Ok I'm having writing issues with Sisters and the Jedi at the moment. So after a fair bit of time and re-watching Merlin I've decided to add this as a contribution to the fanfic archives. This idea came to me after re-watching 'The nightmare begins' and well this question came to mind. Why was Merlin determine to send Morgana to the Druids. Even though it is pretty much a death sentence to them. When he is in a much better position to help out.

Merlin had snuck out of an Alcove after a couple of guards had absently passed it. He was making his way to the dungeons in the hope that maybe the Great Dragon Kilgharrah could help shed some light on the situation. In the last couple of days Morgana had been distraught as her magic had been slowly manifesting in the form of fire manipulation and explosions. Whilst Arthur, Uther and the rest of the castle were thinking that it was the work of a rouge sorcerer. Merlin and Gaius knew otherwise. But whilst Gaius was clear that any action would result in the both of them being outed and possibly executed, Merlin knew he could not stand by and let his friend suffer from something she had no understanding of. Add to the fact he more or less drove Morgana away with his indecision earlier it was becoming a battle of his heart vs his mind, with one side advocating to help her, whilst the other wanting to follow Gaius's advice. In the end he decided that the Druids could be of use to him. They're knowledge of magic and patience would be beneficial to some like Morgana. But the first thing is that he needed help finding them. So after arriving in the dungeons and picking up a torch he raced down the stone stairway to the cavern that had imprisoned him for two decades. After arriving on the ledge he peered out into the darkness to see where he could find the wise yet cryptic reptile. It didn't take long for the Dragon to come flying out of the darkness and landing on his outcrop and deciding to get straight to the point Merlin spoke first.

"I need your help. Do you know where the Druids are?"

The Dragon had shuffled his forelegs as he settled onto the outcrop.

"First you must tell me why you seek them?" He asked.

"That doesn't matter."

It does to me."

"I need to ask them something." Merlin replied frantically. The dragon was now beginning to catch on that the Warlock was hiding something.

"I've lived for over a thousand years. Seen civilisations rise and fall, do not believe that you can lie to me." Kilgharrah responded leering slightly just to press home the point. Merlin realising he was caught decided to confess the real reason.

"I need their help." Merlin looked back at the Dragon but when he remained silent, he just sighed.

"Someone I care about needs their help."

"You speak of the witch, the Lady Morgana." Kilgharrah replied once he caught on to who Merlin was referring to. Merlin was insulted when he heard the Dragon call her like that.

"She's not a witch. She's my friend."

"She cannot be trusted."

"What makes you say that?"

"It would be better if wit"

"Stop calling her that." Merlin interrupted.

"It would be better if the witch never knew of the true extent of her powers." Kilgharrah finished. Merlin still shocked and mildly angry that Morgana was being referred to in such a low manner went on the defensive.

"You're wrong, I know her. She has a good heart." The Dragon on the other hand was not convinced.

"You failed to heed my advice and it brought grave consequences." Merlin became even more agitated.

"I won't abandon her." He retorted. The both of them have reached an impasse in the conversation. Merlin was determined to find a way to help Morgana but Kilgharrah was determined to keep the Warlock on task even if it meant having to break his heart. However Kilgharrah had noticed something that was missing in the conversation. Why did Merlin want the druids to help but wasn't willing to do the task himself. To teach the King's Ward how to control and embrace her magic.

"If you say that then let me ask you this. Why did you not try to reveal your own magic to her? Why pass on the duty of teaching her to a people whose existence is already in constant peril. If your trust is so great then why not make the biggest step and try to show her your own powers?" Merlin was dumbfounded that the Dragon could go from outright being against Morgana to trying to see why he wasn't helping her. Initially he wanted to say Gaius warned him away from the idea. But honestly he realised that a part of him was afraid how Morgana would react. She was already losing sleep because of her own magic. He had no idea how she would react to his own.

"Then you suggest that I help her directly instead? Why tell me to stay away if all you have to go off is some prophecy that hasn't come to pass yet." He asked. Kilgharrah just sighed.

"Because whilst you may be willing to see the good in her. I however am convinced otherwise. There is a small amount of darkness building in her heart ever since she was adopted by Uther and it will continue to grow. If she was to learn her powers it could prevent Albion from ever emerging. But since you have ignored my advice and continue to do so now then I offer a challenge to you. If you can teach her magic and prevent her from turning to evil then I will be of service to you unconditionally. If not then you must never doubt my advice again and follow it directly to the letter." Merlin was pleased and suspicious about this. This is his chance to not only help his friend but also gain a valuable ally in helping Arthur bring magic to the land. But at the same time he knew that Kilgharrah's actions while well-meaning wasn't always helpful and can at times be self-serving. This challenge was basically his way of telling Merlin that if you go down this line of action. You alone must bare the consequences. No matter the cost. Realising this opportunity, he decided to accept Kilgharrah's challenge.

"I accept this challenge. I will help Morgana out, no matter the cost."

"Very well then you warlock. But be warned if you do succeed in this, there will be others who can take her place." With that Kilgharrah stretched himself off the rock before flying off into the cavern leaving a confused and frustrated Merlin standing there.

So that's chapter one. Let me know what you think and remember; review, follow and favourite.