Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. So to cut to the chase and based on only one of you who has answered the question. Vivian and Morgana do have an unpleasant history, at least within the context of this story. Also since we're about three episodes off from the finale of Season two, I'll start adding in a plot thread which I've been tossing around for quite a while.

A week after Freya's passing, Merlin, Arthur, Morgana and Gwen had gradually moved on. Whilst they were still sad about what had happened and Merlin had wished there was another way to save her. The four of them considered themselves lucky as not long after the Citadel had become busier than usual. Uther had invited the Rulers of the Five Kingdoms to Camelot for negotiations on a new treaty and they were all due by the end of the next week. This if successful, would reinforce the existing alliance and make them all the more powerful. Unfortunately, though Morgana had been particularly sour about the treaty. This of course aroused Merlin curiosity. He got his chance to sate it though when he and Morgana were having a sparring in a seldom used chamber on the other side of the Citadel.

"So another over blown function, for Uther to show off again. Eh?" Merlin asked as he dodged a blow to the head from Morgana. The Witch pulled her sword back and parried a slash before replying.

"Yep I can't wait to act as Uther's porcelain doll, whilst Arthur is bored out of his mind. Not to mention that you and Gwen will have to pick up after them and whatever entourage that followed." Morgana replied sarcastically. Merlin raised his eyebrows and thrust his sword at her body. But Morgana side stepped the blade before grabbing Merlin's wrists with one hand bringing her blade up to his neck with the other. "You've over committed." She commented coolly as she let go and stepped back. Morgana then slashed at Merlin again and he blocked the blow, before twisting her blade with his. Resulting in Morgana being shoved to the side.

"Yet I feel there's more than that. Normally, you tend to use these events to show off. So what's different now?" He asked. Morgana just scowled and unleashed a quick barrage of slashes. Merlin blocked all of them but on the last one, Morgana locked their blades briefly before shoving forward. In true Merlin fashion, he stumbled back before tripping over himself and landing on his back. The impact causing him to lose his sword and Merlin paled as he saw the tip of Morgana's sword aimed right between his eyes.

"It's a personal matter. But one I feel you should know about if you are to survive the coming days." Morgana answered cryptically and backed away from Merlin allowing him to get his sword. Standing back up Merlin was ready to face her down again.

"And to what matter burdens you milady?" Merlin asked again in a faux-posh voice. Morgana snorted and raised her sword.

"One that you shall find out if you can defeat me." She taunted. Merlin smirked and raised his sword and the two were fighting each other again. They fought with renewed ferocity and exchanged blows and slashes. Morgana noted that Merlin's reflexes were now faster and his footwork was more composed. Of course he still needed improvement but compared to what happened when they started out. She figured some improvement was better than no improvement. Eventually the fight ended when Merlin made a slash at Morgana which exposed his side. Taking advantage of this, she reversed the pommel on her sword and knocked it into Merlin's ribs. In response to the pain, Merlin dropped his sword and clutched his chest. Morgana placed her sword down and walked over to Merlin. "Are you alright?" She asked in concern.

"I'll be fine apart from the bruising." He winced. Morgana looked at the angry looking purple mark that was beginning to form and placed a hand on it. When Merlin winced again, she looked up to make sure that no one was around and then chanted another healing spell. With a flash of her eyes, the bruising faded and she smiled.

"There good as new." She announced proudly. Merlin smiled in return.

"So I take it that my defeat means that you will no longer tell me what's bothering you?" He asked. Morgana raised an eyebrow.

"I was going to tell you either way. I had just mentioned the part about you having to defeat me bit as an incentive for you to try harder." She explained.

"Oh." Merlin exclaimed. He then continued, speaking. "And how did I do?" He asked.

"Presently, your stances are becoming more solid and your reflexes are now sharper. That being said, your attacks are still uncoordinated, your grip on the sword is still too loose and you're relying on your arms for precision instead of your wrists." She commented. Merlin took it all in quietly.

"I'll keep it in mind for next time. Thank you Morgana." Said Merlin humbly. He then spoke up again as Morgana had collected his sword and placed them on a wall near the window.

"No problem and I look forward to tonight's lesson. But now I believe I owe you an explanation." She answered and gestured Merlin to sit down at the table in the centre of the room. Once they were both seated, she began talking.

"Aside from the fact that this treaty will see that Uther's ban would be spread further across Albion. There is a more specific threat which will be accompanying the visiting Kings." Morgana warned.

"What type of threat?" Merlin asked.

"Not what Merlin but whom." Morgana responded cryptically. Merlin was all ears and she continued. "All of these kings have all made visits here in the past and as such I'm quite familiar with them. One of them is King Olaf." Morgana answered and looked at Merlin, whose eyes lit up in recognition of the name.

"I think I know who you are talking about. Arthur had me memorise the guest list. To put it in his own words 'as a form of light reading.'" He quoted the last phrase. Morgana smiled at the story as she knew that Arthur was too lazy to do it himself so he passed it off to Merlin.

"Then you should know that Olaf is bringing his daughter with him?" Morgana asked. Merlin had noted the distain in her voice when she said daughter.

"Yes, Lady Vivian." Merlin answered obliviously. Morgana scowled when she heard the name.

"She and I have known each other ever since we were little girls. But we have never gotten along. In fact our last meeting ended when we got into a fight and were trying to rip each other's hair out." Morgana reminisced. Merlin was trying to hold himself back from laughing at the image that had formed in his head. He eventually recomposed himself.

"Why's that?"

"Imagine Arthur as a woman and have all of his prattish qualities strengthened to an unbearable extent." Morgana explained sullenly. Merlin shuttered in response with the image.

"I think I threw up a bit." He groaned.

"Eugh you're not the only one. The worst part about this is that her father would run anyone through who would as much as look at her the wrong way."

"Much like what Uther would do to me if he finds out about us." Said Merlin hesitantly.

"To be fair on him. At least Uther will give you the opportunity to speak and there is a chance he'll spare your life. Though you may have to be banished. But Olaf would just gut you right where you stand." Morgana warned him.

"Wait if that the case how is it that was you able to get away?" He asked in confusion.

"Olaf believes that she and I get along famously. Though that's because we put on an appearance of solidarity in front of him." Morgana answered.

"Should have known." Merlin cursed. Morgana smiled at him sweetly for a second before taking a deep breath.

"In all seriousness though. The real reason I despise Vivian aside from those traits is that she had insulted the memory of my father. Claimed that he wasn't deserving of his status if Uther couldn't be bothered reinforcing him" She continued bitterly. Merlin felt sorry for her and placed his hand on top of hers.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." He said quietly.

"Thank you Merlin. You know after this I'll take you to see his grave. It's definitely not the most romantic outing…" Morgana was interrupted by Merlin placing a finger on her lips.

"Morgana I'd love to." He answered. Morgana sighed in relief. She then stood up and walked right next to Merlin.

"Thank you Merlin, for doing this." She said quietly before bending down and kissing him. They remained that way for some time, uncaring of the events happening around them. That is until Merlin broke away when he had become aware of the time.

"As much as I want to continue doing this Morgana, I'm afraid that we have lost track of time." He answered sheepishly. Morgana was disappointed but she admitted that Merlin was right. If they stayed there any longer, then people would start becoming suspicious. She stepped away allowing Merlin enough room to get off his chair and walk over to collect their swords. With the swords, in hand the two then headed off their separate ways.

The rest of the week passed by quickly with the two Sorcerers, having been caught up in helping prepare the Citadel for the arrival of the visiting Kings. Finally the big day had arrived and Arthur was standing alongside Uther on top of the battlements. Despite Arthur's proclamation of not acknowledging his father as nothing more than his King, Uther hadn't found it in him to revoke Arthur's birthright that would normally accompany such words. As such he was only there to promote an image of solidarity and to prevent any kings from playing on their tense relationship. As they looked down below, the two noticed King Alined of Deorham and his entourage comprised of several Knights and a scrawny looking man riding beside him on a Donkey.

"Sire, we're not going into battle, you don't have to look so sombre." Spoke Arthur casually. While these talks were important, he wished that Uther would lighten up a bit. Speaking of which, Uther was still focused on Alined's party approaching the drawbridge but nonetheless responded to Arthur's statement.

"Never before have the rulers of the five kingdoms come together in this way. Never before have we all worked towards the same aim, towards peace. If these talks are successful, Camelot will enter a new era of prosperity. If they fail, we will almost certainly be at war." They continued to look on for a few more moments before heading down to the courtyard, along the way they met Morgana who joined them. The Prince, Lady and King soon arrived to the sight of King Alined kicking his servant for not picking up his cloak.

"Boy! Is it too much to ask that you might anticipate my needs?" He shouted as the servant, stepped off his Donkey and hastily collected the cloak.

"No, Master. I was just..." The servant apologised meekly but was cut-off by a kick to the side.

"Stop whinging." Alined grumbled.

"Sorry Master." The servant apologised again and scurried away. Having waited long enough to deal with this particular problem, Uther, Arthur, Morgana and several Knights approached Alined to welcome him.

"Alined, you are most welcome on this momentous occasion." Uther greeted the fellow King heartily. Alined approached them with a tight smile and grasped Uther's arm as a sign of greeting.

"Momentous? Let us hope so." He answered civilly. Uther then had a couple of knights escort Alined and his group to the guest chambers. Which was just as well, because he heard more Horses approaching and saw King Olaf and Lady Vivan approaching with their Knights. When they pulled up Arthur approached Vivan and helped lift her off the horse. Ignoring the look of intense anger coming off from Morgana. Olaf approached Uther with a huge smile on his face.

"What kind of welcome is this? You have us hanging around like the last swallows of summer." The large king joked. Uther smiled and extended his greetings.

"You are welcome, indeed, Olaf." The two kings chuckled before Olaf bought Uther into a tight hug. At this point Arthur and Vivan had caught up to them and Olaf had turned around.

"I trust that you remember my daughter the Lady Vivan." He gestured to her and Vivan stepped forward and curtseyed to them. Uther then kissed her hand in return for the greeting.

"Lady Vivian. How like your mother you are." Uther complimented. He then turned to Olaf, as he introduced Arthur and Morgana. "In this case Olaf, I hope you haven't forgotten my Son and Ward. Prince Arthur and the Lady Morgana." Arthur and Morgana stepped forward and bowed to the King and Lady. Though only Arthur and Uther had noticed the looks of mutual malice Morgana and Vivian were giving each other.

Later Arthur and Morgana were escorting Vivian, to a spare chamber. When they arrived, Arthur had let the two ladies in and that's when his sense of dread made itself known.

"I hope everything is to your satisfaction." Arthur spoke civilly. Vivan gave a derisive once over.

"It's…adequate. Especially for someone of more dour tastes." She simpered. Morgana spoke up.

"Most of our guests are extremely happy here. I'm sure you will be too." She said tightly.

"Hm. You do well to remember that I'am not most of your guests." Vivian retorted haughtily as she ran a finger over one of the tables.

"Well most of our guests don't have the personality of saw dust. So what would I know." Morgana answered sarcastically.

"Nothing I imagine." Vivian rolled her eyes.

"Be careful not to insult yourself." Morgana retorted. The two are glaring at each other for a few moments until Arthur coughed bringing back the focus on him. The trio then heard footsteps approaching the chambers and Gwen arrived. Arthur moved over and introduced her to Vivian. But the Lady raised an eyebrow in recognition.

"I remember you. That's your maid?" She asked pointing at Gwen. Before Morgana could say anything, Arthur then spoke up.

"Well, err, may I present Guinevere. She'll be looking after you for the duration of your stay. You'll want for nothing. She is truly one of Camelot's finest." He praised her. Vivian sniffed in disgust.

"Then I fear for Camelot. Especially if you have to serve a useless ornament like you Morgana." Morgana scowled and clenched her fists a bit before replying with her won insult.

"I assure you that Gwen will provide for all your frivolous wants and needs to the best of her ability. I'm sure a cow like you can understand that." Vivian's eyes darkened at both the insult and Morgana's smug expression. But before she could say anything, there was a loud crash coming from the hallway. Having an idea as to whom it was, Arthur, Morgana and Gwen walked towards the door with Vivian following them. They looked down the hall and found that Merlin was crouching over an open trunk, trying to hastily shove the contents back into the trunk. Deciding to take advantage of the situation, Arthur introduced him as well.

"And this is Merlin. The absolute worst that Camelot has to offer. But if you need to find me for something, go to him first. Though you may end up regretting it." Vivan just rolled her eyes.

"Yes I can see that." She then turned around. "I'm wanting a few moments to myself. You can send her back in a couple of hours to help me prepare for the feast." With that she left and closed the door. With that done, the trio then turned and saw Merlin walk up to them.

"Well Gwen, your sanity has my condolences." He offered cheekily. Gwen and Morgana chuckled at the remark. Arthur turned to his manservant.

"I don't know whether to scold you for being an idiot. Or thank you for stopping a war breaking out in there."

"Can't it be both?" Merlin offered. Arthur shook his head in disbelief.

"By the way Gwen. Good luck with that one." The four of them laughed for a bit but it ended on an awkward note with Gwen and Arthur, looking at each other.

"I need to prepare for the feast. Merlin come to my chambers when you are finished." Arthur ordered.

"Of course, sire." Merlin acknowledged. The Prince turned and walked off, leaving Gwen, Morgana and Merlin standing outside.

"You know he cares for you right?" Merlin asked.

"I know, but he doesn't want to get me in trouble." Gwen rationalised Arthur's behaviour.

"Still you two shouldn't have to dance around each other like that." Morgana mused.

"We will act on our feelings one day." Gwen responded wistfully. She then snapped out of it when Merlin and Morgana were giving her weird looks. "Anyway, I'll need to get you ready for the feast milady." Gwen spoke up again suddenly.

"Oh right." Morgana responded. She was about to turn and walk away. But after a quick check of the corridor to make sure no one was watching, she walked up to Merlin and quickly pecked him on the cheek "And I'll see you later." She whispered and then left. Merlin stood there stunned for a second, with Gwen looking at him in amusement. Merlin looked at her bewildered but Gwen just walked quickly down the hall after her Lady.

In the evening, Merlin was helping Arthur dress up for the welcoming feast. As he was finishing dusting off one of the Prince's coats, Arthur stepped out from behind the screen with a sour look on his face.

"Merlin, what kind of impression do you think this gives?" He asked as his thumb was sticking through a hole in the sleeve of an undershirt.

"That we have moths?" Merlin answered sheepishly. Not at all surprised by the answer, Arthur walked back behind the screen.

"Fetch me another." He ordered in an annoyed tone.

"And who might you be trying to impress, Sire?" Merlin asked as he grabbed another shirt from the cupboard.

"Well, let me see. Perhaps the five kings sitting in the banquet hall below." Arthur answered in an obvious voice and collected the shirt from that Merlin left on top of the screen.

"Oh. Not the King's daughter, then?" He asked curiously, before his thoughts drift to Vivian. "The Lady Vivian, she is very beautiful." Merlin mused wistfully.

"Anyone trying to impress the Lady Vivian does so at extreme peril. Olaf would have their head in a vat of hot oil before they'd have a chance to say hello. Or in your case, that would before Morgana castrates you on the spot." He warned Merlin.

"It was just an observation." Merlin defended himself and he threw up his hands. Arthur just gave him a withering look.

"Besides, she's not my type. She may be beautiful, but she's just as rude as I remember. You should've heard what she said to Gwen." Arthur pulled his shirt over his head.

"Anyone insulting Gwen should do so at extreme peril." Merlin grumbled, unfortunately Arthur had heard it.

"What!?" He asked incredulously.

"Nothing. I just know how you feel about her, that's all. That is, if your feelings haven't changed, as I presume they haven't." Merlin enquired. Arthur scowled sarcastically as he didn't like where this conversation was going. But he also decided that if Merlin is going to probe his heart. He'll do the same to him.

"I do have my own vat of hot oil, you know. Anyway you are the last person to give advice on this matter, considering your relationship with Morgana." He retorted. But it was for nought as Merlin ignored the statement when he noticed the blush forming on the Prince's face.

"You're blushing!" He laughed.

"No I'm not." Arthur denied abruptly as he ducked behind the screen.

"What's wrong with Gwen? Merlin asked in curiosity.

"Nothing." Arthur answered back as he threw his shirt on.

"I think she's very worthy of your love." Merlin defended as he was holding out Arthur's coat.

"Indeed, were it so."

"Which...it is?" Arthur was now sick of both this conversation and Merlin's probing.


"Yes, Arthur?"

"Get out." Arthur shouted and pointed to the door.

"Yes, sire." Merlin acknowledged with a smile before walking out of the room. Leaving Arthur alone to compose himself.

The Banquet was being held in the throne room, with the tables laid out in an open rectangle. Uther, Alined, Olaf and two other kings were occupying the head table. Arthur, Merlin and the Knights from both Camelot and the visiting Kingdoms on one side. Morgana, Gwen and Vivian were on the other. Alined's Manservant, The Trickler was performing fire breathing as entertainment. The crowd was enraptured by the performance, all but two that is. While looking at the show, Merlin had looked across the room and saw Morgana looking at him with a sly smile accompanied with her eyebrow raised. The manservant knew that she was sending him an 'I know you can upstage this clown', look. Merlin responded with just a sheepish smile. Seeing as how the rest of the hall was otherwise preoccupied, Merlin attempted to use telepathy on Morgana. Closing his eyes, for a brief minute he used his magic to project that thought.

"Meet me at Gaius's after dinner." He said quietly. Morgana, gasped when she heard Merlin's voice in her head. She thought that he was still mastering it himself. But it appears that learning the technique was no longer an issue. She looked around to notice Gwen and Vivian looking at her. The former in concern, the latter in a scowl.

"I've just choked on some wine, is all." She answered sheepishly. That seemed to satisfy the two women. Though before she could do anymore, the Trickler had just finished the first part of his act.

"But it is not enough to please just the gentlemen of the court. Now I have a spectacle for the ladies." He announced. With a shrug, dozens of blue butterflies appeared from nowhere and flew off around the room. The crowd was clapping in amusement and wonder. But a certain Witch and Warlock, suspected there was more to these tricks than just tricks of the eye. Morgana in particular was disgusted in particular when she saw Uther join in the applause whilst whispering something to Alined.

"They'll all clap for him now. But what happens when his true nature is revealed." She thought. However her magic, had projected it and Merlin tightened the grip on the jug he was carrying when he heard it. Morgana had noted his reaction and her eyes widened in shock. But once again, her thoughts were interrupted when the Trickler approached Vivan.

"But what is this? Lady Vivian." He asked dramatically and reached behind her ear and when he moved his hand a Butterfly was sitting on it. "It has mistaken you for a beautiful flower." He complimented her. Vivian clapped with glee and the rest of the people joined her instantly. Though none noticed the sly looks on both Alined and the Trickler.

After removing her makeup and jewelry, Morgana sent Hannah, Gwen's temporary replacement home for the night. After a few minutes, she waited and then quietly snuck off down to the Physician's Chambers. With a knock on the door, Merlin had let her into the room and they sat at a table opposite Gaius.

"So milady, I take it you have just discovered the art of mind speech tonight?" The Physician asked.

"Inadvertently, I had just thought that it was hypocritical that Uther would claim that he hates magic. Yet enjoys a performance from someone who was blatantly using it." She grumbled.

"Oh thank you. I thought I was the only one who suspected those tricks. No one could breathe fire or make Butterflies appear from their bodies naturally." Merlin spoke ecstatically. Morgana gave him a small smile and Gaius looked at them gravely.

"If that's true it would confirm my long held suspicions of King Alined." He spoke wearily. Merlin and Morgana looked at Gaius with worry.

"What do you mean?" Asked Merlin, as he was genuinely curious at what his Mentor knew.

"You'll find out soon enough my boy. But I think for now it's better to wait than to act on assumptions." Gaius recommended. Merlin nodded in understanding though Morgana looked sullen.

"I hate waiting." She pouted.

"Well they say that patience is a virtue." Said Gaius wisely.

"I wish I could find they and club them over the head." Morgana grumbled in response. Merlin snorted while Gaius had just rolled his eyes.

"Back to the lesson. Telepathy or 'mind speak' is the ability to use your magic to speak through thoughts. With it you can have private conversations and share information and knowledge between one and other. Without the risks of a regular conversation."

"I already love this power." Morgana's eyes brightened at the possibilities.

"That said. You will need to shield your mind as those with magic can possibly hear you. Should they focus hard enough." Gaius then saw Merlin with his hand raised like a child. "Yes Merlin."

"If that's true then why didn't the Trickler do anything?" He asked curiously.

"Because he was entertaining the guests. Which means we will have to be careful about how you to use this power, for the duration of the meeting. Now Merlin I want you to talk to Morgana using only your thoughts." Gaius instructed. Merlin nodded and he closed his eyes. He focused on Morgana and what he wanted to say. Once he had it, Merlin opened his eyes and projected the thoughts to Morgana.

"Morgana. Can you hear me?" He asked. Morgana's eyes widened at the sound of Merlin's voice in her head. She was initially taken aback by the ease of which he was able to get into her thought. Though that question was answered, when she remembered that being the most powerful sorcerer to walk the earth meant that it came with some ease. Gaius then spoke the next set of instructions to her.

"Milady, you will now reply." Morgana nodded and repeated the same process as Merlin. After a few moments, Merlin had heard a whisper.

"Merlin". The Warlock knew that Morgana was trying to talk to him but was having trouble projecting herself.

"I can barely hear you Morgana. Try to focus more and put more of your power behind it." He suggested. Morgana did just that and soon, Merlin can hear her voice loud and clear.

"What about now?" She asked. Merlin nodded.

"I think you are getting the hang of it." He smiled. Morgana returned it but then gripped her head and leaned forward onto the table. Merlin moved to support her and Gaius collected a bottle that was sitting on the shelf behind him.

"Easy there Morgana. It does take a lot out of you on the first few tries but with practice, you will be able to do it more efficiently." He assured her.

"Thanks, Gaius." The Physician smiled. But then took notice of the time.

"I'm afraid milady, we will have to call it a night. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you all and the King and Arthur expects everyone to be up and ready after dawn." Gaius instructed.

"Goody. Another day of having to deal with Vivian." She scowled. Gaius just shrugged it off.

"Don't worry, knowing our luck. Something might happen that will have your attention focused elsewhere." He assured her.

"And this is supposed to make me feel better." Morgana sulked. Merlin turned to her.

"Hey if it makes you feel any better. I'll have to suffer her demands as well as the prat's." He joked.

"Surprisingly Merlin. No seeing you suffer doesn't make me feel any better. But if you can prank him for me. That would be appreciated."

"Of course milady." Merlin bowed. Morgana yawned and having accepted the time, she stood up and walked over to the door.

"I'll see you both tomorrow." She said.

"Goodnight, Morgana." Merlin called.

"Night Merlin, night Gaius." Morgana answered back and she left. Merlin had a smile on his face. But that dropped when he saw Gaius's stern expression.

"What?" Merlin asked innocently.

"Nothing. Just that I was wondering if I need to give you the whole 'don't get to close or you'll lose your head' lecture."

"Trust me Gaius, I know what I'm doing and so does Morgana." Merlin answered, as he walked into his room.

"I hope so my boy. For I dread the consequences, if something were to go wrong." Gaius said gravely and walked off to bed.

Merlin arrived to a shocking site the next morning. Where he found Arthur already awake and dressed, staring out of the window as watch Vivian ranting at an unfortunate servant. Deciding that the best course of action was to act normal he placed the Breakfast tray down onto the desk and greeted Arthur.

"Good morning, Sire!"

"Never have you been more right, Merlin. It is the sunniest, the most fragrant, the most beautiful morning I've ever seen in my life." Arthur turned around and greeted Merlin. Having realised it was time to get to the point. Merlin blurted out the obvious.

"You're dressed." He stated. Slightly shocked at the improvement on the Prince's ability to look after himself.

"I am the future King of Camelot, I do have some skills, you know." The Prince in question scoffed.

"Indeed, you are very skilled at getting people to do things for you." Merlin grumbled in response.

"That is your job." Arthur reminded him in an obvious manner. His voice then changed tone into what can later be described as suave. "But today my job is to woo." He drawled out. Merlin was now confused.

"To what?"

"To woo. I wish to make a proclamation of love." Arthur announced as he walked away from the window. Merlin was now even more confused at the overnight mood swing.

"Really? I thought you wanted to keep your feelings secret?" He asked.

"Why would I want to do that?" Arthur scoffed. "By the end of today I will have won my lady." He proclaimed his goal, whilst Merlin was tidying up his shirt.

"Right. Well, what will you tell your father?" Merlin asked as he was aware of the consequences should Uther find out about Arthur's feelings for Gwen. Or worse, his feelings for Morgana.

"What does the King matter?" Arthur once again ignoring the red flag.

"Well, that's one way of approaching things." Merlin muttered following Arthur across the room.

"So, I need your help in expressing my feelings." Arthur gestured awkwardly.

"Of course." Merlin muttered. He was still wondering what in Camelot is causing Arthur to act out. While the Prince was looking at him with the eagerness of a small child. When Merlin failed to respond, Arthur again reminded him of the task.

"How to express my feelings."

"Oh, I see. Erm. Feelings." Merlin answered awkwardly.




"Flowers?" Merlin suggested,

"Excellent. Find some. Perhaps you should also send a note." Arthur suggested.

"Brilliant idea." Merlin responded brightly.

"Something moving. Something from the heart. Something...you'll think of something." Arthur slapped him and then ran to the desk. With Merlin shooting him a weird look. Just as he was about to leave, he was called back.

"Oh and Merlin. Since this is a momentous day, I think you should celebrate as well." Arthur ordered. Merlin, shuddered at the implications.

"Pardon me sire but I really don't want to get in between you and your love. More to the point I don't like you in that manner."

"No you bumpkin. I'm saying that since you and I are men who are trying to win the affections of two beautiful women. Why don't you do something nice for Morgana" Arthur rolled his eyes. Merlin's mouth dropped to the floor.

"Uhh not to dash your optimism sire but my feelings for her may land me in massive trouble with the King." Arthur walked up to Merlin and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, you have my permission to court her and should anyone have a problem with it. Just send them to me." He assured his jumpy manservant. Merlin didn't know whether to be elated or concern with Arthur's sudden acceptance of his relationship with Morgana. But he decided to do as his pratness demands. Still he accepted that things could be worse.

Through the rest of the morning, Merlin was working on helping Arthur woo Gwen. He picked enough flowers, for two bouquets. Written two different poems and for Morgana, he found a wood carving of a cat. After making sure Gaius wasn't around he sneaked into his room and opened the book where he found a complex animation spell. After reading it over a dozen times to ensure that he memorised it properly. Merlin held his hand over the carving and began chanting.

"Forðyldian swâðêana mynegung êower steall ufan ðês middangeard. Weccan forniman êower êce swefan by reason of gân êode binnanlifiende cwiclic." A second later heard a meow and a lanky tabby cat was staring at him with its big brown eyes. Merlin was ecstatic that the spell had worked. Now all he needed to do was recite the counter spell and everything would be set.

"Âhweorfan ongenæman êower frumcenned blêoum." His eyes glowed and the cat returned to being a carving. With everything set he ran down to the lower town and entered Gwen's house.

"Gwen? Gwen?" He asked a couple of times, checking if she was around. Nether hearing or seeing her, Merlin walked in and placing the flowers on the table, followed by reading the poem he had written.

""The barriers that keep us apart are nothing compared to the power of true love. – Arthur." Satisfied with his work. He touched up the gifts and left quickly to deliver his own to Morgana and inform Arthur.

After dodging several Knights, Guards and Servants. Merlin snuck into Morgana's chambers and found an empty vase. He walked over and placed the flowers in them and bought out another piece of paper containing his poem and the spell he used to animate the cat.

"Though fate works to separate us. The power of love makes us come together.-Merlin." He whispered. In reality Merlin knew that he didn't need to try this had to win Morgana's affections. But it would be a nice gesture and help take her mind off of Vivian. Smiling at his achievement. He checked the paper to make sure the spell was hidden and placed the carving next to it with everything set he went off in search of Arthur.

Merlin soon found him seated on Uther's right as he and Olaf began talking about the Northern Territories. With a slight nod, Arthur sat up and quickly took his leave. Explaining that there was a small matter he needed to attend. Having led him outside Arthur began asking Merlin if he was successful.

"Did you do it?" He asked anxiously

"I left them in her room. I thought that was better than a public display." Merlin answered but Arthur was still nervous.

"You're sure she got them?"

"I'm sure she will get them." Merlin assured him.

"Good. All we can do now is wait." After a few tense moments, the two men saw Vivian and Morgana walking down the corridor hurling insults at each other while Gwen kept her head low and kept pace behind them.

"Oh, but heaven has blessed me. She's even more beautiful than before, don't you agree?" Arthur asked. Merlin looked at him with a mix of nervousness and anticipation.

"Yeah. Erm...I'm surprised to hear you talk so openly." He noted. But Arthur had other ideas.

"Nonsense. I want to tell the world. I want to shout it across the kingdom." The Prince declared. Merlin once again was feeling the impending sense of dread

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I understand your feelings, but other people may object." He warned but as usual it was ignored. As this was happening the three ladies made a turn and were gone.

"Object? To what?" The Prince asked in confusion.

"Well, you're the future King of Camelot and she's just a lowly serving girl. Albeit, a very nice serving girl..." Merlin stammered but was interrupted by a slap from Arthur. "Ah!" He cried in confusion and looked At Arthur who was now threatening him.

"Lady Vivian's of royal blood, a future queen. I will have your head if I hear such insolence again." The Prince then stormed back in the meeting leaving Merlin to work out his mistake.

"Lady Vivian... Oh, no!"

Quickly rushing from the castle and down into the Lower Town. Merlin hoped he could get to Gwen's house before she got home. But fate appeared to once again attempted to make his life a misery. When he charged through the door, he noticed the maid hide the note in her hand.

"Merlin, can't you knock?" She asked in an annoyed tone. Deciding not to add a broken heart into the mix the Manservant went with the first thing he could think of.

"Rats." He answered suddenly.


"Big. Hairy. Sharp teeth. Err...yeah, definitely under here." Merlin stammered and ducked under the table for brief moment of solitude to compose himself. Gwen now concerned for her friend peeked under.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Me? Never better. You?" Merlin stammered as he stood up. Gwen smiled at the thought of Arthur leaving the notes and flowers on her table.

"I'm having a very surprising day." She answered wistfully.

"Really?" He answered quickly.

"You know one of those occasions when you've lost all hope and then, out of the blue, something happens to restore your faith?"

"Sort of."

"Well, that's what's happened to me today." Gwen answered sheepishly. Having realised the dilemma he was in Merlin knew he would need help.

"I'm glad to see your faith restored then. Anyway I hear Arthur calling me so I better go. See you later." He was about to run out the door when Gwen called.

"Oh Merlin. Morgana wanted to see you." Merlin stopped and turned around with an eyebrow raised.

"Did she say anything in particular?" He asked casually. Gwen smiled.

"Nothing. But I'm sure that you can guess." She replied coyly and Merlin blushed a bit before his eyes widened. Yes he can go and talk to her first.

"On second thoughts. The dollophead can wait." He smiled and rushed off leaving Gwen behind with an amused expression on her face.

Morgana was having the time of her life at the moment. After separating from Gwen and Vivian and having to put up with the latter for an unholy length of time. She returned to her chambers for a few moments of peace and quiet. When she got there, she noticed the flowers, the note and carving sitting out on the table. Her face lit up in happiness to the gifts. Especially after reading the note and performing the spell necessary to animate the cat. Now she was sitting on the floor playing a game of tug of war with the feline using an old scarf. When Merlin found her, she hopped up and pulled him into tight hug followed by a deep kiss which left the Warlock speechless for a while. But a quick shake of his head bought him back to focus.

"Thank you Merlin for the flowers and the cat." She smiled.

"Well I thought that with Vivian giving you a headache and Gwen being otherwise occupied. I thought you could use cheering up." Merlin replied cheerfully. Morgana went into hug him again when she noticed a slight uneasiness in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked in concern.

"Something's gone wrong and as usual I need your help and Gaius's."

"Of course, at least it beats having to babysit Vivian all day." Morgana answered.

"We need to go now." Merlin said. But found he couldn't move, though he found the source when the cat began moving around his legs purring. Sighing Merlin bent down and stroked its head and the feline responded to his touch.

"You certainly have a way with animals." Morgana smiled at his predicament.

"I'm not sure. If I did I would have been dealing with a demanding lizard pestering me about how to accomplish my destiny." Merlin grumbled. He eventually pushed the cat away and it bounded onto Morgana's bed. Where after some paddling it went to sleep.

"He'll be alright." Morgana assured Merlin.

"Are you sure?" Merlin asked.

"Oh relax Merlin. Compared to the gifts given to me by my other suitors, yours is the easiest to explain to Uther without raising his suspicions." Morgana answered.

"If you say so." Merlin muttered and held the door out for her. Then they walked down to the Physician's chambers.

Gaius was at his desk examining a passage of a textbook when Merlin and Morgana strode through the door. It took less than a second to realise that something has happened. With Morgana seated on a nearby chair, Merlin began pacing for a couple of moments to gather his thought before getting straight to the point.

"I may have caused a problem. Although it wasn't entirely my doing." He stammered. Morgana looked at him in curiosity.

"What now, Merlin?" Gaius sighed as he lowered his magnifying glass.

"Arthur's in love." Merlin groaned and Gaius was now intrigued.

"And how did you cause that?" The physician asked sarcastically. Morgana rolled her eyes because she already knew that Arthur was in love with Gwen and vice versa.

"That bit isn't my fault, the other bit is. Oh, I can't tell you about that bit." Merlin rambled.

"Clear as mud." Gaius stated in helplessness. Morgana was becoming impatient.

"Could you please get to the point?" She asked, slightly irritated at having to wait.

"Arthur's completely besotted, he can't concentrate on anything. All he thinks about, all he talks about is...is the Lady Vivian." Merlin answered reluctantly. Gaius was surprised but what alarmed Merlin was the enraged look on Morgana's face

"The Lady Vivian?" Gaius asked in surprised. Before he can press on, Morgana interrupted him with a loud shout.

"VIVIAN!?" She screeched. Merlin winced in response. "WHAT IN BLAZES IS HE DOING GOING AFTER THAT COW OF ALL PEOPLE!?" Gaius calmly placed a hand on her arm and with a couple of breaths Morgana calmed down.

"How could that have happened so suddenly?" He asked in curiosity.

"I don't know. Something doesn't feel right. Only yesterday he dismissed her as rude." Merlin answered before turning to Morgana. "How did he get along with her when you were younger?" He asked.

"About the same as now." Morgana seethed.

"If Arthur professes his love for Vivian, Olaf will be furious. Surely, Arthur knows that?" Gaius reasoned as he bought the conversation back on topic.

"See, he said it was his job to woo his lady by the end of the day." Merlin warned.

"And it's your job to stop him." Gaius reminded him. Merlin huffed and was about to head off when Morgana called him back.

"Wait Merlin. Don't either of you find it strange that Arthur starts developing affections for a foreign Lady when Uther's in the middle of a peace conference with that woman's father?" Morgana prompted suspiciously. Gaius and Merlin looked at each other in thought when he spoke up.

"Now that you mentioned it. Yes this is a little to convenient milady. Why do you ask?" Gaius answered.

"Because I may have an idea that someone may have interfered with what's left of Arthur's brain." Morgana reasoned and she was walking out of the physician's chambers. She then turned to Merlin. "I'll shadow you as you try to get that prat back to his senses. Because if I'm right we may have someone playing a trick on us." Morgana ordered. Merlin nodded and ran off to find Arthur.

Having found that his chambers were empty, Merlin and Morgana headed off to Vivian's chambers. They hoped that they could find Arthur before he arrived. But again their luck didn't hold as Arthur had arrived at the same time as them holding a platter, covered in cloth with a rose placed on top. Seeing a curtain, Merlin ducked behind it and pulled Morgana with him. They two then began listening to Arthur's awkward attempt at flirting.

"Who is it?" Vivian asked.

"It is destiny, my love! Destiny and chicken!" Arthur asked awkwardly. Unknown to him, the hidden audience shuddered at the awkward pickup line.

"That's his worst attempt yet." Morgana whispered in disgust.

"You know this how?" Merlin smiled.

"It's probably for the best I don't go into detail." She muttered and Merlin scrunched his face in disgust. They peaked out from the curtain and saw Vivian open the door with Arthur trying to act suave.

"What a beautiful combination, eh?" In response Vivian slammed the door in Arthur's face. But the Prince opened it up again.

"The beans are a little cold, but the meat is very good." He carried on. But Vivian wasn't hearing any of it.

"Go away." She ordered.

"My love, I do not know what I've done to offend you." Arthur asked in confusion and Vivian's expression changed from annoyance to disgust.

"Your love?! Not now, nor ever!" She exclaimed. Merlin and Morgana sniggered at the Prince's failed attempts to woo her and noticed that whatever was affecting him. Hadn't got to her.

"Come now." Arthur tried to persuade her.

"My father will kill you if he finds you here." Vivian warned him. Though she may despise the Prince of Camelot almost as much as Morgana. She didn't want him to face her father's legendary anger. But the warning went right over the top of Arthur's head.

"Your father does not worry me." He bragged but Vivian wasn't convinced.

"You won't be saying that when he's running at you with a knife in his hand. I've seen it before." She explained.

"Really?" Arthur asked in perplexed expression. Over in the curtain Merlin had a similar question running through his mind.

"Really?" He turned to Morgana for an answer.

"Oh that's one of the many ways he chases of his suitors." She warned him. They turned back to see Vivian slam the door on Arthur.

"Yes." She answered abruptly and slammed the door shut.

"Just five minutes!" Arthur pleaded began knocking on the door. Back behind the curtain, Merlin turned to Morgana.

"Aand that's my cue. Wish me luck." He said and walked out. Though not before Morgana gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Quickly composing himself Merlin approached Arthur.

"My Lord, I don't think your advances are welcome." He reasoned. This was backed up by Vivian shouting through the door.

"Go away! And take your chicken with you!" Realising that he should back down and try to recover his pride. Arthur turned and shoved the platter into Merlin

"Don't know what gives you that impression." He grumbled. The two walked passed Morgana's hiding spot and unknown to them The Trickler's as well. Who slipped away as they passed to report back to Alined. Unaware that Morgana was secretly following him.

Morgana now having seen the Trickler, followed him back to the guest chambers where Alined was staying. She had to duck into behind a pillar every so often as to avoid being seen by the Jester when he turned around to look behind him. Eventually he slipped through the heavy oak door and Morgana found a grate in the wall where she peered in and began listening in. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion as the Trickler reported back what had happened. Confirming her suspicions that he had magic and that Alined was up to no good. The King slammed his hands on the table in frustration at hearing the set back and she was pleased. But in the back of her mind knew that it would only be temporary.

"Damn It!" He shouted. "Every woman in the land is attracted to this boy! I'm almost attracted to him myself." He grumbled. The Trickler giggled in slight amusement. But was silenced by a death glare from his master. Morgana shuddered as that statement also confirmed the rumour that the reason that Alined never took on a Queen was because he was homosexual.

"Oh. Not Lady Vivian, My Lord." The Trickler simpered.

"We have until the end of tomorrow to scupper these talks. I need war. Do you understand?" The King growled out. In anger.

"Oh, oh, yes, I do. I do." The Trickler nodded in complete understanding. But Alined wasn't convinced and began knocking down chess pieces to further illustrate his point.

"Peace will make me poor, and you know what happens to poor kings. They can't afford castles, or knights, or jesters."

"Oh, but Master..." The Jester tried to reassure his frustrated King but Alined was tired at hearing his excuses.

"Enough. There will be time for snivelling when the axe is over your head. Now there is work to be done." He growled out in menace.

"Yes. Yes." The Trickler nodded quickly in fear of his master's wrath and ran off. Unknown to them, Morgana had slinked away with knowledge of her plot. She knew that her, Merlin and Gaius would have a long night ahead as they tried to figure out what was being used on Arthur and hope to undo it in time. Though she blushed at the thought of doing something together with just Merlin. But quickly pushed that thought out of her head. There would be plenty of time for flirting later. Now she needs to stop this plan. Otherwise there would be no more Arthur and no more chance to bring back magic.

Well that's the end of part one. Part two will be delayed until the end of this month as I'll have final assignments due for Uni in about that time and if I do well in them. I'll be able to graduate from my degree. In the meantime, follow, favourite and review.