She called out, and nothing. But her familiar voice scratched another ear. An ear, she didn't think she'd see. With every thing going on around her, in the large crowd of drunken demons, the sounds that made sense were blocked out. But, he heard her, and when their eyes met, she took a deep breath. "Stefan."

"There you are. Escaped slave E3619. I've been searching for you."

She looked at him, helplessly. Her mind hadn't fully registered his presence, because the girl she was supposed to be protecting was now gone. "I can explain."

"No need. I'm taking you to the King!"

"Wait... please. Stefan, I need your help."

"Pft!" He yanked her by her arm, and was ready to take her into the castle.

"Wait. Please. I'll do anything. But, he took her, and he's going to hurt her." Caroline pleaded.

"Who took who? When?"

"Enzo. Just now. He took Bonnie. The red-headed witch that protected Damon and Bonnie. He just-" she paused to formulate the words, because his face showed no sign of caring. "ENZO! He just snatched her, before I could do anything. He was so fast, I couldn't-" she started to cry.

"Why should I care?"

"She helped you!"

"And we got here, and the two of you ran off with the Queen. In hiding for four months. I have one job. To protect the Queen, and the King. Against, anyone." He looked her dead in her eyes. "Anyone!"

"Stefan, you and me... we, what happened to you?"

"Blah blah blah. What the fuck will you do for me, if I help you?"

"Anything you want."

"You're life. I want your life."

She became confused, sniffing the internal tears back in. "What, like death?"

"No. Ownership." Caroline took two steps back and stare at him in disbelief. How could he want to on her. Like a slave, or a pet. They were once much more, than friends. Though confusing at times, especially with her fondness for Klaus, which Stefan quietly despised, they still managed to become best friends.

But as much as it pained her, she couldn't say no. She needed to save Bonnie Scarlett. "Someone purchased me."

"Leave that to me." He reached inside of his pocket and pulled out a small black device, put it on her neck, and pressed the button, shooting her in the flesh.

"Ouch. What the hell?"

"It's a tracking device. This way, anytime you try and escape, it will shock your body with 1,500 volts of electricity." Caroline gripped her neck and looked at him fearfully. Stefan roughly peeled her hand of her neck, and squeezed it.

"Ahh. Fuck." She whispered. "Why are you doing this?"

"Don't test me Caroline. I will kill you without hesitation. Whatever we used to be, is just that... none-existent. You're slave E3619 now. Your life means nothing to me." His words were more disconnected than his soul.

Lily wants to help, but can Bonnie trust her? Having to reserve her magic for her pregnancy with the twins, can Bonnie still save Damon? Maybe Lucy can find a loophole to to her magic... Caroline and Bonnie/Scarlett are having a helluva time getting back to Bonnie as escaped slaves. And Stefan relentless.