Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik – Based off the Album from Outkast, Santana is a troubled teen from Southern Lima Heights who has a hard life being a teen. When she goes to McKinley she has her eye on Brittany, but Brittany is already dating someone. How will Santana get Brittany into her life? G!p Santana. Don't Like Don't Read.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee any characters or the Outkast Album all belong to Fox & Arista/LaFace Records. ©


Chapter 1: Peaches (Intro)

Santana is over Fred's house selling dope to underage kids. Santana does this on the side for extra money. Santana has been in trouble with the law many times, but like it's going to stop her from making her money.

"Damn, San, we've got more than last time." Fred says as he counts his money.

"It's the first of the month." Santana says putting her money into her pocket. The door opens and Harmony walks in with vodka.

"Hey losers." Harmony says sitting down beside Santana.

"Hey Harmony." Santana lays on her lap. Fred goes over to his drawer and pulls out some coke. Santana sits up and looks at him.

"I'm getting so high tonight." Fred smiles going back over to the couch.

"Dude, be careful selling that shit." Santana takes a sip of vodka.

"I will." Fred snorts the coke and relaxes. Harmony does a little, but not much. Santana only smokes her blunts. She's not going that far, and that's all she sells. Fred he'll sell coke, weed, & meth. Santana is usually not around when he does that shit. When Fred falls asleep, Santana and Harmony head over to their spot to break some rules.

In the Alley.

Santana is in the alley vandalizing property, she doesn't care about anything right now. Santana works at tire place to help her mom and sister out, because her step-dad Chris is a total dick. Santana looks over at Harmony and shakes her head at the drunk girl. It's 12:30 at night. Santana looks over and sees the cops.

"Shit!" Santana says packing up her stuff and grabbing Harmony.

"What San?" Harmony slurs.

"The cops bitch." Santana picks up her bridal style and runs out the back of the alley heading towards Harmony's house. Santana opens the back door of Harmony's house. She takes the drunk girl upstairs and lays her on her bed. Santana slides her backpack under Harmony's bed just in case she runs into the cops.

"Night San." Harmony says.

"Night." Santana leaves Harmony's house and heads home. The cops pulls up on Santana, and she stops.

"Where were you tonight Santana?" Officer Morgan asked the Latina.

"With your mom Prick." Santana says with an attitude.

"What would your dad say about this?" Officer Johnson said to her.

"He's not my fucking dad, you dickless bastard. Go find a coffee shop or some shit." Santana starts to walk away.

"We're watching you Santana." Officer Morgan yells out to her.

"I'm going home to watch me and your daughter's sex tape." Santana flicks them off walking home.

"You little….!" Officer Morgan starts to go after Santana.

"Don't." Officer Johnson stops him and they leave. Santana walks into her house closing the door.

"Where were you?" Chris asked Santana.

"Out." Santana heads up the steps going to her room. Chris follows Santana, but she stops to look at him. "What do you want Chris?" Santana asked him.

"Santana, just tell me where you were." Chris says.

"I was out fucking. God, mind your damn business dude." Santana goes into her room slamming her door locking it. Chris shakes his head and goes into his room.

The Next Morning

Santana hears her alarm go off, the Latina throw her clock across her room making it hit the wall breaking it. She does not want to go to Southern Lima high this morning. Santana snuggles back into her pillow with a smile dreaming again.

A loud bang wakes Santana up, the Latina groans throwing the cover off of her. She walks over to her door and opens it. She sees that it's her older sister Lexi.

"What?" Santana groans looking at her older sister. Lexi rolls her eyes, and pushes Santana's door open, looking for something in her room.

"Where's my ipod San?" Lexi asked looking on Santana's dresser. Santana growls lowly.

"It's not in here Lexi! Get out!" Santana points out in the hallway. Lexi growls pushing Santana back by her forehead.

"I know you took it." Lexi says walking out of Santana's room.

"I didn't bitch." Santana slams her door going back into her bed. Her door opens again, Santana let's out a frustrated growl. She looks and sees her mom looking at her.

"Get up Santana, you got school in 30 minutes." Maribel said taking the cover off of Santana.

"Mom, come on." Santana whines reaching for her cover.

"This is your fault for going to bed so late. I told you to stop hanging around that Harmony girl, she's going to get you in trouble Santana." Maribel says going into Santana's closet.

"I'm just banging her mom." Santana says getting out of her bed.

"That's even worse Santana." Maribel pulls out Santana's pink shirt she bought her last week.

"Hell no mom." Santana says in disgust at the color.

"Okay, you don't have to go today. We're moving anyway, your dad got a new job." Maribel says putting Santana's clothes back.

"Step-dad. That man is not my dad. When did you guys find this out?" Santana asked her mother.

"Last night, you and Lexi were out last night, so we wanted to tell you guys." Maribel says sitting down on Santana's bed.

"Oh, cool. I'm going back to sleep." Santana was about to get back into her bed.

"Nope, get your ass downstairs and help your sister pack." Maribel says standing up.

"Fuck man." Santana grumbles.

"Language." Maribel smacks the back of Santana's head hard. Santana goes downstairs and sees her sister packing up the living room. Santana takes a pillow and throws it at her. Lexi shrieks.

"You little bitch!" Lexi storms over to Santana.

"Fuck off Lex." Santana says walking into the kitchen and sees her father reading a newspaper. Santana rolls her eyes, Santana goes into the fridge and pulls out some apple juice. She drinks from the jug.

"Really Santana?" Chris asked looking at Santana.

"Mind your business old man." Santana walks out of the kitchen going back up to her room. Santana freshens herself up in her bathroom. Santana reaches under her bed and pulls out her weed. She rolls up her blunt as she turns on her radio, she nods her head to the Fugees's Ready or Not song.

Santana lights up her blunt and smokes it. As she's enjoying her smoke a knock disturbs her.

"What?!" Santana grumbles trying to get high. The door opens and Chris comes in coughing because of the smoke.

"We need to talk." Chris turns the radio off. Santana looks at this fool like he's crazy.

"About you being rude by turning off my fucking radio?" Santana takes the remote and turns her radio back on.

"I mean it Santana." He turns the radio off again. Now, Santana's pissed. She puts her blunt out and looks at him.

"What do you want Chris?" Santana wanting to get this over with.

"Well, I'm going to need you to do good in school Santana, you need to focus on your education." Chris says.

"Since when do you care about me? You've abused me, my mom and my sister. You don't give a shit about us. You just want our money. Get the fuck out of my room!" Santana goes over to her door and opens it.

"I don't want to fight Santana." Chris says to the Latina.

"Don't care, get out." Santana rolls her eyes. Chris sighs and walks out, he hears Santana slams her door and the music turning back on. Chris just walks downstairs going into the living room to wait on the movers.

He walks back downstairs helping the girls pack while Santana just gets high. They've packed up everything. Chris walks out along with Lexi and Maribel. They look over at a car that's moving back forth really fast. Chris walks over to the car and knocks on the window, but the car just keeps moving. Chris knocks harder, but he's ignored again. He hears loud moans from Santana and some girl. The car stops and the door opens with Santana climbing out tucking her dick back into her pants.

Lexi laughs at her sister who's just ignoring Chris' glare. Lexi shakes her head and gets into her car waiting on Santana.

Santana helps Harmony out of her car, Harmony grabs Santana's backpack she left over house last night and hands it to the Latina.

"Thanks." Santana kisses Harmony then pulls away.

"Be good." Harmony says.

"Yeah right. Like that's going to happen." Santana smacks Harmony's ass and kisses her one last time.

"Bye San." Harmony gets into the driver's side.

"Bye Harmony." Santana walks over to her sister's car and gets in.

"You're a mess San." Lexi laughs at her younger sister.

"I know, like Chris was going to do something about it." Santana says putting her seatbelt on.

"Anyway, let's get to this new house." Lexi pulls away from their old house and follows Chris to their new house. About an hour and a half later they arrive at their new house. Santana and Lexi gets out and heads inside.

"You girls like it?" Maribel asked her daughters.

"At least it's bigger." Lexi says looking at the nice house.

"I know I am after what I just did." Santana laughs.

"Ew!" Lexi says in disgust and goes upstairs.

Santana walks into the room and sits down in the empty room and pulls out her dad's journal. She reads it and smiles. Her dad was a really smart man, he went missing when he was on a business trip, and he's never returned. Santana puts the journal back into her backpack and puts it onto her back.

The movers move in everything into the house. After they've settled Santana hides her backpack and gets into her bed. Santana wonders about her father's whereabouts, Santana turns her radio on and it plays Christina Milian's Liar song.


End of this chapter. Did you guys like it so far? This is my favorite Outkast album. Santana will attend her new school next chapter. She will also interact with Brittany next chapter. Lexi runs into her ex when she attends her new college. Maribel looks for a job next chapter. Till next time.