Tessa pauses in the doorway of the kitchen, where her father's pouring coffee into his travel mug. She takes a deep breath before she steps into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter.

"Morning Tess, I was just about to wake you up," Will greets with a smile. "Excited for your first day at McKinley?"

Tessa nods, taking a bite of her apple, "Of course I am, I mean what's more exciting than a new school where my two older brothers already attend and both of my parents work there? Oh, I should also mention that my dad just happens to be the principal." Tessa says with a sarcastic grin. "It'll be great!"

Will smiles at his daughter, pulling her into a one armed hug as he ruffles her hair with his free hand, "Relax, Tess, you'll be fine. No one cares that I'm the principal, your brothers are fitting in just fine."

"Speaking of my brothers, where are they? I mean, not to tattle or anything, but they're late. Don't we have to leave soon?" Tessa asks glancing at the clock on the oven as she fixes her hair.

Will nods, "We have to leave soon, but they already left. Dan had early practice."

"Wait, Dan left without me? No way! He promised to give me a ride!" Tessa complains.

Will laughs, "You'll be fine, Tess. It's your first day, of course I'm giving you a ride. Unless you want your mom to take you?"

"Oh no, no way! The only thing worse than looking like a brown noser is looking like some crazy kid who needs a ride from the school counsellor." Tessa says, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "But Dan's at practice? As in football practice?"

"Don't even think about it." Will warns, handing his daughter a brown paper bag that contains her lunch.

Tessa scoffs and rolls her eyes, "You don't even know what I was going to say!"

"You can't audition for the Cheerios, Tess. We've been over this." Will says. Ever since becoming principal he had noticed just how bad of an influence that team was on his students, from eating disorders to bullying, and he didn't want his daughter getting involved in that. There were some good kids on the team, of course, but Tessa was young and impressionable and he didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

Tessa sighs, "Come on Dad, that's not even fair! Why does Dan get to be on the football team but I can't join the Cheerios? Cheerleading is a sport too, you know! All of my friends are trying out, so why can't I?"

"And if all of your friends were jumping off of a bridge would you jump too?" Will counters.

"If you were behind me nagging I might," Tessa says under her breathe. "Come on dad this isn't fair, you won't even give me a good reason!"

Will sighs, "We'll talk about it later, all right? We gotta go or you'll be late."

"Fine," Tessa says crossing her arms. "But I'm not talking to you at school."

Will chuckles as he secures the lid on his travel mug, "I didn't expect you to, 'c'mon, we're gonna be late."

Hello and welcome to my SYOC! I started it off by introducing my character, Tessa Schuester (14).

I will be accepting some characters from canon couples (explained below) as well as original characters.

This story will take place 20 years after season 3 of glee (I found after season 3 the show starting to go downhill) with some mixed in canon stuff from later seasons. I'm really just picking and choosing what I'd like to keep and what I'd like to scrap.

The current situation at McKinley: New Directions have been on a bit of losing streak in the past few years, and is back to being at the bottom of the totem pole. Most recently, last year New Directions won Sectionals, but lost at Regionals. Will Schuester (following canon) is the current principal. However, the school is not a performing arts school. Sue Sylvester is the coach of the cheerios. I will have a poll on my profile to determine who will be running glee club.

For the social order, it's pretty typical of season one, with jocks and cheerios being on top, so basically your stereotypical high school experience.

When sending in characters, please keep in mind that I'd like for the glee club to be diverse with a wide range of personalities. Not everyone can be super nice and sugary sweet, there needs to be some conflict! Meaning I need down to earth characters, snotty/stuck up characters, rebellious characters, introverted characters, peace keeping characters, etc. I want diversity in terms of: sexuality, personality, race, and ethnicity.

For pairings, I'll be accepting characters for the following couples…

Will & Emma Schuester: will have 3 children (including Tessa) so I'll be accepting 2 sons (oldest must be a senior named Daniel, am open to making the middle child a daughter instead).

Carl & Holly Howell: I figured we could have a little blast from the past with Carl Howell and Holly Holiday, then can have 1 child together, either gender.

Sue Sylvester: If anyone wants to take on making Sue's child they can.

Burt & Carol Hummel: I figured we should give Kurt a half-brother/sister, so feel free to submit one. Following canon Finn will have died (just because in real life Cory did). Slot has been filled

Other than that it's open to 100% original characters. If you'd like to suggest a pairing you're more than welcome to!

The form is on my profile, please complete it in its entirety and submit it through PM with the subject as your character's name.