It was supposed to be a beautiful day out. Birds are singing, Flowers are blooming. . .But it looks to me that i'll have to die soon enough. The Kid, the one wearing her usual Blue and Purple sweater, had already killed everyone else in the underground. We fight here in a long hallway of Gold for our own reasons. I'm here to avenge my Bro, Papyrus, and somehow stall time for the king. . .Although i don't think he'll do anything. Each time i kill the kid, time resets to the point before we fought. Crazy, huh? Nevertheless, this time, the kid's holding up pretty well. She's waiting for my most awaited 'Special Attack'. She attempted to slash me again. It's almost like a cycle, really. I dodge the strike, then it's my turn.
"here goes nothing. . .are you ready?" I sighed, chuckling. "survive THIS, and i'll show you my special attack!" I exclaimed in a stern voice, throwing my arm down as the kid's soul slammed on the ground alongside the body. As soon as she got up, bones rose below her. although she jumped as they did show up. This is bad. I threw my arm to the right, as i veered to the side and the kid went flying to the right, bones appearing from the ceiling and below, yet she somehow dodged them all. She landed on the wall with both of her feet, jumping as i made the bones rise from the wall as well. Soon, the child was back at the ground. Jumping away from each bone i rose from the ground. Having no choice left, Dozens of Gigantic Skulls i call Gaster Blasters surrounded her, firing at moments notice. Amazingly, she dodged them all. as the last beam was fired, i let out a final stand; throwing my arm in all sorts of directions at great speeds, as the child's soul was flung from wall to wall, and maybe the ceiling, too. Soon, my movements slowed down. Since i've been tired out, i stopped, catching my breath.
"welp. . .here it is. . .my Special Attack." I said whilst catching my breath."here goes. . .nothing." The child lay motionless, knowing that she can't attack out of turn. I decided that the best way to stop this kid from attacking completely, is to not attack them. Hence, my Special Attack. For minutes, we just stood there. The Kid holding the knife impatiently as i wait for them to quit. Since i am tired, i decided to sleep. Closing my eyes, i didn't know that they attack moments later.
"heh, didja really think you'd be able to-" I dodge the first slash, but i was soon cut off by another. A Large slash cut through my clothes. Although it was rather unbelievable, a skeleton like me bled at large amounts. Even some dripping from my mouth. Welp. . .I guess this is it then. A massive silence filled the room as i stared at the kid in vain.
"just. . . don't say i didn't warn ya." I stood up as if it was nothing, and walked past the human with a hand on my wound. "i'm. . .going to Grillby's." I said softly, as the child just stared blankly at me. As soon as i was out of her sight, I collapsed. Seeing a faint image of a skeleton i once called my bro. . ."P. . .Papyrus. . ." I smiled, as the image of him smiled as usual. "do you. . .want anything?" I chuckled weakly at my final moments, as my body finally faded into dust. At least. . .this timeline will reset again, and everything will be back to normal. . .Right?
The thing is. . .It didn't. And i found my self awake in darkness moments later. It wasn't anywhere on the underground, nor was it anywhere i'm familiar of. It doesn't look like my old man's void either. Where am i, exactly?
"Greetings." I hear a young, feminine voice behind me, particularly that of someone in her early twenties. I turned around, seeing a feminine figure taller than me wearing a white cloak with what appears to be white petals flying off of it. "Are you the Seer known as 'Sans'?" The Figure asked, who appears to know my name before hand.
"how did you know my name?" I asked, placing my hands into the pockets of my blue hoodie.
"I asked around." She sighed, as i gave her a confused look. "There was a young girl who knew of you, one with the heart of kindness."
"a young girl. . ." I closed my eyes and remembered the girl who 'Killed' me. Although it wasn't really her, more like someone possessed her to kill my brother. I knew of this girl too, although the Kid i knew always had her eyes closed no matter what, the Kid i fought had her eyes opened. "you mean Frisk? where is she?" I asked, as i gave my usual bland smile.
"She's. . .No longer with us." The figure said, "As soon as she spoke of you, she faded in a bright yellow light." I sighed at that statement. It must've been the reset after the happy ending. She was also asleep when the reset happened, too. So i think Frisk wanted me to see this woman. But why do i have to die? I don't know.
"i see. . .welp, truth is, i'm not exactly a Seer or anything, i'm just experienced on watching people from afar and thinking what are the possible outcomes." I chuckled, shrugging soon enough. "although my old man could do something more."
"Oh. . ." The figure sighed, looking at the ground. "Listen, aren't you tired of all this?" She asked in a sad tone, staring at me with a weak willed face. "Of you being winded up back to the same point of time?"
"i. . .how. . .?" I stuttered as i subconsciously took a step back. My breathing's becoming messed up, too. I guess i really have to admit it, huh? "guess i'm found out." I sighed, as the woman walked slowly towards me. "i've been hiding this for year now. although it seemed to be months due to the resets. i felt powerless to stop it, i'm the only one who remembers. Yet, here i am." I chuckled coldly, as my pupils disappeared from my eye sockets. Truth be told, i'm really, really tired of all this too. I just wanted the anomaly to lay rest. To stop doing this, at least. Weakly, i sat down. As i saw a sudden reflection of me on the floor. It didn't look like me at all. It looked like some teenager with white hair and pale blue eyes
"I'm. . .Only here to ask you a favor." The figure said as i looked up to her again. "I can give you a new life, one free from these Resets."
"i want that, but. . .who'll look after Papyrus?" I asked, as the Woman sat in front of me. She seemed to be smiling.
"I will. If another Reset happens, i'll take your place." The Woman reassured, as i let out a sigh of relief. "About my favor, I only ask for you to look after my daughters as they're growing up. . .They'll become huntresses one day, and i think they'll get in trouble a lot."
"heh, sounds like my kind of job." I chuckled, shrugging. "anyway, i can talk to them too, right?"
"Yes." She answered, bringing out photos of two young girls. One blonde and one Black haired girl with red highlights. "Their names are Ruby and Yang. Please watch over them."
"two humans, Ruby and Yang. got it." I nodded, standing up. "how will i able to talk to you when i finally see them?" The woman stood up, bringing out a different card. One depicting the Judgement Arcana.
"Use this. . .Maybe we'll have a chat someday." She said, as light began to surround us both. "See you soon."
"wait a second. . .!" I pleaded, as the woman began to walk away. "what's your name?" the woman stopped, turning to him as her hood became undone, revealing a lively, cute face.
"Summer." She said, smiling. "I'm Summer Rose! Nice meeting you, Sans!" She then disappeared in a bright light. And on with our new lives. . .